7 research outputs found

    Effects of dust binding of paved roads

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    Inandningsbara partiklar frÄn vÀgdamm Àr ett hÀlsoproblem och en viktig orsak till att miljökvalitetsnormen för partiklar i utomhusluft inte nÄs i Sverige. Bildningen av vÀgdamm lÀngs belagda vÀgar i de nordiska lÀnderna Àr i stor utstrÀckning kopplad till dubbdÀcksanvÀndning och vinterdrift av vÀgar, som till exempel sandning och saltning. VÀgdamm pÄ vÀgytan virvlas upp av trafiken. För att minska uppvirvlingen anvÀnds bland annat kemisk dammbindning, som innebÀr att en lösning sprayas pÄ vÀgbanan som dÀrigenom hÄlls fuktig och dammet förhindras att virvla upp. FrÀmst anvÀnds kloridsalter (magnesium- och kalciumklorid) som traditionellt anvÀnds för dammbindning av grusvÀgar men Àven andra mer miljövÀnliga alternativ har provats. Alla uppges fungera för dammbindning men vissa problem har uppstÄtt med friktionssÀnkning, vilket bidragit till en osÀkerhet kring anvÀndningen, sÀrskilt pÄ vÀgar med hög hastighet. Syftet med denna rapport Àr att utreda vilket dammbindningsmedel som har bÀst effekt och samtidigt inte Àventyrar trafiksÀkerheten genom friktionssÀnkning. En litteraturundersökning avseende effekter av dammbindningsmedel föregick fÀltförsöken i denna studie. I fÀltförsöken testades fyra medel, kalciumklorid (CaCl2, magnesiumklorid (MgCl2), kalciummagnesiumacetat (CMA) och sockerlösning pÄ en nordsydlig strÀckning av riksvÀg 34 sydvÀst om Linköping. Varje medel lades ut sex gÄnger. Dosen var 20 g/m2 och utlÀggningen skedde pÄ var sin 600 m lÄng strÀcka. Partikelhalterna (PM10) mÀttes med TEOM i mitten av provstrÀckorna och jÀmfördes med halterna pÄ en referensstrÀcka och halterna före behandlingen. Partikelprover togs nÀra vÀgen med aktiva och passiva provtagare och vid ett par tillfÀllen efter sista behandlingen provtogs Àven dammet pÄ vÀgytan. Friktionen mÀttes vid tre utlÀggningstillfÀllen med SAAB friction tester (SFT). Friktionstest utfördes Àven pÄ det ligninbaserade dammbindningsmedlet Dustex. Resultaten visar att de provade dammbindningsmedlen har en likartad PM10-sÀnkande effekt (ca 35\u9640 %) första dygnet efter utlÀggning. Efter andra utlÀggningen Àr effekten sÄ stor som ca 60 procent, vilket kan tyda pÄ en ackumulerad effekt. Effekten avtar under 3\u964 dygn. CMA har initialt lÀgst friktionsvÀrden, medan CaCl2, som appliceras i lÀgre koncentration, har högst friktion. Friktionen pÄ kloriderna ökar lÄngsamt, medan CMA, socker och Dustex pÄverkas snabbare av trafikens och meteorlogins upptorkande effekt. Medlen sprids till omgivningen, men depositionen avtar snabbt med avstÄndet frÄn vÀgen. MÀtningar pÄ vÀgytan visar att medlen finns kvar, sÀrskilt utanför hjulspÄren (vÀgmitt) Àven 20 dagar efter utlÀggning. Valet mellan de hÀr provade dammbindningsmedlen pÄverkas alltsÄ frÀmst av friktionsresultaten, men effekter pÄ miljö, korrosion och inte minst ekonomi mÄste vÀgas in vid val av dammbindningsmedel. Med beaktande av friktionsresultaten kan kloriderna frÀmst rekommenderas i trafikmiljöer dÀr miljöhÀnsyn och korrosion inte Àr prioriterade hÀnsyn, medan CMA och socker kan rekommenderas dÀr dessa hÀnsyn Àr viktiga.Inhalable particles from road dust is a health problem and a major cause of the environmental quality standard for particles in outdoor air not being reached in Sweden. Formation of road dust along paved roads in the Nordic countries is largely related to the use of studded tires and winter operation of highways, such as sanding and salting. To reduce dust suspension chemical dust control is sometimes used, meaning that a chemical solution is sprayed onto the road which is thus kept moist and dust is prevented from whirling up. Mainly, chloride salts are used, but also more environmentally friendly alternatives have been tested. All are stated to operate for dust control, but some problems have arisen with friction reduction, which have contributed to the uncertainty surrounding their use. The purpose of this report is to investigate which dust control agents that have the best effect, while not compromising road safety by reducing friction. A literature survey on the effects of dust control agents was made prior to field trials in this study. This survey is annexed to this report. In the field experiments four dust binders were tested; calcium chloride (CaCl2), magnesium chloride (MgCl2), calcium magnesium acetate (CMA) and sugar solution on a road south of Linköping

