1,634 research outputs found

    Simultaneous Search for Extra Light and Heavy Higgs Bosons via Cascade Decays

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    Models with extended Higgs sectors can contain several additional Higgs states, heavier or lighter than the SM Higgs boson. The couplings of lighter extra states to SM particles can be strongly reduced, leading to small cross sections for their direct production. Heavier extra states can have larger couplings to SM particles and, moreover, have large branching fractions into lighter extra states, notably into a SM-like Higgs boson accompagnied by another Higgs state which can be lighter or heavier than 125\simGeV. Motivated by corresponding scenarios in the NMSSM we study the prospects for the discovery or exclusion of cascade decays ggFH3H2+H1ggF \to H_3 \to H_2 + H_1 in the bbˉbbˉb\bar{b}b\bar{b}, bbˉττb\bar{b}\tau\tau and bbˉγγb\bar{b}\gamma\gamma final states where either H1H_1 or H2H_2 can be SM-like. Significant regions of the NMSSM parameter space can be tested by these searches. These are, however, not confined to models of the NMSSM type.Comment: 34 pages, 64 figures, explanations, figures and reference added, to appear in JHE

    Discovery Prospects of a Light Scalar in the NMSSM

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    We study a region in the NMSSM parameter space in which the mass of the SM-like Higgs boson is uplifted by ~4-17 GeV, allowing for stop masses and |A_t| <= 1 TeV alleviating the little fine tuning problem of the MSSM. An uplift of the mass of the SM-like Higgs boson is possible in two distinct regions in the NMSSM parameter space: Either for large lambda and small tan(beta) or, through singlet-doublet mixing, for small lambda and large tan(beta). For a mostly singlet-like Higgs state H_S with a mass below 125 GeV we investigate possible direct or indirect search channels at the run II of the LHC as function of the NMSSM-specific uplift of the mass of the SM-like Higgs boson: Direct production of H_S in gluon fusion with H_S decaying into diphotons, modified reduced couplings of the SM-like Higgs state, and the possible production of H_S in ggF -> A -> Z + H_S. We find that the region featuring singlet-doublet mixing can be tested if searches at the LHC at 13 TeV for BSM Higgs bosons in the mass range 88 - 102 GeV decaying into diphotons become sensitive to signal cross sections sigma(gg -> H_S -> diphotons) ~ 20 fb, or if measurements of the reduced coupling kappa_V(H_{SM}) of the SM Higgs boson to electroweak gauge boson exclude (or confirm) the region kappa_V(H_{SM}) <~ 0.93.Comment: 20 pages, 16 Figs., reference added, LPT Orsay 15-9

    Local quanta, unitary inequivalence, and vacuum entanglement

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    In this work we develop a formalism for describing localised quanta for a real-valued Klein-Gordon field in a one-dimensional box [0,R][0, R]. We quantise the field using non-stationary local modes which, at some arbitrarily chosen initial time, are completely localised within the left or the right side of the box. In this concrete set-up we directly face the problems inherent to a notion of local field excitations, usually thought of as elementary particles. Specifically, by computing the Bogoliubov coefficients relating local and standard (global) quantizations, we show that the local quantisation yields a Fock space FL\mathfrak F^L which is unitarily inequivalent to the standard one FG\mathfrak F^G. In spite of this, we find that the local creators and annihilators remain well defined in the global Fock space FG\mathfrak F^G, and so do the local number operators associated to the left and right partitions of the box. We end up with a useful mathematical toolbox to analyse and characterise local features of quantum states in FG\mathfrak F^G. Specifically, an analysis of the global vacuum state 0GFG|0_G\rangle\in\mathfrak F^G in terms of local number operators shows, as expected, the existence of entanglement between the left and right regions of the box. The local vacuum 0LFL|0_L\rangle\in\mathfrak F^L, on the contrary, has a very different character. It is neither cyclic nor separating and displays no entanglement. Further analysis shows that the global vacuum also exhibits a distribution of local excitations reminiscent, in some respects, of a thermal bath. We discuss how the mathematical tools developed herein may open new ways for the analysis of fundamental problems in local quantum field theory.Comment: 28 pages, 8 figure

    Paisaje y energía renovables. Conflicto de uso en entornos mediterráneos. El caso de la energía solar fotovoltáica.

