27 research outputs found

    Rainfall impact on river basin retention capacity and water management

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    Osnovni cilj istraživanja je razvoj metodologije za okvirno vrednovanje uticaja režima padavina na retencioni kapacitet sliva i upravljanje vodama. Formulisana je originalna jednačine za indikator retencionog kapaciteta neizučenog sliva, u funkciji kratkotrajnih jakih kiša i prirodnih karakteristika čiji je uticaj na brzinu i količinu oticaja sa sliva moguće nedvosmisleno kvantifikovati.Ovo je omogućilo vrednovanje indikatora retencionog kapaciteta sliva, lociranje i procena uticaja različitih mera na vrednost indikatora, kao i procenu uticaja predloženih mera na sintetičke jedinične hidrograme. Praktičnost metodologije se ogleda u efikasnosti sagledavanja uticaja predloženih mera, donošenju odluka o njihovoj lokaciji na slivu i primeni. Na ovaj način, dobijen je koristan alat za dobijanje informacija od značaja za donošenje odluka u sektoru voda i ostalim sektorima.The main goal of this research is methodology development for assessment of the rainfall impact on river basin retention capacity and water management. The original equation is developed for the ungauged river basin retention capacity indicator in terms of short-term heavy rainfall and natural features whose influence on the speed and the amount of surface runoff from the basin can be clearly quantified. This enabled the evaluation of the retention capacity indicator, location and evaluation of the effect of different NWRM scenarios, as well as the assessment of the impact of the proposed NWRM to synthetic unit hydrograph. Methodology convenience is reflected in the efficiency of identifying the impact of the proposed measures, decisions on their location in the basin and implementation. In this way, there has been a useful tool obtained for providing the information relevant to decision-making in the water sector and other sectors

    Determinants of students' mathematics self-concept: analysis of gender universalities and specificities

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    The aim of the research was to examine the role that personality variables, mathematics anxiety, stereotypes about mathematics as a male domain and the perception of mathematics teachers’ role and behaviour have in explaining students’ mathematics self-concept, over and above the information about their mathematics success. The participants were 8th grade students from 36 primary schools from Zagreb and the Zagreb County (N=511). The analysis of the contribution of the above-mentioned predictors was conducted on male and female samples separately. Hierarchical regression analyses revealed the contributions of individual variables and the overall contribution to the explanation of boys’ (R=0.63) and girls’ (R=0.72) mathematics self- concept. Mathematics success was the strongest determinant of mathematics self-concept for both gender groups. Personality, i.e. conscientiousness was the gender-specific determinant that only contributed to the explanation of girls’ mathematics self-concept. The opposite was true for stereotypes about mathematics. Mathematics anxiety and the perception of teachers’ role and behaviour were gender-universal determinants. The findings can serve to inform evidence-based planning and implementation of both gender universal and specific interventions for the enhancement of mathematics self- concept. (IN CROATIAN: Cilj istraživanja bio je razmotriti ulogu koju u objašnjenju matematičkog samopoimanja, osim uspjeha u matematici, imaju osobine ličnosti, matematička anksioznost, stereotipi o matematici kao muškom području i percepcija uloge i ponašanja nastavnika matematike. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 511 učenika 8. razreda iz 36 osnovnih škola u Zagrebu i Zagrebačkoj županiji. Analiza doprinosa spomenutih prediktora napravljena je na rodno odijeljenim uzorcima. Hijerarhijskim regresijskim analizama utvrđeni su pojedinačni doprinosi varijabli i ukupni doprinos prediktora objašnjenju varijance matematičkog samopoimanja učenika (R = 0.63) i učenica (R = 0.72). Uspjeh u matematici najsnažnija je odrednica matematičkog samopoimanja obiju rodnih skupina. Ličnost, točnije, savjesnost rodno je specifična determinanta koja doprinosi objašnjenju varijance matematičkog samopoimanja učenica, ali ne i učenika. Obrnuto vrijedi za stereotipe o matematici koji su se pokazali rodno specifičnom determinantom samopoimanja učenika. Strah od matematike, percepcija uloge i ponašanja nastavnika rodno su univerzalne odrednice. Rezultati mogu doprinijeti utemeljenom planiranju i primjeni univerzalnih i specifičnih intervencija za poboljšanje matematičkog samopoimanja učenica i učenika.

