15 research outputs found

    Congruence with College Major in Light of Cognitive Influence and Work Roles

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    Using Holland’s theory, the author examined moderators that may influence students’ academic success and satisfaction while accounting for cognitive influence. Data from 233 undergraduate students was analyzed using a series of hierarchical multiple regressions. The study sought to determine if student employment and the level of interest profile elevation were significant moderators of the relationship between congruence with college major and academic major satisfaction, as well as academic major success. Uniquely, academic major success was determined through GPA and a 10-subscale self-report measure. Cognitive influences were operationalized as positive and negative thinking and accounted for in all analyses. Correlation results suggested that student employment has a negative relationship with academic success as measured by GPA. No study hypotheses were supported but regression analyses did reveal significant impact of cognitive influences on both academic major satisfaction and academic major success in both research questions. Based on these findings, clinicians are encouraged to aid students in strategically planning the relationship between required work and educational responsibilities

    Profiles of Interest in Holland\u27s Theory in Relation to Personality and Sex

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    The current study sought to expand the knowledge of latent profiles of vocational interest that are interpreted from a theory-driven perspective. The current study utilized a measure of Holland’s RIASEC interest types as a source of data to explore possible profiles through latent profile analysis. Using an MTurk sample of 303 adults, seven profiles were interpreted in the context of Holland’s theory, specifically using diagnostic signs of the theory to explain possible profile membership. The seven profiles were coined Low Profile Elevation, High Consistency SIA, Moderate Consistency Conventional Investigative, Undifferentiated, High Differentiation Conventional Dominant, High Consistency Investigative Artistic, and High Profile Elevation. Additionally, the relationship between Five Factor Model personality variables and the profiles was explored. Extraversion and Openness to Experience were found to significantly differ across profiles. However, only Extraversion did so in the manner hypothesized. Sex was also utilized in the model to explore sex membership in the profiles, but no significant differences were found. Findings highlight the importance of career counseling practitioners’ attention to the individual differences in vocational interests, specifically the incorporation of diagnostic signs in the interpretation of interest inventory results

    Student Congruence With Academic Major: Do Hours Worked and Attitude Affect Satisfaction and Success?

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    © Australian Council for Educational Research 2017. The current study sought to determine if student employment was a significant moderator of the relationship between congruence with college major, academic major satisfaction, and academic major success. Correlation results suggested that student employment has a negative relationship with academic success as measured by grade point average. No study hypotheses were supported but regression analyses showed significant impact of cognitive influences on academic major satisfaction and academic major success. Clinicians are encouraged to aid students in planning the relationship between required work and educational responsibilities, as well as consider implications of negative career thinking on academic satisfaction and success

    Single-cell mass cytometry of TCR signaling: Amplification of small initial differences results in low ERK activation in NOD mice

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    Signaling from the T-cell receptor (TCR) conditions T-cell differentiation and activation, requiring exquisite sensitivity and discrimination. Using mass cytometry, a high-dimensional technique that can probe multiple signaling nodes at the single-cell level, we interrogate TCR signaling dynamics in control C57BL/6 and autoimmunity-prone nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice, which show ineffective ERK activation after TCR triggering. By quantitating signals at multiple steps along the signaling cascade and parsing the phosphorylation level of each node as a function of its predecessors, we show that a small impairment in initial pCD3ζ activation resonates farther down the signaling cascade and results in larger defects in activation of the ERK1/2–S6 and IκBα modules. This nonlinear property of TCR signaling networks, which magnifies small initial differences during signal propagation, also applies in cells from B6 mice activated at different levels of intensity. Impairment in pCD3ζ and pSLP76 is not a feedback consequence of a primary deficiency in ERK activation because no proximal signaling defect was observed in Erk2 KO T cells. These defects, which were manifest at all stages of T-cell differentiation from early thymic pre-T cells to memory T cells, may condition the imbalanced immunoregulation and tolerance in NOD T cells. More generally, this amplification of small initial differences in signal intensity may explain how T cells discriminate between closely related ligands and adopt strongly delineated cell fates

    Mst1 Directs Myosin IIa Partitioning of Low and Higher Affinity Integrins during T Cell Migration

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    <div><p>Chemokines promote T cell migration by transmitting signals that induce T cell polarization and integrin activation and adhesion. Mst1 kinase is a key signal mediator required for both of these processes; however, its molecular mechanism remains unclear. Here, we present a mouse model in which Mst1 function is disrupted by a hypomorphic mutation. Microscopic analysis of <i>Mst1</i>-deficient CD4 T cells revealed a necessary role for Mst1 in controlling the localization and activity of Myosin IIa, a molecular motor that moves along actin filaments. Using affinity specific LFA-1 antibodies, we identified a requirement for Myosin IIa-dependent contraction in the precise spatial distribution of low and higher affinity LFA-1 on the membrane of migrating T cells. <i>Mst1</i> deficiency or Myosin inhibition resulted in multipolar cells, difficulties in uropod detachment and mis-localization of low affinity LFA-1. Thus, Mst1 regulates Myosin IIa dynamics to organize high and low affinity LFA-1 to the anterior and posterior membrane during T cell migration.</p></div

    Mst1 is dispensable for integrin-dependent T cell polarization by required for CCL19-induced migration.

