96 research outputs found

    Sustainable Development - Implications for Logistics Management

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    Development of democracy and civil society connected with contemporary information technology and communications, increase in activities of social movements for protecting the rights of different groups - these are thereasons that enterprises are forced to verify the view on the profit maximization as the only aim of business activity.The belief that companies should participate in eliminating the civilization threats to which they contribute, becomes widely spread. This involves taking responsibility for the quality of life for present and future generations. The legitimacy of such requests is mainly due to the scale and scope of business activities within the supply chains and theimpact they have on local communities’ life, the environment and the progress of civilization. The concept of triple bottom line (TBL) – one of the fundament of social business responsibility, is based on finding a balance between three dimensions - economy, ecology and ethics. TBL concept results from the paradigm of the sustainable development discussed in this article from the axiological and quality point of view. The subject of considerations will be sustainable development and its impact on logistics management

    Sexual violence: Setting the research agenda for Kenya

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    This research agenda is the result of a stakeholders’ meeting held in Nairobi on June 11–12, 2008, that identified, developed, and prioritized areas for research on sexual violence in Kenya. The meeting was convened by the Population Council, Liverpool VCT, Care & Treatment, and the International Centre of Reproductive Health, Kenya. Kenya’s research agenda is premised on the need to generate the evidence required to impact policy formulation and services strengthening. Knowledge gaps that form the basis of key research areas identified include the need to: 1) Understand the nature, contexts, and prevalence of sexual violence; 2) Document and evaluate prevention initiatives from national to grassroots and spanning legislation, advocacy, and community interventions to identify replicable and scalable interventions; 3) Research innovative ways to improve access to, uptake, and deliver quality sexual violence care, treatment, and rehabilitation services for men and women in Kenya; and 4) Improve knowledge on sexual violence focusing on priority populations with higher risk and vulnerability

    Addressing violence against children:A systematic review on interventions to accelerate the achievement of the UN sustainable development goal in Europe and Africa

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    Background: Violence against children (VAC) is a global public health issue. In the context of limited resources, the United Nations Development Programme has coined the concept of a Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) accelerator for preventing and responding to VAC. An ‘accelerator’ is a provision that simultaneously leads to progress across multiple SDGs targets and goals. Objectives: This systematic review synthesizes the literature on violence prevention evaluation studies using robust methods according to the SDG accelerator framework for children aged 0–18 in Western Europe and Central and West Africa. It also provides a lens for analyzing research inequities between the global North and South, examining the challenges and differences undermining knowledge production across regions, particularly in research output. Method: We systematically searched 30 electronic databases and grey literature in English and French. The quality of included studies was assessed using the Cochrane Risk of Bias tool. Results: Nine evaluation studies related to four SDG goals and ten targets were included in the analysis. As a result, no intervention was identified as an accelerator for children in West and Central Africa. In contrast, three promising interventions were identified as accelerators in Western Europe. Two school-based interventions reduce bullying, depression, and substance abuse and improve psychological well-being; and one home-based intervention reduces child abuse, the severity of neglect, and mental health problems and improves school attendance. Moreover, this review also uncovered a lack of research from the Global South that points to serious disadvantages for authors and institutions and global violence prevention efforts, as it hinders the flow of knowledge and innovative practices. Conclusions: The results highlight the need for future VAC prevention trials to integrate the SDG accelerators concept further. Additionally, more effort should be made to support scholars in the global South to address knowledge inequities and to enhance understanding of how accelerators work in different field settings and conditions. This effort will ensure that interventions accelerate SDG goals and impact the world's most vulnerable children.</p

    O klasyfikacji i tłumaczeniu wybranych polskich umów zobowiązaniowych na język niemiecki

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    The aim of the article is to provide translators who deal with legal texts with a list of parallel legal institutions pertaining to contractual agreements in Polish and German. A list of Polish contracts under the law of obligations and their German counterparts has been compiled on the basis of current regulations in both countries. The focus of analysis are the contractual agreements enumerated in and regulated by the Polish Civil Code. They can be divided into two groups: the former consists of the agreements which have exact counterparts in the German Civil Code (BGB) as contracts under the law of obligations and whose translation equivalents can be easily found, while the other comprises of eleven types of contractual agreements which do not have exact counterparts in the regulations of German civil law. Consequently, they can pose problems in the translation process since equivalents can be difficult to find for a translator who lacks specialist knowledge of law. Such a translator is then dependent on specialist dictionaries and lexicons, which do provide equivalents of the terms searched for, but which do not always take into consideration the reality of a different legal system. Among the eleven problematic contracts five are regulated as sub-types of different contracts and may not be found under the names offered as direct translations in the German Civil Code. Regulations pertinent to three other contracts are to be found in the German Commercial Code and one contract in the group in question is even regulated in a separate act of law. The analysis reveals that every Polish contract under the law of obligations has its counterpart in the German legal system. In order to produce an adequate and equivalent translation of a given text into German, the translator needs to have specialist knowledge of a particular field besides that of specialist vocabulary.Celem niniejszego artykułu jest prezentacja pełnego zestawienia polskich umów z tytułu zobowiązań z ich niemieckimi odpowiednikami. Szczególną uwagę poświęcono tym umowom, które zostały uregulowane w systemie prawnym RFN pod inną nazwą albo w ramach innych gałęzi prawa niż ich polskie ekwiwalenty. Takie opracowanie stanowi pomoc i bazę danych przede wszystkim dla tych tłumaczy, którzy nie mając wiedzy prawniczej, starają się rzetelnie tłumaczyć specjalistyczne teksty z tego zakresu
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