27 research outputs found

    Uloga i metabolizam askorbinske kiseline u biljaka

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    Askorbinska kiselina (AsA) je važan biljni metabolit zastupljen u biljkama u značajnim količinama i prisutan u svim staničnim odjeljcima. Ima različite esencijalne uloge u biljkama. Glavni je antioksidans, kofaktor enzima uključenih u regulaciju fotosinteze, biosintezu hormona i regeneraciju drugih antioksidansa. AsA je uključena u kontrolu stanične diobe, rasta stanica, rasta i razvoja cijele biljke što obuhvaća cvjetanje, senescenciju i razvoj korijena, te također regulira obrambeni odgovor i preživljavanje biljaka u uvjetima abiotičkog i biotičkog stresa. AsA i redoks par AsA/DHA te vezani enzimi (MDHAR, DHAR i APX) zajedno čine AsA-redoks sustav koji učinkovito štiti biljke od oksidativnog stresa uzrokovanog egzogeno- i endogenonastalim ROS i njihovim produktima. Dodatno, biljke mogu povisiti udio AsA kao posljedicu izloženosti stresnim uvjetima. U biljaka su prisutni različiti putevi biosinteze AsA što odražava važnost ove molekule za biljke. Glavni je tzv. Smirnoff-Wheelerov put gdje je L-galaktono-1,4- lakton izravni prekursor AsA. Zbog složenosti njenih brojnih uloga, svi pokušaji povišenja udjela AsA u biljkama zahtijevat će temeljito istraživanje mogućih utjecaja takvih promjena na metabolizam i razvoj biljke. Nadalje, poznavanje mehanizama regulacije metabolizma AsA još je uvijek ograničeno, a i njena uloga u prijenosima signala još treba biti razjašnjena

    Ishrana trlje kamenjarke, Mullus surmuletus u istočnom Jadranskom moru

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    Feeding habits of the striped red mullet, Mullus surmutetus in the eastern Adriatic Sea were investigated. Stomach contents of 203 specimens (11.5 - 32.9 cm TL) collected by bottom trawling were analyzed. Commonly accepted procedures were followed during the diet composition inspection and standard keys were used for food items determination. Examinations showed that 39 identified prey taxa belong to 11 major systematic groups: Crustacea, Gastropoda, Bivalvia, Pisces, Cnidaria, Echinodermata, Polychaeta, Nematoda, Bryozoa, Algae and Rhizaria. The predominant and preferred prey category was decapod crustaceans within all size categories and only in the largest individuals, the dominance of Bivalvia followed by Polychaeta and Crustacea were found. The largest individuals also showed more variety in consumption of different prey categories and a higher mean number of prey items in comparison with smaller fish. No significant differences in prey foraging between males and females ((p>0.05)) and regarding to season ((p>0.05)) were found. Feeding on such wide spectra of prey without significant variations regarding to sex and season suggests that the striped red mullets are able to adapt to shifts in spatio-temporal variations in the abundance of potential prey. Presence of detritus in the digestive tracts is highly related to its foraging behaviour on muddy detritic bottoms.Istraživana je ishrana trlje kamenjarke, Mullus surmuletus u istočnom dijelu Jadrankog mora. Analiziran je sadržaj želudca 203 jedinke (11.5 – 32.9 cm TL) prikupljenih pridnenom povlačnom mrežom koćom. Opće su prihvaćene metode i ključevi za determinaciju korišteni za određivanje sastava ishrane i determinaciju plijena. Istraživanjem je određeno 39 identificiranih vrsta plijena koji spadaju u 11 glavnih skupina: rakovi, puževi, školjkaši, ribe, žarnjaci, bodljikaši, mnogočetinaši, oblići, mahovnjaci, alge i krednjaci. Dominantna i poželjna kategorija plijena bili su dekapodni rakovi unutar svih veličinskih kategorija, dok je samo kod najvećih jedinki pronađena dominantnost školjkaša, a slijede ih mnogočetinaši i rakovi. Najveće jedinke također su pokazale veću raznolikost u konzumaciji različitih vrsta plijena i prosječno veći broj jedinki plijena u odnosu na manje ribe. Nije pronađena značajna razlika u ishrani između mužjaka i ženki ((p>0.05)) i s obzirom na sezonu Istraživana je ishrana trlje kamenjarke, Mullus surmuletus u istočnom dijelu Jadrankog mora. Analiziran je sadržaj želudca 203 jedinke (11.5 – 32.9 cm TL) prikupljenih pridnenom povlačnom mrežom koćom. Opće su prihvaćene metode i ključevi za determinaciju korišteni za određivanje sastava ishrane i determinaciju plijena. Istraživanjem je određeno 39 identificiranih vrsta plijena koji spadaju u 11 glavnih skupina: rakovi, puževi, školjkaši, ribe, žarnjaci, bodljikaši, mnogočetinaši, oblići, mahovnjaci, alge i krednjaci. Dominantna i poželjna kategorija plijena bili su dekapodni rakovi unutar svih veličinskih kategorija, dok je samo kod najvećih jedinki pronađena dominantnost školjkaša, a slijede ih mnogočetinaši i rakovi. Najveće jedinke također su pokazale veću raznolikost u konzumaciji različitih vrsta plijena i prosječno veći broj jedinki plijena u odnosu na manje ribe. Nije pronađena značajna razlika u ishrani između mužjaka i ženki ((p>0.05)) i s obzirom na sezonu ((p>0.05)). Hranjenje širokim spektrom plijena bez značajnih varijacija u vezi sa spolom i sezonom sugerira da se trlja od kamena može prilagoditi pomacima u prostorno-vremenskim varijacijama obilja potencijalnog plijena. Prisutnost detritusa u probavnom traktu povezana je s načinom hranjenja istraživane vrste na muljevitim detritičnim dnima. Hranjenje širokim spektrom plijena bez značajnih varijacija u vezi sa spolom i sezonom sugerira da se trlja od kamena može prilagoditi pomacima u prostorno-vremenskim varijacijama obilja potencijalnog plijena. Prisutnost detritusa u probavnom traktu povezana je s načinom hranjenja istraživane vrste na muljevitim detritičnim dnima