    Nonoclusive thrombosis of mechanical mitral valve prosthesis caused by inadequate treatment of anticoagulant therapy resistance

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    Background. Oral anticoagulants have been used in the prevention of thromboembolic complications for over six decades. A rare, but possible problem in the application of these medications could be resistance to them. Case report. We presented a patient with nonocclusive thrombosis of the mechanical mitral prosthesis due to inadequately treated resistance to peroral anticoagulant therapy. Resistance to oral anticoagulant medications was proven by an increased dosage of warfarin up to 20 mg and, after that, acenokumarol to 15 mg over ten days which did not lead to an increase in the international normalized ratio (INR) value over 1.2. On the basis of information that she did not take food rich in vitamin K or medications which could reduce effects of oral anticoagulants, and that she did not have additional illnesses and conditions that could cause an inadequate response to anticoagulant therapy, it was circumstantially concluded that this was a hereditary form of resistance. Because of the existing mechanical prosthetics on the mitral position, low molecular heparin has been introduced into the therapy. The patient reduced it on her own initiative, leading to nonocclusive valvular thrombosis. Conclusion. When associated complications like absolute arrhithmia does not exist, the finding of resistance to oral anticoagulant agents is an indication for the replacement of a mechanical prosthetic with a biological one which has been done in this patients

    Determinante matematičkog samopoimanja: Analiza rodnih univerzalnosti i specifičnosti

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    The aim of the research was to examine the role that personality variables, mathematics anxiety, stereotypes about mathematics as a male domain and the perception of mathematics teachers\u27 role and behaviour have in explaining students\u27 mathematics self-concept, over and above the information about their mathematics success. The participants were 8th grade students from 36 primary schools from Zagreb and the Zagreb County (N=511). The analysis of the contribution of the above-mentioned predictors was conducted on male and female samples separately. Hierarchical regression analyses revealed the contributions of individual variables and the overall contribution to the explanation of boys’ (R=0.63) and girls’ (R=0.72) mathematics self-concept. Mathematics success was the strongest determinant of mathematics self-concept for both gender groups. Personality, i.e. conscientiousness was the gender-specific determinant that only contributed to the explanation of girls\u27 mathematics self-concept. The opposite was true for stereotypes about mathematics. Mathematics anxiety and the perception of teachers’ role and behaviour were gender-universal determinants. The findings can serve to inform evidence-based planning and implementation of both gender universal and specific interventions for the enhancement of mathematics self-concept.Cilj istraživanja bio je razmotriti ulogu koju u objašnjenju matematičkog samopoimanja, osim uspjeha u matematici, imaju osobine ličnosti, matematička anksioznost, stereotipi o matematici kao muškom području i percepcija uloge i ponašanja nastavnika matematike. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 511 učenika 8. razreda iz 36 osnovnih škola u Zagrebu i Zagrebačkoj županiji. Analiza doprinosa spomenutih prediktora napravljena je na rodno odijeljenim uzorcima. Hijerarhijskim regresijskim analizama utvrđeni su pojedinačni doprinosi varijabli i ukupni doprinos prediktora objašnjenju varijance matematičkog samopoimanja učenika (R = 0.63) i učenica (R = 0.72). Uspjeh u matematici najsnažnija je odrednica matematičkog samopoimanja obiju rodnih skupina. Ličnost, točnije, savjesnost rodno je specifična determinanta koja doprinosi objašnjenju varijance matematičkog samopoimanja učenica, ali ne i učenika. Obrnuto vrijedi za stereotipe o matematici koji su se pokazali rodno specifičnom determinantom samopoimanja učenika. Strah od matematike, percepcija uloge i ponašanja nastavnika rodno su univerzalne odrednice. Rezultati mogu doprinijeti utemeljenom planiranju i primjeni univerzalnih i specifičnih intervencija za poboljšanje matematičkog samopoimanja učenica i učenika

    Upotreba solidifikovanih frakcija industrijskog opasnog otpada u niskogradnji: Studija slučaja u Republici Srbiji

