315 research outputs found

    Breastfeeding and the Development of Socio-Emotional Competencies: A Systematic Review

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    Aim: To assess the current scientific evidence about the relationship between breastfeeding and the development of infant’s socio-emotional competencies. Materials and Methods: A systematic review of literature was conducted through PubMed, LILACS (Literatura Latinoamericana y del Caribe en Ciencias de la Salud), and PsycINFO of population-based cohorts. Records were screened, data extracted, and a quality assessment performed by two authors independently. Results: Thirteen studies were included in the review with six finding a statistically significant association between breastfeeding and the development of socio-emotional competencies such as problem solving, agreeableness, and optimism. In five studies, no statistically significant association was found, and in three, a negative association existed. Regarding quality assessment, four studies had a strong global rating, four had a moderate rating, and five had a weak global rating. Conclusion: Almost half (6/13) of the studies found a positive association between breastfeeding and the development of social-emotional competencies in infants; however, a great heterogeneity was present in the quality of the included studies. There is a need for further and higher quality research into this field of stud

    Internal consistency of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire in Amazonian children

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    OBJECTIVE: To describe the frequency of behavioral problems and the internal consistency of the parent version of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ-P) in Amazonian preschool children during the covid-19 pandemic. METHODS: Data from the Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition in Acre (MINA-Brazil) study, a population-based birth cohort in the Western Brazilian Amazon, were used. The SDQ-P was applied in 2021 at the five-year follow-up visit to parents or caregivers of 695 children (49.4% of which were girls). This instrument is a short behavioral screening questionnaire composed of 25 items reorganized into five subscales: emotional symptoms, conduct problems, hyperactivity/inattention, peer relationship problems, and prosocial behavior. Cases of behavioral problems were defined according to the original SDQ cut-offs based on United Kingdom norms. Moreover, cut off points were estimated based on the SDQ-P percentile results of our study sample. Internal consistency was assessed by calculating Cronbach’s alpha coefficient and McDonald’s omega for each scale. RESULTS: According to the cut-offs based on our studied population distribution, 10% of all children had high or very high total difficulty scores, whereas it was almost twice when the original SDQ cut-offs based on United Kingdom norms, were applied (18%). Differences were also observed in the other scales. Compared to girls, boys showed higher means of externalizing problem and lower means of prosocial behavior. The five-factor model showed a moderate internal consistency of the items for all scales (0.60 ≤ α ≤ 0.40), except for total difficulty scores, which it considered substantial (α > 0.61). CONCLUSIONS: Our results support the usefulness of SDQ in our study population and reinforce the need for strategies and policy development for mental health care in early life in the Amazon

    The relationship between indicators of socioeconomic status and cesarean section in public hospitals

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    OBJECTIVE To assess the relationship between indicators of socioeconomic status and cesarean section in public hospitals that adopt standardized protocols of obstetrical care. METHODS This was a prospective cohort study conducted between May 2005 and January 2006 with 831 pregnant women recruited from 10 public primary care clinics in São Paulo, Brazil. Demographic and clinical characteristics were collected during pregnancy. The three main exposures were schooling, monthly family income per capita, and residential crowding. The main outcome was cesarean section at three public hospitals located in the area. Crude and adjusted risk ratios (RR), with 95% confidence intervals were calculated using Poisson regression with robust variance. We examined the effects of each exposure variable on cesarean section accounting for potential confounders by using four different models: crude, adjusted by mother’s characteristics, by obstetrical complications, and by the other two indicators of socioeconomic status. RESULTS Among the 757 deliveries performed in the public hospitals, 215 (28.4%) were by cesarean section. In the bivariate analysis, cesarean section was associated with higher family income per capita, higher education, lower residential crowding, pregnancy planning, white skin color, having a partner, and advanced maternal age. In the multivariate analysis, after adjustment for covariates, none of the socioeconomic status variables remained associated with cesarean section. CONCLUSIONS In this group, the chance of women undergoing cesarean section was not associated with indicators of socioeconomic status only, but was defined in accordance with major obstetric and clinical conditions

    Prevalence and correlates of childhood anemia in the MINA-Brazil birth cohort study

