15 research outputs found

    Socioeconomic inequality in exposure to bullying during adolescence: a comparative, cross-sectional, multilevel study in 35 countries

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    Objectives. We examined the socioeconomic distribution of adolescent exposure to bullying internationally and documented the contribution of the macroeconomic environment. Methods. We used an international survey of 162305 students aged 11, 13, and 15 years from nationally representative samples of 5998 schools in 35 countries in Europe and North America for the 2001-2002 school year. The survey used standardized measures of exposure to bullying and socioeconomic affluence. Results. Adolescents from families of low affluence reported higher prevalence of being victims of bullying (odds ratio [OR] = 1.13; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.10, 1.16). International differences in prevalence of exposure to bullying were not associated with the economic level of the country (as measured by gross national income) or the school, but wide disparities in affluence at a school and large economic inequality (as measured by the Gini coefficient) at the national level were associated with an increased prevalence of exposure to bullying. Conclusions. There is socioeconomic inequality in exposure to bullying among adolescents, leaving children of greater socioeconomic disadvantage at higher risk of victimization. Adolescents who attend schools and live in countries where socioeconomic differences are larger are at higher risk of being bullied. (Am J Public Health. 2009;99:907-914. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2008.139303

    Ter hanseníase e trabalhar na enfermagem: história de lutas e superação Tener la lepra y trabajar como enfermera: historias de luchas y superación To be with leprosy and to work as a nurse: histories of fight and overcoming

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    A pesquisa teve como objetivo conhecer a história dos ex-trabalhadores de enfermagem, que tiveram hanseníase internados compulsoriamente desde início do século XX no Brasil. A hanseníase, permeada de preconceitos e estigmas, no início dos anos 20 foi tratada por décadas com severas políticas públicas de isolamento compulsório dos doentes em Hospitais Colônias. Devido ao preconceito, havia dificuldade em contratar recursos humanos para manter estes estabelecimentos. As histórias dos sujeitos pesquisados surgiram a partir de entrevistas gravadas com sete moradores da colônia, pelo método da história oral. Os resultados da pesquisa apresentados parcialmente neste trabalho relatam as histórias de vida dos sujeitos, suas lutas, sofrimentos e sonhos. Confirmou-se que os próprios doentes eram mantenedores dos serviços dentro das colônias, inclusive os de Enfermagem.<br>Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo conocer la historia de los ex-trabajadores, que tuvieron la lepra admitidos en carácter obligatorio a partir del siglo XX en Brasil. La lepra, cargada de prejuicios y el estigma en los 20 años fue tratado durante décadas con las políticas estrictas de aislamiento forzoso de los pacientes en los hospitales colonias. Debido a los prejuicios, hubo dificultad en la contratación de personal para mantener estos establecimientos. Las historias de las personas fueran obtenidas por medio de entrevistas con siete residentes de la colonia, por el método de la historia oral. Los resultados de la investigación en parte se presentan en este documento se informaba de las historias de vida de las personas, sus luchas, penas y sueños. Se confirmó que los mismos pacientes fueron los poseedores de los servicios en las colonias, incluida la enfermería.<br>This research aimed at knowing the history of ex-workers, leprosy patients admitted compulsorily from the early twentieth century in Brazil. Leprosy, fraught with prejudice and stigma in the early 20s was treated for decades with stringent policies of compulsory isolation of patients in hospitals colonies. Because of prejudice, there was difficulty in hiring staff to maintain these establishments. The stories of the individuals came from taped interviews with seven residents of the colony, by the method of oral history. The research results partially presented in this paper reported the life histories of individuals, their struggles, sorrows and dreams. It was confirmed that the patients themselves were keepers of services within the colonies, including nursing