150 research outputs found

    Temperature versus species-specific influences on the stable oxygen isotope ratio of tree rings

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    Stable isotopic ratios integrate ecosystem variability while reflecting change in both environmental and biological processes. At sites, where climate does not strongly limit tree growth, co-occurring trees may display large discrepancies in stable oxygen isotopic ratios (δ18O) due to the interplay between biological processes (competition for light and nutrients, individual tree physiology, etc.) and climate. For a better quantification of the isotope variability within and among trees, the climatic and/or individual tree effects on seasonal δ18O variations in precipitation, soil water, leaf water and leaf organic material (whole leaf, cellulose and starch) and annual δ18O variations in tree-ring cellulose for Fagus sylvatica (Fs), Quercus robur (Qr), Carpinus betulus (Cb) and Pinus sylvestris (Ps) were studied in a mature temperate forest in Switzerland, using a mixed linear regression model technique. Furthermore, the influence of environmental factors on δ18O was assessed by means of three common isotope fractionation models. Our statistical analysis showed that except for Ps, a greater portion of δ18O variance in leaf compounds can be explained by individual tree effects, compared to temperature. Concerning tree-ring cellulose, only Fs and Ps show a significant temperature signal (maximum 12% of the variance explained), while the individual tree effect significantly explains δ18O for all species for a period of 38years. Large species differences resulted in a limited ability of the isotope fractionation models to predict measured values. Overall, we conclude that in a diverse mixed forest stand, individual tree responses reduce the potential extraction of a temperature signal from δ18

    Carbon fluxes to the soil in a mature temperate forest assessed by 13C isotope tracing

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    Photosynthetic carbon uptake and respiratory C release from soil are major components of the global carbon balance. The use of 13C depleted CO2 (δ13C = −30‰) in a free air CO2 enrichment experiment in a mature deciduous forest permitted us to trace the carbon transfer from tree crowns to the rhizosphere of 100-120years old trees. During the first season of CO2 enrichment the CO2 released from soil originated substantially from concurrent assimilation. The small contribution of recent carbon in fine roots suggests a much slower fine root turnover than is often assumed.13C abundance in soil air correlated best with temperature data taken from 4 to 10days before air sampling time and is thus rapidly available for root and rhizosphere respiration. The spatial variability of δ13C in soil air showed relationships to above ground tree types such as conifers versus broad-leaved trees. Considering the complexity and strong overlap of roots from different individuals in a forest, this finding opens an exciting new possibility of associating respiration with different species. What might be seen as signal noise does in fact contain valuable information on the spatial heterogeneity of tree-soil interactio

    Stable carbon isotopes in tree rings of beech: climatic versus site-related influences

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    Stable carbon isotopes in tree rings are a promising tool in palaeoclimate research, provided attempts are made to disentangle climatic from local effects (e.g. soil properties, competition, light). The 13C/12C variations in cellulose of tree rings of beech (Fagus sylvatica) were determined at several sites in the Swiss Central Plateau covering the last 50 years. We chose sites which differ in moisture conditions and sampled cores from four to six trees per site. The mean 13C/12C series from the different dry sites (distant by up to 40 km) are closely interrelated suggesting a common external cause. Correlation analysis with climate data proved the total precipitation in the months May, June and July to have the strongest effect on the carbon isotopes (r =  – 0.73). This result is in agreement with the commonly used model which relates the isotope discrimination to the water use efficiency. On the other hand, the isotope series of the wet sites are not as well correlated to the climate. At two of the sites (a dry and a humid) tree ring width suddenly increased. We used this effect as a test-case to study the influence of local growth conditions on the climate-isotope relationship

    Carbon allocation in shoots of alpine treeline conifers in a CO2 enriched environment

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    With a new approach we assessed the relative contribution of stored and current carbon compounds to new shoot growth in alpine treeline conifers. Within a free air CO2 enrichment experiment at the alpine treeline in Switzerland, 13C-depleted fossil CO2 was used to trace new carbon in the two tree species Larix decidua L. and Pinus uncinata Ramond over two subsequent years. The deciduous L. decidua was found to supply new shoot growth (structural woody part) by 46% from storage. Surprisingly, the evergreen P. uncinata, assumed to use current-year photosynthates, also utilized a considerable fraction of storage (42%) for new wood growth. In contrast, the needles of P. uncinata were built up almost completely from current-year photosynthates. The isotopic composition of different wood carbon fractions revealed a similar relative allocation of current and stored assimilates to various carbon fractions. Elevated CO2 influenced the composition of woody tissue in a species-specific way, e.g. the water soluble fraction decreased in pine in 2001 but increased in larch in 2002 compared to ambient CO2. Heavy defoliation applied as an additional treatment factor in the second year of the experiment decreased the lipophilic fraction in current-year wood in both species compared to undefoliated trees. We conclude that storage may play an important role for new shoot growth in these treeline conifers and that altered carbon availability (elevated CO2, defoliation) results in significant changes in the relative amount of mobile carbon fractions in woody tissue. In particular, stored carbon seems to be of greater importance in the evergreen P. uncinata than has been previously though

