138 research outputs found

    Providers' assessment of a novel interactive health information technology in a pediatric intensive care unit

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    Objective: To explore perceptions of critical care providers about a novel collaborative inpatient health information technology (HIT) in a pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) setting. Methods: This cross-sectional, concurrent mixed methods study was conducted in the PICU of a large midwestern children's hospital. The technology, the Large Customizable Interactive Monitor (LCIM), is a flat panel touch screen monitor that displays validated patient information from the electronic health record. It does not require a password to login and is available in each patient's room for viewing and interactive use by physicians, nurses, and families. Quantitative data were collected via self-administered, standardized surveys, and qualitative data via in-person, semistructured interviews between January and April 2015. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and inductive thematic analysis. Results: The qualitative analysis showed positive impacts of the LCIM on providers' workflow, team interactions, and interactions with families. Providers reported concerns regarding perceived patient information overload and associated anxiety and burden for families. Sixty percent of providers thought that LCIM was useful for their jobs at different levels, and almost 70% of providers reported that LCIM improved information sharing and communication with families. The average overall satisfaction score was 3.4 on a 0 to 6 scale, between "a moderate amount" and "pretty much." Discussion and Conclusion: This study provides new insight into collaborative HIT in the inpatient pediatric setting and demonstrates that using such technology has the potential to improve providers' experiences with families and just-in-time access to EHR information in a format more easily shared with families

    Area-level incarceration and STI risk among a cohort of justice-involved adolescents and adults

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    Background: Living in areas of high incarceration is associated with increased risk of STI; however, STI risk with respect to both this area-level exposure and an individual’s involvement with the justice system is not known. Objective: Among individuals before and after arrest or incarceration, assess the association between area-level incarceration rates and risk of chlamydia, gonorrhea, or syphilis. Methods: Retrospective cohort study of individuals living in Marion County (Indianapolis), Indiana who were arrested or in jail, prison, juvenile detention, or juvenile prison between 2005-2008 (N=97,765). Area-level incarceration exposure was defined by the proportion of person-days incarcerated among the total population*365 within a census block group. A 1-year period was assessed before and after a randomly-selected arrest/incarceration per person. Multivariable logistic regression, controlling for age, race, STI history, and year, was performed to assess chlamydia, gonorrhea, or syphilis risk by quartile area-level incarceration exposure, adjusting for individual clustering and stratifying by gender. Results: Area-level incarceration was associated with increased odds of each STI, with a dose response relationship particularly among those with an arrest or jail stay. Women with a history of arrest or jail/prison stay and living in high incarceration areas had higher odds of STI, compared to men with comparable incarceration history and living in similar areas

    Provider Use of a Novel EHR display in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. Large Customizable Interactive Monitor (LCIM)

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    OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to explore providers' perspectives on the use of a novel technology, "Large Customizable Interactive Monitor" (LCIM), a novel application of the electronic health record system implemented in a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. METHODS: We employed a qualitative approach to collect and analyze data from pediatric intensive care physicians, pediatric nurse practitioners, and acute care specialists. Using semi-structured interviews, we collected data from January to April, 2015. The research team analyzed the transcripts using an iterative coding method to identify common themes. RESULTS: Study results highlight contextual data on providers' use routines of the LCIM. Findings from thirty six interviews were classified into three groups: 1) providers' familiarity with the LCIM; 2) providers' use routines (i.e. when and how they use it); and 3) reasons why they use or do not use it. CONCLUSION: It is important to conduct baseline studies of the use of novel technologies. The importance of training and orientation affects the adoption and use patterns of this new technology. This study is notable for being the first to investigate a LCIM system, a next generation system implemented in the pediatric critical care setting. Our study revealed this next generation HIT might have great potential for family-centered rounds, team education during rounds, and family education/engagement in their child's health in the patient room. This study also highlights the effect of training and orientation on the adoption patterns of new technology

