27 research outputs found


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    Kalangkala (L. garciae Vidal) merupakan salah satu buah lokal Kalimantan yang belum tersentuh teknologi. Buah kalangkala merupakan buah musiman yang  hanya ditemui setahun sekali pada waktu tertentu, bersama-sama dengan buah musiman lainnya. Selama ini petani mengambil buahnya dari tumbuhan yang hidup liar tanpa membudidayakannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perlakuan perendaman dan pemeraman terhadap persentase perkecambahan benih, daya kecambah, tipe perkecambahan, kelompok biji (rekalsitran atau ortodoks) laju perkecambahan, dan tinggi kecambah kalanglala (L. garciaeVidal). Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di persemaian Laboratorium Silvikultur, Universitas Mulawarman. Penelitian ini dirancang dengan mengikuti pola Rancangan Acak Lengkap faktorial  dengan perlakuan terdiri dari faktor perendaman (A), terdiri dari tiga tingkatan A1 (1 hari), A2(2 hari), dan A3(3 hari) dan faktor pemeraman (B), tiga tingkatan B1 (1 hari), B2 (2 hari) dan B3 (3 hari). Dua faktor tersebut dikombinasikan dan terdapat sembilan kombinasi dengan 3 ulangan beserta kontrol (tanpa perlakuan) dengan 3 ulangan. Keseluruhan biji yang disemai adalah 450 biji. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tingkat keberhasilan yang sangat baik dalam persentase hidup, dengan rata-rata mencapai 97%, rataan daya kecambah terbaik terdapat pada kombinasi perlakuan perendaman air kelapa (A2) selama 12  jam dengan pemeraman selama 1, 2, dan 3 hari (B1, B2, B3) yaitu 98,67%. Kemudian untuk laju perkecambahan terbaik pada A1B1 dengan laju 11\hari, dan untuk tinggi perkecambahan terbaik terdapat pada A1B2. Serta berdasarkan hasil pengukuran kadar air, benih L. garciae Vidal termasuk dalam kategori rekalsitran dan tipe perkecambahannya adalah hypogeal

    Profil Pohon pada jenis Litsea spp. di Hutan Pendidikan

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the morphological condition of Litsea spp. Including the condition of the trunk, branching, the canopy, especially the relationship between the diameter of the trunk and the total height of the tree, the diameter of the trunk to the width of the canopy, and the total height of the tree to the width of the canopy in the Education Forest, Faculty of Forestry, Mulawarman University Samarinda East Kalimantan. The method of this study was purposive sampling method, which looking for Litsea spp. As the object of research as many as 33 trees and seven types of Litsea spp. The tree parameters measured were diameter, branch free, tree height, and canopy width. The results showed that 57.4% of the trees were healthy. The results of the tree's overall data analysis showed that the regression coefficient value between diameter and height, and diameter with canopy width have a moderate correlation value, this indicated that the diameter of the tree has no relationship to tree height and canopy width in Litsea spp. And similar conditions also occurred in the correlation between the height of the tree, which also has a moderate correlation, so it indicated the tree's height does not affect the width of the canop


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    Wild plants are trees or other woody plants that have the potential to be a valuable natural resource for the people of the world. Wild plants with medical capabilities are plants that contain compounds that can be used to treat disease in the human body or organs, as was the case with the Dayak Kenyah Long Noran village in Telen subdistrict, East Kutai Regency, East Kalimantan. This study was carried out in the village of Long Noran, subdistrict Telen, East Kalimantan, with the goal of discovering the wild plants utilised by the people of Long Noran village, how they were processed, and the plant parts used. The purposive sampling approach was employed, with 20 female and 20 male respondents. Then I spent a month interviewing the villagers of Long Noran village. According to the interview results, the people of Long Noran village use 42 plants. According to the study's findings, it is made up of six different species of plants: perdu, herbs, liana, trees, palms, and nails. Shrubs (26%), herbaceous (29%), and the final form of plant, with as much as 2%, are the most used types of plants. The leaf is the most utilised portion of the plant (59%), while the skins and flowers are the least commonly used. Stems and bulbs might contribute up to 2%. The management of wild plants as chewed, boiled, crushed, thickened, and smoked, and the processing method that is frequently employed is boiled by 70% and at least smoked by 4%. Wild flora can be found in the settlement of Long Noran's Fields, former fields, house fields, wetlands, riverbanks, main woods, and plantations. This wild plant is most usually found in the house (27% of the time) and at least in marshes (2% of the time). Meanwhile, Aka Penawar has the highest usability index at 2.66, while Kangkung Bala has the lowest at 1.37


