113 research outputs found

    A Note on Dirac Operators on the Quantum Punctured Disk

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    We study quantum analogs of the Dirac type operator 2zˉzˉ-2\bar{z}\frac{\partial}{\partial\bar{z}} on the punctured disk, subject to the Atiyah-Patodi-Singer boundary conditions. We construct a parametrix of the quantum operator and show that it is bounded outside of the zero mode

    A Note on Gluing Dirac Type Operators on a Mirror Quantum Two-Sphere

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    The goal of this paper is to introduce a class of operators, which we call quantum Dirac type operators on a noncommutative sphere, by a gluing construction from copies of noncommutative disks, subject to an appropriate local boundary condition. We show that the resulting operators have compact resolvents, and so they are elliptic operators

    A PP-Adic Spectral Triple

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    We construct a spectral triple for the C^*-algebra of continuous functions on the space of pp-adic integers by using a rooted tree obtained from coarse-grained approximation of the space, and the forward derivative on the tree. Additionally, we verify that our spectral triple satisfies the properties of a compact spectral metric space, and we show that the metric on the space of pp-adic integers induced by the spectral triple is equivalent to the usual pp-adic metric

    Global boundary conditions for a Dirac operator on the solid torus

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    We study a Dirac operator subject to Atiayh-Patodi-Singer like boundary conditions on the solid torus and show that the corresponding boundary value problem is elliptic, in the sense that the Dirac operator has a compact parametrix

    Action of Complex Symplectic Matrices on the Siegel Upper Half Space

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    The Siegel upper half space, Sn, the space of complex symmetric matrices, Z with positive definite imaginary part, is the generalization of the complex upper half plane in higher dimensions. In this paper, we study a generalization of linear fractional transformations, ΦS, where S is a complex symplectic matrix, on the Siegel upper half space. We partially classify the complex symplectic matrices for which ΦS(Z) is well defined. We also consider Sn and Sn as metric spaces and discuss distance properties of the map ΦS from Sn to Sn and Sn respectively