2,059 research outputs found

    Repetitive proteins from the flagellar cytoskeleton of African trypanosomes are diagnostically useful antigens

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    Trypanosome infection of mammalian hosts leads, within days, to a strong early response against a small, distinct number of parasite proteins. One of these proteins is the variable surface glycoprotein (VSG). Most of the others are apparently non-variable, intracellular trypanosome proteins. Two of these antigens I2 and I17 are now characterized at the molecular level. Both exhibit a highly repetitive amino acid sequence organization, but they show no sequence similarity either to each other or to any other proteins known to date. Preliminary serological analyses indicate that both allow the early, sensitive and specific detection of infections with different species of trypanosomatids, making them interesting candidates for the development of diagnostic tools for trypanosomiasis detectio

    Repetitive proteins from the flagellar cytoskeleton of African trypanosomes are diagnostically useful antigens

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    Trypanosome infection of mammalian hosts leads, within days, to a strong early response against a small, distinct number of parasite proteins. One of these proteins is the variable surface glycoprotein (VSG). Most of the others are apparently non-variable, intracellular trypanosome proteins. Two of these antigens I2 and I17 are now characterized at the molecular level. Both exhibit a highly repetitive amino acid sequence organization, but they show no sequence similarity either to each other or to any other proteins known to date. Preliminary serological analyses indicate that both allow the early, sensitive and specific detection of infections with different species of trypanosomatids, making them interesting candidates for the development of diagnostic tools for trypanosomiasis detection

    Dissecting the supramolecular dispersion of fullerenes by proteins/peptides: Amino acid ranking and driving forces for binding to c60

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    Molecular dynamics simulations were used to quantitatively investigate the interactions between the twenty proteinogenic amino acids and C60. The conserved amino acid backbone gave a constant energetic interaction ~5.4 kcal mol−1, while the contribution to the binding due to the amino acid side chains was found to be up to ~5 kcal mol−1 for tryptophan but lower, to a point where it was slightly destabilizing, for glutamic acid. The effects of the interplay between van der Waals, hydrophobic, and polar solvation interactions on the various aspects of the binding of the amino acids, which were grouped as aromatic, charged, polar and hydrophobic, are discussed. Although π–π interactions were dominant, surfactant‐like and hydrophobic effects were also observed. In the molecular dynamics simulations, the interacting residues displayed a tendency to visit configura-tions (i.e., regions of the Ramachandran plot) that were absent when C60 was not present. The amino acid backbone assumed a “tepee‐like” geometrical structure to maximize interactions with the fullerene cage. Well‐defined conformations of the most interactive amino acids (Trp, Arg, Met) side chains were identified upon C60 binding

    Evaluation of Nile tilapia in monoculture and polyculture with giant freshwater prawn in biofloc technology system and in recirculation aquaculture system.

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    Abstract: Biofloc technology system (BFT), recirculation aquaculture system (RAS) and polyculture promote efficient use of water, area and nutrient recycling, which are essential practices for sustainable aquaculture development. The aim of this study was to evaluate the growth, feed efficiency, biofloc composition and water quality of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) in monoculture and polyculture with giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii (De Man, 1906) in BFT and RAS, over a period of 30 days. Fish (n = 128; 7.29 +/- 0.67 g) were distributed randomly in 16 experimental tanks (8 fish/tank). Prawn (n = 96; 0.50 +/- 0.09 g) were allocated in 8 experimental tanks (12 prawn/tank) in a polyculture. The experimental design was completely randomized with four treatments with four replicates each, in a factorial design 2 x 2 (BFT and RAS vs. monoculture and polyculture). The experimental diet (28% of digestible protein; 3100 kcal kg(-1) of digestible energy) was used both to fish and prawn in BFT and RAS. There was significant effect (p < 0.01) of the system and the culture for weight gain, apparent feed conversion and protein efficiency ratio. The average weight gain and apparent feed conversion of tilapia in monoculture (30.04 g and 1.39) and in polyculture (36.44 g and 1.27) were superior (p < 0.01) in BFT than in monoculture (23.64 g and 1.74) and in polyculture (24.14 g and 1.61) in RAS. Weight gain and survival of giant freshwater prawn was superior (p < 0.01) in BFT (0.43 g and 87%) compared to RAS (0.26 g and 79%). The data showed that BFT provides better growth performance responses in monoculture for Nile tilapia and in polyculture with giant freshwater prawn compared to RAS