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    Tumbuhan obat merupakan potensi sumberdaya hayati yang mempunyai prospek ekonomi tinggi dimasa depan. Obat-obatan yang ada di pasaran dunia sebagian besar bersumber dari alam dan hampir setengahnya berasal dari tumbuhan tropis. Pembukaan lahan secara besar-besaran, penambangan, kebakaran hutan dapat mengakibatkan hilangnya spesies tumbuhan yang berkhasiat obat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menginventarisasi jenis-jenis tumbuhan berkhasiat obat yang telah dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat Suku Dayak Lundayeh, mengetahui bagian-bagian tumbuhan yang dimanfaatkan untuk obat dan mengetahui keberadaan tumbuhan obat pada beberapa areal lahan.Hasil penelitian menemukan90 jenis tumbuhan berkhasiat obat dimana 83,33% digunakan masyarakat Suku Dayak Lundayeh sebagai bahan obat tradisional dan 16,67% belum digunakan. Bagian dari tumbuhan yang dimanfaatkan adalah Daun (34,4%), Akar (17,8%), Semua bagian tumbuhan (10%), Buah (10%), Kulit batang (8,9%), Rimpang (6,7%), Batang (6,7%), Getah (3,3%), Bunga (1,1%) dan Biji (1,1%). Habitat tumbuhan berkhasiat obat yang dimanfaatkan masyarakat Suku Dayak Lundayeh terdiri dari Pekarangan (41,1%), Hutan belukar (27,8%), Bekas ladang (18,9%) dan Hutan kerangas (12,2%)

    DINAMIKA JENIS Macaranga gigantea: DAMPAK DARI TEBANG PILIH DAN KEBAKARAN HUTAN DI KALIMANTAN TIMUR: Dynamics of Macaranga gigantea: Couple impact of selective logging and forest fire in East Kalimantan

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    The aim of the study is to analyze the dynamics of Macaranga gigantea for 12 years from 2005 to 2016. The indicator used is the Important Value Index (INP) which includes density, dominance and type frequency. Measurements on trees up to 10 cm in diameter, carried out on a permanent plot derived from light, heavy and medium cuts, with each sample plot covering an area of 3 ha. Identification has found 11 species of Macaranga spp. The species that dominates the highest INP is M. gigantea, followed by M. hypoleuca and M. triloba. The results of the analysis showed that Type M. gigantea had the highest number of individuals during 12 years of observation and that the presence of Type M. gigantea had reached the highest number in 10 years after fire disturbances. In addition, the type of M. gigantea present in forest research areas due to light logging is 2 (two) times more than heavy cutting because the heavy cutting of the area is very open to competition between species of pioneer plant

    PROFIL POHON PENGHASIL BUAH JENIS Artocarpus elasticus Reinw. Ex Blume, Artocarpus lanceifolius Roxb DAN Litsea garciae Vidal DI KHDTK DIKLAT KEHUTANAN FAHUTAN UNMUL

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    Mulawarman University's Forest Area with Special Purpose for Forestry Education and Training is a tropical rainforest with various plant species such as meranti, understory species, lianas and herbs, and edible fruit tree species. The purpose of this study was to determine the profiles of three fruit-producing tree species: Terap, Keledang, and Kalangkala. Furthermore, to understand the relationship between tree diameter and total height and to determine the condition of healthy or deformed trunks. This study lasted approximately five months, from June 2022 to October 2022. The study used a transect sampling technique, with each transect having a width of 20 m and a length of 920 m for transect A, 1000 m for transect B and C, and 600 m for transect D. The analysis relies on data from three different species of fruit-bearing trees. With a diameter of 33.46 cm and a tree height of 19.50 m, Artocarpus elasticus has a high value for its diameter and total height. Artocarpus lanceifolius, with a diameter of 33.75 cm and a total height of 20.50 m, was the medium value. Litsea garciae had the smallest value, with a diameter of 34.90 cm and a full height of 15.60 m. The correlation value of the regression coefficient between the diameter and total height of the three types is medium. This indicates that the diameter of the tree has no effect on the crown's growth.Keywords: Artocarpus elasticus, Artocarpus lanceifolius, Edible fruit trees, Litsea garciae, Tree profileAbstrakKawasan Hutan dengan Tujuan Khusus DIKLAT Kehutanan Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Mulawarman Samarinda merupakan suatu kawasan hutan hujan tropis yang memiliki beragam jenis vegetasi diantaranya meranti-merantian, tumbuhan bawah, liana, herba serta jenis buah yang dapat dikonsumsi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui profil dari ke tiga jenis pohon penghasil buah terap, keledang, dan kalangkala, menganalisis korelasi antara diameter dan tinggi total pohon dari ke tiga jenis, serta untuk mengetahui kondisi batang yang sehat atau cacat. Penelitian ini dilakukan selama kurang lebih lima bulan dari bulan Juni 2022 sampai Oktober 2022. Objek penelitian ini adalah pohon terap, keledang, dan kalangkala. Pengambilan sampel untuk penelitian menggunakan transek dengan masing- masing transek mempunyai lebar 20 m dan panjang transek A 920 m, panjang transek B dan C 1000 m serta panjang transek D 600 m. Hasil pengukuran ke tiga jenis pohon penghasil buah jenis Artocarpuelasticus Reinw Ex Blume memiliki diameter rataan 33,46 cm dengan tinggi  total rata-rata 19,50 m. Jenis Artocarpus lanceifolius Roxb memiliki diameter rata-rata 33,75 cm dengan tinggi total rata-rata 20,50 m. Jenis Litsea garciae Vidal memiliki diameter rata-rata 34,90 cm dengan tinggi total rata-rata 15,60 m. Dari hasil analisis didapat nilai koefisien regresi antara diameter dengan tinggi total dari ke tiga jenis memiliki nilai korelasi sedang, hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa diameter pohon tidak berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan tinggi pohon. Kata kunci: Terap, Keledang, Pohon penghasil buah, Kalangkala, Profil poho

