40 research outputs found

    Safety of information systems prison in Gospić

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    U modernom druÅ”tvu svaka ljudska djelatnost zahtijeva pristup mnoÅ”tvu informacija koje su nužne za donoÅ”enje poslovnih odluka. Do tih informacija se dolazi prikupljanjem, obradom, distribucijom i pohranjivanje podataka, Å”to je kontinuiran proces nužan u svim područjima ljudskog djelovanja. Pri tome je važno da informacije budu točne, pouzdane i pravovremene, te dostupne samo onim korisnicima kojima su namijenjene. Informacije u modernom druÅ”tvu imaju određenu vrijednost, pa su često predmet napada mnogih kriminalnih skupina. Stoga je nužno osigurati Å”to viÅ”i stupanj zaÅ”tite podataka, Å”to se postiže kvalitetnom opremom i educiranim korisnicima. Briga za sigurnost podataka zadaća je svakog korisnika informacijskog sustava.In modern society, every human activity requires access to a multitude of information that is necessary for making business decisions. This information comes from collecting, processing, distributing and storing data, which is a continuous process necessary in all areas of human activity. It is important for the information to be accurate, reliable and timely, and only accessible to those users who are intended to do so. The information in the modern society has a certain value and are often subject to the attack of many criminal groups. It is therefore necessary to ensure the highest level of data protection, which is achieved with quality equipment and educated users. The concern for data security is the task of each user of the information system

    Idejno rjeŔenje sustava za recikliranje otpadne vode industrijskog postrojenja

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    Ovim radom razrađeno je tehnoloÅ”ko rjeÅ”enje recikliranja vode industrijskog pogona na primjeru jedne tvornice za preradu duhana. U prvom dijelu rada, na temelju evidencije o sastavu i količini otpadne vode, kao i uvida u vrste i količine različitih vrsta voda koje se koriste u tvornici, opisano je zatečeno stanje u pogonu. Za kvalitetno definiranje tehnoloÅ”kog rjeÅ”enja, prikupljeni su podaci o sastavu i količinama otpadne vode za 2007. godinu. Sustav za recikliranje otpadne vode je koncipiran na naćin da se omogući maksimalno iskoriÅ”tenje raspoloživih količina, uvodeći stupnjevanu obradu vode. Razrađene su dvije varijante tehnoloÅ”kog rjeÅ”enja za povrat obrađene otpadne vode kapaciteta 25 m3/h. U prvoj varijanti koristi se membranski ultrafiltracijski postupak, a druga varijanta uključuje primjenu ozona te stupnjevanu filtraciju pjeŔčanim filtrom i filtrom s aktivnim ugljenom

    Effects of Admixing Previously Cast Alloy on Co-Cr Alloy Hardness

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    Kobalt-krom legure imaju vrlo Å”iroku primjenu u stomatologiji jer su po svojim mehaničkim svojstvima prikladnija zamjena skupim legurama zlata. Prilikom izrade različitih nadomjestaka koriste se veće količine materijala nego Å”to ih zahtijeva veličina protetskog rada. Materijal koji preostane često se, uÅ”tede radi, po novno upotrebljava prilikom slijedećeg lijevanja. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se ispita utjecaj dodavanja različitih postotaka jednom lijevane legure (B) na tvrdoću legure. Ispitivana su svojstva legura kojima je dodavana lijevana legura u po stotku 0% B, 25% B, 50% B, 75% B i 100% B. Svi uzorci su standardizirani i lijevani u tlačno-vakuumskom ljevaču, te poslije standardne obradbe ispitani. Iz rezultata istraživanja može se zaključiti da dodavanje jednom lijevane legure nema većeg utjecaja na mehaničko svojstvo - tvrdoću. Da bismo to mogli zasigurno ustvrditi, potrebno je izvrÅ”iti dodatna, preciznija mjerenja kvalitete legure, posebno onih parametara koji nisu obuhvaćeni ovim istraživanjem.The alloys o f chromium and cobalt are widely used in dentistry as they, considering their mechanical properties, represent the best substitute for expensive gold alloys. During the production o f various dental appliances, a greater amount o f the material is used then required by the size o f the appliance itself. The remaining material is often used for subsequent castings, as a measure o f economy. The aim o f the study was to examine the influence o f the addition o f various amounts o f an already cast alloy (B) on hardness o f the alloys o f chromium and cobalt. The properties o f the alloys were examined after the addition o f the previously cast alloy in percentages o f 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%.A ll samples were standardized and cast in a Nautilus (Bego) induction casting oven. After the treatment, the samples were examined. The results on hardness and their statistical analysis showed a significant difference between the examined alloys, the difference o f the nature o f the added components contributing more to it than the amount o f the already cast alloy (B).The values obtained were consistent to those found in literature. In conclusion, the addition o f a certain percentage o f the already cast alloy appears to have no significant effect on alloy hardness

    Effect of the Addition of Cast Alloy Over the Metalographic Structure of Cobalt-Chromium Castings