    Acoustic effects at prehistoric landscapes: an archaeoacoustics analysis of rock art sites from Western Mediterranean

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    Many pre-state societies around the world give special importance to places where distinctive acoustic effects are generated. These places often receive special treatment including the production of rock paintings in them. In the Western Mediterranean, it seems that outstanding acoustic effects such as directional echoes, augmented audibility and long reverberation time are present in some rock art areas with Neolithic depictions made between the 7th and 4th millennia BC. These have been painted in different styles that have been given the name of Macroschematic, Levantine and Schematic rock art styles. On the basis of the results of our acoustic tests, we argue that there is a strong probability of acoustics having been used as a method by Neolithic artists to select the shelters in which to produce rock art. This paper presents the results of the ongoing ARTSOUNDSCAPES ERC Project on archaeoacoustics. This project seeks to explore the role of sound in the creation and use of rock art sites. he authors discuss the results of previous fieldwork in three countries (Spain, France and Italy) and the development of an innovative set of research methods that include 3D Ambisonic recordings, GIS soundshed analysis, and Transmission Loss measurements

    Effect of Cooking Techniques on the in vitro Protein Digestibility, Fatty Acid Profile, and Oxidative Status of Mealworms (Tenebrio molitor)

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    Tenebrio molitor (T. molitor) (mealworm) larvae are one of the most promising insects for feed–food purposes. Mealworms are rich in several macro and micro nutritional elements and can be practically reared on side stream substrates. In this study, the effects of seven different cooking techniques were tested on the nutritional value of mealworms focusing the attention on protein digestibility, fatty acid (FA) profile, and oxidative status. Uncooked larvae (UC) were used as control and compared to two combinations of temperature/time in oven cooking (70°C for 30 min, OC70-30, 150°C for 10 min, OC150-10), two methods of frying (mealworms fried in sunflower oil as deep fry, DF, or pan fry, PF), microwaving (MW), boiling (in plastic bag under vacuum, BO), and steaming (ST). Proximate composition, in vitro digestibility (gastric and duodenal), FA profile, and oxidative status (tocopherol and tocotrienol, carbonyl, and lipid oxidation) were then tested. Cooking technique affected all the tested parameters. As expected, cooking affected proximate composition in relation to the method applied (dry matter increased after oven cooking and frying; lipids increased by frying). In vitro digestion revealed the highest value for the OC70-30 method, followed by UC and ST. Deep frying revealed the worst digestibility percentage. FA profile was deeply affected by the cooking technique, with general decrease in SFA and MUFA. The highest modifications in FA profile were revealed in ST larvae with an increased percentage of linoleic acid linked to the lowering of SFA and MUFA contents. Furthermore, deep frying larvae in sunflower oil increased the relative abundance of PUFAs. Tocols values were higher in DF and MW groups than PF (about 6-fold more) and all other groups (7-fold more). Carbonyls increased with oven cooking (OC150-10 and OC70-30), whereas the values were lower with frying and similar to ST and UC. Lipid oxidation was highest as well in OC150-10 but similar to frying methods (DF and PF). Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that mealworm larvae surely meet human nutritional requirements, but the cooking method must be carefully chosen to maintain a high nutritional value

    Former foodstuff products in Tenebrio molitor rearing: Effects on growth, chemical composition, microbiological load, and antioxidant status

