71 research outputs found


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    The beginning of creation of Lipizzan horse breed took place in 1580 in Lipica stud farm, and later spread on the area of states of former Austrian-Hungarian monarchy. In these states, national and private stud farms were aroused, so as national and private breedings. Due to small population size and closed breeding through centuries, national stud farms were forced to exchange genetic material, primarily the stallions. Consequently, different stallions influenced in different breeds and in whole Lipizzan breed. Research of pedigree with method of the most important ancestor contribution shows that in Croatian Lipizzan breed, despite of tradition longer than 3 centuries, only one stallion is contributing genetically to the today population.Početak stvaranja lipicanske pasmine je 1580. godina u ergeli Lipica, a kasnije se Å”irila na prostoru država bivÅ”e Austro-ugarske monarhije. U istim državama nastajale su državne i privatne ergele te privatni nacionalni uzgoji. Zbog male veličine populacije i zatvorenog uzgoja kroz stoljeća, državne ergele su bile prinuđene razmjenjivati genetski materijal, prvenstveno pastuhe. Posljedično, različiti pastusi su utjecali u različitim uzgojima i cjelokupnoj lipicanskoj pasmini. Istraživanje rodovnika metodom doprinosa najznačajnijih predaka pokazuje da je u hrvatskom uzgoju, unatoč tradiciji uzgoja dužoj od tri stoljeća, samo jedan uzgojeni pastuh doprinosi genetskoj varijabilnosti danaÅ”nje populacije

    MIROSLAV STEINHAUSZ (Vukovar, 25. June 1872., Murnau (Seehausen), Bavarska, 19. November 1966.)

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    Miroslav (Friedrich) Steinhausz (1872. ā€“ 1966.) je svojim stručnim i znanstvenim radom dao veliki doprinos razvoju hrvatskog konjogojstva u prvoj polovici 20. stoljeća. Najveći doprinos dao je razvoju hrvatskog lipicanskog uzgoja kao direktor Državne ergele Stančić, kada je naÅ” lipicanski uzgoj po prvi puta genealoÅ”ki strukturiran kao temelj kontinuiranog unaprjeđenja uzgoja. Njegove spoznaje i rezultati rada priznati su puno Å”ire, izvan hrvatskih granica, Å”to je i objavljivano u stranoj stručnoj literaturi. Sa stajaliÅ”ta konjogojstva bez sumnje se može reći da je Miroslav Steinhausz najveći velikan u povijesti hrvatskih agrikulturnih znanosti.Miroslav (Friedrich) Steinhausz (1872 ā€“ 1966) great by contributed to the development of Croatian horse breeding in the first half of the 20th century with his expert and scientific work. His largest contribution was to the development of Croatian Lipizzan breed as director of the State Stud Farm Stančić, when our Lipizzan breed was for the first time genealogicaly structured as a basis for continuos improvement of breeding. His knowledge and results were recognized beyond Croatian borders as published in foreign expert literature. From the horse breeding standpoint, it can be said that Miroslav Steinhaust was the greatest man in the history of Croatian agricultural scienc


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    Hrvatski hladnokrvnjak je izvorna pasmina konja, a uzgojno područje je gotovo cjelokupan prostor Republike Hrvatske. U cilju dobivanja viÅ”e podataka o uzgoju kako bi se uzgojni program u cilju genetskog unaprijeđenja i očuvanja kao izvorne pasmine Å”to uspjeÅ”nije provodio, u 2006. godini započeta je sistematizacija uzgoja hrvatskog hladnokrvnjaka. U formiranje rodova u obzir su uzeta isključivo umatičena (žigovana) ženska grla. Rezultat sistematizacije je formiranje 2639 rodova kobila s velikom varijacijom u broju kobila prema rodu (1 do 35). Brojno najveći rod kobila s 35 umatičenih ženskih grla je H297, dok je čak 1640 rodova brojilo samo 1 kobilu.The Croatian Coldblood is an authentic horse breed, and the breeding area is almost the entire area of the Republic of Croatia. In order to obtain more information about breeding to implement the breeding program as successfully as possible, to genetically improve and preserve the authentic horse breed, in the year 2006. the systematization of breeding of the Croatian Coldblood was initialized. While forming lines only registered (branded) mares were included. The result of the systematization is the formation of 2639 dam lines with great variation in the number of mares by line (1 to 35). Numerously the largest dam line with 35 registered mares is H297, while even as much as 1640 lines numbered only one mare