    Evaluation of an Intimate Partner Violence Curriculum in a Pediatric Hospital

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    OBJECTIVE. Intimate partner violence harms victims as well as families and communities. Many barriers account for limited intimate partner violence screening by nurses. The purpose of this study was to measure how participation in a curriculum about screening parents for intimate partner violence, at a pediatric hospital, affects a nurse\u27s knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, and self-efficacy for intimate partner violence screening. METHODS. In this interventional, longitudinal study, data were collected before participation in an intimate partner violence screening curriculum, after participation, and 3 months later. The measurement tool was adapted from Maiuro\u27s (2000) Self-efficacy for Screening for Intimate Partner Violence Questionnaire. RESULTS. Sixty-eight pediatric nurses completed all aspects of the study. At baseline, 18 (27%) nurses self-reported seeing a parent with an injury, and of those only 7 (39%) followed up with intimate partner violence screening. Factor analysis was performed on the baseline Self-efficacy for Screening for Intimate Partner Violence Questionnaire by using varimax rotation. Five factors were identified: conflict, fear of offending parent, self-confidence, appropriateness, and attitude. Only fear of offending parent was significantly different from times 1 to 3, indicating that nurses were less fearful after the training. Cronbach\u27s α value for the total questionnaire at baseline was .85. Nurses reported significant improvement (baseline to 3-month follow-up) in several self-efficacy items. CONCLUSIONS. Participation in a 30-minute curriculum on intimate partner violence screening was associated with improvements in self-efficacy and significantly lower fear of offending parents 3 months after training. Nurses also showed improvement in the perception of resources available for nurses to manage intimate partner violence. Thirty-minute hospital-based curriculums that include victim testimonial video and practice role-playing to simulate parent interactions are recommended

    Asymmetries in the Value of Existence

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    According to asymmetric comparativism, it is worse for a person to exist with a miserable life than not to exist, but it is not better for a person to exist with a happy life than not to exist. My aim in this paper is to explain how asymmetric comparativism could possibly be true. My account of asymmetric comparativism begins with a different asymmetry, regarding the (dis)value of early death. I offer an account of this early death asymmetry, appealing to the idea of conditional goods, and generalize it to explain how asymmetric comparativism could possibly be true. I also address the objection that asymmetric comparativism has unacceptably antinatalist implications

    Bioengineered Lysozyme Reduces Bacterial Burden and Inflammation in a Murine Model of Mucoid Pseudomonas aeruginosa Lung Infection

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    The spread of drug-resistant bacterial pathogens is a growing global concern and has prompted an effort to explore potential adjuvant and alternative therapies derived from nature\u27s repertoire of bactericidal proteins and peptides. In humans, the airway surface liquid layer is a rich source of antibiotics, and lysozyme represents one of the most abundant and effective antimicrobial components of airway secretions. Human lysozyme is active against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, a

    Test positivity for chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis infection among a cohort of individuals released from jail in Marion County, Indiana

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    BACKGROUND: Individuals entering jails have high rates of sexually transmitted infections (STI), but there are few data on STI in the postincarceration period. This study aimed to describe rates of chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis infection among individuals released from Marion County (Indianapolis), Indiana jails. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective cohort study of individuals incarcerated in Marion County, Indiana jails from 2003 to 2008 (n = 118,670). We linked county jail and public health data to identify individuals with positive STI test results in the 1 year after release from jail. Rates per 100,000 individuals and Cox proportional hazard analyses were performed for each STI, stratified by demographic, STI, and jail characteristics. RESULTS: We found significantly higher rates of STI in this cohort than in the general population, with rates in the 1 year after release being 2 to 7 times higher for chlamydia, 5 to 24 times higher for gonorrhea, and 19 to 32 times higher for syphilis compared with rates in the general population. Characteristics most associated with increased risk of a positive STI test result among this cohort were younger age for chlamydia and gonorrhea, older age for syphilis, black race for men, being jailed for prostitution for women, history of STI, and history of prior incarceration. CONCLUSIONS: This study found high rates of STIs among a cohort of individuals recently released from jail and identified a number of risk factors. Further study is needed to improve targeted STI testing and treatment among this high-risk population

    “It’s just another added layer of difficulty”: Language access equity and inclusion in pediatric interpreted medical encounters — Provider and interpreter perspectives

