796 research outputs found

    Getting stuck with pornography? Overuse or neglect of cybersex cues in a multitasking situation is related to symptoms of cybersex addiction

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Some individuals consume cybersex contents, such as pornographic material, in an addictive manner, which leads to severe negative consequences in private life or work. One mechanism leading to negative consequences may be reduced executive control over cognition and behavior that may be necessary to realize goal-oriented switching between cybersex use and other tasks and obligations of life. METHODS: To address this aspect, we investigated 104 male participants with an executive multitasking paradigm with two sets: One set consisted of pictures of persons, the other set consisted of pornographic pictures. In both sets the pictures had to be classified according to certain criteria. The explicit goal was to work on all classification tasks to equal amounts, by switching between the sets and classification tasks in a balanced manner. RESULTS: We found that less balanced performance in this multitasking paradigm was associated with a higher tendency towards cybersex addiction. Persons with this tendency often either overused or neglected working on the pornographic pictures. DISCUSSION: The results indicate that reduced executive control over multitasking performance, when being confronted with pornographic material, may contribute to dysfunctional behaviors and negative consequences resulting from cybersex addiction. However, individuals with tendencies towards cybersex addiction seem to have either an inclination to avoid or to approach the pornographic material, as discussed in motivational models of addiction

    Approximate Number Processing Skills Contribute to Decision Making Under Objective Risk: Interactions With Executive Functions and Objective Numeracy

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    Research on the cognitive abilities involved in decision making has shown that, under objective risk conditions (i.e., when explicit information about possible outcomes and risks is available), superior decisions are especially predicted by executive functions and exact number processing skills, also referred to as objective numeracy. So far, decision-making research has mainly focused on exact number processing skills, such as performing calculations or transformations of symbolic numbers. There is evidence that such exact numeric skills are based on approximate number processing (ANP) skills, which enable quick and accurate processing of non-symbolic numbers (e.g., Chen and Li, 2014). Very few studies, however, have investigated ANP skills in the context of risky decision making and have analyzed direct associations among the aforementioned sub functions. Possible interactions between the closely related skills have not been considered. The current study (N = 128) examines interactions of ANP skills with executive functions and objective numeracy, in predicting risky choice behavior. ANP skills are represented by the accuracy in a dot-comparison task. Decision making is measured by two versions of the Game of Dice Task (GDT), which place different emphases on the reflection of potential risks. The results show two-way as well as three-way interactions between the measures of ANP skills, executive functions, and objective numeracy in predicting risky decisions in both GDT versions. The riskiest decisions were most frequently made in case of low scores in all of the three competencies, while good performance in any one of them resulted in significant reductions of disadvantageous decisions. The findings indicate that high ANP skills can positively affect choice behavior in individuals who have weaknesses in reflectively attributed skills, namely executive functions and objective numeracy. Potential compensatory effects and mechanisms of ANP in decision making are discussed

    Decision making in adults with autism: The role of ecological executive dysfunctions

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    Abstract: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is characterized by presenting problems such as executive dysfunction and behavioral problems. Within the executive functions (EF) a warm area and a cold area can be differentiated; the latter is the most studied, although recent research points to a primary deficit in warm EFs or decision-making in ASD. In the present study, thesymptomatology analyzed that accompanies ASD influencing «hot» EFs, or decision-making capacity. The sample consisted of 31 adults with intellectual disability and ASD, with an average mental age of 4.74. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses showed that the executive dysfunction, more specifically the mechanisms of inhibition (impulsive system), was a significant predictor of decision making by adults with ASD. Keywords: Autism spectrum disorder; decision making; executive function; intellectual disability; adults. Toma de decisiones en adultos con autismo: Papel de la disfunción ejecutiva desde una perspectiva ecológica Resumen: El trastorno del espectro del autismo (TEA) se caracteriza por presentar problemas como disfunción ejecutiva y problemas de conducta. Dentro de las funciones ejecutivas (FE) se puede diferenciar el área cálida y el área fría; esta última es la más estudiada, aunque investigaciones recientes apuntan a un déficit primario en las FE cálidas o toma de decisiones en el TEA. En el presente estudio, se analiza la sintomatología que acompaña al TEA que influye en las FE cálidas, o capacidad de toma de decisiones. La población está formada por 31 adultos con discapacidad intelectual y TEA, con una edad mental media de 4.74. Los análisis de regresión múltiple mostraron que la disfunción ejecutiva, más específicamente los mecanismos de inhibición (sistema impulsivo), fue un predictor significativo de la toma de decisiones de los adultos con TEA. Palabras clave: Trastorno del espectro del autismo; toma de decisiones; funciones ejecutivas; discapacidad intelectual; adultos