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    Konjogojstvo Republike Hrvatske je relativno malo, ali svi statistički pokazatelji kroz godine ukazuju na kontinuirani napredak i povećanje interesa za uzgoj i bavljenje konjima. Ipak, iako uzgoj konja i konjički sport čini tek mali udio u ukupnoj hrvatskoj poljoprivrednoj i sportskoj aktivnosti, postoje svi segmenti i aktivnosti kao u modernim, velikim i ekonomski razvijenim konjičkim industrijama, te stoga možemo bez ustručavanja govoriti i o hrvatskoj konjičkoj industriji.Horse breeding in the Republic of Croatia is relatively small in volume, but all statistical indicators throughout the years point to continuous development and an increase of interest for horse breeding and horse involvement. However, although breeding and horse sports make but a small portion of the overall Croatian agronomic and sport activity, all segments and activities found in modern, great and economically developed horse industries, are present in Croatian horse breeding, so therefore we can speak, without hesitation, of the Croatian Horse Industry


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    Nutritive effect of different levels (10% and 20%) of dried olive cake on the body mass, feed conversion ratio and histopathological changes in tissues in conventionally bred Hyla rabbits was investigated. During a 56-day experimental feeding regime, 60 rabbits were divided into a control group and two experimental groups with 20 animals each (10 males and 10 females). Control group received no olive cake, while the first experimental group received 10% and the second experimental group 20% of dried olive cake throughout the whole feeding period. No significant differences in the body mass were found between the groups in the trial. In both experimental groups, feed conversion was better than in the control group. Histopathological tests were performed on a total of 28 rabbits. Histopathological changes observed in the brain, heart and kidneys of rabbits were the consequence of pathological activity of microsporidian Encephalitozoon cuniculi found in all groups. In the rabbits of both experimental groups fed with olive cake, deposition of fat in the heart, liver, lymph nodes, thyroid gland, adrenal gland and pancreas might be explained by the greater amount of fat from olive oil in the meal. Statistically significant was only the fat deposition in the liver, namely, in hepatocytes. Histopathological screening identified pathological action of fungus Cyniclomyces guttulatus in the digestive tract of all rabbit groups which caused inflammation of the mucous membranes (enteritis) of the entire digestive system (from the stomach to the large intestine) and therefore possibly interfered with the absorption of certain nutrients (vitamins, minerals, etc.).U radu je prikazan nutritivni utjecaj različitih količina (10% i 20%) osuÅ”enih komina maslina na tjelesnu masu, konverziju hrane i histopatoloÅ”ke promjene tkiva konvencionalno uzgojenih kunića Hyla hibrida u tovu. U pokusnom tovu od 56 dana bilo je ukupno 60 kunića koji su bili podijeljeni u tri skupine, kontrolnu i dvije pokusne s po 20 kunića u svakoj skupini (10 muÅ”kih i 10 ženskih). Kunići kontrolne (C) skupine u obroku nisu dobivali kominu, dok su tijekom cijelog pokusa kunići prve pokusne skupine dobivali 10%, a kunići druge skupine 20% osuÅ”enih komina maslina. Nisu utvrđene statistički značajne razlike u tjelesnim masama između skupina kunića u tovu. U obje pokusne skupine utvrđena je bolja konverzija hrane u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu. HistopatoloÅ”kom pretragom 28 kunića utvrđene su histopatoloÅ”ke promjene u mozgu, srcu i bubrezima kunića kao posljedica patoloÅ”kog djelovanja mikrosporidije Encephalitozoon cuniculi. U kunića obiju pokusnih skupina utvrđena je depozicija masti u srcu, jetri, limfnim čvorovima, Å”titnoj žlijezdi, nadbubrežnoj žlijezdi i guÅ”terači iz razloga Å”to su u hrani dobivali veću količinu maslinova ulja. Statistički značajno povećanje masti nađeno je samo u jetri, odnosno hepatocitima, ali ne i u drugim organima i žlijezdama. HistopatoloÅ”kom pretragom utvrđeno je i patoloÅ”ko djelovanje gljivice Cyniclomyces guttulatus u probavnom sustavu svih skupina kunića koje su uzrokovale enteritis u cijelom probavnom sustavu, od želuca do debelog crijeva, čime je bila poremećena resorpcija hranjivih tvari, vitamina, minerala, itd

