28 research outputs found

    Effects of Intra- and Interpatch Host Density on Egg Parasitism by Three Species of Trichogramma

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    Host-foraging responses to different intra- and interpatch densities were used to assess three Trichogramma spp. (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) Trichogramma deion Pinto and Oatman, T. ostriniae Pang and Chen, and T. pretiosum Riley — as potential biological control agents for the Indian meal moth, Plodia interpunctella Hübner (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Single naïve females were allowed 6 h to forage in Plexiglas arenas with four different spatial arrangements of host eggs, nine single-egg patches), nine four-egg patches, 36 single-egg patches, and 36 four-egg patches. No significant differences were found among species in the number of patches parasitized. As expected, all three species parasitized the most eggs in the 36 four-egg patch treatment and the least in the nine single-egg patch treatment. T. deion parasitized significantly more eggs than T. pretiosum on the nine four-egg patches. T. ostriniae parasitized significantly more patches when intrapatch density was greater, regardless of interpatch density. In contrast, T. deion only parasitized more patches at the greater intrapatch density when the interpatch density was low. Patch density had no effect on T. pretiosum. The spatial pattern of parasitism was more aggregated for T. deion and T. ostriniae in the 36 four-egg patches treatment compared to the 36 single-egg patches treatment. Therefore, intrapatch density was more important than interpatch density for T. ostriniae, and potentially for T. deion, but not for T. pretiosum. T. deion may be the best candidate for augmentative biological control because it parasitized either slightly or significantly more eggs than the other two species in all four treatments. Furthermore, the pattern of parasitism by T. deion in the 36 four-egg patches treatment was the most aggregated among the three species, suggesting a more thorough searching pattern. In contrast, T. pretiosum had the least aggregated pattern of parasitism and therefore may have used a more random foraging pattern

    Susceptibility of Dalotia coriaria (Kraatz) (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) to Entomopathogenic Nematodes (Rhabditida: Heterorhabditidae and Steinernematidae)

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    Dalotia coriaria (Kraatz) (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) and entomopathogenic nematodes (Rhabditida: Heterorhabditidae and Steinernematidae) are two soil-dwelling biological control agents used to manage western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) and fungus gnats Bradysis spp. (Diptera: Sciaridae) in glasshouses. Growers often use multiple natural enemies to achieve economic control, but knowledge of interactions among natural enemies is lacking. We conducted a laboratory bioassay to test the pathogenicity of four commercially available nematode species—Heterorhabditis bacteriophora Poinar (Rhabditida: Heterorhbditidae), Steinernema carpocapsae (Weiser) (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae), S. feltiae (Filipjev), and S. riobrave Cabanillas et al.—to third instar and adult D. coriaria. Third instars were three times more susceptible than the adults to the entomopathogenic nematodes. Mortality for D. coriaria adults and third instars treated with S. feltiae and H. bacteriophora was lower than the mortality for D. coriaria adults and third instars treated with S. carpocapsae and S. riobrave. Neither infective juvenile foraging behavior nor size correlates with D. coriaria mortality. Dalotia coriaria appears to be most likely compatible with applications of S. feltiae and H. bacteriophora

    Elucidating the Common Generalist Predators of Conotrachelus nenuphar (Herbst) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in an Organic Apple Orchard Using Molecular Gut-Content Analysis

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    Conotrachelus nenuphar (Herbst) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), plum curculio, is a serious direct pest of North American tree fruit including, apples, cherries, peaches and plums. Historically, organophosphate insecticides were used for control, but this tool is no longer registered for use in tree fruit. In addition, few organically approved insecticides are available for organic pest control and none have proven efficacy as this time. Therefore, promoting biological control in these systems is the next step, however, little is known about the biological control pathways in this system and how these are influenced by current mechanical and cultural practices required in organic systems. We used molecular gut-content analysis for testing field caught predators for feeding on plum curculio. During the study we monitored populations of plum curculio and the predator community in a production organic apple orchard. Predator populations varied over the season and contained a diverse assemblage of spiders and beetles. A total of 8% of all predators (eight Araneae, two Hemiptera, and six Coleoptera species) assayed for plum curculio predation were observed positive for the presence of plum curculio DNA in their guts, indicating that these species fed on plum curculio prior to collection Results indicate a number of biological control agents exist for this pest and this requires further study in relation to cultural practices

    Slow-Release Sachets of Neoseiulus cucumeris Predatory Mites Reduce Intraguild Predation by Dalotia coriaria in Greenhouse Biological Control Systems