    Interrelation of ST-segment depression during bicycle ergometry and extent of myocardial ischaemia by myocardial perfusion SPECT

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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to compare ST-segment depression (STD) during bicycle ergometry and extent of myocardial ischaemia assessed by myocardial perfusion SPECT (MPS) in a large patient cohort. Methods: Consecutive patients (n = 955) referred for MPS with bicycle ergometry and interpretable stress ECG were evaluated with respect to ECG and MPS findings of ischaemia. The maximal STD was recorded and exercise ECG was considered ischaemic if STD was horizontal or downsloping (≥1mm). MPS was interpreted using a 20-segment model with a scale of 0 to 4. A summed stress (SSS), summed rest (SRS) and summed difference score (SDS = SSS−SRS, e.g. extent of ischaemia) were derived. Ischaemia was defined as an SDS ≥ 2. Results: An exercise-induced STD was present in 215 patients (22%) and myocardial ischaemia on MPS was present in 366 patients (38%). The extent of ST-segment depression and the number of ECG leads with significant STD were each strongly and significantly associated with increasing severity of ischaemia and the number of coronary territories involved (p < 0.01 for all correlations). Conclusion: These data demonstrate a strong correlation between the extent of STD, number of ischaemic leads and severity of myocardial ischaemia as assessed by MPS during bicycle ergometr

    Gate-keeper to coronary angiography: comparison of exercise testing, myocardial perfusion SPECT and individually tailored approach for risk stratification

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    We aimed to evaluate the differences between exercise testing (ET), myocardial perfusion SPECT (MPS) and a combination of ET and MPS based risk assessment as outlined by the guidelines with respect to their "gate-keeper” role to coronary angiography (cath) and the associated diagnostic procedural costs if prognostic considerations, as those proposed by the current guidelines and the recent literature, were taken into account. The Duke-score and the summed difference score (SDS; extent of ischemia) were assessed in 955 consecutive patients referred for MPS combined with ET. According to the guidelines and the available literature, three different algorithms for risk stratification were retrospectively applied: (1) ET based risk stratification and cath if intermediate or high risk Duke-score; (2) MPS based risk stratification and cath if SDS≥8; (3) combined approach with ET as first step and MPS in case of intermediate risk Duke-score. A cath would have been suggested in every patient with either high risk Duke-score or SDS≥8 in patients with intermediate risk Duke-score. The referral rate to cath was 27% according to the ET alone, 13% using MPS, and finally 12% applying the combined risk stratification. The cost of the diagnostic work-up including cath were: 615€, 1'299€, and 598€ per patient, respectively. The coronary angiography referral rate widely depends on the diagnostic modality used for risk stratification and according to the referral criteria provided by the guidelines. In the present study, the use of a stress imaging modality (MPS) and published prognostic data was associated with a lower referral rate to cath as compared to exercise testing alone and thus underlines the advantage of a risk based approach applying stress imaging in patients with intermediate risk Duke-scor

    Cue reactivity towards shopping cues in female participants

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    Background and aims: It is currently under debate whether pathological buying can be considered as a behavioural addiction. Addictions have often been investigated with cue-reactivity paradigms to assess subjective, physiological and neural craving reactions. The current study aims at testing whether cue reactivity towards shopping cues is related to pathological buying tendencies. Methods: A sample of 66 non-clinical female participants rated shopping related pictures concerning valence, arousal, and subjective craving. In a subgroup of 26 participants, electrodermal reactions towards those pictures were additionally assessed. Furthermore, all participants were screened concerning pathological buying tendencies and baseline craving for shopping. Results: Results indicate a relationship between the subjective ratings of the shopping cues and pathological buying tendencies, even if baseline craving for shopping was controlled for. Electrodermal reactions were partly related to the subjective ratings of the cues. Conclusions: Cue reactivity may be a potential correlate of pathological buying tendencies. Thus, pathological buying may be accompanied by craving reactions towards shopping cues. Results support the assumption that pathological buying can be considered as a behavioural addiction. From a methodological point of view, results support the view that the cue-reactivity paradigm is suited for the investigation of craving reactions in pathological buying and future studies should implement this paradigm in clinical samples

    Towards Highly Scalable Runtime Models with History

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    Advanced systems such as IoT comprise many heterogeneous, interconnected, and autonomous entities operating in often highly dynamic environments. Due to their large scale and complexity, large volumes of monitoring data are generated and need to be stored, retrieved, and mined in a time- and resource-efficient manner. Architectural self-adaptation automates the control, orchestration, and operation of such systems. This can only be achieved via sophisticated decision-making schemes supported by monitoring data that fully captures the system behavior and its history. Employing model-driven engineering techniques we propose a highly scalable, history-aware approach to store and retrieve monitoring data in form of enriched runtime models. We take advantage of rule-based adaptation where change events in the system trigger adaptation rules. We first present a scheme to incrementally check model queries in the form of temporal logic formulas which represent the conditions of adaptation rules against a runtime model with history. Then we enhance the model to retain only information that is temporally relevant to the queries, therefore reducing the accumulation of information to a required minimum. Finally, we demonstrate the feasibility and scalability of our approach via experiments on a simulated smart healthcare system employing a real-world medical guideline.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, 15th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS2020

    Inhibitory Control and Problematic Internet-Pornography Use - The Important Balancing Role of the Insula

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Diminished control over a specific behavior is a core characteristic in addictive behaviors such as problematic Internet-pornography (IP) use. First studies suggest that a hyperactivity of the impulsive system is one reason for impulsive behaviors in the context of problematic IP use. The tripartite-process theory of addiction explains neurocognitive mechanisms beyond common dual-process theories in addictive behaviors. However, the role of the reflective and interoceptive system is still unresolved. METHODS: The study comprised a stop-signal task (SST) including neutral and pornographic images during fMRI and questionnaires to investigate associations between symptoms of problematic IP use, craving, and neural activity of the impulsive, reflective, and interoceptive system. We examined 28 heterosexual males with varying symptom severity of problematic IP use. RESULTS: Data indicates that individuals with more symptoms of problematic IP use showed better performance in the SST which was linked to decreased insula and inferior frontal gyrus activity during pornographic image processing. An increase in craving was associated with lower activity of the ventral striatum during pornographic image processing. The interoceptive system showed varying effects. Increased insula activity during inhibitory control and decreased activity during pornographic image processing were associated with higher inhibitory control performance. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Effects of tolerance and motivational aspects may explain the better inhibitory control performance in individuals with higher symptom severity which was associated with differential activity of the interoceptive and reflective system. Diminished control over IP use presumably results from the interaction between the impulsive, reflective, and interoceptive systems

    The imperative of integrating empirical and theoretical considerations when developing policy responses to Internet-gaming disorder : Commentary on: Policy responses to problematic video game use: A systematic review of current measures and future possibilities (Király et al., 2018)

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    This commentary proposes an integrative approach of theoretical and empirical considerations when developing policy responses to Internet-gaming disorder and when evaluating their efficacy. It complements the overview by Király et al. (2018) about preventive and treatment programs by referring to a lack of inclusion of internal factors, such as individual aspects and cognitions, and missing empirical evidence. This commentary claims the integration of current research addressing individual predisposing and maintaining factors in order to evaluate existing programs and to enhance the exchange between actors including policy. This integrative approach has the potential to develop successful preventive strategies, which could be implemented realistically and socially responsible

    Cybersex addiction: Experienced sexual arousal when watching pornography and not real-life sexual contacts makes the difference

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    Background and aims: Cybersex addiction is discussed controversially, while empirical evidence is widely missing. With respect to its mechanisms of development and maintenance Brand et al. (2011) assume that reinforcement due to cybersex should lead to the development of cue-reactivity and craving explaining recurrent cybersex use in the face of growing but neglected negative consequences. To support this hypothesis, two experimental studies were conducted. Methods: In a cue-reactivity paradigm 100 pornographic cues were presented to participants and indicators of sexual arousal and craving were assessed. The first study aimed at identifying predictors of cybersex addiction in a freely recruited sample of 171 heterosexual males. The aim of the second study was to verify the findings of the first study by comparing healthy (n = 25) and problematic (n = 25) cybersex users. Results: The results show that indicators of sexual arousal and craving to Internet pornographic cues predicted tendencies towards cybersex addiction in the first study. Moreover, it was shown that problematic cybersex users report greater sexual arousal and craving reactions resulting from pornographic cue presentation. In both studies, the number and subjective quality of real-life sexual contacts were not associated to cybersex addiction. Discussion: The results support the gratification hypothesis, which assumes reinforcement, learning mechanisms, and craving to be relevant processes in the development and maintenance of cybersex addiction. Poor or unsatisfying sexual real-life contacts cannot sufficiently explain cybersex addiction. Conclusions: Positive reinforcement in terms of gratification plays a major role in cybersex addictio