50 research outputs found

    Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Studies of Succinate:Ubiquinone Oxidoreductase from Paracoccus denitrificans

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    Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) studies of succinate:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (SQR) from Paracoccus denitrificans have been undertaken in the purified and membrane-bound states. Spectroscopic “signatures” accounting for the three iron-sulfur clusters (2Fe-2S, 3Fe-4S, and 4Fe-4S), cytochromeb, flavin, and protein-bound ubisemiquinone radicals have been obtained in air-oxidized, succinate-reduced, and dithionite-reduced preparations at 4–10 K. Spectra obtained at 170 K in the presence of excess succinate showed a signal typical of that of a flavin radical, but superimposed with another signal. The superimposed signal originated from two bound ubisemiquinones, as shown by spectral simulations. Power saturation measurements performed on the air-oxidized enzyme provided evidence for a weak magnetic dipolar interaction operating between the oxidized 3Fe-4S cluster and the oxidized cytochrome b. Power saturation experiments performed on the succinate- and dithionite-reduced forms of the enzyme demonstrated that the 4Fe-4S cluster is coupled weakly to both the 2Fe-2S and the 3Fe-4S clusters. Quantitative interpretation of these power saturation experiments has been achieved through redox calculations. They revealed that a spin-spin interaction between the reduced 3Fe-4S cluster and the cytochrome b (oxidized) may also exist. These findings form the first direct EPR evidence for a close proximity (≤2 nm) of the high potential 3Fe-4S cluster, situated in the succinate dehydrogenase part of the enzyme, and the low potential, low spin b-heme in the membrane anchor of the enzyme

    Of mice and men: molecular genetics of congenital heart disease

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    Tandhälsan bland barn i Malmö

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    Artikeln beskriver utvecklingen av tandhälsan bland Malmöbarn under de senaste 100 åren. Tandhälsan har förbättrats dramatiskt under de senaste 30-40 åren, men idag ser vi en ökning av kariesförekomsten, särskilt i områden med låg socio-ekonomisk nivå och hög arbetslöshet. Faktum är att situationen i stadsdelen Rosengård liknar den man såg i Sverige under 1960-talet. Artikeln beskriver ett preventionsprogram hos förskolebarn i Rosengård och presenterar ett antal förslag på hur man kan förbättra situationen i Malmö, särskilt i utsatta områden.The article describes the development of the dental health among children in Malmö during the last 100 years. While the dental health has improved dramatically during the last 30-40 years, we now see an increase in caries prevalence, especially in areas of low socio-economic status and high unemployment. In fact, the situation in the suburban area of Rosengård resembles that seen in Sweden in general in the 1960:ies. The paper describes a caries preventive program in pre-school children in Rosengård, and presents a number of measures to be introduced to improve the situation in the city of Malmö, especially in socially deprived areas

    Minor salivary gland secretion in children and adults

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    The minor salivary glands are of great importance in the physiology and pathology of the oral cavity. So far, studies of the minor glands have concentrated on adults. In the present study, minor salivary gland secretion was studied in the buccal and labial mucosa of 3-year-old children, adolescents and young adults. In addition, the number of glands per surface area was assessed in the labial mucosa. A total of 90 individuals were included, 30 in each age-group. Saliva was collected on filter paper discs and the salivary secretion rate was measured using a Periotron 8000. The number of secreting labial glands was assessed on PAS-stained filter paper discs under a microscope. Salivary secretion in the buccal mucosa was found to be age-related, with a statistically significant lower rate of secretion (P=0.003) in the 3-year-olds (mean 7.7 microl x cm(-2) x min(-1)) compared with the young adults (11.9 microl x cm(-2) x min(-1)). No significant differences between the sexes were noted. For the labial glands, no age- or sex-related differences were found. In all age-groups, salivary secretion was significantly higher in the buccal than in the labial mucosal area. A statistically significant difference in number of secreting glands was found between all age-groups, with a decreasing number of glands per surface unit with age. The number of glands was significantly lower in males compared with females in the group of adults. The lower rate of buccal salivary secretion in the young children may imply that the oral mucosa is more vulnerable to external injury and that caries protection on the buccal molar surfaces is lower. Previous studies indicate that adults with a reduced rate of minor salivary gland secretion are more susceptible to caries

    The carboxin-binding site on Paracoccus denitrificans succinate:quinone reductase identified by mutation and structure comparison

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    Succinate:quinone reductase catalyzes electron transfer from succinate to quinone in aerobic respiration. Carboxin is a specific inhibitor of this enzyme from several different organisms. We have isolated mutant strains of the bacterium Paracoccus denitrificans that are resistant to carboxin due to mutations in the succinate:quinone reductase. The mutations identify two amino acid residues, His228 in SdhB and Asp89 in SdhD, that most likely constitute part of a carboxin-binding site. This site is in the same region of the enzyme as the proposed active site for ubiquinone reduction. From the combined mutant data and structural information derived from Escherichia coli and Wolinella succinogenes quinol:fumarate reductase, we suggest that carboxin acts by blocking binding of ubiquinone to the active site. The block would be either by direct exclusion of uhiquinone from the active site or by occlusion of a pore that leads to the active site

    Case history and clinical examination

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    Periodontal conditions

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