1,160 research outputs found

    Asylum Policy in the West: Past Trends, Future Possibilities

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    asylum, deterrence, welfare, Western states

    1-loop matching and NNLL resummation for all partonic 2 to 2 processes in QCD

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    The Wilson Coefficients for all 4-parton operators which arise in matching QCD to Soft-Collinear Effective Theory (SCET) are computed at 1-loop. Any dijet observable calculated in SCET beyond leading order will require these results. The Wilson coefficients are separated by spin and color, although most applications will involve only the spin-averaged hard functions. The anomalous dimensions for the Wilson coefficients are given to 2-loop order, and the renormalization group equations are solved explicitly. This will allow for analytical resummation of dijet observables to next-to-next-to-leading logarithmic accuracy. For each channel, there is a natural basis in which the evolution is diagonal in color space. The same basis also diagonalizes the color evolution for the soft function. Even though soft functions required for SCET calculations are observable dependent, it is shown that their renormalization group evolution is almost completely determined by a universal structure. With these results, it will be possible to calculate hadronic event shapes or other dijet observables to next-to-leading order with next-to-next-to-leading log resummation.Comment: 28 pages, 5 tables; v2: typo corrected in Eq. (56

    Discretizing Gravity in Warped Spacetime

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    We investigate the discretized version of the compact Randall-Sundrum model. By studying the mass eigenstates of the lattice theory, we demonstrate that for warped space, unlike for flat space, the strong coupling scale does not depend on the IR scale and lattice size. However, strong coupling does prevent us from taking the continuum limit of the lattice theory. Nonetheless, the lattice theory works in the manifestly holographic regime and successfully reproduces the most significant features of the warped theory. It is even in some respects better than the KK theory, which must be carefully regulated to obtain the correct physical results. Because it is easier to construct lattice theories than to find exact solutions to GR, we expect lattice gravity to be a useful tool for exploring field theory in curved space.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures; references adde

    Credit Cards as Lifestyle Facilitators

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    Credit cards are an increasingly essential technology, but they carry with them the paradoxical capacity to propel consumers along lifestyle trajectories of marketplace freedom or constraint. We analyze accounts provided by consumers, credit counselors, and participants in a credit counseling seminar in order to develop a differentiated theory of lifestyle facilitation through credit card practice. The skills and tastes expressed by credit card practice help distinguish between the lifestyles of those with higher cultural capital relative to those with lower cultural capital. Differences in lifestyle regulation practice are posited to originate in cultural discourses related to entitlement and frugality

    Elasticity-Dependent Self-assembly of Micro-Templated Chromonic Liquid Crystal Films

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    We explore micropatterned director structures of aqueous lyotropic chromonic liquid crystal (LCLC) films created on square lattice cylindrical-micropost substrates. The structures are manipulated by modulating the LCLC mesophases and their elastic properties via concentration through drying. Nematic LCLC films exhibit preferred bistable alignment along the diagonals of the micropost lattice. Columnar LCLC films, dried from nematics, form two distinct director and defect configurations: a diagonally aligned director pattern with local squares of defects, and an off-diagonal configuration with zig-zag defects. The formation of these states appears to be tied to the relative splay and bend free energy costs of the initial nematic films. The observed nematic and columnar configurations are understood numerically using a Landau-de Gennes free energy model. Among other attributes, the work provide first examples of quasi-2D micropatterning of LC films in the columnar phase and lyotropic LC films in general, and it demonstrates alignment and configuration switching of typically difficult-to-align LCLC films via bulk elastic properties.Comment: 9 pages; 9 figures; accepted for publication in Soft Matte

    Factors Influencing Farmers’ Adoption of Best Management Practices: A Review and Synthesis

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    Best management practices (BMPs) for reducing agricultural non-point source pollution are widely available. However, agriculture remains a major global contributor to degradation of waters because farmers often do not adopt BMPs. To improve water quality, it is necessary to understand the factors that influence BMP adoption by farmers. We review the findings of BMP adoption studies from both developed and developing countries, published after (or otherwise not included in) two major literature reviews from 2007 and 2008. We summarize the study locations, scales, and BMPs studied; the analytical methods used; the factors evaluated; and the directionality of each factor’s influence on BMP adoption. We then present a conceptual framework for BMP adoption decisions that emphasizes the importance of scale, the tailoring or targeting of information and incentives, and the importance of expected farm profits. We suggest that future research directions should focus on study scale, on measuring and modeling of adoption as a continuous process, and on incorporation of social norms and uncertainty into decision-making. More research is needed on uses of social media and market recognition approaches (such as certificate schemes and consumer labeling) to influence BMP adoption

    Advances in the biofabrication of 3D skin in vitro : healthy and pathological models

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    The relevance for in vitro three-dimensional (3D) tissue culture of skin has been present for almost a century. From using skin biopsies in organ culture, to vascularized organotypic full-thickness reconstructed human skin equivalents, in vitro tissue regeneration of 3D skin has reached a golden era. However, the reconstruction of 3D skin still has room to grow and develop. The need for reproducible methodology, physiological structures and tissue architecture, and perfusable vasculature are only recently becoming a reality, though the addition of more complex structures such as glands and tactile corpuscles require advanced technologies. In this review, we will discuss the current methodology for biofabrication of 3D skin models and highlight the advantages and disadvantages of the existing systems as well as emphasize how new techniques can aid in the production of a truly physiologically relevant skin construct for preclinical innovation

    Variations in water and nutrient cycling and soil properties during agricultural landscape restoration

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    The research team examined differences in nutrient, water and carbon storage and output for selected mixtures of annual and perennial plant communities. The research was set up in 14 small sub-watersheds managed by the U.S. Forest Service as part of the Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge near Prairie City, Iowa. Each sub-watershed had a different placement of prairie conservation strips within crop fields. The project has continued as part of the perennializers working group, also known as the Science-based Trials of Row Crops Integrated with Prairies or STRIPs research team

    Unification and the Hierarchy from AdS5

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    In AdS5, the coupling for bulk gauge bosons runs logarithmically, not as a power law. For this reason, one can preserve perturbative unification of couplings. Depending on the cutoff, this can occur at a high scale. We discuss subtleties in the calculation and present a regularization scheme motivated by the holographic correspondence. We find that generically, as in the standard model, the couplings almost unify. For specific choices of the cutoff and number of scalar multiplets, there is good agreement between the measured couplings and the assumption of high scale unification.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure
