31 research outputs found

    Serumska koncentracija vitamina D u bolesnika s vulgarnom psorijazom

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    Introduction: Psoriasis is a chronic, inflammatory systematic disease that primarily affects the skin. Various factors influence the disease outcome and severity, among which the influence of vitamin D serum levels could potentially be important for disease pathogenesis and therapeutic strategies. Aim: To analyze vitamin D serum levels in patients with psoriasis in comparison to healthy individuals, together with markers of inflammation and disease severity. Methods: The study included patients with psoriasis that formed the case group, while the control group consisted of healthy individuals. The investigated features were demographical data, body mass index (BMI), disease severity, vitamin D serum levels, inflammatory markers, and parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels. Results: The study included 112 participants, 60 in the case group and 52 in the control group with the median age of 49 years. Physical activity was higher in the control group, while the body mass and the BMI were higher in the case group. Participants’ BMI negatively correlated to vitamin D serum levels, as well as C-reactive protein values in the control group and PTH in the case group. There was no significant difference in nicotine and alcohol consumption, sun exposure or vitamin D levels between the two groups. Conclusion: Both groups presented with vitamin D serum levels in the deficiency range. The seasons of the year and the participants’ BMI affected vitamin D status. Vitamin D levels were equally distributed between the groups without influence on disease severity.Uvod: Vulgarna psorijaza kronična je, upalna, sustavna bolest koja se primarno očituje promjenama kože. Različiti čimbenici utječu na ishod liječenja i težinu ove bolesti, a među njima se posebno izdvaja potencijalno važna uloga serumskih koncentracija vitamina D kako u patogenezi tako i kao terapijska opcija. Cilj: Analiza serumskih koncentracija vitamina D u bolesnika koji boluju od vulgarne psorijaze u usporedbi sa zdravom kontrolnom skupinom, kao i procjena težine bolesti i utjecaja upalnih markera. Metode: U istraživanje su uključeni bolesnici koji boluju od vulgarne psorijaze i kontrolna zdrava skupina ispitanika. Istraživana su obilježja kao što su osnovni demografski podaci, indeks tjelesne mase (BMI), klinički stupanj bolesti, serumske vrijednosti vitamina D, upalni parametri te vrijednosti paratireoidnog hormona (PTH). Rezultati: U istraživanje je uključeno 112 ispitanika, 60 oboljelih te 52 ispitanika u kontrolnoj skupini s medijanom dobi od 49 godina. Znatno je viša bila razina tjelesne aktivnosti u kontrolnoj skupini, dok su među oboljelima zabilježeni veća tjelesna masa i BMI. Utvrđena je negativna korelacija između serumskih vrijednosti vitamina D i BMI-ja, kao i razine C-reaktivnog proteina u kontrolnoj skupini, odnosno vrijednosti PTH-a u oboljelih. Prilikom ispitivanja utjecaja konzumacije alkohola i nikotina, izloženosti Sunčevim zrakama i serumskih vrijednosti vitamina B nije bilo znatnih razlika između skupina. Zaključak: Zabilježene su niske koncentracije vitamina D u obje skupine ispitanika. Godišnja doba i BMI utječu na razinu vitamina D. Nije uočena snižena koncentracija vitamina D u bolesnika sa psorijazom ili utjecaj na težinu bolesti

    Kefalometrijska analiza kranijalne baze i prednjeg dela lica kod osoba sa mandibularnim prognatizmom