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    Tenebrio molitor (mealworm) larvae represent one of the most interesting edible insects and could be reared on alternative feeds, such as former foodstuff products (FFPs). In the present work, five different FFPs (brewery spent grains, bread and cookie leftovers, and mixes of brewer's spent grain or bread with cookies) were employed as feeding substrates. Larvae's growth performances, chemical composition, microbial loads, and antioxidant status were determined. Chemical compositions of the substrates affected all the tested parameters. Brewery spent grains-fed larvae showed a faster growth period and higher crude protein and carbohydrate contents. The use of cookies as a single substrate or their addition to spent grains or bread increased the lipids contents, while growth was delayed. Microbial loads were partially affected by the fed diet. The antioxidant status of larvae showed different concentrations of tocopherols isoforms (δ, γ, α) in relation to the diet; however, no differences were detected in relation to the global antioxidant capacity (2,2-azinobis-(3 ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid), ABTS reducing activity; 1,1-diphenyl-2-pircydrazyl, DPPH radical scavenging activity; ferric reducing ability, FRAP). Results point out a high plasticity of mealworm larvae and the potential to tailor the final outcomes in relation to the substrate employed. Mealworms could be practically reared on FFPs to produce food-feed with high nutrient values

    Innate immunity changes in soccer players after whole-body cryotherapy

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    Whole-body cryotherapy (WBC) consists of short exposure (up to 2–3&nbsp;min) to dry air at cryogenic temperatures (up to -190&nbsp;°C) and has recently been applied for muscle recovery after injury to reduce the inflammation process. We aimed to determine the impact of cryotherapy on immunological, hormonal, and metabolic responses in non-professional soccer players (NPSPs). Nine male NPSPs (age: 20 ± 2 years) who trained regularly over 5 consecutive days, immediately before and after each training session, were subjected to WBC treatment (WBC-t). Blood samples were collected for the evaluation of fifty analytes including hematologic parameters, serum chemistry, and hormone profiles. Monocytes phenotyping (Mo) was performed and plasmatic markers, usually increased during inflammation [CCL2, IL-18, free mitochondrial (mt)DNA] or with anti-inflammatory effects (IL2RA, IL1RN), were quantified. After WBC-t, we observed reduced levels of ferritin, mean corpuscular hemoglobin, mean platelet volume, testosterone, and estradiol, which however remain within the normal ranges. The percentage of the total, intermediates and non-classical Mo increased, while classical Mo decreased. CXCR4 expression decreased in each Mo subset. Plasma IL18 and IL2RA levels decreased, while IL1RN only exhibited a tendency to decrease and CCL2 showed a tendency to increase. Circulating mtDNA levels were not altered following WBC-t. The differences observed in monocyte subsets after WBC-t may be attributable to their redistribution into the surrounding tissue. Moreover, the decrease of CXCR4 in Mo subpopulations could be coherent with their differentiation process. Thus, WBC through yet unknown mechanisms could promote their differentiation having a role in tissue repair

    Dissecting the Interactions between Chlorin e6 and Human Serum Albumin

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    Chlorin e6 (Ce6) is among the most used sensitizers in photodynamic (PDT) and sonodynamic (SDT) therapy; its low solubility in water, however, hampers its clinical exploitation. Ce6 has a strong tendency to aggregate in physiological environments, reducing its performance as a photo/sono-sensitizer, as well as yielding poor pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties. The interaction of Ce6 with human serum albumin (HSA) (i) governs its biodistribution and (ii) can be used to improve its water solubility by encapsulation. Here, using ensemble docking and microsecond molecular dynamics simulations, we identified the two Ce6 binding pockets in HSA, i.e., the Sudlow I site and the heme binding pocket, providing an atomistic description of the binding. Comparing the photophysical and photosensitizing properties of Ce6@HSA with respect to the same properties regarding the free Ce6, it was observed that (i) a red-shift occurred in both the absorption and emission spectra, (ii) a maintaining of the fluorescence quantum yield and an increase of the excited state lifetime was detected, and (iii) a switch from the type II to the type I mechanism in a reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, upon irradiation, took place