12 research outputs found

    Evidências de validade do teste luria-nebraska para crianças: relações com escolaridade e inteligência

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    This study sought evidences of validity of the Luria-Nebraska Test for Children (TLN-C) in its relation to education and intelligence. The participants were 120 children with learning difficulties (2st to 6th grades) assessed with the TLN-C and the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Third Revision. Results showed influence of education and intellectual performance on the TLN-C total score and Rhythm, Visual Skill, Motor Skill, Writing, Reading, Mathematical Reasoning and Immediate Memory subtests. The results allowed to differentiate between performance of children of the 2nd and 3rd grades from that of children from others school years, and the performance of intellectually disabled children from that of children with other intellectual levels. Positive and significant correlations were obtained between TLN-C scores and the WISC total score of intelligence. The instrument was adequate for differentiating performance by education and intelligence.This study sought evidences of validity of the Luria-Nebraska Test for Children (TLN-C) in its relation to education and intelligence. The participants were 120 children with learning difficulties (2st to 6th grades) assessed with the TLN-C and the Wechsl314461469sem informaçãosem informaçãoAbreu, P., Crenitte, P., Batista, A.D.S., Silva, L., Lima, R.F., de Ciasca, S.M., Estudo piloto da adaptação da bateria neuropsicológica Luria-Nebraska para crianças (LNNB-C) (2011) Revista de Psicopedagogia, 28 (86), pp. 117-125(1999) Standards for educational and psychological testing, , Washington, DC: AERAArdila, A., Cultural values underlying psychometric cognitive testing (2005) Neuropsychology Review, 15 (4), pp. 185-195Argolo, N., Bueno, O.F.A., Shayer, B., Godinho, K., Abreu, K., Durán, P., Assis, A., Seabra, A.G., Adaptação transcultural da Bateria NEPSY-Avaliação Neuropsicológica do Desenvolvimento: estudo-piloto (2009) Avaliação Psicológica, 8 (1), pp. 59-75Barker, R.M., Sevcik, R.A., Morris, R.D., Romski, M., A model of phonological processing, language, and reading for students with mild intellectual disability (2013) American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 118 (5), pp. 365-380Ciasca, S.M., Distúrbios e dificuldades de aprendizagem em crianças: análise do diagóstico interdisciplinar (Unpublished doctoral dissertation) (1994) Universidade Estadual de Campinas, , Campinas(2003) Resolução N° 002/2003, , http://www.pol.org.brFigueiredo, V.L.M., (2002) WISC-III: Escala de Inteligência Wechsler para crianças.Adaptação e padronização de uma amostra brasileira, , São Paulo: Casa do PsicólogoFumagalli, J., Fonseca, R.P., Cruz-Rodrigues, C., Mello, C.B., Barbosa, T., Miranda, M.C., Desenvolvimento do instrumento de avaliação neuropsicológica breve infantil NEUPSILIN-INF (2011) Psico-USF, 16 (3), pp. 297-305Gilger, J.W., Geary, D.C., Performance on the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Test Battery-Children's Revision: A comparison of children with and without significant WISC-R VIQ-PIQ discrepancies (1985) Journal of Clinical Psychology, 41 (6), pp. 806-811Golden, C.J., (1984) Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery-Children's revision, , Los Angeles: Western Psychological ServicesGuimarães, I.E., Ciasca, S.M., Moura-Ribeiro, M.V.L., Neuropsychological evaluation of children after ischemic cerebrovascular disease (2002) Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria, 60 (2), pp. 386-389Korkman, M., Kemp, S.L., Kirk, U., Effects of age on neurocognitive measures of children ages 5 to 12: A crosssectional study on 800 children from the United States (2001) Developmental Neuropsychology, 20 (1), pp. 331-354Kotik-Friedgut, B., Development of the Lurian approach: A cultural neurolinguistic perspective (2006) Neuropsychology Review, 16 (1), pp. 43-52Lewis, R.D., Hutchens, T.A., Garland, B.L., Crossvalidation of the discriminative effectiveness of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery for learning disabled adolescents (1993) Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 8 (5), pp. 437-447Lezak, M.D., Howieson, D.B., Bigler, E.D., Tranel, D., (2012) Neuropsychological assessment, , (5th ed.), New York: Oxford University PressLima, R.F., Mello, R., Massoni, I., Riechi, T., Ciasca, S.M., (2005) Teste Luria-Nebraska para Crianças-TLN-C, , [Manual técnico não publicado].Universidade Estadual de Campinas, CampinasMyers, D.R.J., Sweet, J.J., Deysach, R., Myers, F.C., Utility of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery-Children's Revision in the evaluation of reading disabled children (1989) Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 4 (3), pp. 201-215Pawlowski, J., Fonseca, R.P., Salles, J.F., Parente, M.A.M.P., Bandeira, D.R., Evidências de validade do Instrumento de Avaliação Neuropsicológica Breve Neupsilin (2008) Arquivos Brasileiro de Psicologia, 50 (2), pp. 101-116Riechi, T.I.J.S., Lima, R.F., Mello, R.J.L., Massoni, I., Ciasca, S.M., Normatização piloto da Bateria Luria Nebraska para crianças brasileiras [Resumo] (2006) Revista de Neurología, 42, p. 111Reynolds, M.R., Keith, T.Z., Flanagan, D.P., Alfonso, V.C., A cross-battery, reference variable, confirmatory factor analytic investigation of the CHC taxonomy (2013) Journal of School Psychology, 51 (4), pp. 535-555SATEPSI-Sistema de Avaliação de Testes Psicológicos (2008) Lista dos testes aprovados, , http://www.pol.org.br/satepsiSolovieva, Y., Loredo, D., Quintanar, L., Caracterización neuropsicológica de una población infantil urbana a través de la Evaluación Neuropsicológica Infantil Puebla-Sevilla (2013) Pensamiento Psicológico, 11 (1), pp. 83-98Schaughency, E.A., Lahey, B.B., Hynd, G.W., Stone, P.A., Piacentini, J.C., Frick, P.J., Neuropsychological test performance and the attention deficit disorders: clinical utility of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery-Children's Revision (1989) Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 57 (1), pp. 112-116Urbina, U., (2007) Fundamentos da testagem psicológica, , Porto Alegre: Artes MédicasUstárroz, J.T., La evaluación neuropsicológica (2007) Intervención Psicossocial, 16 (2), pp. 189-211O presente estudo buscou evidências de validade do Teste Luria-Nebraska para Crianças (TLN-C) em sua relação com escolaridade e inteligência. Participaram 120 crianças com dificuldades escolares (2ª ao 6ª ano), avaliadas com o TLN-C e a Escala de Intelig