    Microbial assimilation of plant-derived carbon in soil traced by isotope analysis

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    The flow of new and native plant-derived C in the rhizosphere of an agricultural field during one growing season was tracked, the ratios in different soil C pools were quantified, and the residence times (τs) were estimated. For this the natural differences in 13C abundances of: (1) C4 soil (with a history of C4 plant, Miscanthus sinensis, cultivation), (2) C3 soil (history of C3 plant cultivation), and (3) C4/3 soil (C4 soil, planted with a C3 plant, Triticum aestivum) were used. Total amounts and δ13C values of total soil C, non-hydrolysable C, light fraction C, water-soluble C, microbial biomass C, and phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA) were determined. Using the δ13C values of soil C in a mixing and a 1-box model enabled the quantification of relative contributions of C3 plant and C4 plant C to the total amount of the respective C pools in the C4/3 soil and their τs. Compared to early spring (March), the percentage of C3 plant C increased in all pools in June and August, showing the addition of new C to the different soil C fractions. In August the contribution of new C to microbial biomass C and water-soluble C reached 64 and 89%, respectively. The τs of these pools were 115 and 147 days. The δ13C values of the dominant soil PLFA, 18:1ω7c, cy19:0, 18:1ω9c, 16:0, and 10Me16:0, showed wide ranges (−35.1 to −13.0‰) suggesting that the microbial community utilized different pools as C sources during the season. The δ13C values of PLFA, therefore, enabled the analysis of the metabolically active populations. The majority of δ13C values of PLFA from the C4/3 soil were closely related to those of PLFA from the C3 soil when T. aestivum biomass contributions to the soil were high in June and August. Specific populations reacted differently to changes in environmental conditions and supplies of C sources, which reflect the high functional diversity of soil microorganism

    Summer temperature dependency of larch budmoth outbreaks revealed by Alpine tree-ring isotope chronologies

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    Larch budmoth (LBM, Zeiraphera diniana Gn.) outbreaks cause discernable physical alteration of cell growth in tree rings of host subalpine larch (Larix decidua Mill.) in the European Alps. However, it is not clear if these outbreaks also impact isotopic signatures in tree-ring cellulose, thereby masking climatic signals. We compared LBM outbreak events in stable carbon and oxygen isotope chronologies of larch and their corresponding tree-ring widths from two high-elevation sites (1800-2200m a.s.l.) in the Swiss Alps for the period AD 1900-2004 against isotope data obtained from non-host spruce (Picea abies). At each site, two age classes of tree individuals (150-250 and 450-550 years old) were sampled. Inclusion of the latter age class enabled one chronology to be extended back to AD 1650, and a comparison with long-term monthly resolved temperature data. Within the constraints of this local study, we found that: (1) isotopic ratios in tree rings of larch provide a strong and consistent climatic signal of temperature; (2) at all sites the isotope signatures were not disturbed by LBM outbreaks, as shown, for example, by exceptionally high significant correlations between non-host spruce and host larch chronologies; (3) below-average July to August temperatures and LBM defoliation events have been coupled for more than three centuries. Dampening of Alps-wide LBM cyclicity since the 1980s and the coincidence of recently absent cool summers in the European Alps reinforce the assumption of a strong coherence between summer temperatures and LBM defoliation events. Our results demonstrate that stable isotopes in tree-ring cellulose of larch are an excellent climate proxy enabling the analysis of climate-driven changes of LBM cycles in the long ter

    Tree-ring growth and stable isotopes (13C and 15N) detect effects of wildfires on tree physiological processes in Pinus sylvestris L

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    Forest fires may alter the physiological and growth processes of trees by causing stress in trees and modifying the availability of soil nutrient. We investigated if, after a high-severity fire, changes in tree-ring growth can be observed, as well as changes in the nitrogen and carbon isotope composition of tree rings of surviving trees. Two wildfires that occurred in Pinus sylvestris L. stands in Northern Italy, one at the beginning and one at the end of the vegetative season, were chosen as the focus of this study. After the fires, the surviving trees showed growth suppression with very narrow tree rings or locally absent rings. The carbon isotope ratio was more negative in tree rings formed in the 5years following fire, indicating better water supply in a situation of less competition. The nitrogen isotope ratio followed opposite trends in the two wildfire stands. In trees cored in the stand where the fire happened at the beginning of the vegetative season, there was no change in the nitrogen isotope ratio, whereas in samples collected in the other fire site, higher nitrogen isotope ratios were observed in the tree rings formed after the fire, reflecting changes in the soil nitrogen supply. Modifications in the growth and isotope composition of the fire-stressed trees disappeared from 6 to 10years after the fire. By studying trees before and after fire, we were able to show that fire affects not only the growth of surviving trees, but also their physiological processe

    Wood growth in pure and mixed Quercus ilex L. forests: drought influence depends on site conditions.