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    Utilization possibilities of solidified fractions of industrial hazardous waste obtained by mixing with inert materials in construction were investigated. Waste mineral oils, water-hydrocarbon emulsions mixture, and waste filter cakes from the physico-chemical treatment of wastewater generated by washing of patterned rollers for a printing machine, were used as models of industrial hazardous waste in the solidification process. Investigation comprised preparation of concrete and asphalt mixtures for further testing. The solidified powder was analyzed regarding the granulometric composition, while the obtained concrete samples were further subjected to compressive strength determination, whereas the asphalt mixtures were tested in the context of potential waterproofing materials. According to the obtained leaching test results, all the samples met the required conditions for further application. Compressive strength test results were in the range of 8.7 – 22.6 MPa. Still, the measured compressive strength values were lower than expected, which is explained using solidified powder fractions of smaller grain size. According to the results, it can be concluded that the investigated mixtures cannot be used for structural building elements, but their usage is recommended for elements such as pavements, roadside, path cubes, concrete haberdashery, etc. Asphalt mixtures showed acceptable properties in terms of mechanical, durability, and waterproofing tests.Ispitivane su mogućnosti korišćenja solidifikovanih frakcija industrijskog opasnog otpada dobijenog njegovim mešanjem sa inertnim materijalima u građevinarstvu. Kao predstavnici industrijskog opasnog otpada u procesu solidifikacije korišćena su otpadna mineralna ulja, mešavina vodeno-ugljovodonične emulzije i otpadne filter pogačeiz fizičko-hemijskog tretmana otpadnih voda nastalih pranjem dezen valjaka na mašini za štampanje. Istraživanje je podrazumevalo pripremu betona i asfaltne mešavine za dalja ispitivanja. Utvrđen je granulometrijski sastav solidifikovanog praha, uzorci betona su dalje podvrgnuti određivanju čvrstoće na pritisak, a asfaltne mešavine su ispitivane u kontekstu hidroizolacionih materijala. Prema dobijenim rezultatima ispitivanja luženja, svi uzorci su ispunjavali potrebne uslove za dalju primenu. Rezultati ispitivanja čvrstoće na pritisak bili su u opsegu od 8,7 – 22,6 MPa. Izmerene vrednosti čvrstoće na pritisak bile su niže od očekivanih, što se objašnjava upotrebom solidifikovanih frakcija manje granulacije. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da se ispitivane mešavine ne mogu koristiti za konstruktivne građevinske elemente, te se preporučuje njihova upotreba za građevinske elemente kao što su trotoari, ivičnjaci, kocke za staze, betonska galanterija i dr. Asfaltne mešavine su pokazale prihvatljiva svojstva u pogledu mehaničkih, ispitivanja izdržljivosti i hidroizolacije

    Blood lead levels in children living close to the antimony and lead mining-milling-smelting complex in Serbia

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    Objective of this cross-sectional study was to determine blood lead concentrations in children, living in the vicinity of the Zajača lead-antimony mining-milling-smelting complex. Other aims were to compare blood lead levels (BLLs) of exposed children to those of partially exposed and non-exposed, and correlate values of BLLs from two consecutive sampling series in 2012 and 2013. Performed laboratory method was atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS). Statistical significance of comparisons was tested by univariate methods and non-parametric tests for the attributable variables: Hi-square test, proportion test. In the case of non-parametric variables, following tests were used: Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z test for testing distribution's normality; ANOVA for the normal distribution, while a Kruskal Wallis Test was used in cases without normal distribution. 142 participants were tested on lead in blood: exposed, partially exposed, and non-exposed). Mean BLLs in children living at less than 1 km from the smelter was 18.98 µg/dl , at first test series, and 12.21 µg/dl, in the second round. For those living further than 3 km mean BLLs at first series was 8.30, and at the second series it was 5.85). Blood lead concentrations in children from Zajača are highest

    Korelacija između izloženosti pasivnom pušenju u kućnom okruženju i pojave respiratornih simptoma kod školske dece

