258 research outputs found

    Development of polymer packaging for power cable

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    This paper discusses the issues of product design and the procedure of developing polymer packaging as one of the most important engineering tasks. For the purpose of packing power cables a polymer packaging has been designed in the form of drum. Packaging and many other consumer products are largely produced using polymeric materials due to many positive features. High Density Polyethylene is the type of polyethylene proposed for packaging purposes due to its low degree of branching and strong intermolecular forces. Transport and storage processes were automated based on the radio-frequency identification technology. The proposed system is flexible in terms of its possibility of accepting and processing different types of cables and other products

    Razvoj i ocjena modela za predikciju temperature površine kolničke konstrukcije

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    This paper examines the existing models for predicting pavement temperatures and formulates a new one using a regression equation to predict the minimum and maximum pavement surface temperatures depending on the air temperature. Also, the paper presents a model for pavement temperature prediction according to the Superpave methodology and conducts the validation of the model for measured temperatures.U članku su predstavljeni postojeći modeli za predikciju temperature kolnika i formuliran je novi model pomoću regresione jednadžbe kojom se predviđaju minimalne i maksimalne temperature površine kolnika u ovisnosti od temperature zraka. Također je predstavljen i model za predikciju temperature prema Superpave metodologiji i izvedeno je vrednovanje modela za izmjerene temperature

    A model for the pavement temperature prediction at specified depth

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    This paper examines the existing models for predicting pavement temperatures at a certain depth and formulates a new one using the regression equation to predict the minimum and maximum pavement temperatures at the specified depth depending on the surface pavement temperature and its depth

    Glucocorticoid receptor in health and disease

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    Glucocorticoid hormones are essential for life, have a vital place in the treatment of inflammatory and autoimmune diseases and are increasingly implicated in the pathogenesis of a number of common disorders. Their action is mediated by an intracellular receptor protein, the glucocorticoid receptor (GR), functioning as a ligand-inducible transcription factor. Multiple synthetic glucocorticoids are used as potent antiinflammatory and immuno suppressive agents, but their therapeutic usefulness is limited by a wide range and severity of side-effects. One of the most important pharmaceutical goals has been to design steroidal and non-steroidal GR ligands with profound therapeutic efficacy and reduced unwanted effects. The therapeutic benefit of glucocorticoid agonists is frequently compromised by resistance to glucocorticoids, which may depend on: access of the hormones to target cells, steroid metabolism, expression level and isoform composition of the GR protein, mutations and polymorphisms in the GR gene and association of the receptor with chaperone proteins. The major breakthrough into the critical role of glucocorticoid signaling in the maintenance of homeostasis and pathogenesis of diseases, as well as into the molecular mechanisms underlying the therapeutic usefulness of antiinflammatory drugs acting through the GR is expected to result from the current progress in large-scale gene expression profiling technologies and computational biology.Glukokortikoidni hormoni su neophodni za održavanje homeostaze, imaju ključnu ulogu u terapiji inflamatornih i autoimunih poremećaja i učestvuju u pato - genezi mnogih bolesti. Ovi hormoni deluju posredstvom unutarćelijskog receptornog proteina, glukokortikoidnog receptora, koji funkcioniše kao inducibilan transkripcioni faktor aktiviran ligandom. Mnogi sintetski glukokortikoidi koriste se kao efikasni antiinflamatorni i imunosupresivni agensi, ali je njihov terapeutski učinak ograničen širokim spektrom i intenzitetom sporednih efekata. Jedan od najvažnijih ciljeva farmaceutske industrije jeste sinteza steroidnih i nesteroidnih liganada GR-a sa izraženom terapeutskom efikasnošću i redukovanim neželjenim efektima. Terapeutski učinak glukokortikoidnih agonista često je umanjen zbog rezistencije na glukokortikoide koja zavisi od: dostupnosti ciljnih ćelija hormonima, metabolizma steroida, nivoa ekspresije i izoformskog sastava GR, mutacija i polimorfizama u genu za receptor i interakcije receptora sa šaperonima. Očekuje se da veliki prodor u upoznavanju ključne uloge glukokortikoidnih hormona u održavanju homeostaze i patogenezi bolesti, kao i u rasvetljavanju molekularnih mehanizama terapeutskih efekata antiinflamatornih lekova koji deluju posredstvom GR rezultira iz napretka savremenih tehnologija za globalno izučavanje ekspresije gena i bioinformatike.Projekat ministarstva br. 14300

    The influence of dexamethasone on Hsp70 level and association with glucocorticoid receptor in the liver of unstressed and heat-stressed rats

