105 research outputs found

    Cost‐effectiveness analysis of two attachment systems for mandibular overdenture

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    Objectives: This study analysed the cost‐effectiveness of two different attachments for the 2‐implant overdenture (2IOD) in edentulous mandibles. Materials and methods: When considering alternative treatments, cost‐effectiveness analysis is an important factor for stakeholders (patient, clinician, social security, insurance company, etc.). A general practice population (n = 116) was treated between 2003 and 2013 with a mandibular 2IOD with 2 different ball/stud attachment systems, one spherical (Group D) and one cylindrical (Group L). Patient well‐being was assessed with OHIP‐14‐Total (OHIP‐14‐T), at intake and annually up to 5 years, to calculate the health effect. Initial and maintenance costs of both treatments were inventoried. The cost‐effectiveness was compared. Annual discount rates of 4% and 1.5% were applied to future costs and health outcomes, following Dutch guidelines. Prices were adjusted to the year 2003. To offset the uncertainty in relevant input parameters, a sensitivity analysis was performed using bootstrap analysis. Significance was set at p < .05. Results: The health effect was 6.36 (SD 5.32) for Group D and 8.54 (SD 5.63) for Group L. The sum of the discounted costs up to 5 years was EUR 4,210.98 (SD 634.75) for the D and EUR 3,840.62 (SD 302.63) for the Group L (p = .005). The bootstrapping reports that L abutment clearly dominates the D abutment in terms of cost‐effectiveness. Conclusions: The 2IOD on the L abutment is dominant compared to the 2IOD on D abutment, in a 5‐year perspective

    Improvement of quality of life with implant-supported mandibular overdentures and the effect of implant type and surgical procedure on bone and soft tissue stability : a three-year prospective split-mouth trial

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    In fully edentulous patients, the support of a lower dental prosthesis by two implants could improve the chewing ability, retention, and stability of the prosthesis. Despite high success rates of dental implants, complications, such as peri-implantitis, do occur. The latter is a consequence of crestal bone loss and might be related to the implant surface and peri-implant soft tissue thickness. The aim of this paper is to describe the effect of implant surface roughness and soft tissue thickness on crestal bone remodeling, peri-implant health, and patient-centered outcomes. The mandibular overdenture supported by two implants is used as a split-mouth model to scrutinize these aims. The first study compared implants placed equicrestal to implants placed biologically (i.e., dependent on site-specific soft tissue thickness). The second clinical trial compared implants with a minimally to a moderately rough implant neck. Both studies reported an improvement in oral health-related quality of life and a stable peri-implant health after three years follow-up. Only equicrestal implant placement yielded significantly higher implant surface exposure, due to the establishment of the biologic width. Within the limitations of this study, it can be concluded that an implant supported mandibular overdenture significantly improves the quality of life, with limited biologic complications and high survival rates of the implants

    The long-term effect of adapting the vertical position of implants on peri-implant health : a 5-year intra-subject comparison in the edentulous mandible including oral health-related quality of life

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    Despite high success rates of dental implants, surface exposure may occur as a consequence of biologic width establishment associated with surgery. This prospective split-mouth study evaluated the effect of early implant surface exposure caused by initial bone remodeling on long-term peri-implant bone stability and peri-implant health. Additionally, Oral Health-Related Quality of Life (OHRQoL) was assessed by means of the Oral Health Impact Profile-14 (OHIP-14). Twenty-six patients received two non-splinted implants supporting an overdenture in the mandible by means of locators. One implant was installed equicrestally (control) and the second one was installed subcrestally, taking at least 3 mm soft tissue thickness into account (test). During initial bone remodeling (up to 6 months postoperatively), equicrestal placement yielded 0.68 mm additional surface exposure compared to subcrestal placement (p < 0.001). Afterwards, bone level and peri-implant health were comparable in both treatment conditions and stable up to 5 years. The implant overdenture improved OHRQoL (p < 0.01) and remained unchanged thereafter (p = 0.51). In conclusion, adapting the vertical position of the implant concerning the soft tissue thickness prevents early implant surface exposure caused by initial bone remodeling, but in a well-maintained population, this has no impact on long-term prognosis. The treatment of edentulousness with an implant mandibular overdenture improves OHRQoL

    Four-implant-supported overdenture treatment in the maxilla. Part II : Speech- and oral health-related quality of life in patients with implant-supported overdentures in the maxilla—a prospective 3-year follow-up