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    <p><b>A</b>) Wt and <i>Mst1<sup>h/h</sup></i> CD4 T cells were seeded into slide chambers pre-coated with 100 ng/mL ICAM-1-Fc prior to stimulation with CCL19. Polarization of CD44 to the uropod in comparison to LFA-1 expression was visualized by confocal microscopy. <b>B</b>) Computational scoring of CD44 and LFA-1 clustering during live imaging of wt and <i>Mst1<sup>h/h</sup></i> CD4 T cells on ICAM-1 coated chamberslides stimulated for 30 minutes with 100 ng/mL CCL19 in presence of 0.08 ng/mL Alexa647-anti-CD11a/LFA-1 (M17/4) and Alexa488-anti-CD44. For each time point, 99–166 individual cells were analyzed for receptor clustering. Student's t-test was performed to compare clustering efficiency for Mst1<sup>wt</sup> and Mst1<sup>h/h</sup> T cells. <b>C</b>) Transmigration of purified wt and <i>Mst1<sup>h/h</sup></i> CD4 T cells in response to 100 ng/mL CCL19 through 3 μm or 5 μm pores pre-coated with BSA or ICAM-1 Fc. Data is displayed as mean ± SEM of triplicate samples in a single experiment representative of 3–5 independent experiments. Student's t-test was performed to compare migration efficiency for Mst1<sup>wt</sup> and Mst1<sup>h/h</sup> T cells, * p<0.002, ** p<0.0001. <b>D</b>) CCR7 expression was determined by flow cytometry.</p

    <i>WeeT</i> mice have reduced peripheral CD4 and CD8 T cells due to <i>Mst1</i> deficiency.

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    <p><b>A</b>) Representation of CD4 and CD8 T cells, CD11b<sup>+</sup> and B cells in the peripheral blood of <i>Mst1<sup>wt</sup></i> and <i>Mst1<sup>h/h</sup></i> mice. <b>B</b>) Inheritance of homozygous C57BL/6 (B), 129Sv/ImJ (C) or heterozygous (H) SNPs in F2 mice generated by crossing <i>Mst1<sup>h/h</sup></i> mice from the original C57BL/6 background to 129Sv/ImJ. Genetic mapping of T-lymphopenic (<i>WeeT</i>) and normal mice isolated a 4.5 Mb region on chromosome 2 harboring the causative mutation. <b>C</b>) <i>Mst1<sup>h/h</sup></i> mice harbor an A to C transversion in exon 5 of the <i>Mst1</i> gene, resulting in change of Leu<sub>157</sub> within the Mst1 kinase C-lobe to Arg (L<sub>157</sub>R). <b>D</b>) Similar abundance of <i>Mst1</i> transcripts in wt and <i>Mst1<sup>h/h</sup></i> T cells. <b>E</b>) <i>Mst1<sup>h/h</sup></i> T cells have reduced Mst1 protein levels in the presence or absence of proteosome (MG132) or caspase-3 inhibitors (Z-DEVD).</p

    Mst1 regulates Myosin IIa localization and is required for partitioning of low and higher affinity LFA-1 molecules.

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    <p><b>A</b>) Wt and <i>Mst1<sup>h/h</sup></i> CD4 T cells expressing Myosin IIa-GFP were seeded into slide chambers pre-coated with 1 μg/mL ICAM-1-Fc and stimulated with CCL19 prior to fixation and staining of F-actin with Rhodamine-phalloidin. Three-dimensional image reconstructions from z-stacks of confocal micrographs are displayed. <b>B</b>) Wt and <i>Mst1<sup>h/h</sup></i> CD4 T cells expressing Myosin IIa-GFP were visualized by live TIRF microscopy. Arrows indicate bipolar morphology. Data are representative of 2 individual experiments with 150 cells per genotype. <b>C, D</b>) Wt and <i>Mst1<sup>h/h</sup></i> CD4 T cells were stimulated as above and stained with 2D7 (anti-low affinity CD11a/LFA-1, green) and M17/4 (anti-CD11a/LFA-1, red). <b>E</b>) Wt CD4 T cells stimulated as above with or without Blebbistatin treatment were stained with 2D7 and visualized by immunofluorescence. <b>F</b>) Quantification of cells with 2D7 localization at the trailing edge of untreated or Blebbistatin-treated Wt and Mst1<sup>h/h</sup> CD4 T cells (data are representative of 2–3 individual experiments, n = 13–23).</p

    Mst1 is required for integrin-independent T cell polarization.

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    <p><b>A</b>) Wt and <i>Mst1<sup>h/h</sup></i> CD4 T cells were stimulated with 100 ng/mL CCL19 in PBS for 30 minutes. Polarization of CD44 to the uropod and LFA-1 distribution were visualized by confocal microscopy. <b>B</b>) Computational scoring of CD44 and LFA-1 clustering on wt and <i>Mst1<sup>h/h</sup></i> CD4 T stimulated with 100 ng/mL CCL19 in PBS prior to fixation and staining for LFA-1 and CD44 expression. Student's t-test was performed to compare clustering efficiency for Mst1<sup>wt</sup> and Mst1<sup>h/h</sup> T cells.</p