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    Bacground/Aim. The literature suggests different views on the correlation between the cranial base morphology and size and saggital intermaxillary relationships. The aim of this study was to investigate the cranial base morphology, including the frontal facial part in patients with mandibular prognathism, to clarify a certain ambiguities, in opposing viewspoints in the literature. Methods. Cephalometric radiographies of 60 patients were analyzed at the Dental Clinic of the Military Medical Academy, Belgrade, Serbia. All the patients were male, aged 18-35 years, with no previous orthodontic treatment. On the basis of dental and sceletal relations of jaws and teeth, the patients were divided into two groups: the group P (patients with mandibular prognathism) and the group E (the control group or eugnathic patients). A total of 15 cephalometric parametres related to the cranial base, frontal part of the face and sagittal intermaxillary relationships were measured and analyzed. Results. The results show that cranial base dimensions and the angle do not play a significant role in the development of mandibular prognathism. Interrelationship analysis indicated a statistically significant negative correlation between the cranial base angle (NSAr) and the angles of maxillary (SNA) and mandibular (SNB) prognathism, as well as a positive correlation between the angle of inclination of the ramus to the cranial base (GoArNS) and the angle of sagittal intermaxillary relationships (ANB). Sella turcica dimensions, its width and depth, as well as the nasal bone length were significantly increased in the patients with mandibular prognathism, while the other analyzed frontal part dimensions of the face were not changed by the malocclusion in comparison with the eugnathic patients. Conclusion. This study shows that the impact of the cranial base and the frontal part of the face on the development of profile in patients with mandibular prognathism is much smaller, but certainly more complex, so that morphogenetic tests of the maxillomandibular complex should be included in further assessment of this impact.Uvod/Cilj. U literaturi postoje različiti stavovi o povezanosti morfologije i veličine kranijalne baze i sagitalnih međuviličnih odnosa. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se ispita morfologija kranijalne baze, uključujući i prednji deo lica, kod ispitanika sa mandibularnim prognatizmom da bi se razjasnile nedoumice donekle suprotnih stavova u literaturi. Metode. Analizirani su rendgenkefalometrijski snimci ukupno 60 bolesnika Klinike za stomatologiju VMA. Svi bolesnici bili su muškog pola, starosti od 18 do 35 godina koji ranije nisu bili ortodontski lečeni. Bolesnici su prema dentoskeletnim odnosima vilica i zuba bili svrstani u dve grupe: grupu P (bolesnici sa mandibularnim prognatizmom) i grupu E (kontrolna grupa ili grupa eugnatih bolesnika). Izmereno je i analizirano 15 kefalometrijskih parametara koji su se odnosili na kranijalnu bazu, frontalni deo lica kao i sagitalne međuvilične odnose. Rezultati. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da ni dimenzije kranijalne baze, ni njen ugao ne igraju značajnu ulogu u nastanku mandibularnog prognatizma. Analizom međuzavisnosti ustanovljeno je da postoji statistički značajna negativna korelacija između ugla kranijalne baze (NSAr) i uglova maksilarnog (SNA) i mandibularnog (SNB) prognatizma, kao i pozitivna korelacija između ugla nagiba ramusa prema kranijalnoj bazi (GoArNS) i ugla sagitalnih međuviličnih odnosa (ANB). Dimenzije sedlaste jamice (sella turcica), njena širina i dubina, kao i dužina nosne kosti statistički su značajno povećane kod bolesnika sa mandibularnim prognatizmom, dok ostale analizirane dimenzije prednjeg dela lica nisu bile izmenjene kod ove malokluzije u odnosu na eugnate bolesnike. Zaključak. Pokazalo se da je uticaj kranijalne baze i prednjeg dela lica na ispoljavanje profila kod bolesnika sa mandibularnim prognatizmom mnogo manji ali svakako složeniji, pa bi u dalja istraživanja trebalo uključiti morfogenetska ispitivanja maksilomandibularnog kompleksa kod ocenjivanja ovog uticaja

    Determination of ionization constants of selected monocarbohydrazone derivatites

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    Poster presented at: 13th International Scientific Conference Contemporary Materials 2020, Banja Luka, 11th September, 2020Abstract: [https://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3688]The paper: [https://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4361

    Одређивање јонизационих константи одабраних деривата монокарбохидразона

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    Carbohydrazone derivatives represent a very significant class of compounds due to their wide biological activity. Ionization states of functional groups present in the molecule are of vital importance for understanding of the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of the newly synthesized compounds. One of the physicochemical parameters, the ionization constant (pKa), can be used as a molecular descriptor in order to relate structure and activity of a compound, which may indicate further potential application of newly synthesized derivatives. In this work, ionization constants of thirteen monocarbohydrazone derivatives were determined using potentiometric method, in order to obtain information about their ionization states under certain conditions.Деривати карбохидразона представљају веома значај- на једињења за проучавање с обзиром да многа од њих показују веома изражену биолошку активност. Познавање јонизационог стања функци- оналних група присутних у молекулу је од виталног значаја за разумева- ње фармакокинетичких и фармакодинамичких особина новосинтетиса- них једињења. Један од важнијих физичко-хемијских параметара, кисе- линска константа (pKa), може да послужи као молекулски дескриптор за повезивање односа стуктуре и активности једињења, што може укази- вати на даљу потенцијалну примену новосинтетисаних деривата. У овом раду, применом потенциометријске методе, одређене су киселин- ске константе за тринаест синтетисаних једињења из серије монокарбо- хидразона у циљу добијања информација о њиховим јонизационим ста- њима при одређеним условима.Abstract: [https://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3688]Poster: [https://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3689