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    La ponencia aborda las relaciones entre energía solar fotovoltaica y paisaje, enfocadas hacia las posibilidades de integración paisajística y hacia la resolución de problemas, como es el caso de la planta fotovoltaica de Punta Nati (Ciudadela)Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Spatial Structures and Spatial Spillovers: A GME Approach

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    Spatial econometrics is a subdiscipline that have gained a huge popularity in the last twenty years, not only in theoretical econometrics but in empirical studies as well. Basically, spatial econometric methods measure spatial interaction and incorporate spatial structure into regression analysis. The specification of a matrix of spatial weights W plays a crucial role in the estimation of spatial models. The elements of this matrix measure the spatial relationships between two geographical locations i and j, and they are specified exogenously to the model. Several alternatives for W have been proposed in the literature, although binary matrices based on contiguity among locations or distance matrices are the most commons choices. One shortcoming of using this type of matrices for the spatial models is the impossibility of estimating “heterogeneous†spatial spillovers: the typical objective is the estimation of a parameter that measures the average spatial effect of the set of locations analysed. Roughly speaking, this is given by “ill-posed†econometric models where the number of (spatial) parameters to estimate is too large. In this paper, we explore the use of generalized maximum entropy econometrics (GME) to estimate spatial structures. This technique is very attractive in situations where one has to deal with estimation of “ill-posed†or “ill-conditioned†models. We compare by means of Monte Carlo simulations “classical†ML estimators with GME estimators in several situations with different availability of information.

    Expansión física y demográfica y cambios en la densidad de la Aglomeración Gran Buenos Aires, 1750-2010

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    El objetivo de este artículo es presentar series de datos inéditos sobre los procesos de expansión física y demográfica de la Aglomeración Gran Buenos Aires (AGBA) desde 1750 a 2010 y, particularmente, examinar los cambios en la densidad de habitantes. En la primera parte se revisan los antecedentes directos de este trabajo y se establecen las limitaciones actuales en el campo de estudio que aquí proponemos franquear, en términos metodológicos y de disponibilidad de datos. En la sección metodológica se explican los criterios adoptados en la elaboración de la serie que aseguran su consistencia y comparabilidad. Las conclusiones destacan las tendencias macro -tal como la que da cuenta del significativo descenso de la densidad de la AGBA en los últimos 140 años- y las tendencias particulares que informan variaciones entre períodos. En ambos casos, se proponen hipótesis explicativas apoyadas en información secundaria y registros historiográficos.The purpose of this paper is to present a series of unpublished data on the processes of physical and demographic expansion of the Greater Buenos Aires Agglomeration (agba) from 1750 to 2010 and, in particular, to examine changes in population density. In the first part of the article, the direct bibliographical references are reviewed, and the gaps that we intend to fill here –both in terms of methodology and data availability– are presented. Afterwards, we discuss the operational and methodological considerations which ensure the comparability of the series. Finally, the conclusions highlight both the trends at a macro level –such as the significant decrease in the population density of the agba over the last 140 years– and the more particular ones that report nuances and variations in between periods. In both cases, explanatory hypotheses supported by secondary data and specific historiographical records for each of the periods analyzed are proposed.Fil: Rodriguez, Gonzalo Martin. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Saavedra 15. Centro de Estudios Urbanos y Regionales; ArgentinaFil: Kozak, Daniel Matias. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Saavedra 15. Centro de Estudios Urbanos y Regionales; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo; Argentin

    Valorización y revalorización del paisaje a partir de la obra de grandes pintores. Análisis comparado de los casos de Constable, Cézanne y Picasso.