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    Climate response of tree-species growth may be influenced by intra- and inter-specific interactions. The different physiological strategies of stress response and resource use among species may lead to different levels of competition and/or complementarity, likely changing in space and time according to climatic conditions. Investigating the drivers of inter- and intra-specific interactions under a changing climate is important when managing mixed and pure stands, especially in a climate change hot spot such as the Mediterranean basin. Mediterranean tree rings show intra-annual density fluctuations (IADFs): the links among their occurrence, anatomical traits, wood growth and stable isotope ratios can help understanding tree physiological responses to drought. In this study, we compared wood production and tree-ring traits in Quercus ilex L. dominant trees growing in two pure and two mixed stands with Pinus pinea at two sites in Southern Italy, on the basis of the temporal variation of cumulative basal area, intrinsic water use efficiency (WUEi), δ18O and IADF frequency in long tree-ring chronologies. The general aim was to assess whether Q. ilex trees growing in pure or mixed stands have a different wood production through time, depending on climatic conditions and stand structure. The occurrence of dry climatic conditions triggered opposite complementarity interactions for Q. ilex growing with P. pinea trees at the two sites. Competitive reduction was experienced at the T site characterized by higher soil water holding capacity (WHC), lower stand density and less steep slope than the S site; on the opposite, high competition occurred at S site. The observed difference in wood growth was accompanied by a higher WUEi due to a higher photosynthetic rate at the T site, while by a tighter stomatal control in mixed stand of S site. IADF frequency in Q. ilex tree rings was linked to higher WUEi, thus to stressful conditions and could be interpreted as strategy to cope with dry periods, independently from the different wood growth. Considering the forecasted water shortage, inter-specific competition should be reduced in denser stands of Q. ilex mixed with P. pinea. Such findings have important implications for forest management of mixed and pure Q. ilex forests

    Estimating the uptake of traffic-derived NO2 from 15N abundance in Norway spruce needles

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    The 15N ratio of nitrogen oxides (NOx) emitted from vehicles, measured in the air adjacent to a highway in the Swiss Middle Land, was very high [δ15N(NO2) = +5.7‰]. This high 15N abundance was used to estimate long-term NO2 dry deposition into a forest ecosystem by measuring δ15N in the needles and the soil of potted and autochthonous spruce trees [Picea abies (L.) Karst] exposed to NO2 in a transect orthogonal to the highway. δ15N in the current-year needles of potted trees was 2.0‰ higher than that of the control after 4 months of exposure close to the highway, suggesting a 25% contribution to the N-nutrition of these needles. Needle fall into the pots was prevented by grids placed above the soil, while the continuous decomposition of needle litter below the autochthonous trees over previous years has increased δ15N values in the soil, resulting in parallel gradients of δ15N in soil and needles with distance from the highway. Estimates of NO2 uptake into needles obtained from the δ15N data were significantly correlated with the inputs calculated with a shoot gas exchange model based on a parameterisation widely used in deposition modelling. Therefore, we provide an indication of estimated N inputs to forest ecosystems via dry deposition of NO2 at the receptor level under field conditions

    Increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations outweighs effects of stand density in determining growth and water use efficiency in Pinus ponderosa of the semi-arid grasslands of Nebraska (U.S.A.)

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    This study investigated the impacts of environmental (e.g., climate and CO2 level) and ecological (e.g., stand density) factors on the long-term growth and physiology of pon- derosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) in a semi-arid north American grassland. We hypothesized that ponderosa pine long-term growth patterns were positively influenced by an increase in atmospheric CO2 concentrations and a decrease in stand density. To test this hypothesis, comparison of long-term trends in tree-ring width and carbon and oxygen stable isotopic composition of trees growing in dense and sparse forest stands were carried out at two sites located in the Nebraska National Forest. Results indicated that tree-ring growth increased over time, more at the sparse than at the dense stands. In addition, the carbon and oxygen isotopic ratios showed long-term increases in intrinsic water use efficiency (WUEi), with little difference between dense and sparse stands. We found a clear trend over time in ponderosa pine tree growth and WUEi, mechanistically linked to long-term changes in global CO2 concentration. The study also highlighted that global factors tend to outweigh local effects of stand density in determining long-term trends in ponderosa pine growth. Finally, we discuss the implications of these results for woody encroachment into grasslands of Nebraska and we underlined how the use of long-term time series is crucial for understanding those ecosystems and to guarantee their conservation
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