    Hospital infections and predominant pathogens in multidisciplinary intensive care unit in an upper middle income country

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    Uvod: Cilj je ovog istraživanja utvrditi pojavnost bolničkih infekcija u multidisciplinarnoj jedinici za intenzivno liječenje (JIL) Sveučilišne kliničke bolnice Mostar i ustanoviti koji su patogeni mikroorganizmi najčešći uzročnici istih. Ispitanici i metode: U ovu retrospektivnu studiju uključeni su pacijenti hospitalizirani u JIL-u duže od 48 sati, u razdoblju od 1.1.2017. do 31.12.2017. godine. Za analizu su korišteni uzorci hemokultura, urinokultura i bronhoaspirata koji su uzimani 48 sata nakon prijema bolesnika u JIL. Svi su podaci preuzeti iz informacijskog bolničkog sustava, a za analizu su korištene deskriptivne statističke metode. Rezultati: Od ukupno 644 bolesnika primljenih u JIL u datom razdoblju, 277 je odgovaralo postavljenim kriterijima, od kojih je pak 70 (25,27%) sa stopom 33,3/1000 bolesničkih dana bilo s potvrđenom bolničkom infekcijom (BI). Od navedenih bolesnika, 13 (18,57%) je imalo infekciju dvaju organskih sustava, dok su kod 5 (7,15%) bolesnika klinički uzročnici dokazani u trima organskim sustavima. Prevladavale su infekcije respiratornog sustava (54,84%) – sa stopom 18,3/1000, potom infekcije mokraćnog sustava (26,88%) – sa stopom 8,9/1000, a najrjeđe su dokazane infekcije krvotoka (18,28%) – sa stopom 6,1/1000. Acinetobacter baumannii i Pseudomonas aeruginosa bili su najčešći uzročnici respiratornih infekcija i infekcija krvotoka. Najčešći uzročnici urinarnih infekcija su Enterococcus spp i Candida albicans. Zaključak: Bolničke infekcije značajan su zdravstveni problem koji povećava morbiditet i mortalitet bolesnika, naročito u jedinicama za intenzivno liječenje te je, stoga, potrebno poduzeti značajne mjere kako bi se smanjila njihova učestalost. Prema rezultatima našeg istraživanja, zastupljenost infekcija respiratornog sustava u JIL-u viša je nego u većini drugih sličnih istraživanja.Introduction: The aim of this study was to determine the occurrence of hospital infections in the multidisciplinary intensive care unit (ICU) of the Mostar University Clinical Hospital and the most common pathogenic microorganisms causing them. Methods: This retrospective study involved patients admitted to the ICU for more than 48 hours, from January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017. Blood cultures, urinary cultures and bronchial aspirate samples were used for analysis, taken 48 hours after admission to the ICU. All data were collected from the information hospital system, and descriptive statistical methods were used for the purpose of conducting the analysis. Results: Out of 644 patients admitted to the ICU in the given period, 277 were included in our study, out of whom 70 (25.27%), with a rate of 33.3/1000 hospital days, had at least one confirmed hospital infection. Altogether 13 patients (18.57%) had an infection in two organ systems, while 5 (7.15%) patients had positive microbiological samples in three organ systems. Predominant clinical form of infections in these patients were respiratory infections (54.84%) – with a rate of 18.3/1000, then urinary tract infections (26.88%) – with a rate of 8.9/1000 and bloodstream infections (18.28%) – with a rate of 6.1/1000. Acinetobacter baumannii and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were the most common cause of respiratory and bloodstream infections, while urinary infections were caused mostly by Enterococcus spp and Candida albicans. Conclusion: Hospital infections remain a major health problem that increases the morbidity and mortality of patients, especially in intensive care units and therefore, significant measures should be taken to reduce their incidence. Respiratory infections in our ICU are the most common, with higher incidence rate than in most other similar studies

