263 research outputs found

    Evaluation of performance fatigability through surface EMG in health and muscle disease: state of the art

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    In literature, it is commonly reported that the progress of performance fatigability may be indirectly assessed through the changes in the features of the surface electromyogram (sEMG) signal. In particular, during isometric constant force contractions, changes in the sEMG signal are caused by several physiological factors, such as a decay in muscle fibers conduction velocity (CV), an increase of the degree of synchronization between the firing times of simultaneously active motor units (MUs), by the central nervous system, and a reduction of the recruitment threshold and a modulation of MUs firing rate. Amplitude and spectral parameters may be used to characterize the global contributions to performance fatigability, such as MU control properties and fiber membrane properties, or central and peripheral factors, respectively. In addition, being CV a physiological parameter, its estimation is of marked interest to the study of fatigue both in physiological and in presence of neuromuscular diseases

    Identification of muscle innervation zones using linear electrode arrays: a fundamental step to measure fibers conduction velocity

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    Fiber conduction velocity (CV) is a parameter correlated to the physiological membrane properties of the skeletal muscle fibers. Changes in muscle fiber CV are correlated to the gradation of force and fatigue, and can be measured by means of surface electromyography EMG (sEMG). sEMG measurement of CV during muscle contractions requires the correct identification of the skeletal muscle innervation zone (IZ). In superficial muscles, IZ location can be detected using linear electrode arrays and visually identified as the point of inversion of the detected motor unit action potential (MUAP) propagation. In the present work, we present a method for the effective and fast detection of the IZ location, through the following procedures: (1) identification of the target superficial muscle considering the muscle fiber architecture; (2) electrode array selection based on interelectrode distance and number of electrodes; (3) subject training to perform submaximal isometric contractions of the target muscle/s; (4) electrode array positioning along the muscle surface to investigate the IZ position during the contractions by visual identification of MUAP patterns

    Relationship between Isometric Muscle Force and Fractal Dimension of Surface Electromyogram

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    The relationship between fractal dimension of the surface electromyogram (sEMG) and the intensity of muscle contraction is still controversial in simulated and experimental conditions. To support the use of fractal analysis to investigate myoelectric fatigue, it is crucial to establish the interdependence between fractal dimension and muscle contraction intensity. We analyzed the behavior of fractal dimension, conduction velocity, mean frequency, and average rectified value in twenty-eight volunteers at nine levels of isometric force. sEMG was obtained using bidimensional arrays in the biceps brachii muscle. The values of fractal dimension and mean frequency increased with force unless a plateau was reached at 30% maximal voluntary contraction. Overall, our findings suggest that, above a certain level of force, the use of fractal dimension to evaluate the myoelectric manifestations of fatigue may be considered, regardless of muscle contraction intensity

    Venom from Cuban Blue Scorpion has tumor activating effect in hepatocellular carcinoma

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    Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is the term used to describe many kinds of products, practices, and systems that are not part of conventional medicine. Cancer patients usually do everything they can to combat the disease, manage its symptoms, and cope with the side effects of treatment. Unfortunately, patients who use CAM underestimate the risk of interaction with cancer therapy or worse they omit conventional therapy thus reducing the possibility of cancer remission. Herein we analyzed the effects of Vidatox 30 CH (venom extracted from the Junceus Rhopalurus scorpion) on hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths. We found out that Vidatox increases HCC proliferation and invasion whereas it does not seem to interact with sorafenib, the orally active multikinase inhibitor approved for the treatment of advanced hepatocellular carcinoma. Our results suggest that the concentration of Vidatox used in the present study has not anti-neoplastic effects and care must be taken in hiring Vidatox in patients with HCC

    Sarcopenia Predicts Major Complications after Resection for Primary Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Compensated Cirrhosis

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    The burden of post-operative complications of patients undergoing liver resection for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a cause of morbidity and mortality. Recently, sarcopenia has been reported to influence the outcome of patients with cirrhosis. We aimed to assess factors associated with sarcopenia and its prognostic role in liver surgery candidates. We included all patients with compensated advanced chronic liver disease (cACLD) undergoing liver resection for primary HCC consecutively referred to the University of Bologna from 2014 to 2019 with an available preoperative abdominal CT-scan performed within the previous three months. A total of 159 patients were included. The median age was 68 years, and 80.5% of the patients were male. Sarcopenia was present in 82 patients (51.6%). Age and body mass index (BMI) were associated with the presence of sarcopenia at multivariate analysis. Thirteen (8.2%) patients developed major complications and 14 (8.9%) presented PHLF grade B-C. The model for end-stage liver disease score was associated with the development of major complications, whereas cACLD presence, thrombocytopenia, portal hypertension (PH), Child-Pugh score and Albumin-Bilirubin score were found to be predictors of clinically significative PHLF. The rate of major complications was 11.8% in sarcopenic patients with cACLD compared with no complications (0%) in patients without sarcopenia and cACLD (p = 0.032). The rate of major complications was significantly higher in patients with (16.3%) vs. patients without (0%) sarcopenia (p = 0.012) in patients with PH. In conclusion, sarcopenia, which is associated with age and BMI, may improve the risk stratification of post-hepatectomy major complications in patients with cACLD and PH