    Identifikasi Kearifan Lokal dalam Pemanfaatan Jenis-Jenis Tumbuhan Untuk Ketahanan Pangan Dan Obat-Obatan

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    This research aims to inventory local wisdom in the management and utilization of plants as food and medicine by local communities. The method conducted in this study is the purposive sampling method that aims to inventory plant species, direct observation, and analyze data by calculating density and basal area. The results showed 243 individual plants, consisting of 53 types of trees from 17 families, and found 29 types of plants were used as food and medicine. The utilization of plants by local communities varies. People use plant species for various benefits, namely foodstuffs, building materials, handicrafts, and traditional medicines. Local wisdom in the local community is the knowledge that lasts for generations and has a symbiotic relationship of mutualism with the forest ecosystem at the research site

    Presenting the Cultural Significance Index of Plants in the Muara Lawa, Kutai Barat District

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    The use of cultural significance index (CSI), as a tool to calculate the use value of plants, is a growing trend in quantitative ethnobotany research. This study was aimed to measure the CSI of  24 edible plants species, using the valuation method of "Cultural Food Significance Index, CFSI by Pieroni (2001)”, to indigenous people in Muara Lawa, Kutai Barat district. The main plant species measured were 20 fruit plants and four other plants namely 2 vegetables plants and 2 palms were also measured as a comparison. The result showed that the type of fruit plants is relatively lower than or become suborninate role of four other plants. Only 40% of the total of 20 plant types of fruits that have CSI > 100 or as much as 60% of fruits plants with CSI <100. For analysis and presentation, we applyed cluster analysis and factor analysis, and showed a proper function, as well as providing additional information, such as the classification of groups of plants based on similar ​​of the cultural significance, and identify groups of subindex variables are dominant in determining the score of CSI. Key words :, Cultural significance, Fruit plants, Muara Lawa, Kutai Barat


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    This study aims to determine the natural condition of Non Dipterocarpaceae regeneration. The object of this research are sapling and seedling in secondary forests of HPFU by making 5 transects with length 200 meters where its laid 5 x 5 meters sapling plot and 2 x 2 meter seedling plot systematically each on the right and left side. The transects was made purposively by considering areas that were still natural or had not been planted before. The results showed that regeneration was dominated by shrub habitus at both growth level, Fordia splendidissima (Miq.) Buijsen dominating the sapling level and Psychotria viridiflora Reinw. Ex Blume dominating the seedling level. However, the number of individuals at sapling stage is more bigger than the number of seedling. The Fabaceae and Rubiaceae family are most common in this location. The diversity index value is classified as high with a composition that is almost even but still dominated by several species. By comparing the data before burning from Riswan in 1987 with the current research in the same location, it can be concluded that the regeneration of Non Dipterocarpaceae in HPFU area has decreased and it represent the species degradation after forest fires

    Simpanan karbon tegakan mangrove di Desa Tengin Baru Ibu Kota Nusantara

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    Fungsi ekologis mangrove sangat penting, terutama di daerah pesisir. Ekosistem mangrove juga berfungsi sebagai penyerap dan penyimpan karbon. Kemampuan vegetasi untuk mengambil karbon dari atmosfer melalui proses fotosintesis, mengubahnya menjadi karbohidrat, dan kemudian menyimpannya dalam bentuk biomassa adalah faktor yang menentukan besarnya simpanan karbon. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan nilai biomassa dan simpanan karbon vegetasi di Hutan Mangrove di Desa Tengin Baru, Ibu Kota Nusantara. Dalam penelitian ini, dua jalur transek dengan panjang 125 m masing-masing terdiri dari tiga plot lingkaran. Setiap plot memiliki subplot dengan radius 2 m untuk tumbuhan berdiameter kurang dari 5 cm dan 7 m untuk tumbuhan berdiameter lebih dari 5 cm. Dengan menggunakan metode tanpa pemanenan, nilai biomassa dapat dihitung dengan mengukur diameter vegetasi mangrove berdasarkan karakteristik akar vegetasi, pengukuran tinggi, dan nama jenisnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa biomassa di atas tanah sebesar 243,148 ton/ha dan biomassa di bawah tanah sebesar 89,965 ton/ha, sehingga total biomassa tegakan mangrove sebesar 333,113 ton/ha. Sementara itu, simpanan karbon atas sebesar 114,280 ton/ha dan simpanan karbon bawah sebesar 42,283 ton/ha, sehingga total simpanan karbon tegakan mangrove di Desa Tengin Baru sebesar 156,563 ton/ha.