    Utjecaj gubitka sna na mozak

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    Each sleep phase is characterized by specific chemical, cellular and anatomic events of vital importance for normal neural functioning. Different forms of sleep deprivation may lead to a decline of cognitive functions in individuals. Studies in this field make a distinction between total sleep deprivation, chronic sleep restriction, and the situation of sleep disruption. Investigations covering the acute effects of sleep deprivation on the brain show that the discovered behavioral deficits in most cases regenerate after two nights of complete sleep. However, some studies done on mice emphasize the possible chronic effects of long-term sleep deprivation or chronic restriction on the occurrence of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. In order to better understand the acute and chronic effects of sleep loss, the mechanisms of neural adaptation in the situations of insufficient sleep need to be further investigated. Future integrative research on the impact of sleep deprivation on neural functioning measured through the macro level of cognitive functions and the micro molecular and cell level could contribute to more accurate conclusions about the basic cellular mechanisms responsible for the detected behavioral deficits occurring due to sleep deprivation.Svaku fazu sna opisuju određeni kemijski, stanični i anatomski procesi koji su iznimno važni za održavanje fiziološke neuralne funkcije. Različiti oblici gubitka sna mogu kod čovjeka uzrokovati pad kognitivnih funkcija. Istraživanja u ovom znanstvenom području razlikuju situaciju potpunog gubitka sna, kronične restrikcije (ograničavanja) sna te stanje isprekidanog sna. Proučavanje akutnih učinaka neispavanosti na moždanu funkciju ukazuje na činjenicu da se otkriveni deficiti kognitivnih funkcija u većini slučajeva regeneriraju nakon dvije noći potpunog sna. Ipak, studije na miševima naglašavaju mogućnost utjecaja dugotrajne neispavanosti na nastanak nekih neurodegenerativnih bolesti kao što su Alzheimerova bolest i demencija. Kako bismo bolje razumjeli akutne i kronične učinke gubitka sna potrebno je dodatno istražiti mehanizme neurološke adaptacije na situacije neispavanosti. Buduća bi istraživanja o utjecaju gubitka sna na neurološke funkcije trebala pratiti makro razinu fenomena mjerenjem kognitivnih funkcija, ali i mikro razinu kroz molekularne i stanične procese. Takav bi pristup mogao doprinijeti točnijim zaključcima o osnovnim staničnim mehanizmima odgovornima za otkriveni kognitivni deficit uslijed nedostatka sna

    Determination of ionization constants of selected monocarbohydrazone derivatites

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    Carbohydrazone derivatives represent a very significant class of compounds due to their wide biological activity. Ionization states of functional groups present in the molecule are of vital importance for understanding of the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of the newly synthesized compounds. One of the physicochemical parameters, the ionization constant (pKa), can be used as a molecular descriptor in order to relate structure and activity of a compound, which may indicate further potential application of newly synthesized derivatives. In this work, ionization constants of twenty monocarbohydrazone derivatives were determined using potentiometric method, in order to obtain information about their ionization states under certain conditions.Poster: [https://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3689]The paper: [https://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4361

    EO-based mouthwashes: Is there something that should be known?

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    The possibility to utilize the antibacterial and antibiofilm potential of essential oils (EOs) in dentistry is recognized and best seen in the design of EO-based mouthwashes. The up-to-date results, obtained with the most commonly used formulation being consisted of thymol, eucalyptol, menthol, and methyl salicylate (Listerine), proved its efficacy against plaque and gingival inflammation. However, novel alcohol-free products remain to be further investigated. Commercially available mouthwash containing curcumin, clove oil, mentha oil, eucalyptol, thymol and tea tree oil, and the mouthwash based on ginger EO (a-zingiberene, b-bisabolene, b-sesquiphellandrene, curcumene), reduced plaque index and improved periodontal status of the patients. The plaque index was also reduced and overall healing was improved after the surgical removal of the third molar by mouthwash containing John wort oil. In addition, Cinnamomum zeylanicum EO-based mouthwash and mouthwash containing peppermint oil were efficient against stomatitis and xerostomia, respectively. In addition to beneficial effects achieved in the mouth, i.e. at the appropriate site of application, novel investigations pointed-out that EO-based mouthwashes could be recognized as efficient in the reduction of bacterial and viral aerosols. This has been shown for Listerine, and for several mouthwashes containing following active substances of plants' EO origin: a-farnesene, b-farnesene, farnesol, nerolidol, a-bulnesene, eremanthin, b-sesquiphellandrene, spiroether, cinnamylacetate, cinnamaldehyde, eugenol, menthol, and carvacrol. This finding could be of special interest, in order to be included in further clinical studies related to COVID -19 pandemic