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    Objective. Aim of this paper was to correlate exposure to household second-hand smoke and respiratory symptoms in participating school children, who are attending ten primary schools in Belgrade, Serbia. Method. In order to determine correlation between second-hand smoke exposure at home and respiratory symptoms in primary school pupils, a comparative cross-sectional study has been conducted. The study was conducted in ten primary schools on 735 children, in 44 classrooms in Belgrade, Serbia. A standardized questionnaire was distributed to parents/caregivers, on child's respiratory health, socioeconomic status and parents' lifestyle habits, primarily cigarette smoking. Results. 78% of all exposed children have parents smoking up to 20 cigarettes/day, while more than 22% are exposed to parents' household second-hand smoke of more than 21 cigarettes per day (p lt 0.0001). Respiratory disorders appear in 45.9% of children exposed to domestic second-hand smoke (CI 1.04-1.89), asthmatic symptoms in 33.5% (CI 0.94-1.78), while the least incidence of disorders is reported for continuous cough, which have lasted for 3 months (3.3%, CI 0.44-2.36), wheezing after exercise (4.5%, CI 0.38-1.41) and being awaken by wheezing in last 12 months (7.4%, CI 0.89-3.28). Conclusion. Univariate logistic regression analysis proved that parental smoking exposure is a statistically significant predictor for childhood respiratory symptoms' manifestation.Cilj. Cilj ovog rada je uspostavljanje korelacije između izloženosti pasivnom pušenju u kućnom okruženju i pojave respiratornih simptoma kod dece koja pohađaju deset osnovnih škola u Beogradu, Srbija. Metod. Istraživanje je sprovedeno po tipu komparativne studije preseka, u deset osnovnih škola, na uzorku od 735 dece, u 44 učionice, u Beogradu, Srbija. Roditeljima/starateljima distribuiran je standardizovani upitnik, sa pitanjima o respiratornom zdravlju dece, socio-ekonomskom statusu i navikama roditelja, pre svega o pušenju cigareta. Rezultati. 78% dece koja su izložena duvanskom dimu ima roditelje koji puše do 20 cigareta/dan, dok je više od 22% izloženo duvanskom dimu od popušenih preko 21 cigareta/dan, od strane roditelja (p lt 0,0001). Respiratorni poremećaji prisutni su kod 45,9% dece izložene pasivnom pušenju u kućnom okruženju (CI 1.04-1.89), astmatični simptomi kod 33,5% (CI 0,94-1.,78), dok je najniža incidenca ovih poremećaja prijavljena u slučaju hroničnog kašlja, u trajanju od 3 meseca (3,3%, CI 0,44-2,36), vizinga nakon fizičke aktivnosti (4,5%, CI 0,38-1,41), kao i za slučaj buđenja usled viziga u poslednjih 12 meseci (7,4%, CI 0,89-3,28). Zaključak. Univarijantnom logističkom regresionom analizom dokazano je da je izloženost roditeljskom pušenju duvana statistički značajan prediktor za pojavu respiratornih simptoma kod dece

    Prediction of GO terms for IDPs based on highly connected components in PPI networks

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    Partitioning large biological networks can help biologists to retrieve new information for particular biological structures. In literature, various methods for partitioning and clustering biological networks have been proposed. The aim of such a network partitioning is to retrieve smaller structures which are easier to analyse, but still containing important information about relations between the network elements. Highly connected deletion problem is one of such network partitioning, with the aim to partition a network into highly connected components (hcd components) by deleting minimum number of edges. A network component with n nodes is a hcd component if the degree of every vertex is larger than n/2. For the purpose of this research, we used a specially constructed local search based heuristic approach to identify hcd components. Dealing with protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks, it has been noticed that proteins from the same hcd component in a network have same Gene Ontology (GO) annotations. Based on that, we proposed a new method for prediction of GO annotations, which consists of the following steps: (a) starting PPI network is partitioned to hcd components; (b) the obtained hcd components are expanded by proteins which became singletons in the partition set; (c) the newly formed extended hcd components are the subject of further enrichment analysis in DiNGO tool, which returns a list of existing GO terms for proteins from the considered extended component; (d) after propagation through GO hierarchy, the extended list of GO is obtained; (e) each protein from the extended hcd component is annotated by a number of GO terms obtained from the previous step; The proposed method is tested on the data from CAFA-3 challenge. Comparing the F1-measure of the obtained results, a combination of parameters (type of extension, cutoff for enrichment analysis and maximum number of GO terms) with the best performances is selected for the further usage. The method with the selected parameters was further applied on a class of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins (IDP). Preliminary results indicate that this method can be useful for proposing new GO terms for IDP proteins