    Efficacy of oral fluralaner for the treatment of canine generalized demodicosis: a molecular-level confirmation

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    BackgroundCanine generalized demodicosis is a common parasitic disease caused by the proliferation of Demodex mites. The introduction of isoxazoline class treatments in veterinary dermatology has resulted in apparently effective treatment of generalized demodicosis. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of fluralaner for the treatment of canine generalized demodicosis using real-time PCR for the detection and quantification of Demodex DNA.MethodsTwenty privately owned dogs with clinical symptoms of generalized demodicosis and deep skin scrapings positive for Demodex canis mites were enrolled in the study. Following diagnosis (day 0) each dog was treated with fluralaner at the recommended commercial dose for tick and flea treatment (25-56 mg/kg) based on body weight. Clinical and mite count assessments, and hair sampling for molecular analyses were performed on days 0, 28, 56, 84 and 112. Demodex DNA was detected and quantified using real-time PCR.ResultsA single oral dose of fluralaner reduced Demodex mite counts in skin scrapings by an average of 98.9% in all dogs by day 28. No mites were recovered from skin scrapings from any treated dog by day 56, at which time the dog was considered to be clinically cured, with total hair regrowth. There were significant differences among examined dogs in qPCR cycle threshold (Ct) values on days 0, 28, 56, 84 and 112. Demodex DNA levels decreased (increasing Ct values) throughout the study. Mite DNA was present on day 112, possibly from dead mites, at values significantly lower than in samples taken on days 0, 28 and 56. Based on qPCR testing of diluted samples, the Demodex mite population was reduced by approximately 1000-fold on day 112.ConclusionsOral administration of fluralaner at the recommended dose to dogs with generalized demodicosis is highly effective for reducing Demodex mite populations and resolving clinical signs of generalized demodicosis. The presence of mite DNA may indicate that treatment did not kill all Demodex mites

    Razina boli i potrošnja analgetika nakon carskog reza ovisno o vrsti anestezije i demografskim podatcima