    Evidências de Validade do Teste Luria-Nebraska para Crianças:: Relações com Escolaridade e Inteligência

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    This study sought evidences of validity of the Luria-Nebraska Test for Children (TLN-C) in its relation toeducation and intelligence. The participants were 120 children with learning difficulties (2st to 6th grades) assessed with theTLN-C and the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Third Revision. Results showed influence of education and intellectualperformance on the TLN-C total score and Rhythm, Visual Skill, Motor Skill, Writing, Reading, Mathematical Reasoning andImmediate Memory subtests. The results allowed to differentiate between performance of children of the 2nd and 3rd gradesfrom that of children from others school years, and the performance of intellectually disabled children from that of childrenwith other intellectual levels. Positive and significant correlations were obtained between TLN-C scores and the WISC totalscore of intelligence. The instrument was adequate for differentiating performance by education and intelligence..Objetivou-se obter evidências de validade do Teste Luria-Nebraska para Crianças (TLN-C) em sua relação com a escolaridade e inteligência. Participaram 120 crianças com dificuldades escolares (1ª à 5ª série) avaliados com o TLN-C e a Escala de Inteligência Wechsler para Crianças. Os resultados evidenciaram influência da escolaridade e desempenho intelectual no escore total do TLN-C e subtestes Ritmo, Habilidade Motora, Habilidade Visual, Escrita, Leitura, Raciocínio Matemático e Memória Imediata, diferenciando principalmente os dois primeiros anos escolares e o nível intelectualmente deficiente dos demais. Foram encontradas correlações positivas e significativas entre os escores do TLN-C e o quociente de inteligência total da WISC, mesmo quando controlado efeito da idade. O instrumento mostrou-se adequado para diferenciar desempenho por escolaridade e inteligência

    Transcultural adaptation, structural validity, and reliability for the Perth Emotion Reactivity Scale (PERS-Br)