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    La comunicación aborda los efectos sobre el valor de determinados paisajes de las representaciones culturales realizadas por grandes pintores, analizando casos correspondientes a diferentes ámbitos espaciales y que responden a diversas tipologías paisajísticas. Se partirá del estudio de la obra de Constable, que refuerza el valor paisajístico de sus escenarios ingleses, y de Cézanne, que pone en valor paisajes singulares de la Provenza, para analizar de forma más detallada la producción paisajística de Picasso, correspondiente a su periodo formativo, interpretarla en términos geográficos y calibrar su potencial utilización para la valorización de paisajes de la provincia de Málaga que corren serios riesgos de degradación, como los Montes de Málaga y la Bahía de Málaga, por dinámicas territoriales que son analizadas en el textoUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech


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    Desde su más remoto pasado histórico la ciudad de Málaga desarrolló una intensa actividad comercial a través de su puerto, que se intensificó en la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII con la exportación de vinos, aceites y cítricos y la liberación del comercio con América. Punto esencial en el desarrollo socio económico de la ciudad fueron sus instalaciones portuarias, mejoradas y ampliadas varias veces y que contaban con un faro de aceite móvil para garantizar la seguridad del tráfico marítimo. Acorde con el incremento del flujo naval se proyectó la construcción de un faro portuario estable por parte del ingeniero director de las obras del puerto, Joaquín Mª. de Pery, cuya construcción fue concluida en 1817. Posteriormente fue ampliada su base, mientras que el aparato óptico fue renovado varias veces hasta llegar al actual, eléctrico y automatizado. El emplazamiento en el muelle de Levante ha permitido que La Farola –como popularmente se la conoce-, haya gozado de una privilegiada visibilidad desde numerosos puntos de la ciudad, formando parte de su paisaje urbano y estableciendo una estrecha relación con la identidad colectiva de la población. Su presencia puede rastrearse en la pintura de paisaje y marinas de la ciudad, la carteleria de fiestas de invierno, carnaval y feria, la publicidad, logotipos comerciales y la publicidad, confirmando que sus valores patrimoniales sobrepasan su propia materialidad. Punto esencial de su interés es el hecho de que se mantiene actualmente en uso, emitiendo señales luminosas con arreglo a un código único y exclusivo del puerto de Málaga. Este cúmulo de circunstancias aconsejan adoptar la precauciones necesarias que garanticen su permanencia y uso, buen estado de conservación y que su presencia se tenga en cuenta en el planeamiento y la actividad constructiva de la zona para garantizar la permanencia de sus valores patrimoniales.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Comparative Analysis of AI Techniques to Correct the Inconsistency in the Analytic Hierarchy Process Matrix

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    The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is one of the most used techniques for decision making. The complex properties of its structure allow considering the subjectivity in the judgment of the experts but also arising a considerable degree of inconsistency when the pairwise judgments of the alternatives are computed. This research paper makes a comparison between two artificial intelligence methods for diminishing the inconsistency in the AHP pairwise comparison matrixes, the Backpropagation Neural Network (BPN) and Support Vector Machines (SVM).Eje: XV Workshop de Agentes y Sistemas InteligentesRed de Universidades con Carreras de Informática (RedUNCI

    Comparative Analysis of AI Techniques to Correct the Inconsistency in the Analytic Hierarchy Process Matrix

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    The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is one of the most used techniques for decision making. The complex properties of its structure allow considering the subjectivity in the judgment of the experts but also arising a considerable degree of inconsistency when the pairwise judgments of the alternatives are computed. This research paper makes a comparison between two artificial intelligence methods for diminishing the inconsistency in the AHP pairwise comparison matrixes, the Backpropagation Neural Network (BPN) and Support Vector Machines (SVM).Eje: XV Workshop de Agentes y Sistemas InteligentesRed de Universidades con Carreras de Informática (RedUNCI