1,319 research outputs found

    Efficient Dynamic Access Analysis Using JavaScript Proxies

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    JSConTest introduced the notions of effect monitoring and dynamic effect inference for JavaScript. It enables the description of effects with path specifications resembling regular expressions. It is implemented by an offline source code transformation. To overcome the limitations of the JSConTest implementation, we redesigned and reimplemented effect monitoring by taking advantange of JavaScript proxies. Our new design avoids all drawbacks of the prior implementation. It guarantees full interposition; it is not restricted to a subset of JavaScript; it is self-maintaining; and its scalability to large programs is significantly better than with JSConTest. The improved scalability has two sources. First, the reimplementation is significantly faster than the original, transformation-based implementation. Second, the reimplementation relies on the fly-weight pattern and on trace reduction to conserve memory. Only the combination of these techniques enables monitoring and inference for large programs.Comment: Technical Repor

    Type-based Dependency Analysis for JavaScript

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    Dependency analysis is a program analysis that determines potential data flow between program points. While it is not a security analysis per se, it is a viable basis for investigating data integrity, for ensuring confidentiality, and for guaranteeing sanitization. A noninterference property can be stated and proved for the dependency analysis. We have designed and implemented a dependency analysis for JavaScript. We formalize this analysis as an abstraction of a tainting semantics. We prove the correctness of the tainting semantics, the soundness of the abstraction, a noninterference property, and the termination of the analysis.Comment: Technical Repor

    TreatJS: Higher-Order Contracts for JavaScript

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    TreatJS is a language embedded, higher-order contract system for JavaScript which enforces contracts by run-time monitoring. Beyond providing the standard abstractions for building higher-order contracts (base, function, and object contracts), TreatJS's novel contributions are its guarantee of non-interfering contract execution, its systematic approach to blame assignment, its support for contracts in the style of union and intersection types, and its notion of a parameterized contract scope, which is the building block for composable run-time generated contracts that generalize dependent function contracts. TreatJS is implemented as a library so that all aspects of a contract can be specified using the full JavaScript language. The library relies on JavaScript proxies to guarantee full interposition for contracts. It further exploits JavaScript's reflective features to run contracts in a sandbox environment, which guarantees that the execution of contract code does not modify the application state. No source code transformation or change in the JavaScript run-time system is required. The impact of contracts on execution speed is evaluated using the Google Octane benchmark.Comment: Technical Repor

    Nova teoria per explicar com reconeixem els objectes

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    Reconèixer els objectes sembla fàcil, però no ho és. Hem de separar la informació rellevant d'altres aspectes com la il·luminació, la perspectiva o l'angle des del qual s'observa l'objecte, i que fan que sembli diferent a la nostra vista. Aquest treball presenta una nova teoria sobre la manera com el nostre cervell tracta tota aquesta informació per aconseguir distingir allò que observem.Reconocer los objetos parece fácil, pero no lo es. Debemos separar la información relevante de aspectos como la iluminación, la perspectiva o el ángulo desde el que es observado el objeto, y que hacen que aparezca diferente a nuestra vista. Este trabajo presenta una nueva teoría sobre el modo en que nuestro cerebro trata toda esta información para lograr distinguir cada uno de los objetos que observamos