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    Emotional reactivity, characterised by individual predispositions to specific ranges of emotional activation, intensity, and duration, plays an essential role in emotional dynamics. We conducted a transcultural adaptation and validation of the Perth Emotion Reactivity Scale for Brazilian contexts, introducing the Brazilian version (PERS-Br) in both its standard and short forms. Both versions of the PERS-Br demonstrated robust structural validity and reliability, with the hierarchical model emerging as the most adequate. Older participants exhibited higher Positive Reactivity scores, while younger participants leaned towards higher Negative Reactivity scores. The standard version of the PERS-Br presented potential redundancies, as evidenced by high inter-factor correlations. Further validations of the PERS-Br, exploring how it relates to other constructs and its correlations with psychophysiological measures, are recommended. Overall, the PERS-Br, specially the short-version enriches the range of tools available for probing affective experiences in Brazil, offering a promising avenue for future studies in emotional reactivity

    A systematic review of cultural adaptations of the Positive Affect and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS)

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    Background: The Positive Affect and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) has been used worldwide as a valid and consistent instrument to investigate the bidimensional structure of affect. Researchers can adapt PANAS from English to other languages by developing a new scale or translating directly from the original. This review describes and evaluates the currently available PANAS translations according to instrument transcultural adaptation standards. We sought to improve the reliability and quality of transcultural investigations of the affective structure. Method: A systematic review based on Pubmed, NCBI, EMBASE, Web of Science, Scopus, EBSCO and Scielo was performed to identify PANAS-based new scale developments, translations and validation studies from 11th to 16th November 2020. Results: We detected 3 PANAS-based instruments developed in Japanese, Estonian and Portuguese (Portugal), 19 PANAS translations (Arabic; Chinese; French - 2; Hindi; Italian; Norwegian; Brazilian Portuguese; Romanian; Russian; Serbian; Spanish: Spain - 3, Mexico - 2, Argentina, Chile; Tunisian Arab), and 23 validation studies. According to our classification criterion (from A to G level of quality), no study reached the A level. Limitations: We included only manuscripts in English, Spanish, and Portuguese (PT and BR). Only three PANAS-based scale developments were found. Conclusions: Most transcultural adaptations of the PANAS show low compliance to adaptation standards. Based on the results of a systematic review of currently available instruments and their psychometric properties, we propose a guideline of procedures for future researchers aiming to translate and adapt scales

    Evidências de Validade do Teste Luria-Nebraska para Crianças: Relações com Escolaridade e Inteligência

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    RESUMO O presente estudo buscou evidências de validade do Teste Luria-Nebraska para Crianças (TLN-C) em sua relação com escolaridade e inteligência. Participaram 120 crianças com dificuldades escolares (2ª ao 6ª ano), avaliadas com o TLN-C e a Escala de Inteligência Wechsler para Crianças - Terceira Revisão. Os resultados evidenciaram influência da escolaridade e desempenho intelectual no escore total do TLN-C e nos subtestes Ritmo, Habilidade Motora, Habilidade Visual, Escrita, Leitura, Raciocínio Matemático e Memória Imediata. Tais resultados permitiram diferenciar o desempenho das crianças no 2º e 3º ano daquele de crianças em outros anos escolares, e o desempenho de crianças com nível intelectualmente deficiente daquele de crianças com outros níveis intelectuais.Houve correlações positivas e significativas entre os escores do TLN-C e o quociente de inteligência total da WISC. O instrumento mostrou-se adequado para diferenciar o desempenho por escolaridade e inteligência

    Development and psycholinguistic properties of the Brazilian-Portuguese Affect Scale (EAPB)

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    This study presents the development of the Brazilian-Portuguese Affect Scale based on the development procedures of the PANAS (Positive Affect and Negative Affect Schedule). We applied psycholinguistic and validity procedures to reduce an affective Brazilian lexicon with 404 words. The reduction was based on familiarity, state/trait categorization and semantic evaluations. A final list of 139 affective words was used in a synonym grouping task in a country-wide Brazilian sample (n = 1000; 594 women, 396 men, 2 transgender and 8 who did not inform; average age 29.9 [SD = 8.26]). An exploratory factor analysis revealed 13 factors, leading to two versions of the Brazilian-Portuguese Affect Scale (EAPB; 26 items and 65 items). The instrument is ready for investigations of its psychometric properties