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    BACKGROUND : Implant-supported overdentures (IOD) are becoming a more commonly used treatment in the dental practice and it risks causing speech problems. PURPOSE : The aim of this study was investigating the changes in speech, satisfaction with speech, and overall oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) in edentulous patients during and after treatment with maxillary IODs. MATERIALS AND METHODS : Twenty-one patients receiving an IOD participated in speech assessment. They were examined preoperatively with their conventional denture (CD) with full palatal coverage, after connection of the implant-bar connected denture, without palatal coverage, and 3 years thereafter. The examination included assessment of articulation in speech, OHRQoL based on total OHIP-14, and satisfaction with overall oral health and speech (visual analogue scale). RESULTS : There was a reduction in mean number of articulation disorders from 1.00 at baseline to 0.55 at connection, although statistically insignificant (p = 0.059). Especially the /s/ sound is vulnerable. At 3 years follow-up, still 6/16 (37.5%) of the patients suffered from this speech problem. Overall satisfaction improved from 64.05/100 at baseline to 82.95/100 at connection (p = 0.008) and remained unchanged with 81.69/100 after 3 years follow-up. Patients' satisfaction with speech increased from 70.62/100 with CD to 82.63/100, 3 years follow-up (p = 0.009). Total OHIP-14 decreased from 21.45/56 with CD to 8.00/56 (p < 0.001) with IOD and 6.13/56 3 years after connection (p = 0.001). Significant improvement of all seven domains in OHRQoL was observed with IOD compared to CD. CONCLUSIONS : Patients treated with maxillary IODs show improved OHRQoL 3 years after connection of the IOD compared to the CD. Even though patients reported improvement of satisfaction and OHRQoL, articulation disorders were still present, suggesting that patients should be informed about possible speech issues.Research collaboration agreements with Southern Implants (Irene, South Africa).http://wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/cidhj2022Speech-Language Pathology and Audiolog

    Food Intakes by Preschool Children in Flanders Compared with Dietary Guidelines

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    The objective of this study was to compare food group intakes among preschool children with food-based dietary guidelines (FBDG) and to determine the proportion of children meeting these guidelines. Food consumption of preschool children (2.5–6.5 years) living in Flanders (Belgium) were assessed in a cross-sectional study, using proxy reported 3d estimated dietary records (EDR) (n 696). Statistical modelling was used to account for within-individual variation in the 3d EDR. Mean daily intakes of most food groups (beverages, vegetables, fruit and milk) were below the minimum recommendations. Only ‘grains and potatoes’ and ‘meat products’ were in line with the recommendations and ‘bread and cereals’ showed borderline intakes. Mean intakes of energy-dense and low-nutritious foods, which are discouraged within a healthy diet (like snacks and sugared drinks), were high. Furthermore, the percentage of children complying with the different food-based dietary guidelines was for most food groups extremely low (ranging from approximately 4% for fluid and vegetable intakes up to 99% for potato intakes). Boys had in general higher mean intakes of the recommended food groups. In conclusion, preschool children in Flanders follow eating patterns that do not meet Flemish FBDG. Although the impact of these eating habits on preschooler’s current and future health should be further investigated, it is clear that nutrition education and intervention are needed among preschool children and their parents in Flanders

    Measuring nutritional knowledge using Item Response Theory and its validity in European adolescents

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    Objective: To analyse the Nutritional Knowledge Test (NKT) using Item Response Theory (ITR) analysis and to assess the construct validity of the Nutritional Knowledge Scale (NKTS) and its associations with adolescent food group consumption and nutritional biomarkers. Design: Cross-sectional study. Setting: Multicentre investigation conducted in ten European cities. Participants: Adolescents aged 12.5-17.5 years (n 3215) who completed over 75 % of the NKT. Results: Factor analysis indicated that the NKT can be analysed with a one-dimensional model. Eleven out of twenty-three items from the NKT presented adequate parameters and were selected to be included in the NKTS. Nutrition knowledge was positively associated with consumption of fruits, cereals, dairy products, pulses, meat and eggs, and fish, as well as with blood concentrations of vitamin C, beta-carotene, n-3 fatty acids, holo-transcobalamin, cobalamin and folate; nutrition knowledge was negatively associated with intake of olives and avocado, alcohol and savoury snacks. Conclusions: The NKTS assessed nutritional knowledge adequately and it is proposed as a new tool to investigate this subject in future studies
