135 research outputs found

    Chiral Soliton Lattice Formation in Monoaxial Helimagnet Yb(Ni1−x_{1-x}Cux_x)3_3Al9_9

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    Helical magnetic structures and its responses to external magnetic fields in Yb(Nix_xCu1−x_{1-x})3_3Al9_9, with a chiral crystal structure of the space group R32R32, have been investigated by resonant X-ray diffraction. It is shown that the crystal chirality is reflected to the helicity of the magnetic structure by a one to one relationship, indicating that there exists an antisymmetric exchange interaction mediated via the conduction electrons. When a magnetic field is applied perpendicular to the helical axis (cc axis), the second harmonic peak of (0,0,2q)(0, 0, 2q) develops with increasing the field. The third harmonic peak of (0,0,3q)(0, 0, 3q) has also been observed for the xx=0.06 sample. This result provides a strong evidence for the formation of a chiral magnetic soliton lattice state, a periodic array of the chiral twist of spins, which has been suggested by the characteristic magnetization curve. The helical ordering of magnetic octupole moments, accompanying with the magnetic dipole order, has also been detected.Comment: 13 pages, 18 figures, accepted for publication in J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Malacoplakia of probable retroperitoneal origin.

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    A case of extravesical malacoplakia, the first case in Japan, is described in detail. The patient was a 61-year-old woman with a right flank mass. Radiologically, the mass was thought to be of the renal origin. Surgically, however, the tumor was found attached not only to the cortical surface but extended to the retroperitoneum and psoas muscle. Pathological examination confirmed the lesion to be malacoplakia characterized by the presence of von Hansemann cells and Michaelis-Gutmann bodies.</p

    Asymmetric oxidation of 1,2-diols using N-bromosuccinimide in the presence of chiral copper catalyst

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    Asymmetric oxidation of 1,2-diols using N-bromosuccinimide (NBS) in the presence of copper(II) triflate and (R,R)-Ph-BOX has been exploited. This oxidation was applicable to asymmetric desymmetrization of meso-hydrobenzoin and kinetic resolution of dl-hydrobenzoin and racemic-cycloalkane-cis-1,2-diols to afford optically active ホア-ketoalcohols with good to high enantiomeric excess

    Copper complex catalyzed asymmetric monosulfonylation of meso-vic-diols

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    Asymmetric desymmetrization of meso-vic-diols was performed by tosylation in the presence of copper(II) triflate and (R,R)-Ph-BOX as a catalyst. The method was successfully applied to asymmetric desymmetrization of cyclic and acyclic meso-vic-diols in high enantioselectivity with up to >99% ee

    A correlative study on urinary cytology and FDP with cystoscopy and pathology in the urinary bladder cancers.

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    In view of comparatively-high incidence of papillary, well or moderately-well differentiated, transitional cell carcinomas in urology, and of frequent recurrence of carcinomas after appropriate procedures, we have undertaken the correlative study on urinary cytology with cystoscopy, pathology and the amount of fibrinogen and degradation products of fibrinogen and fibrin (FDP). Cytopathologically, 191 cases were confirmed histologically for cancers out of 442 cases studied cytologically; among these 442 classes IV and V were found in 136 cases, and 99 of 136 cases (72.8%) had cancers. Admittedly, we were unable to suspect tumors cytologically in 24.5% of the cases. As to histological gradings and cytology, 48.7% of classes I and II in well differentiated were found against 52.9% and 57.1% of classes IV and V in moderately-well and poorly differentiated carcinomas, respectively. Urinary FDP assay was quite promising; out of 19 cases with both positive cytology and FDP, 18 (94.7% had carcinomas histologically, whereas 12 of 56 cases (21.4%) with both negative cytology and FDP bore cancers. Subsequently, several proposals for improving the diagnostic accuracy were discussed. We concluded the importance of accumulating more cases by combining several diagnostic procedures, especially among well and moderately-well differentiated carcinomas.</p

    Ring Contraction of α,β-Unsaturated Cyclic Amines with cis-Dihydroxylation at the α,β-Position

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    α,β-Unsaturated cyclic amines are oxidized by OsO4 to afford α,β-cis-dihydroxylated compounds which are thermodynamically transformed into ring-opened keto-alcohols. The keto-alcohols are then cyclized to form synthetically useful ring-contracted cyclic amines

    Regioselective Introduction of Electrophiles into Piperidine Derivatives at the 4-Position

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    Regioselective introduction of various electrophiles (aldehydes, ketones, and imines) into piperidine skeleton at the 4-position was achieved with a catalytic amount of Pd(OAc)2/PPh3 in the presence of excess Et2Zn. In addition, enantioselective introduction of benzaldehyde into piperidine derivatives was accomplished by using chiral phosphine ligand with moderate enantioselectivity

    Effects of steroid sex hormones and adriamycin on human bladder cancer cells in culture.

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    The effects of steroid sex hormones on the established cell lines derived from human urinary bladder cancer, T24, and from human transitional cell cancer of the urinary tract, 253J, were examined using the colony formation method. Of the seven kinds of steroid hormones tested, estradiol-17 beta was intensively cytotoxic for both cells. The cytotoxic effect was depended on the dose and time of treatment. The combined effect of Adriamycin and estradiol-17 beta on T24 cells could be recognized at low concentrations of Adriamycin (less than or equal to 10(-3) micrograms/ml) after exposure for 24 h.</p

    imary testicular plasmacytoma: a case report.

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    &#60;P&#62;A 73-year-old man with a left testicular tumor is presented. Orchiectomy was performed and the tumor was diagnosed as a plasmacytoma. There has been no bone lesion or immunoglobulin abnormality during a follow-up period more than one year. For several reasons, the tumor was regarded as a primary plasmacytoma of the testicle. The literature concerning testicular plasmacytoma is reviewed briefly.</p

    Prostatic malacoplakia: a case report with a review of 49 cases of malacoplakia of various sites in Japan.

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    We reported a 62-year-old man with malacoplakia of the prostate, and reviewed 49 cases of malacoplakia hitherto observed in Japan in which the lesions originated from the urogenital tract, except for one gastric case. E. Coli was emphasized as a possible causative agent for malacoplakia especially in the urogenital tract. The possible histiocytic origin of von Hansemann cells was stressed by demonstrating cytoplasmic processes and desmosomes in our prostatic case. An adjuvant use of cholinergic agents and ascorbic acid with chemotherapeutic agents was recommended for treating malacoplakia.</p
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