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    Intraguild predation of Neoseiulus cucumeris Oudemans (Phytoseiidae) by soil-dwelling predators, Dalotia coriaria Kraatz (Staphylinidae) may limit the utility of open rearing systems in greenhouse thrips management programs. We determined the rate of D. coriaria invasion of N. cucumeris breeder material presented in piles or sachets, bran piles (without mites), and sawdust piles. We also observed mite dispersal from breeder piles and sachets when D. coriaria were not present. Dalotia coriaria invaded breeder and bran piles at higher rates than sawdust piles and sachets. Furthermore, proportions of N. cucumeris in sachets were six- to eight-fold higher compared with breeder piles. When D. coriaria were absent, N. cucumeris dispersed from breeder piles and sachets for up to seven weeks. In earlier weeks, more N. cucumeris dispersed from breeder piles compared with sachets, and in later weeks more N. cucumeris dispersed from sachets compared with breeder piles. Sachets protected N. cucumeris from intraguild predation by D. coriaria resulting in higher populations of mites. Therefore, sachets should be used in greenhouse biocontrol programs that also release D. coriaria. Furthermore, breeder piles that provide “quick-releases” or sachets that provide “slow-releases” of mites should be considered when incorporating N. cucumeris into greenhouse thrips management programs

    Spatial Distribution of Spray from a Solid Set Canopy Delivery System in a High-Density Apple Orchard Retrofitted with Modified Emitters

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    Solid Set Canopy Delivery Systems (SSCDS) are fixed agrochemical delivery systems composed of a network of micro-sprayers/nozzles distributed in perennial crop canopies. A previous SSCDS design composed of a 3-tier configuration using hollow cone sprayer nozzles has been shown to provide excellent coverage and deposition in high-density apple orchards. However, the hollow cone nozzles substantially increases the initial system installation costs. This study evaluated the effect of irrigation micro-emitters replacement on spray deposition, coverage and off-target drift. A micro-emitter used in greenhouse irrigation systems was duly modified to enhance its applicability with SSCDS. After laboratory assessment and optimization of the micro-emitters, a replicated field study was conducted to compare 3-tier SSCDS configured with either of modified irrigation micro-emitters or traditional hollow cone nozzles. Canopy deposition and off target drift were evaluated using a 500 ppm fluorescent tracer solution sprayed by the field installed systems and captured on mylar collectors. Spray coverage was evaluated using water sensitive papers. The overall canopy deposition and coverage for treatment configured with modified irrigation micro-emitters (955.5 ± 153.9 [mean ± standard error of mean] ng cm−2 and 22.7 ± 2.6%, respectively) were numerically higher than the hollow cone nozzles (746.2 ± 104.7 ng cm−2 and 19.0 ± 2.8%, respectively). Moreover, modified irrigation micro-emitter SSCDS had improved spray uniformity in the canopy foliage and on either side of leaf surfaces compared to a hollow cone nozzle. Ground and aerial spray losses, quantified as deposition, were numerically lower for the modified irrigation micro-emitter (121.8 ± 43.4 ng cm−2 and 0.7 ± 0.1 ng cm−2, respectively) compared to the traditional hollow cone nozzle (447.4 ± 190.9 ng cm−2 and 3.2 ± 0.4 ng cm−2, respectively). Overall, the modified irrigation micro-emitter provided similar or superior performance to the traditional hollow cone nozzle with an estimated 12 times reduction in system installation cost

    Reservoir Units Optimization in Pneumatic Spray Delivery-Based Fixed Spray System for Large-Scale Commercial Adaptation

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    A pneumatic spray delivery (PSD)-based solid set canopy delivery system (SSCDS) consists of in-line reservoirs and micro-emitter assemblies distributed throughout perennial crop canopies. The existing PSD-based SSCDS uses a large number of reservoirs, i.e., one unit per 3 m of linear spacing, which resulted in high installation and maintenance costs. These reservoirs also produces up to 25% post-spray chemical losses. Therefore, this study aimed to optimize the volumetric capacity and functionality of the existing reservoir for an efficient spray performance and the large-scale commercial adaptation of PSD-based SSCDS. Three reservoirs with volumetric capacities of 370 (1×), 740 (2×), and 1110 mL (3×) were developed to cover a spray span of 3.0, 6.1, and 9.1 m, respectively. Five system configurations with modified reservoirs and spray outlets were evaluated in the laboratory for pressure drop and spray uniformity. The three best system configurations were then field evaluated in a high-density apple orchard. These configurations had reservoirs with 1×, 2×, and 3× volumetric capacity and micro-emitters installed in a three-tier arrangement. Each replicate configuration was installed as a 77 m loop length encompassing 50 apple trees trained in a tall spindle architecture. A pair of water-sensitive paper (WSPs) samplers (25.4 × 25.4 mm) were placed on the abaxial and adaxial leaf surfaces in the bottom, middle, and top third of the canopy to evaluate the spray coverage (%). The PSD-based SSCDS showed no significant difference at the 5% level in terms of coverage among the three reservoir treatments. Coverage was more evenly distributed among the top, middle, and bottom zones for the 2× and 3× as compared to the 1× reservoir treatment. Overall, compared to the 1× reservoirs, the 2× and 3× reservoirs could potentially reduce the system costs by USD 20,000 and USD 23,410 ha−1, respectively, for tall spindle apple orchards and potentially reduce maintenance needs as well