12,039 research outputs found

    Bridging over p-wave pi-production and weak processes in few-nucleon systems with chiral perturbation theory

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    I study an aspect of chiral perturbation theory (\chi PT) which enables one to ``bridge'' different reactions. That is, an operator fixed in one of the reactions can then be used to predict the other. For this purpose, I calculate the partial wave amplitude for the p-wave pion production (pp\to pn\pi^+) using the pion production operator from the lowest and the next nonvanishing orders. The operator includes a contact operator whose coupling has been fixed using a matrix element of a low-energy weak process (pp\to de^+\nu_e). I find that this operator does not reproduce the partial wave amplitude extracted from experimental data, showing that the bridging over the reactions with significantly different kinematics is not necessarily successful. I study the dependence of the amplitude on the various inputs such as the NN potential, the \pi N\Delta coupling, and the cutoff. I argue the importance of a higher order calculation. In order to gain an insight into a higher order calculation, I add a higher order counter term to the operator used above, and fit the couplings to both the low-energy weak process and the pion production. The energy dependence of the partial wave amplitude for the pion production is described by the operator consistently with the data. However, I find a result which tells us to be careful about the convergence of the chiral expansion for the pp\to pn\pi^+ reaction.Comment: 30 pages, 13 figures, figures changed, compacted tex

    The Arason invariant of orthogonal involutions of degree 12 and 8, and quaternionic subgroups of the Brauer group

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    Using the Rost invariant for torsors under Spin groups one may define an analogue of the Arason invariant for certain hermitian forms and orthogonal involutions. We calculate this invariant explicitly in various cases, and use it to associate to every orthogonal involution with trivial discriminant and trivial Clifford invariant over a central simple algebra of even co-index a cohomology class f3f_3 of degree 3 with μ2\mu_2 coefficients. This invariant f3f_3 is the double of any representative of the Arason invariant; it vanishes when the algebra has degree at most 10, and also when there is a quadratic extension of the center that simultaneously splits the algebra and makes the involution hyperbolic. The paper provides a detailed study of both invariants, with particular attention to the degree 12 case, and to the relation with the existence of a quadratic splitting field.Comment: A mistake pointed out by A. Sivatski in Section 5.3 has been corrected in the new version of this preprin

    Orthogonal involutions on central simple algebras and function fields of Severi-Brauer varieties

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    An orthogonal involution σ\sigma on a central simple algebra AA, after scalar extension to the function field F(A)\mathcal{F}(A) of the Severi--Brauer variety of AA, is adjoint to a quadratic form qσq_\sigma over F(A)\mathcal{F}(A), which is uniquely defined up to a scalar factor. Some properties of the involution, such as hyperbolicity, and isotropy up to an odd-degree extension of the base field, are encoded in this quadratic form, meaning that they hold for the involution σ\sigma if and only if they hold for qσq_\sigma. As opposed to this, we prove that there exists non-totally decomposable orthogonal involutions that become totally decomposable over F(A)\mathcal{F}(A), so that the associated form qσq_\sigma is a Pfister form. We also provide examples of nonisomorphic involutions on an index 22 algebra that yield similar quadratic forms, thus proving that the form qσq_\sigma does not determine the isomorphism class of σ\sigma, even when the underlying algebra has index 22. As a consequence, we show that the e3e_3 invariant for orthogonal involutions is not classifying in degree 1212, and does not detect totally decomposable involutions in degree 1616, as opposed to what happens for quadratic forms

    Schooling effects and earnings of French University graduates: school quality matters, but choice of discipline matters more

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    Our aim in this article is to study the relation between earnings of French universities graduates and some characteristics of their universities. We exploit data from the Céreq's "Génération 98" survey, enriched with information on university characteristics primarily from the ANETES (yearbook of French institutions of higher education). We employ multilevel modeling, enabling us to take advantage of the natural hierarchy in our separate datasets, and thus to identify, and even to measure potential effects of institutional quality. Since we take into account many individual students characteristics, we are able to obtain an income hierarchy among the different disciplines : students who graduated in science, economics or management obtain the highest earnings. Below them, we and students who graduated in law, political science, communication or language and literature, while the ones who graduated in social studies earn the lowest incomes. On the institutional level, we need two significant quality effects : the rest is from the socioeconomic composition of the university's student population, and the second effect is from the university's network in the job market. These last two results remain stable when we examine subsamples of universities according to their dominant teaching fields, except for universities that are particularly concentrated in science.Demand for schooling, educational economics, human capital, salaries wage differentials, school choice