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    The aim of the present study was to examine the influence of dexamethasone on the levels of heat shock protein Hsp70 and glucocorticoid hormones receptor as well as on the interaction of these two proteins in the liver cytosol and nuclei of unstressed and rats exposed to whole body hyperthermic stress. The results, obtained by quantitative immunoblotting, have shown that dexamethasone provoked a reduction of Hsp70 basal level and an increase in its stress-induced level in the nuclei, supporting the idea that this hormone may be a factor included in the regulation of Hsp70 level both under normal and stress conditions. The cytosolic reduction and nuclear elevation of the glucocorticoid hormones receptor level by dexamethasone were also observed. Co-immunopurification of Hsp70 and glucocorticoid hormones receptor has revealed that the changes of cytosolic and nuclear levels of the two examined proteins resulted in the changes of their interaction within the respective cellular compartments. Thus, 41 °C heat stress was shown to cause at least two-fold elevation of Hsp70/GR ratio within the glucocorticoid hormones receptor heterocomplexes both in the presence and in the absence of dexamethasone. The results support the view that glucocorticoid hormones signaling pathway and heat shock system are interrelated.Cilj ovog rada bio je da se ispita uticaj deksametazona na koncentraciju proteina toplotnog stresa Hsp70 i glukokortikoidnog receptora (GR), kao i na interakciju ovih proteina, u citosolu i jedrima jetre nestresiranih pacova i pacova izloženih hipertermijskom stresu. Rezultati, dobijeni kvantitativnim imunoblotom, su pokazali da deksametazon dovodi do smanjenja bazalne i povećanja stresom indukovane koncentracije Hsp70 u jedrima, što ukazuje na mogućnost da je ovaj hormon jedan od faktora uključenih u regulaciju nivoa Hsp70 i u normalnim i u uslovima stresa. Zapaženo je i to da deksametazon uzrokuje smanjenje citosolne i povećanje jedarne koncentracije GR. Ko-imunopurifikacija Hsp70 i GR je pokazala da su promene u citosolnim i jedarnim koncentracijama ovih proteina praćene i promenama u njihovoj interakciji u odgovarajućim ćelijskim odeljcima. Tako, nađeno je da hipertermijski stres (41 °C) dovodi do najmanje dvostrukog povećanja odnosa Hsp70/GR u receptorskim heterokompleksima kako u prisustvu, tako i u odsustvu deksametazona. Rezultati podržavaju pretpostavku da su signalni putevi koje započinju glukokortikoidni hormoni i toplotni stres međusobno povezani

    Methodological aspects of optimization intensity in drop jump

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    U sportskoj nauci i praksi se predlaže sprovođenje treninga koji omogućavaju ostvarivanje odgovarajućih akutnih efekata u cilju povećanja efikasnosti trenažnih ili rehabilitacionih procedura i maksimizacije adaptacionih kapaciteta. U dosadašnjim istraživanjima optimalna visina saskoka (DHopt) je određivana na osnovu: postignute visine skoka (H), reaktivnog indeksa izvođenja (RSI), vrednosti kinetičke energije u amortizacionoj i ekstenzionoj fazi odskoka, kontakta petama sa podlogom tokom odskoka i generisanja relativizovane maksimalne mišićne snage tokom koncentrične faze odskoka (PPcon). Relativno širok opseg DHopt je posledica različitih faktora za koje se u analiziranoj literaturi smatra da mogu značajno uticati na DHopt i da neki od njih nisu dovoljno istraženi, što ograničava njihovu praktičnu primenu u trenažnom procesu. Sa tim u vezi definisani su ciljevi koji se odnose na metodološke aspekte optimizacije intenziteta skoka iz saskoka. U realizovanom istraživanju su ispitivani sledeći ciljevi: 1) pouzdanost zavisnih kinetičkih i kinematičkih varijabli kod skoka iz saskoka; 2) uticaj visine saskoka na zavisne kinetičke i kinematičke varijable; 3) pouzdanost metoda biranja i metoda predviđanja za određivanje DHopt; 4) povezanost dva metoda za određivanje DHopt; 5) povezanost morfoloških varijabli sa DHopt; 6) povezanost varijabli koje opisuju maksimalnu jačinu mišića i DHopt; 7) razlike u kinetičkim i kinematičkim varijablama između grupa sa različitim nivoom maksimalne mišićne jačine; 8) razlike u DHopt između grupa sa različitim nivoom maksimalne mišićne jačine; 9) utvrđivanje regresionih modela za predikciju DHopt na osnovu odgovarajućih morfoloških i varijabli koje opisuju maksimalnu jačinu mišića i 10) predikcija pouzdanosti za određivanje DHopt...It is suggested that, in the sports science and practice, it is advisable to conduct training that would enable achievement of adequate acute effects in order to increase the efficiency of training or rehabilitation procedures and maximize the adaptive capacity. In the previous research, the optimal drop height (DHopt) was determined on the basis of: achieved jump height (H), reactive strength index (RSI), the values of the kinetic energy in amortized stage of rebound, the contact of heels with the ground during the rebound and generating normalized maximal muscle power during the concentric phase of rebound (PPcon). The relatively wide range of DHopt is due to different factors, in the literature taken into account, considered to have a significant effect on the DHopt; some of them have not been explored sufficiently, which limits their practical use in the training process. In regard to this, the goals relating to methodological aspects optimization intensity of drop jumps have been defined. In the completed study the following objectives were examined: 1) reliability of the dependent kinetic and kinematic variables in the drop jump; 2) The influence of the height of drop jump on the dependent kinetic and kinematic variables; 3) reliability of picking methods and fitting methods for the determination of DHopt; 4) The correlation between the two methods for determining DHopt; 5) The correlation of morphological variables with DHopt; 6) correlation of the variables that describe the maximum muscle strength and DHopt; 7) differences in kinetic and kinematic variables between the subject groups with different levels of maximum muscular strength; 8) DHopt differences between the subject groups with different levels of maximum muscular strength; 9) determining the regression models for prediction of DHopt based on its morphological variables and the variables that describe the maximum muscle strength and 10) the number of repetitions required to obtain acceptable reliability of DHopt..