    Automatically extracted machine learning features from preoperative CT to early predict microvascular invasion in HCC: the role of the Zone of Transition (ZOT)

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    open12noMicrovascular invasion (MVI) is a consolidated predictor of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) recurrence after treatments. No reliable radiological imaging findings are available for preoperatively diagnosing MVI, despite some progresses of radiomic analysis. Furthermore, current MVI radiomic studies have not been designed for small HCC nodules, for which a plethora of treatments exists. This study aimed to identify radiomic MVI predictors in nodules ≤3.0 cm by analysing the zone of transition (ZOT), crossing tumour and peritumour, automatically detected to face the uncertainties of radiologist’s tumour segmentation. Methods: The study considered 117 patients imaged by contrast-enhanced computed tomography; 78 patients were finally enrolled in the radiomic analysis. Radiomic features were extracted from the tumour and the ZOT, detected using an adaptive procedure based on local image contrast variations. After data oversampling, a support vector machine classifier was developed and validated. Classifier performance was assessed using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis and related metrics. Results: The original 89 HCC nodules (32 MVI+ and 57 MVI−) became 169 (62 MVI+ and 107 MVI−) after oversampling. Of the four features within the signature, three are ZOT heterogeneity measures regarding both arterial and venous phases. On the test set (19MVI+ and 33MVI−), the classifier predicts MVI+ with area under the curve of 0.86 (95%CI (0.70–0.93), p∼10^−5), sensitivity = 79% and specificity = 82%. The classifier showed negative and positive predictive values of 87% and 71%, respectively. Conclusions: The classifier showed the highest diagnostic performance in the literature, disclosing the role of ZOT heterogeneity in predicting the MVI+ status.noneMatteo Renzulli, Margherita Mottola, Francesca Coppola, Maria Adriana Cocozza, Silvia Malavasi, Arrigo Cattabriga, Giulio Vara, Matteo Ravaioli, Matteo Cescon, Francesco Vasuri, Rita Golfieri, Alessandro BevilacquaMatteo Renzulli, Margherita Mottola, Francesca Coppola, Maria Adriana Cocozza, Silvia Malavasi, Arrigo Cattabriga, Giulio Vara, Matteo Ravaioli, Matteo Cescon, Francesco Vasuri, Rita Golfieri, Alessandro Bevilacqu

    Carcinogenesis and Metastasis in Liver: Cell Physiological Basis

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    Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) incidence is rising. This paper summarises the current state of knowledge and recent discoveries in the cellular and physiological mechanisms leading to the development of liver cancer, especially HCC, and liver metastases. After reviewing normal hepatic cytoarchitecture and immunological characteristics, the paper addresses the pathophysiological factors that cause liver damage and predispose to neoplasia. Particular attention is given to chronic liver diseases, metabolic syndrome and the impact of altered gut microbiota, disrupted circadian rhythm and psychological stress. Improved knowledge of the multifactorial aetiology of HCC has important implications for the prevention and treatment of this cancer and of liver metastases in general

    Liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma: further considerations on selection criteria

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    The selection criteria in liver transplantation for HCC are a matter of debate. We reviewed our series, comparing two periods: before and after 1996, when we started to apply the Milan criteria. The study population was composed of patients with a preoperative diagnosis of HCC, confirmed by the pathological report and with a survival of > 1 year. Preoperative staging as revealed by radiological imagining was distinguished from postoperative data, including the variable of tumor volume. After 1996 tumor recurrences significantly decreased (6 out of 15 cases, 40% vs. 3 out of 48, 6.3%, P < .005) and 5-year patient survival improved (42% vs. 83%, P < .005). Not meeting the Milan criteria was significantly related to higher recurrence rate (37.5% vs. 12.7%, P < .05) and to lower 5-year patient survival (38% vs. 78%, P < .005%) in the preoperative analysis, but not in the postoperative one. The alfa-fetoprotein level of more than 30 ng/dL and the preoperative tumor volume of more than 28 cm3 predicted HCC recurrences in the univariate and mutivariate analysis (P < .005 and P < .05, respectively). The ROC curve showed a linear correlation between preoperative tumor volume and HCC recurrence. Milan criteria significantly reduced tumor recurrences after liver transplantation, improving long-term survival. In conclusion, the efficacy of tumor selection criteria must be analyzed with the use of preoperative data, to avoid bias of the postoperative evaluation. Tumor volume and alfa-fetoprotein level may improve the selection of patients. Copyright © 2004 by the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases
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