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    OBJECTIVE: To describe the prevalence and predictors of childhood anemia in an Amazonian population-based birth cohort study. METHODS: We estimated the prevalence of maternal anemia at delivery (hemoglobin [Hb] concentration < 110 g/L) in women participating in the MINA-Brazil birth cohort study and in their children examined at 1 and 2 years (Hb < 110 g/L) and at 5 years of age (Hb < 115 g/L). We measured ferritin, soluble transferrin receptor, and C-reactive protein concentrations in mothers at delivery and in their 1- and 2-year old children to estimate the prevalence of iron deficiency and its contribution to anemia, while adjusting for potential confounders by multiple Poisson regression analysis (adjusted relative risk [RRa]). RESULTS: The prevalence 95% confidence interval (CI) of maternal anemia, iron deficiency, and iron-deficiency anemia at delivery were 17.3% (14.0–21.0%), 42.6% (38.0–47.2%), and 8.7% (6.3–11.6)%, respectively (n = 462). At age 1 year (n = 646), 42.2% (38.7–45.8%) of the study children were anemic, 38.4% (34.6–42.3%) were iron-deficient, and 26.3 (23.0–29.9) had iron-deficiency anemia. Prevalence had decreased to 12.8% (10.6–15.2%), 18.1% (15.5–21.1%), and 4.1% (2.8–5.7%), respectively, at 2 years (n = 761); at 5 years of age, 5.2% (3.6–7.2%) children were anemic (n = 655). Iron deficiency (RRa = 2.19; 95%CI: 1.84–2.60) and consumption of ultraprocessed foods (UPF) (RRa = 1.56; 95%CI: 1.14–2.13) were significant contributors to anemia at 1 year, after adjusting for maternal schooling. At 2 years, anemia was significantly associated with maternal anemia at delivery (RRa: 1.67; 95%CI: 1.17–2.39), malaria since birth (2.25; 1.30–3.87), and iron deficiency (2.15; 1.47–3.15), after adjusting for child ’s age and household’s wealth index. CONCLUSIONS: Anemia continues to be highly prevalent during pregnancy and early childhood in the Amazon. Public health policies should address iron deficiency, UPF intake, maternal anemia, and malaria in order to prevent and treat anemia in Amazonian children

    Prevalence and predictors of breastfeeding in the MINA-Brazil cohort

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    OBJECTIVE: To describe the prevalence and factors associated with exclusive (EBF) and continued breastfeeding (BF) practices among Amazonian children. METHODS: Data from 1,143 mother-child pairs recorded on the Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition in Acre (MINA-Brazil) birth cohort were used. Information on EBF and BF was collected after childbirth (July 2015–June 2016) and during the follow-up visits at 1 and 6 months postpartum, 1, 2, and 5 years of age. For longitudinal analysis, the outcomes were EBF and BF duration. Probability of breastfeeding practices were estimated by Kaplan-Meier survival analysis. Associations between baseline predictors variables and outcomes among children born at term were assessed by extended Cox regression models. RESULTS: EBF frequencies (95% confidence interval [95%CI]) at 3 and 6 months of age were 33% (95%CI: 30.2–36.0) and 10.8% (95%CI: 8.9–12.9), respectively. Adjusted hazard ratio for predictors of early EBF cessation were: being a first-time mother = 1.47 (95%CI: 1.19–1.80), feeding newborns with prelacteals = 1.70 (95%CI: 1.23–2.36), pacifier use in the first week of life = 1.79 (95%CI: 1.44–2.23) or diarrhea in the first two weeks of life = 1.70 (95%CI: 1.15–2.52). Continued BF frequency was 67.9% (95%CI: 64.9–70.8), 29.3% (95%CI: 26.4–32.4), and 1.7% (95%CI: 0.9–2.8) at 1, 2 and 5 years of age, respectively. Adjusted hazard ratio for predictors of early BF cessation were: male sex = 1.23 (95%CI: 1.01–1.49), pacifier use in the first week of life = 4.66 (95%CI: 2.99–7.26), and EBF less than 3 months = 2.76 (95%CI: 1.64–4.66). CONCLUSIONS: EBF and continued BF duration among Amazonian children is considerably shorter than recommendations from the World Health Organization. Significant predictors of breastfeeding practices should be considered for evaluating local strategies to achieve optimal breastfeeding practices