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the level of pain and analgesic consumption in puerperas after cesarean section according to the type of anesthesia administered. This was a prospective study conducted at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Mostar University Hospital, in the period from September 2015 to June 2016. The study included 111 puerperas. Experimental group included 54 puerperas operated on under spinal anesthesia, while comparative group included 57 puerperas operated on under general anesthesia. Primary endpoints of the study were pain score and dose number of analgesics used. Input parameters of the study were age, gestational age, education, and place of residence. To determine the level of pain, visual analog scale for pain was used. Results showed that puerperas operated on under spinal anesthesia had significantly lower pain sensation (p=0.031) and less need for analgesic consumption in the postoperative period as compared to those operated on under general anesthesia (p=0.024). Increased age was associated with lower pain sensation (p=0.014) and need for analgesics (p<0.05). Higher level of education was associated with greater need for analgesics (p=0.016). Living in urban area was associated with greater pain sensation (p=0.023) and less need for analgesics (p<0.17). Spinal anesthesia for cesarean section resulted in less pain and less need for analgesics in the postoperative period compared to general anesthesia.Cilj istraživanja je bio utvrditi razinu boli i potrošnju analgetika u babinjača nakon carskog reza u odnosu na vrstu primijenjene anestezije. Provedeno je prospektivno istraživanje u Klinici za ginekologiju i porodništvo Sveučilišne kliničke bolnice Mostar u razdoblju od 1. rujna 2015. do 30. lipnja 2016. godine. Eksperimentalna skupina sastojala se od 54 babinjače koje su operirane u spinalnoj anesteziji, dok se usporedna skupina sastojala od 57 babinjača koje su operirane u općoj anesteziji. Izlazni parametri istraživanja bili su osjećaj boli i broj doza primljenih analgetika. Ulazni parametri istraživanja bili su: životna dob, gestacijska dob, stupanj obrazovanja i sredina življenja. Za utvrđivanje razine boli primijenjena je vizualno- analogna ljestvica boli. Rezultati ukazuju na to da babinjače operirane u spinalnoj anesteziji imaju značajno manji osjećaj boli (p=0,031) i manju potrebu za analgeticima u poslijeoperacijskom razdoblju u odnosu na babinjače operirane u općoj anesteziji (p=0,024). Veća životna dob ispitanica povezana je s manjim osjećajem boli (p=0,014) i manjom potrebom za analgeticima (p<0,05). Viši stupanj obrazovanja povezan je s većom razinom boli i potrebom za analgeticima (p=0,016). Život u urbanoj sredini povezan je s većim osjećajem boli (p=0,023) i većom potrebom za analgeticima (p<0,17). Spinalna anestezija za carski rez rezultira manjim osjećajem boli i manjom potrebom za analgeticima u poslijeoperacijskom razdoblju u odnosu na opću anesteziju

    Changes in Lymantria dispar protocerebral neurosecretory neurons after exposure to cadmium

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    Gypsy moth 4th instar caterpillars were fed for 3 days with an artificial diet supplemented with increasing cadmium (Cd) concentrations (0, 10, 30, 100 and 250 μg⁄g of dry food weight). Changes in the morphometric characteristics of A1' dorso-medial and L2 dorso-lateral neurosecretory neurons (nsn) were analyzed. In the A1' nsn, Cd supplements led to an enhanced nuclear size, except in the group treated with 250 μg Cd⁄g in the form of dry food. The size of L2 type nsn was increased in the groups provided with 30 and 100 μg Cd⁄g, while no differences in the size of nuclei was detected in L2 neurons among the experimental groups.Projekat ministarstva br. 7302

    Changes in Lymantria dispar protocerebral neurosecretory neurons after exposure to cadmium

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    Gypsy moth 4th instar caterpillars were fed for 3 days with an artificial diet supplemented with increasing cadmium (Cd) concentrations (0, 10, 30, 100 and 250 μg⁄g of dry food weight). Changes in the morphometric characteristics of A1' dorso-medial and L2 dorso-lateral neurosecretory neurons (nsn) were analyzed. In the A1' nsn, Cd supplements led to an enhanced nuclear size, except in the group treated with 250 μg Cd⁄g in the form of dry food. The size of L2 type nsn was increased in the groups provided with 30 and 100 μg Cd⁄g, while no differences in the size of nuclei was detected in L2 neurons among the experimental groups.Projekat ministarstva br. 7302

    Coating-Dependent Effects of Silver Nanoparticles on Tobacco Seed Germination and Early Growth

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    Silver nanoparticles, AgNPs, are used in a wide range of consumer products because of their excellent antimicrobial properties. AgNPs released into the environment are prone to transformations such as aggregation, oxidation, or dissolution so they are often stabilised by coatings that a ect their physico-chemical properties and change their e ect on living organisms. In this study we investigated the stability of polyvinylpyrrolidone PVP and cetyltrimethylammonium bromide CTAB coated AgNPs in an exposure medium, as well as their e ect on tobacco germination and early growth. AgNP-CTAB was found to be more stable in the solid Murashige and Skoog MS medium compared to AgNP-PVP. The uptake and accumulation of silver in seedlings was equally effcient after exposure to both types of AgNPs. However, AgNP-PVP induced only mild toxicity on seedlings growth, while AgNP-CTAB caused severe negative e ects on all parameters, even compared to AgNO3. Moreover, CTAB coating itself exerted negative e ects on growth. Cysteine addition generally alleviated AgNP-PVP-induced negative e ects, while it failed to improve germination and growth parameters after exposure to AgNP-CTAB. These results suggest that the toxic e ects of AgNP-PVP are mainly a consequence of release of Ag+ ions, while phytotoxicity of AgNP-CTAB can rather be ascribed to surface coating itself

