276 research outputs found

    Classifying and Separating Messages, Alerts, and Notifications

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    This publication describes techniques and apparatuses that allow a user to classify messages, alerts, and/or notifications based on their significance to the user and allow the user to separate them to be displayed in a first or a second part of a display screen of a smartphone. A machine-learned (ML) model aids the user by classifying and separating messages, alerts, and/or notifications of little or significant interest. By doing so, the user can better-manage their amount of time the user spends in front of the display screen of the smartphone and the user can utilize their smartphone more effectively

    Peeking user interface for foldable devices

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    This disclosure describes techniques to utilize an exposed portion of the display screen of a foldable device in a folded state to display a peeking user interface. Per techniques of this disclosure, a user interface displays selected content on the exposed portion of a display screen when a device is in the folded state. The selected content can include important notifications such as incoming calls, received text messages, contextual information, items that need user attention, etc. The exposed portion of the display screen in the folded state can be utilized to display icons associated with applications that are of likely interest to the user, e.g., determined from user context (if permitted by the user) or pre-selected by the user

    Interprofessional education in Japanese university nursing programs : Current status and evaluation of its impact

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    This study was aimed to identify the current status and the evaluation of the impact of interprofessional education (IPE) on nursing education in Japanese universities. Two hundred Japanese universities with nursing programs were the target of this study. Backward Binary Logistic Regression Analysis (Pin = 0.14, Pout = 0.15) was performed to determine the relationship between subjective evaluations of IPE and 24 indices such as the founding year of the university and the department of nursing, and the participation or nonparticipation of departments and each profession. One hundred ten valid responses (55.0%) were collected. Among those responses, 58 universities implemented IPE (52.7%) and 52 did not have an IPE program at their institute (47.3%). These results indicated that the significance of IPE program on nursing education tended to be highly evaluated when students of the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, and Occupational Therapy participated in the program, whereas the significance of IPE tended to be considered low with the participation of students of the Department of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences. Regarding the treatment or support of their clients (i.e., patients), when the IPE participating students shared the areas of responsibility of their intended professions, the impact of IPE was more likely to have the high evaluation score. On the contrary, the tendency of the Department of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences (DSL&HS) indicated that the significance of IPE received low evaluations due to the low recognition by other professions for the contents of DSL&HS’s high expertise

    Stratospheric aerosol increase after eruption of Pinatubo observed with lidar and aureolemeter

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    An increase in the amount of stratospheric aerosol due to the Pinatubo eruption (June 12-15, 1991, 15.14 deg N, 120.35 deg E) was observed from the end of June, 1991 by a lidar in NIES (National Institute for Environmental Studies), Tsukuba (36.0 deg N, 140.1 deg E). After large fluctuations in summer of 1991, the amount of the aerosols increased in mid-September as a result of enhanced transportation from the subtropical region. In autumn and winter of 1991, dense aerosol layers were continuously observed. Aureolemeter (scanning spectral radiometer) measurements were also carried out with lidar measurements and columnar size distribution of stratospheric aerosols was estimated for some cases. Collaborative measurements with the lidar and aureolemeter provided some information on height distribution of the surface area of aerosols in late 1991

    Functional regionalization of the differentiating cerebellar Purkinje cell population occurs in an activity-dependent manner

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    IntroductionThe cerebellum is organized into functional regions each dedicated to process different motor or sensory inputs for controlling different locomotor behaviors. This functional regionalization is prominent in the evolutionary conserved single-cell layered Purkinje cell (PC) population. Fragmented gene expression domains suggest a genetic organization of PC layer regionalization during cerebellum development. However, the establishment of such functionally specific domains during PC differentiation remained elusive.Methods and resultsWe show the progressive emergence of functional regionalization of PCs from broad responses to spatially restricted regions in zebrafish by means of in vivo Ca2+-imaging during stereotypic locomotive behavior. Moreover, we reveal that formation of new dendritic spines during cerebellar development using in vivo imaging parallels the time course of functional domain development. Pharmacological as well as cell-type specific optogenetic inhibition of PC neuronal activity results in reduced PC dendritic spine density and an altered stagnant pattern of functional domain formation in the PC layer.DiscussionHence, our study suggests that functional regionalization of the PC layer is driven by physiological activity of maturing PCs themselves

    Large enhancement of superconducting transition temperature in single-element superconducting rhenium by shear strain

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    Finding a physical approach for increasing the superconducting transition temperature (Tc) is a challenge in the field of material science. Shear strain effects on the superconductivity of rhenium were investigated using magnetic measurements, X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, and first-principles calculations. A large shear strain reduces the grain size and simultaneously expands the unit cells, resulting in an increase in Tc. Here we show that this shear strain approach is a new method for enhancing Tc and differs from that using hydrostatic strain. The enhancement of Tc is explained by an increase in net electron–electron coupling rather than a change in the density of states near the Fermi level. The shear strain effect in rhenium could be a successful example of manipulating Bardeen–Cooper–Schrieffer-type Cooper pairing, in which the unit cell volumes are indeed a key parameter

    Low level ß-lactamase production in methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus strains with ß-lactam antibiotics-induced vancomycin resistance

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    BACKGROUND: A class of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) shows resistance to vancomycin only in the presence of ß-lactam antibiotics (BIVR). This type of vancomycin resistance is mainly attributable to the rapid depletion of free vancomycin in the presence of ß-lactam antibiotics. This means that ß-lactam antibiotics remain active or intact in BIVR culture, although most MRSA cells are assumed to produce ß-lactamase. We hypothesised that the BIVR cells either did not harbour the ß-lactamase gene, blaZ, or the gene was quiescent. We tested this hypothesis by determining ß-lactamase activity and conducting PCR amplification of blaZ. RESULTS: Five randomly selected laboratory stock BIVR strains showed an undetectable level of ß-lactamase activity and were blaZ-negative. Five non-BIVR stock strains showed an average ß-lactamase activity of 2.59 ± 0.35 U. To test freshly isolated MRSA, 353 clinical isolates were collected from 11 regionally distant hospitals. Among 25 BIVR strains, only 16% and 8% were blaZ positive and ß-lactamase-positive, respectively. In contrast, 95% and 61% of 328 non-BIVR strains had the blaZ gene and produced active ß-lactamase, respectively. To know the mechanism of low ß-lactamase activity in the BIVR cells, they were transformed with the plasmid carrying the blaZ gene. The transformants still showed a low level of ß-lactamase activity that was several orders of magnitude lower than that of blaZ-positive non-BIVR cells. Presence of the ß-lactamase gene in the transformants was tested by PCR amplification of blaZ using 11 pairs of primers covering the entire blaZ sequence. Yield of the PCR products was consistently low compared with that using blaZ-positive non-BIVR cells. Nucleotide sequencing of blaZ in one of the BIVR transformants revealed 10 amino acid substitutions. Thus, it is likely that the ß-lactamase gene was modified in the BIVR cells to downregulate active ß-lactamase production. CONCLUSIONS: We concluded that BIVR cells gain vancomycin resistance by the elimination or inactivation of ß-lactamase production, thereby preserving ß-lactam antibiotics in milieu, stimulating peptidoglycan metabolism, and depleting free vancomycin to a level below the minimum inhibitory concentration of vancomycin