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    Tijekom različitih rekonstrukcijskih zahvata u stomatoloÅ”koj protetici upotrebljavaju se kobalt-krom legure. NajčeŔće se primjenjuju za izradu metalnih konstrukcija parcijalnih proteza i, neÅ”to rjeđe, za izradu potpunih ploča kod totalnih proteza. Postupci lijevanja zahtijevaju da se rastali viÅ”e metala nego Å”to je potrebno da se ispuni kalup. ViÅ”ak se odvaja od odljevka. Mogućnost uporabe ovog viÅ”ka legure za dobivanje prihvatljivog odljevka tema je mnogih istraživanja. Eksperimentalnim radom željeli smo utvrditi opseg promjena koje nastaju kod kobalt-krom legura kad im se dodaju jednom lijevane legure u različitom postotku (B). Ispitivane su legure Wironium, Wironit (Bego) i Basil S (Zlatarna Celje) uz dodatak je dnom lijevane legure (B) u postocima 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% i 100%. Iz rezultata istraživanja vidljivo je da se metalografska struktura, a time i kemijski sastav ispitivanih legura mijenja unutar dopuÅ”tenih granica. Taj podatak upućuje na mogućnost ponovne upotrebe kobalt-krom legura, uz stanovita ograničenja.Cobalt-chromium alloys are used in various reconstructive procedures in prosthodontics. They are most commonly used for metal constructions of partial prostheses. The casting procedures require more metal to melt than it is needed to fill the cast out. The excess is then separated from the casting. The possibility of re-usage of this excess alloy to make a usable casting has been investigated in many studies. The aim of this experimental study was to assess the extent of changes occurring in cobalt-chromium alloys with the addition of various percentages of pre-cast alloys (B). The Wironium, Wironit (Bego) and Basil S (Zlatarna Celje) alloys were investigated with the addition of0% , 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% of a pre-cast alloy (B). Results of the study showed the changes occurring in the metalographic structure and thus in the chemical composition of the alloys to be within the acceptable limits, indicating the possibility of re-usage of the cobalt-chromium alloys, with certain limitations

    Effects of Admixing Previously Cast Alloy on Co-Cr Alloy Hardness

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    Kobalt-krom legure imaju vrlo Å”iroku primjenu u stomatologiji jer su po svojim mehaničkim svojstvima prikladnija zamjena skupim legurama zlata. Prilikom izrade različitih nadomjestaka koriste se veće količine materijala nego Å”to ih zahtijeva veličina protetskog rada. Materijal koji preostane često se, uÅ”tede radi, po novno upotrebljava prilikom slijedećeg lijevanja. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se ispita utjecaj dodavanja različitih postotaka jednom lijevane legure (B) na tvrdoću legure. Ispitivana su svojstva legura kojima je dodavana lijevana legura u po stotku 0% B, 25% B, 50% B, 75% B i 100% B. Svi uzorci su standardizirani i lijevani u tlačno-vakuumskom ljevaču, te poslije standardne obradbe ispitani. Iz rezultata istraživanja može se zaključiti da dodavanje jednom lijevane legure nema većeg utjecaja na mehaničko svojstvo - tvrdoću. Da bismo to mogli zasigurno ustvrditi, potrebno je izvrÅ”iti dodatna, preciznija mjerenja kvalitete legure, posebno onih parametara koji nisu obuhvaćeni ovim istraživanjem.The alloys o f chromium and cobalt are widely used in dentistry as they, considering their mechanical properties, represent the best substitute for expensive gold alloys. During the production o f various dental appliances, a greater amount o f the material is used then required by the size o f the appliance itself. The remaining material is often used for subsequent castings, as a measure o f economy. The aim o f the study was to examine the influence o f the addition o f various amounts o f an already cast alloy (B) on hardness o f the alloys o f chromium and cobalt. The properties o f the alloys were examined after the addition o f the previously cast alloy in percentages o f 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%.A ll samples were standardized and cast in a Nautilus (Bego) induction casting oven. After the treatment, the samples were examined. The results on hardness and their statistical analysis showed a significant difference between the examined alloys, the difference o f the nature o f the added components contributing more to it than the amount o f the already cast alloy (B).The values obtained were consistent to those found in literature. In conclusion, the addition o f a certain percentage o f the already cast alloy appears to have no significant effect on alloy hardness

    Interactive Visual Analysis of Structure-borne Noise Data

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    Numerical simulation has become omnipresent in the automotive domain, posing new challenges such as high-dimensional parameter spaces and large as well as incomplete and multi-faceted data. In this design study, we show how interactive visual exploration and analysis of high-dimensional, spectral data from noise simulation can facilitate design improvements in the context of conflicting criteria. Here, we focus on structure-borne noise, i.e., noise from vibrating mechanical parts. Detecting problematic noise sources early in the design and production process is essential for reducing a product's development costs and its time to market. In a close collaboration of visualization and automotive engineering, we designed a new, interactive approach to quickly identify and analyze critical noise sources, also contributing to an improved understanding of the analyzed system. Several carefully designed, interactive linked views enable the exploration of noises, vibrations, and harshness at multiple levels of detail, both in the frequency and spatial domain. This enables swift and smooth changes of perspective; selections in the frequency domain are immediately reflected in the spatial domain, and vice versa. Noise sources are quickly identified and shown in the context of their neighborhood, both in the frequency and spatial domain. We propose a novel drill-down view, especially tailored to noise data analysis. Split boxplots and synchronized 3D geometry views support comparison tasks. With this solution, engineers iterate over design optimizations much faster, while maintaining a good overview at each iteration. We evaluated the new approach in the automotive industry, studying noise simulation data for an internal combustion engine.acceptedVersio