Stratospheric aerosol increase after eruption of Pinatubo observed with lidar and aureolemeter


An increase in the amount of stratospheric aerosol due to the Pinatubo eruption (June 12-15, 1991, 15.14 deg N, 120.35 deg E) was observed from the end of June, 1991 by a lidar in NIES (National Institute for Environmental Studies), Tsukuba (36.0 deg N, 140.1 deg E). After large fluctuations in summer of 1991, the amount of the aerosols increased in mid-September as a result of enhanced transportation from the subtropical region. In autumn and winter of 1991, dense aerosol layers were continuously observed. Aureolemeter (scanning spectral radiometer) measurements were also carried out with lidar measurements and columnar size distribution of stratospheric aerosols was estimated for some cases. Collaborative measurements with the lidar and aureolemeter provided some information on height distribution of the surface area of aerosols in late 1991

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