    Vegetable oil raffination process

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    Proces kojim se iz sirovog ulja uklanjaju nepoželjni negliceridni sastojci različitog sastava, radi očuvanja kvalitete i svojstva samog ulja, zove se rafinacija ulja. Raznim postupcima rafinacije ulja osim što utječemo na kvalitetu samog proizvoda, također se povećava njegovo iskorištenje a samim time i ekonomičnost proizvodnje dobivenog ulja. Osim nepoželjnih sastojaka, djelomično se uklanjaju i vrijedni sastojci sirovog ulja kao što su vitamini, provitamini, proteini, antioksidansi, fosfolipidi, steroli i dr. Zbog gubitaka poželjnih svojstava procese rafinacije ulja provodimo u kraćem vremenskom periodu, pri nižoj temperaturi i visokom vakuumu.The process by which undesirable ingredients of different origins are removed from crude oil, in order to preserve the quality and characteristics of the oil, is called oil refining. Various methods of refining oil, besides affecting the quality of the product itself , also increase its utilization and thereby the economy value of the obtained oil. Other then undesirable, partially are also removed some of the valuable components of the crude oil, such as vitamins, proteins, antioxidants, phospholipids, sterols and others . Because of the loss of desirable components, oil refining process is contucted in shorter time period, at lower temperatures and high vacuum

    Phytotoxic effects of differently coated silver nanoparticles on tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.)

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    Zbog jedinstvenih i korisnih svojstava nanočestica srebra (AgNP) povećava se njihova upotreba u različitim industrijskim i znanstvenim područjima te komercijalnim proizvodima, što neizbježno dovodi do njihovog otpuštanja u okoliš s nepoznatim posljedicama za žive organizme. Iako mehanizmi toksičnosti AgNP nisu posve razjašnjeni, jasno je da fizikalno-kemijska svojstva AgNP utječu na njihove biološke učinke. U ovom radu istraženi su učinci AgNP stabiliziranih s tri različita omotača (citrat, PVP ili CTAB), samih omotača te ionskog srebra (AgNO3) na isklijavanje i rast klijanaca duhana (Nicotiana tabacum L.) te na pojavu oksidacijskog stresa. Najizraženiji negativan učinak na rast klijanaca duhana je zabilježen nakon tretmana s AgNP-CTAB te omotačem CTAB, dok tretmani s AgNO3 nisu značajno utjecali na isklijavanje i rast klijanaca. Promjene u parametrima oksidacijskog stresa i aktivnosti antioksidacijskih enzima pokazale su da i AgNP i AgNO3 izazivaju pojavu oksidacijskog stresa, ali djelovanjem različitih mehanizama. Dobiveni rezultati upućuju na zaključak da omotači koji se koriste za stabilizaciju AgNP uvelike utječu na njihovu toksičnost te da toksičnost AgNP nije posljedica otpuštanja iona Ag+, već djelovanja samih nanočestica.Due to their unique and beneficial properties, silver nanoparticles (AgNP) have been increasingly used in various industrial and scientific fields and commercial products. That makes environmental exposure to nanoparticles inevitable with unknown consequences on living organisms. Although the mechanisms of AgNP toxicity have not been fully elucidated, it is evident that physicochemical properties of AgNP affect their biological impacts. In this work, the effects of AgNP with three different coatings (citrate, PVP or CTAB), pure coatings and ionic silver (AgNO3) on germination and growth of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) seedlings as well as on the appearance of oxidative stress were investigated. The most prominent negative effect on tobacco seedling growth was detected in plants treated with AgNP-CTAB and CTAB coating, whereas AgNO3 treatments had no significant impact on the germination and seedling growth. Observed changes in the parameters of oxidative stress and activity of antioxidant enzymes demonstrated that both AgNP and AgNO3 induce oxidative stress, although by different mechanisms. The obtained results indicate that the toxicity of AgNP is greatly influenced by coatings used for their stabilization and that nanoparticles themselves account for their toxicity rather than released Ag+ ions