47 research outputs found

    Alterations in psychosocial health of people affected by asbestos poisoning

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    OBJECTIVE To analyze the state of psychosocial and mental health of professionals affected by asbestos. METHODS A cross-sectional study was conducted with 110 professionals working in the Ferrolterra region of Spain, who were affected by asbestos poisoning. This group was compared with a group of 70 shipyard workers with no manifestation of work-related diseases. All the participants were male with a mean age of 67 years. This study was conducted in 2013, between January and June, and used the SCL-90 questionnaire by Derogatis as its primary measure for research. This questionnaire consists of 9 variables that measure psychosomatic symptoms. In addition, an overall index of psychosomatic gravity was calculated. The participants were also asked two questions concerning their overall perception of feeling good. Data were analyzed by ANOVA and logistic regression. RESULTS Participants affected by asbestos poisoning showed high occurrence rates of psychological health variables such as somatization, obsessive-compulsive, interpersonal sensitivity, depression, anxiety, hostility, phobic anxiety, paranoid ideation, psychoticism, and global severity index. CONCLUSIONS Social interaction as a differentiating factor between workers affected by work-related chronic syndromes as compared to healthy participants will possibly aid in the development of intervention programs by improving the social network of affected individuals

    Targeting the Neurokinin Receptor 1 with Aprepitant: A Novel Antipruritic Strategy

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    Chronic pruritus is a global clinical problem with a high impact on the quality of life and lack of specific therapies. It is an excruciating and frequent symptom of e.g. uncurable renal, liver and skin diseases which often does not respond to conventional treatment with e.g. antihistamines. Therefore antipruritic therapies which target physiological mechanisms of pruritus need to be developed. Substance P (SP) is a major mediator of pruritus. As it binds to the neurokinin receptor 1 (NKR1), we evaluated if the application of a NKR1 antagonist would significantly decrease chronic pruritus.Twenty hitherto untreatable patients with chronic pruritus (12 female, 8 male; mean age, 66.7 years) were treated with the NKR1 antagonist aprepitant 80 mg for one week. 16 of 20 patients (80%) experienced a considerable reduction of itch intensity, as assessed by the visual analog scale (VAS, range 0 to 10). Considering all patients, the mean value of pruritus intensity was significantly reduced from 8.4 VAS points (SD +/-1.7) before treatment to 4.9 VAS points (SD +/-3.2) (p<0.001, CI 1.913-5.187). Patients with dermatological diseases (e.g. atopic diathesis, prurigo nodularis) had the best profit from the treatment. Side-effects were mild (nausea, vertigo, and drowsiness) and only occurred in three patients.The high response rate in patients with therapy refractory pruritus suggests that the NKR1 antagonist aprepitant may indeed exhibit antipruritic effects and may present a novel, effective treatment strategy based on pathophysiology of chronic pruritus. The results are promising enough to warrant confirming the efficacy of NKR1 antagonists in a randomized, controlled clinical trial

    Entwicklung eines deutschsprachigen Fragebogens zur Erfassung von chronischem Pruritus (AGP-Fragebogen). Hintergrund und erste Ergebnisse.

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    Chronic pruritus may manifest itself clinically in terms of different duration, intensity and quality. There is no questionnaire assessing these parameters systematically. The study presents a pruritus questionnaire for the German speaking region (AGP-Questionnaire) developed by 4 experts in the field. It comprises questions on course, intensity and quality of pruritus, general health status, sociodemographic data, quality of life (QoL) and pruritus cognition. Standardised questionnaires such as the SF-12 Health Survey (recall period 4 weeks), the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) and the Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) were also used to assess the instrument&#39;s convergent validity. Feedback of the participants was obtained by a one-page evaluation sheet. 100 patients suffering from chronic pruritus of the university hospitals of Giessen, Heidelberg, Munich and Muenster participated in the study. This questionnaire is useful in providing a comprehensive and structured approach to assessing individual patients&#39; chronic pruritus. The validity and sensitivity of this new pruritus questionnaire will require examination in further studies

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