    Characterisation of Non-recognized Maternal Lines of the Croatian Lipizzan Horse Using Mitochondrial DNA

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    Under the assumption that some of the unrecognized Lipizzan lines originate from one of the classical female lines, the main goal of this studies was to prove that stud book data was not kept adequately. Since in the framework of LIF the conducted INCO Copernicus project ā€žBiotechnical methods in the maintenance of genetic diversity of the Lipizzan horse breedā€œ comprised the research of the genetic structure of the entire studfarm Lipizzan horse population in European national stud farms, it was possible to compare its results to the results of this research and confirm or disprove set hypothesis. Analysed mares in the stud books of the Stud Farm of Ɛakovo are introduced as representatives of five families: Beba ā€“ Elza, Cura ā€“ Lela, Lenica ā€“ Lasta, Liza ā€“ Cica and Liza ā€“ Pliva. Characterising of mitochondrial genome has confirmed negligent record keeping of origin in private breeding. Some non-recognised families are descendants of recognised Lipizzan families. Haplotype Allegra is found in the family of Liza-Cica-Pliva, and haplotype Capriola in the family of Cura-Lela. Both haplotypes are very common in the Lipizzaner breed and inherent to classic Lipizzan families

    Somatic cell and factors which affect their count in milk

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    Kvalitetu mlijeka određuje kemijski sastav, fizikalne osobine i higijenska ispravnost. Osnovni pokazatelji higijenske ispravnosti mlijeka su ukupan broj mikroorganizama i broj somatskih stanica (BSS). Na povećanje BSS najviÅ”e utječu genetski i okoliÅ”ni čimbenici. Najvažniji okoliÅ”ni čimbenici su status infekcije vimena, dob muzare, stadij laktacije, redoslijed laktacije, pasmina, način držanja, geografsko područje i godiÅ”nje doba, veličina stada, stresni čimbenici, pretjerana fizička aktivnost, te mužnja. Na velik broj okoliÅ”nih čimbenika može utjecati proizvođač ā€“ farmer svojim radom i dobrom educiranoŔću. BSS sudjeluje u formiranju otkupne cijene mlijeka, stoga je potrebno informirati proizvođače kako organizirati proizvodnju u cilju veće proizvodnje kvalitetnog mlijeka.Milk quality is determined by chemical composition, physical characteristics and hygienic parameters. The main indicators of hygienic quality of milk are total number of microorganisms and somatic cell count (SCC.) Environmental factors have the greatest influence on increasing SCC. The most important environmental parameters are status of udder infection, age of cow, stage of lactation, number of lactation, breed, housing, geographical area and seasons, herd size, stress, heavy physical activity and, milking. A farmer (milk producer) himself can control a great number of environmental factors using good management practise and permanent education. Since SCC participate in creating the price of milk, it is necessary to inform milk producers how to organise their production so that they would produce maximum quantity of good hygienic quality milk

    Increasing the economic value of horse breeding through a new breeding program

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    Uzgojnim programom uzgojnog tipa Hrvatski teÅ”ki konj SrediÅ”nji savez udruga uzgajivača hrvatskog hladnokrvnjaka (SSUUHH) želi povećati gospodarsku vrijednost nacionalnog uzgoja konja i proizvodnju ekoloÅ”ke hrane za prehranu ljudi u održivim sustavima uzgoja. Nacionalni paÅ”njački resursi nisu dovoljno iskoriÅ”teni, a jedna su od mogućnosti racionalnog uzgoja konja i ekoloÅ”ke proizvodnje konjskog mesa. Cilj rada je predstaviti uzgojni program konja temeljen na uzgojno manje vrijednim populacijama i jedinkama konja, većem iskoriÅ”tavanju paÅ”njačkih povrÅ”ina, povoljnim tržiÅ”nim uvjetima i povećanju dohodovnosti gospodarstava koje se bave uzgojem konja.By implementing the Croatian Heavy Horse breeding programme, the Croatian Federation of Heavy Draft Horse Breeders Associations (SSUUHH) aims to increase the economic value of national horse breeding and the production of organic food for human consumption in sustainable breeding systems. National pasture resources are not sufficiently used, and they are one of the possibilities of rational horse breeding and ecological production of horse meat. The aim of this paper is to present the breeding programme of horses based on breeding less valuable populations and individuals of horses, increased use of pastures, favourable market conditions, and increased profitability of horse breeding farms
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