63 research outputs found

    Determinants of Promotion vs. Prevention Focus in Family constitutions

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    The challenge is to open the black box by further looking at antecedents, causality, processes outcomes related to the setting up of family governance mechanisms to attest, theorize and highlight the heterogeneity of answers, of mechanisms and further anchor the need for a tailor-made approach that has to be taken into account by researchers and practioners

    L'entreprise familiale à l'épreuve du temps : entre sens et non-sens.

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    En occident, de façon générale, les entreprises familiales représentent 75 % des entreprises, avec des variations plus fortes notamment en Allemagne (80 %) ou encore en Italie (plus de 90 %). En Belgique, celles-ci représentent plus de 33 % du PIB, et 45 % de l’emploi total. Ainsi, les entreprises familiales, pourtant reconnues comme le plus vieux modèle d’entrepreneuriat, ont le vent en poupe et en font même un argument marketing (Rau & Werner, 2020). Mais dans ce contexte, qu’est-ce qui fait que ce modèle vertueux ne perdure encore que peu après 3 générations ? L’entrepreneuriat familial serait-il aussi rose qu’on le prétend ? Regards croisés sur l’envers du décor et les limites inhérentes à celui-ci

    Glucose and Pharmacological Modulators of ATP-Sensitive K+ Channels Control [Ca2+]c by Different Mechanisms in Isolated Mouse α-Cells

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    OBJECTIVE—We studied how glucose and ATP-sensitive K+ (KATP) channel modulators affect α-cell [Ca2+]c

    Clinical Pathway Evaluation for Left and Sigmoid Colectomy in Abdominal Surgery

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    At the end of 2008, a new left colon clinical pathway was implemented in our hospital and set up by a multidisciplinary team, monitored by a clinical pathway coordinator. Our aim was to evaluate the quality of left and sigmoid colectomy management, to simplify the clinical pathway and to assess its impact on the patient, the medical and nursing staffs. A sample of 290 patients with benign or malignant disease requiring a laparoscopic of laparotomy left colon resection (mainly sigmoid) was included in this clinical pathway during the years 2009–2017. Our analysis focused particularly on the compliance with the protocol, the pain felt, the suture leak rate, the hospital stay, the re-hospitalization rate and redo surgery within 30 days. Our work leads to the conclusion that the introduction of a clinical pathway, when it is well prepared and brings together all the implicated persons with the same goal, is feasible with convincing results. These are directly beneficial to the patient and to the quality of its management

    Nrf2 activation supports cell survival during hypoxia and hypoxia/reoxygenation in cardiomyoblasts; the roles of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species

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    Adaptive mechanisms involving upregulation of cytoprotective genes under the control of transcription factors such as Nrf2 exist to protect cells from permanent damage and dysfunction under stress conditions. Here we explore of the hypothesis that Nrf2 activation by reactive oxygen and nitrogen species modulates cytotoxicity during hypoxia (H) with and without reoxygenation (H/R) in H9C2 cardiomyoblasts. Using MnTBap as a cell permeable superoxide dismutase (SOD) mimetic and peroxynitrite scavenger and L-NAME as an inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase (NOS), we have shown that MnTBap inhibited the cytotoxic effects of hypoxic stress with and without reoxygenation. However, L-NAME only afforded protection during H. Under reoxygenation, conditions, cytotoxicity was increased by the presence of L-NAME. Nrf2 activation was inhibited independently by MnTBap and L-NAME under H and H/R. The increased cytotoxicity and inhibition of Nrf2 activation by the presence of L-NAME during reoxygenation suggests that NOS activity plays an important role in cell survival at least in part via Nrf2-independent pathways. In contrast, O2 -• scavenging by MnTBap prevented both toxicity and Nrf2 activation during H and H/R implying that toxicity is largely dependent on O2 -.To confirm the importance of Nrf2 for myoblast metabolism, Nrf2 knockdown with siRNA reduced cell survival by 50% during 4h hypoxia with and without 2h of reoxygenation and although cellular glutathione (GSH) was depleted during H and H/R, GSH loss was not exacerbated by Nrf2 knockdown. These data support distinctive roles for ROS and RNS during H and H/R for Nrf2 induction which are important for survival independently of GSH salvage. © 2013 The Authors

    La généralisation du travail féminin : aspects économiques

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