    Испитивање физичко-хемијских својстава и потенцијалне биолошке активности деривата 2-пиридин-(тио) карбохидразона

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    Карбохидразони и њихови тио-аналози представљају једињења добијена кондензацијом карбохидразида, односно тиокарбохи- дразида са карбонилним једињењима. Захваљујући њиховој структури, релативно једноставној синтези и великој реактивности, поменути дери- вати имају широк спектар примене у свим сферама. У оквиру овог рада, за четири новосинтетисана моно(тио)карбохидразона, одређене су кисе- линске константе применом потенциметријске методе. Такође, методом линеарне корелације енергија солватације и применом Catalan-овог моде- ла испитан је утицај специфичних и неспецифичних међумолекулских интеракција на померања у UV-Vis апсорпционим спектрима. У циљу испитивавања потенцијалне биолошке активности 2 - пиридин-(тио) кар- бохидразона, применом DPPH теста, одређен је њихов антиоксидативни потенцијал и закључено је да су деривати тиокарбохидразона значајно активнији у односу на карбохидразоне.Carbohydrazones and their thio analogs represent compounds obtained by condensation of carbohydrazide and thiocarbohydrazide with carbonyl compounds. Due to their structure, relatively simple synthesis, and high reactivity, mentioned derivatives have a wide range of applications in all fields. In this study, ionization constants of four newly synthesized mono(thio)carbohydrazones were determined by applying the potentiometric method. Also, the influence of specific and nonspecific intermolecular interactions on maxima shifting in UV-Vis absorption spectra was investigated and quantified using the linear solvation energy relationships method and Catalan’s model. Finally, by applying the DPPH assay, the antioxidant potential of the newly synthesized compounds was determined, and thiocarbohydrazone derivatives proved to be significantly more active when compared to carbo-hydrazones

    EO-based mouthwashes: Is there something that should be known?

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    The possibility to utilize the antibacterial and antibiofilm potential of essential oils (EOs) in dentistry is recognized and best seen in the design of EO-based mouthwashes. The up-to-date results, obtained with the most commonly used formulation being consisted of thymol, eucalyptol, menthol, and methyl salicylate (Listerine), proved its efficacy against plaque and gingival inflammation. However, novel alcohol-free products remain to be further investigated. Commercially available mouthwash containing curcumin, clove oil, mentha oil, eucalyptol, thymol and tea tree oil, and the mouthwash based on ginger EO (a-zingiberene, b-bisabolene, b-sesquiphellandrene, curcumene), reduced plaque index and improved periodontal status of the patients. The plaque index was also reduced and overall healing was improved after the surgical removal of the third molar by mouthwash containing John wort oil. In addition, Cinnamomum zeylanicum EO-based mouthwash and mouthwash containing peppermint oil were efficient against stomatitis and xerostomia, respectively. In addition to beneficial effects achieved in the mouth, i.e. at the appropriate site of application, novel investigations pointed-out that EO-based mouthwashes could be recognized as efficient in the reduction of bacterial and viral aerosols. This has been shown for Listerine, and for several mouthwashes containing following active substances of plants' EO origin: a-farnesene, b-farnesene, farnesol, nerolidol, a-bulnesene, eremanthin, b-sesquiphellandrene, spiroether, cinnamylacetate, cinnamaldehyde, eugenol, menthol, and carvacrol. This finding could be of special interest, in order to be included in further clinical studies related to COVID -19 pandemic

    Investigation of physicochemical properties and potential biological activity of 2-pyridine-(thio)carbohydrazone derivatives

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    Carbohydrazones and their thio analogs represent compounds obtained by condensation of carbohydrazide and thiocarbohydrazide with carbonyl compounds. Due to their structure, relatively simple synthesis, and high reactivity, mentioned derivatives have a wide range of applications in all fields. In this study, ionization constants of four newly synthesized mono(thio)carbohydrazones were determined by applying the potentiometric method. Also, the influence of specific and nonspecific intermolecular interactions on maxima shifting in UV-Vis absorption spectra was investigated and quantified using the linear solvation energy relationships method and Catalan’s model. Finally, by applying the DPPH assay, the antioxidant potential of the newly synthesized compounds was determined, and thiocarbohydrazone derivatives proved to be significantly more active when compared to carbohydrazones.XIV international scientific conference contemporary materials 2021 / XIV Међународни научни скуп савремени материјали 2021, Banja Luka, 9-10.9.202