    Idade gestacional, crescimento intrauterino e composição corporal aos 11 anos de idade

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    OBJETIVE: To assess the association of gestational age (GA) and intrauterine growth with body composition at 11 years of age. METHOD: Analysis of data from the 2004 Pelotas birth cohort, whose outcomes were fat mass (FM, kg), fat mass index (FMI, kg/m2), fat-free mass (FFM, kg), fat-free mass index (FFMI, kg/m2) – measured by air displacement plethysmography – and body mass index for age (BMI/age, Z-score). The exposures of interest were the gestational index (GA) of infants born at less than 33 weeks, from 34 to 36 and from 37 to 41, and intrauterine growth categorized as small (SGA), adequate (AGA) and large (LGA) for gestational age. Analysis of variance was used to compare means and linear regression was used to assess the strength of association. The analyses were adjusted according to variables collected at birth, such as monthly family income, maternal characteristics – education, age, pre-gestational body mass index (BMI), weight gain during pregnancy, smoking during pregnancy, type of delivery, and parity – and adolescent characteristics – skin color and birth weight. For analysis, FM and FMI underwent logarithmic transformation due to data asymmetry. RESULTS: A total of 3,401 adolescents were analyzed, including boys and girls born at less than 33 weeks, with lower FM and FFM means than those born at term. However, in the adjusted analyses, there was no association between GA and any of the outcomes in either sex. LGA boys had a 10.5% higher FMI (p = 0.026) and +0.3 BMI/age Z-score (p = 0.019) as compared to AGA boys, and LGA girls had +0.3 kg/m 2 of FFMI (p = 0.039) than AGA girls. CONCLUSION: GA was not associated with body composition at 11 years of age. However, LGA boys had higher BMI and BMI/age Z-score, and LGA girls had higher FFMI than AGA girls.OBJETIVO: Avaliar a associação da idade gestacional (IG) e crescimento intrauterino com a composição corporal aos 11 anos de idade. MÉTODO: Análise de dados da coorte de nascimentos de Pelotas de 2004, cujos desfechos foram massa gorda (MG, kg), índice de massa gorda (IMG, kg/m2), massa livre de gordura (MLG, kg), índice de massa livre de gordura (IMLG, kg/m2) – medidos por pletismografia por deslocamento de ar –, e índice de massa corporal para idade (IMC/Idade, escore-Z). Sendo as exposições de interesse o índice gestacional (IG) de nascidos com menos de 33 semanas, de 34 a 36 e de 37 a 41, e crescimento intrauterino categorizado em pequeno para a idade gestacional (PIG), adequado (AIG) e grande (GIG). Para comparar médias, utilizou-se análise de variância e, para avaliar a força de associação, regressão linear. As análises foram ajustadas de acordo com variáveis coletadas ao nascer, como renda familiar mensal, características maternas – escolaridade, idade, índice de massa corporal (IMC) pré-gestacional, ganho de peso na gestação, tabagismo na gestação, tipo de parto e paridade – e características dos adolescentes – cor da pele e peso ao nascer. Para análise, o MG e o IMG sofreram transformação logarítmica devido a assimetria dos dados. RESULTADOS: Foram analisados 3.401 adolescentes, entre meninos e meninas nascidos com menos de 33 semanas, com médias de MG e MLG menores que as dos nascidos(as) a termo. Porém, nas análises ajustadas, não houve associação entre IG e qualquer um dos desfechos em ambos os sexos. Meninos GIG apresentaram IMG 10,5% maior (p = 0,026) e +0,3 escore-Z de IMC/Idade (p = 0,019) em relação aos AIG, e meninas GIG apresentaram +0,3 kg/m2 de IMLG (p = 0,039) do que as AIG. CONCLUSÃO: A IG não se associou à composição corporal aos 11 anos. Entretanto, meninos GIG apresentaram maiores IMG e escore-Z de IMC/Idade e meninas GIG, maior IMLG, quando comparados aos AIG

    Mortalidade neonatal: descrição e efeito do hospital de nascimento após ajuste de risco