    Hybrid digital manufacturing: Capturing the value of digitalization

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    A chasm is growing between the advanced technologies available for improving manufacturing operations and those effectively used in practice. The vision of Industry 4.0 is to mobilize industry to seek out these possibilities for improvement and to close the gap between opportunity and reality. However, when compared with more established improvement opportunities such as lean manufacturing, the digitalization of manufacturing lacks in both paradigmatic examples and an understanding of how to achieve the benefits. This lack is a complication of concern: Without an appropriate operations strategy to capture the value of digitalization, manufacturing companies will be unable to focus on technological investments and operational changes. To address this concern, operations management academics must develop new theory through active engagement in the practice of digitalization in manufacturing. This research presents a paradigmatic example, based on engaged scholarship, focused on effectively combining novel object-interactive and conventional manufacturing syntax for benefiting from digitalization in internal operations and the wider supply chain. The contribution to literature is a novel operations strategy—hybrid digital manufacturing—for capturing the value of Industry 4.0 technologies.peerReviewe

    Wear particles from road traffic - a field, laboratory and modelling study. Final report

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    The present report forms the final report from a major research project within the Swedish National Road Vehicle Emission Research Programme EMFO, carried out during the period 2005-2008. The project was carried out in collaboration between IVL, Lund University, SLB analys and VTI. Within the project extensive data have been collected by a variety of methods for measuring, sampling and analysing the chemical composition of different fractions of airborne particulate matter, with emphasis on the PM10 fraction. Collected data originate from indoor measurements in controlled runs with a circular road simulator as well as ambient air measurements at both street and roof level in a variety of Swedish cities. Based on elemental (metals etc.) source profiles of various sources to the different particle fractions, derived from the literature or from measurements carried out within the project, several different receptor models (e.g. COPREM, PMF) were applied to the collected data to derive the contribution from exhaust, brake wear, tyre wear, road surface wear, long-range transport etc., to the measured concentrations of PM10 and other particle fractions in urban environments. An important result of the project is the evidence for the great importance of studded tyres for the high PM10 concentration levels that occur in many Swedish cities during winter and early spring. According to the controlled indoor experiments with the road simulator studded tyres give rise to ten times higher emissions of PM10 than non-studded (friction) winter tyres, while PM10 emissions caused by summer tyres is almost negligibleThe present report forms the final report from a major research project within the Swedish National Road Vehicle Emission Research Programme EMFO, carried out during the period 2005-2008. The project was carried out in collaboration between IVL, Lund University, SLB analys and VTI. Within the project extensive data have been collected by a variety of methods for measuring, sampling and analysing the chemical composition of different fractions of airborne particulate matter, with emphasis on the PM10 fraction. Collected data originate from indoor measurements in controlled runs with a circular road simulator as well as ambient air measurements at both street and roof level in a variety of Swedish cities. Based on elemental (metals etc.) source profiles of various sources to the different particle fractions, derived from the literature or from measurements carried out within the project, several different receptor models (e.g. COPREM, PMF) were applied to the collected data to derive the contribution from exhaust, brake wear, tyre wear, road surface wear, long-range transport etc., to the measured concentrations of PM10 and other particle fractions in urban environments. An important result of the project is the evidence for the great importance of studded tyres for the high PM10 concentration levels that occur in many Swedish cities during winter and early spring. According to the controlled indoor experiments with the road simulator studded tyres give rise to ten times higher emissions of PM10 than non-studded (friction) winter tyres, while PM10 emissions caused by summer tyres is almost negligibl

    Multiple sclerosis: Identification and clinical evaluation of novel CSF biomarkers

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a neuro-inflammatory and neurodegenerative disease that results in damage to myelin sheaths and axons in the central nervous system and which preferentially affects young adults. We performed a proteomics-based biomarker discovery study in which cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from MS and control individuals was analyzed (n=112). Ten candidate biomarkers were selected for evaluation by quantitative immunoassay using an independent cohort of MS and control subjects (n=209). In relapsing remitting MS (ARMS) patients there were significant increases in the CSF levels of alpha-1 antichymotrypsin (A1AC), alpha-1 macroglobulin (A2MG) and fibulin 1 as compared to control subjects. In secondary progressive MS (SPMS) four additional proteins (contactin 1, fetuin A, vitamin D binding protein and angiotensinogen (ANGT)) were increased as compared to control subjects. In particular, ANGT was increased 3-fold in SPMS, indicating a potential as biomarker of disease progression in MS. In PPMS, A1AC and A2MG exhibit significantly higher CSF levels than controls, with a trend of increase for ANGT. Classification models based on the biomarker panel could identify 70% of the RRMS and 80% of the SPMS patients correctly. Further evaluation was conducted in a pilot study of CSF from RRMS patients (n=36), before and after treatment with natalizumab. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved