208 research outputs found

    Effet de la salinité sur la fluorescence chlorophyllienne, la teneur en proline et la production florale de trois espèces ornementales

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    Effect of Chloride Sodium on Chlorophyll Fluorescence, Plant Proline Content and Flowers Production of Three Ornamental Species. Three ornamental species (Zinnia elegans, Tagetes patula and Petunia hybrida) were used to test sodium chloride effect on chlorophyll fluorescence, plant proline content and flowers production. Three treatments were used in this trial: 0, 2 and 4 g of Nacl.l-1 of irrigation water. The results showed that chlorophyll fluorescence was not affected by sodium chloride treatment but plant proline content increased and flowers production decreased as NaCl doses increase

    Imperforation choanale aspects cliniques, approache therapeutique

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    No Abstract. Journal Tunisien d\'ORL et de chirurgie cervico-faciale Vol. 17 2006: pp. 30-3

    Les carcinomes adénoïdes kystiques de la parotide a propos de 3 cas

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    Les carcinomes adénoïdes kystiques (CAK) représentent 2 à 4% des tumeurs de la parotide et 12% des tumeurs malignes. Ce sont des tumeurs à croissance lente qui sont caractérisées par leur capacité à infiltrer les gaines nerveuses. Les auteurs rapportent trois cas de CAK de la glande parotide diagnostiqués et traités entre l’année 2000 et 2007. Il s’agissait de 2 hommes et une femme qui ont consulté devant l’apparition d’une tuméfaction de la loge parotidienne associée à une paralysie faciale dans un cas. Les aires ganglionnaires étaient libres. Tous les patients ont bénéficié d’une exploration comportant une échographie, une TDM dans un cas et une IRM chez un patient. Le traitement a consisté en une parotidectomie totale associée à un curage ganglionnaire dans tous les cas et à une radiothérapie complémentaire. L’évolution a été favorable dans deux cas. Le carcinome adénoïde kystique de la parotide est une tumeur rare, caractérisée par une évolution très lente, une agressivité locale, un caractère fortement récidivant localement et un haut pouvoir métastatique à distance.Mots-clés : Carcinome adénoïde kystique, glande parotide, chirurgie, radiothérapie

    Carcinome hybride de la fosse nasale

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    Hybrid carcinoma is a rare neoplasm, accounting for less than 0.1% of all registered tumors in salivary glands. Up to now, only one case of hybrid carcinoma of the nasal cavity has been described. In this report, we describe a case of hybrid carcinoma composed of epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma with an adenoid cystic carcinoma component occurring in the nasal cavity in a 56-year-old woman. Caldwell-Luc means resection was performedand the patient revisited because of the tumor recurrence within two years of evolution. A second surgery was accomplished by means of Red Denker and a adjuvant radiation therapy is envisaged. We have not enough detachmentto speak about actual evolution. It is in our knowledge the second case of hybrid tumor of the nasal cavity described in the literature. Hybrid carcinoma of the nasal cavity is possible although rare. Therefore recognition of other component that is more aggressive and has a worse prognosis has therapeutic and prognostic ramifications.Keywords: Carcinoma; hybrid; tumors of nasal cavity