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    Limited English proficient or language-diverse patients and families in pediatric interpreted medical encounters (IME) are susceptible to health disparities and inequities in the US compared to English proficient patients and families in language-concordant medical encounters. Policies to improve access to language services intend to bridge this gap, yet evidence suggests that significant inequities still exist. This study explores perspectives of interpreters and pediatric critical care medical providers to better understand the complexities of IME in pediatric settings. Qualitative data were analyzed from two interview studies with medical interpreters and providers using thematic coding and inductive analysis. Several factors were identified by both interpreters and medical providers that negatively affected communication, equity, and inclusion. These included systems-level factors (e.g., time constraints and language variety), interpersonal factors (e.g., difficulties with communication and mistrust), and intrapersonal factors (e.g., implicit biases and judgements). These results highlight multiple layers of potential inequities which adversely affect patients and families in pediatric IME.; En los encuentros médicos interpretados (EMI) en pediatría en los EE.UU., las personas y familiares que acuden a una consulta médica con un dominio limitado del inglés o con otras lenguas están expuestas a perjuicios y desigualdades en materia de salud, en comparación con aquellas que dominan el inglés y que asisten a las consultas en su idioma. Las políticas para mejorar el acceso a los servicios lingüísticos pretenden salvar esta brecha, pero los datos indican que siguen dándose desigualdades significativas. Este estudio explora las perspectivas de intérpretes y de proveedores de atención sanitaria crítica pediátrica para comprender mejor las complejidades de los EMI en contextos pediátricos. Se analizan los datos cualitativos procedentes de dos estudios con entrevistas a intérpretes y proveedores de atención sanitaria utilizando codificación temática y análisis inductivo. Los resultados muestran que ambos grupos detectan varios factores que afectan negativamente a la comunicación, la equidad y la inclusión. Estos factores se localizan a nivel sistémico (como son las limitaciones de tiempo y la variedad lingüística), interpersonal (por ejemplo, las dificultades de comunicación y la desconfianza) y a nivel intrapersonal (como son los sesgos implícitos y los prejuicios). Estos resultados ponen de manifiesto las múltiples capas de desigualdades potenciales que perjudican a pacientes y familiares en los EMI en pediatría.; En les trobades mèdiques interpretades (EMI) en pediatria als EUA, les persones i familiars que acudeixen a una consulta mèdica amb un domini limitat de l'anglés o amb llengües diferents a aquesta s’exposen a perjudicis i desigualtats en matèria de salut, en comparació amb les que dominen l'anglès i que assisteixen a les consultes en el seu idioma. Les polítiques per millorar l'accés als serveis lingüístics pretenen salvar aquesta escletxa, però les dades indiquen que continuen donant-se desigualtats significatives. Aquest estudi explora les perspectives d’intèrprets i de proveïdors d’atenció sanitària crítica en pediatria per comprendre millor les complexitats de les EMI en contextos pediàtrics. S’analitzen les dades qualitatives procedents de dos estudis amb entrevistes a intèrprets i proveïdors d’atenció sanitària utilitzant una codificació temàtica i una anàlisi inductiva. Els resultats mostren que tots dos grups detecten diversos factors que afecten negativament la comunicació, l'equitat i la inclusió. Aquests factors es localitzen a nivell sistèmic (com són les limitacions de temps i la varietat lingüística), interpersonal (per exemple, les dificultats de comunicació i la desconfiança) i a nivell intrapersonal (com ara els biaixos implícits i els prejudicis). Aquests resultats palesen les múltiples capes de desigualtats potencials que perjudiquen pacients i familiars als EMI en pediatria

    Structural and magnetic characterization of the complete delafossite solid solution (CuAlO2){1-x}(CuCrO2){x}

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    We have prepared the complete delafossite solid solution series between diamagnetic CuAlO2 and the t2g^3 frustrated antiferromagnet CuCrO2. The evolution with composition x in CuAl(1-x)Cr(x)O2 of the crystal structure and magnetic properties has been studied and is reported here. The room-temperature unit cell parameters follow the Vegard law and increase with x as expected. The effective moment is equal to the Cr^3+ spin-only S = 3/2 value throughout the entire solid solution. Theta is negative, indicating that the dominant interactions are antiferromagnetic, and its magnitude increases with Cr substitution. For dilute Cr compositions, J_BB was estimated by mean-field theory to be 2.0 meV. Despite the sizable Theta, long-range antiferromagnetic order does not develop until very large x, and is preceeded by glassy behavior. Data presented here, and that on dilute Al-substitution from Okuda et al., suggest that the reduction in magnetic frustration due to the presence of non-magnetic Al does not have as dominant an effect on magnetism as chemical disorder and dilution of the magnetic exchange. For all samples, the 5 K isothermal magnetization does not saturate in fields up to 5 T and minimal hysteresis is observed. The presence of antiferromagnetic interactions is clearly evident in the sub-Brillouin behavior with a reduced magnetization per Cr atom. An inspection of the scaled Curie plot reveals that significant short-range antiferromagnetic interactions occur in CuCrO2 above its Neel temperature, consistent with its magnetic frustration. Uncompensated short-range interactions are present in the Al-substituted samples and are likely a result of chemical disorder

    Heterostructures of GaN with SiC and ZnO enhance carrier stability and separation in framework semiconductors

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    A computational approach, using the density functional theory, is employed to describe the enhanced electron-hole stability and separation in a novel class of semiconducting composite materials, with the so-called double bubble structural motif, which can be used for photocatalytic applications. We examine the double bubble containing SiC mixed with either GaN or ZnO, as well as related motifs that prove to have low formation energies. We find that a 24-atom SiC sodalite cage inside a 96-atom ZnO cage possesses electronic properties that make this material suitable for solar radiation absorption applications. Surprisingly stable, the inverse structure, with ZnO inside SiC, was found to show a large deformation of the double bubble and a strong localisation of the photo-excited electron charge carriers, with the lowest band gap of ca. 2.15 eV of the composite materials considered. The nanoporous nature of these materials could indicate their suitability for thermoelectric applications