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliar o efeito de hospital de nascimento na ocorrência de mortalidade neonatal. MÉTODOS: Uma coorte de nascimentos foi iniciada em Pelotas, em 2004. Todos os nascimentos hospitalares foram estudados em visitas diárias às maternidades da cidade, incluindo-se 4.558 recém-nascidos. As mães foram entrevistadas sobre fatores de risco em potencial e as mortes, monitoradas com visitas regulares aos hospitais, cemitérios e cartórios. Dois pediatras classificaram a causa básica da morte, de forma independente, a partir de informações obtidas no prontuário hospitalar e em entrevista com a família. Usou-se regressão logística para estimar o efeito do hospital de nascimento, controlando para variáveis de confusão relacionadas a características maternas e do recém-nascido. RESULTADOS: A taxa de mortalidade neonatal foi de 12,7. O risco esteve fortemente influenciado pelo peso ao nascer, idade gestacional e variáveis socioeconômicas. Imaturidade foi responsável por 65% das mortes neonatais, seguida por anomalias congênitas, infecções e asfixia intraparto. Ajustando para características maternas, foi observado um risco relativo igual a três para hospitais de mesmo nível de complexidade. O risco relativo diminuiu, mas persistiu, após controle para características do recém-nascido. CONCLUSÕES: A mortalidade neonatal variou entre hospitais e foi alta, principalmente relacionada à imaturidade. Para entender a fonte de variação da mortalidade neonatal e reduzir sua ocorrência é necessária uma avaliação aprofundada e comparativas com as práticas de cuidado entre hospitais.OBJECTIVE: To assess the effect of hospital of birth on neonatal mortality. METHODS: A birth cohort study was carried out in Pelotas, Southern Brazil, in 2004. All hospital births were assessed by daily visits to all maternity hospitals and 4558 deliveries were included in the study. Mothers were interviewed regarding potential risk factors. Deaths were monitored through regular visits to hospitals, cemeteries and register offices. Two independent pediatricians established the underlying cause of death based on information obtained from medical records and home visits to parents. Logistic regression was used to estimate the effect of hospital of birth, controlling for confounders related to maternal and newborn characteristics, according to a conceptual model. RESULTS: Neonatal mortality rate was 12.7 and it was highly influenced by birthweight, gestational age, and socioeconomic variables. Immaturity was responsible for 65% of neonatal deaths, followed by congenital anomalies, infections and intrapartum asphyxia. Adjusting for maternal characteristics, a three-fold increase in neonatal mortality was seen between similar complexity hospitals. The effect of hospital remained, though lower, after controlling for newborn characteristics. CONCLUSIONS: Neonatal mortality was high, mainly related to immaturity, and varied significantly across maternity hospitals. Further investigations comparing delivery care practices across hospitals are needed to better understand NMR variation and to develop strategies for neonatal mortality reduction

    A multidimensional perspective of the relation between social isolation and depression among Portuguese older adults

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    We aimed to explore how different social isolation components were associated with depression among older adults in Portugal. We analysed data collected through structured questionnaires in 2017 from 643 Portuguese adults aged 60 and over. Depression was assessed using the Geriatric Depression Scale (Short-Form). Social isolation was operationalised using objective indicators –living alone, marital status, leisure activities –and subjective indicator –perceived social support. Because social isolation is a multidimensional construct that is likely to be more than the sum of its components, cluster analysis was conducted to group individuals into social isolation profiles. Associations were estimated using adjusted odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Five profiles were identified: Cluster 1 (partnered; high social support; high variety of leisure activities); Cluster 2 (partnered; high social support; few leisure activities); Cluster 3 (not partnered; low social support; few leisure activities); Cluster 4 (living alone; high social support; high variety of leisure activities); Cluster 5 (partnered; high social support; limited variety of leisure activities). Compared with Cluster 1, participants in Cluster 2 were three times more likely to have depression, independent of age, gender, education, comorbidities and self-rated health (OR = 3.04; 95% CI: 1.38–6.71). Participants in Cluster 3 presented the highest probability of depression that was not explained by any of the confounders (OR = 4.74; 95% CI: 2.15–10.44). Older adults living alone are not necessarily more prone to depression, with social support and leisure activities playing an important role. To disentangle how social isolation affects health, objective and subjective isolation measures should be considered
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