    Osteomyelite atypique ou centrale de la base du crane d’origine sinusienne

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    Introduction : L’ostéomyélitede la base du crâne esttypiquement secondaire à une otite externe nécrosante chez des patients âgés, diabétiques. Elle atteint l’os temporal et est habituellement due au pseudomonasaeruginosa. Dans sa forme atypique, l’ostéomyélite atteint les os sphénoïdal ou occipital sans otite externe associéeet est beaucoup moins fréquente. Le but de cette étude est d’analyser les caractéristiques cliniques et de déterminer les modalités thérapeutiques de l’ostéomyélite nonotologique de la base du crâne.Méthodes : Nous avons revu rétrospectivement deux casd’ostéomyélite atypique de la base du crâne.Résultats : Les deux patients se sont présentés dans un tableau d’altération de l’état général, une asthénie, des céphalées et de la fièvre. Les signes rhinologiques étaient discrets. Aucun des deux patients n’avait de déficit neurologique. L’imagerie avait montré une destruction osseuse, la biologie a objectivé un syndrome infectieux et une biopsie osseuse trans sphénoïdale a confirmé le diagnostic d’ostéomyélite. Un traitement antibiotique prolongé a été instauré et les deux patients ont été guéris sans récidive moyennant un recul de 12 mois.Conclusion : l’atteinte ostéomyélitique centrale de la base du crâne est une affection rare dont la prise en charge passe par un prélèvement osseux précoce et un traitement approprié afin de prévenir ou limiter d’autres complications telles qu’une extension endocrânienne, un empyème, ou la mort.Mots Clés: Ostéomyélite; Base du crâne; sphenoïdite; IRMIntroduction : Skull base osteomyelitis typically arises as a complication of ear infection in older diabetic patients, involves the temporal bone, and has Pseudomonas aeruginosaas the usual pathogen. Atypical skull base osteomyelitis arising from the sphenoid or occipital bones without associated external otitis occurs much less frequently. The purpose of this study was to review the clinical featuresand determine efficacy of treatment for nonotologic osteomyelitis of the skull base.Methods : We retrospectively reviewed two cases of central or atypical skull base osteomyelitis.Results : The two patients presented with asthenia, headache, and fever. No patient presented with neurologic deficits. Contrary to malignant otitis externa, our cases were not preceded by immediate external infections and had normal external ear examinations. One patient had an underlying immunocompromising condition. Imaging demonstrated bone destruction, subsequent microbiological analysis diagnosed infection and a biopsy proved diagnosis of osteomyelitis, a prolonged antibiotic treatment was instored. The two patients were cured with no recurrence of skull base infection over 12-month follow-up period.Conclusion : Central skull base osteomyelitis is a rare disease whose treatment requires an early bone biopsy and appropriate treatment to prevent or limit other complications such as intracranial extension, empyema, or dead.Key Words : Osteomyelitis; Skull base; sphenoïditis; MR

    Essential oils as antibacterial agents against food-borne pathogens: are they really as useful as they are claimed to be ?

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    Original articleMost studies evaluating the use of essential oils (EO) as antibacterial agents focus mainly on minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) rather than minimal bactericidal concentrations (MBC). In this work, we compared MICs and MBCs of EO from condiment plants commonly used in Mediterranean Europe, namely Origanum vulgare, Salvia lavandulaefolia, Salvia officinalis, Salvia sclarea and Rosmarinus officinalis, aiming to evaluate their application as disinfecting agents in minimally processed produce. Outbreaks-related pathogens such as Listeria monocytogenes, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Yarrowia lipolytica were used. Results showed that all EO were able to reduce bacterial growth in all bacterial strains tested, particularly O. vulgare. However, fewer EO exhibited bactericidal activities, and were only effective against one or two bacterial strains, hence eliminating the possibility to use them as broad range disinfectants. Furthermore, the necessary concentrations were too high for food application. Hence, our work suggests the need to evaluate MBC rather than MIC and questions EO usefulness in controlling undesired microorganisms. Overall, and despite the large volume of data published on EO, results obtained were not very encouraging for a realistic application on produce and question the viability of EOs as disinfecting agents in foodinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Travelling-wave resonant four-wave mixing breaks the limits of cavity-enhanced all-optical wavelength conversion

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    Wave mixing inside optical resonators, while experiencing a large enhancement of the nonlinear interaction efficiency, suffers from strong bandwidth constraints, preventing its practical exploitation for processing broad-band signals. Here we show that such limits are overcome by the new concept of travelling-wave resonant four-wave mixing (FWM). This approach combines the efficiency enhancement provided by resonant propagation with a wide-band conversion process. Compared with conventional FWM in bare waveguides, it exhibits higher robustness against chromatic dispersion and propagation loss, while preserving transparency to modulation formats. Travelling-wave resonant FWM has been demonstrated in silicon-coupled ring resonators and was exploited to realize a 630-μm-long wavelength converter operating over a wavelength range wider than 60 nm and with 28-dB gain with respect to a bare waveguide of the same physical length. Full compatibility of the travelling-wave resonant FWM with optical signal processing applications has been demonstrated through signal retiming and reshaping at 10 Gb s−
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