7 research outputs found

    How Potential Carbon Policies Could Affect Where and How Cotton Is Produced in the United States

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    Using life cycle assessment methodology, this analysis evaluates how two carbon reduction strategies affect cotton plantings regionally and methods used to produce cotton. Because cotton production emits large amounts of carbon, the design of a reduction policy as either excluding soil sequestration through cap-and-trade or including it through carbon offset is likely to affect the success of the policy. A cap-and-trade program that ignores the amount of carbon cotton would sequester in the soil during its life cycle could increase net emissions by rewarding producers whose crops emit limited carbon directly but also sequester little carbon in the ground

    Economic and ecosystem impacts of GM maize in South Africa

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    White maize in South Africa is the only staple crop produced on a widespread commercial basis for direct human consumption using genetically modified (GM) cultivars. Using a combined economic and environmental approach, we estimate the total welfare benefits attributable to GM white maize in South Africa for 2001-2018 are 694.7million.FoodsecuritybenefitsattributabletoGMwhitemaizeinSouthAfricaalsomanifestthroughanaverageof4.6millionadditionalwhitemaizerationsannually.Toachievetheseadditionalannualrationsusingconventionalhybridmaize,theadditionallandrequiredwouldrangefrom1088hain2001to217,788hain2014.ResultsindicatethatGMmaizereducesenvironmentaldamageby694.7 million. Food security benefits attributable to GM white maize in South Africa also manifest through an average of 4.6 million additional white maize rations annually. To achieve these additional annual rations using conventional hybrid maize, the additional land required would range from 1088 ha in 2001 to 217,788 ha in 2014. Results indicate that GM maize reduces environmental damage by 0.34 per hectare or $291,721 annually, compared to conventional hybrid white maize

    Supply chains for processed potato and tomato products in the United States will have enhanced resilience with planting adaptation strategies

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    Food systems are increasingly challenged to meet growing demand for specialty crops due to the effects of climate change and increased competition for resources. Here, we apply an integrated methodology that includes climate, crop, economic and life cycle assessment models to US potato and tomato supply chains. We find that supply chains for two popular processed products in the United States, French fries and pasta sauce, will be remarkably resilient, through planting adaptation strategies that avoid higher temperatures. Land and water footprints will decline over time due to higher yields, and greenhouse gas emissions can be mitigated by waste reduction and process modification. Our integrated methodology can be applied to other crops, health-based consumer scenarios (fresh versus processed) and geographies, thereby informing decision-making throughout supply chains. Employing such methods will be essential as food systems are forced to adapt and transform to become carbon neutral due to the imperatives of climate change