3,216 research outputs found

    Supersymmetric black rings and three-charge supertubes

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    We present supergravity solutions for 1/8-supersymmetric black supertubes with three charges and three dipoles. Their reduction to five dimensions yields supersymmetric black rings with regular horizons and two independent angular momenta. The general solution contains seven independent parameters and provides the first example of non-uniqueness of supersymmetric black holes. In ten dimensions, the solutions can be realized as D1-D5-P black supertubes. We also present a worldvolume construction of a supertube that exhibits three dipoles explicitly. This description allows an arbitrary cross-section but captures only one of the angular momenta.Comment: 59 pages, 6 figures; v2: minor correction

    Influence of the main cereal and feed form of the rearing phase diets on performance, digestive tract, and body traits of brown-egg laying pullets from hatch to 17 weeks of age

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    We hypothesize that pullets could respond similarly, independent of feed form, to the feeding of diets based on corn or wheat supplemented with adequate NSP enzymes. Also, pullets would quickly adapt their gastrointestinal tract and modify productive performance accordingly, when switched from crumbles to mash feeds. The aim of this research was to evaluate the effects of feeding crumbles for different periods of time, followed by feeding mash to 17 wk of age, on performance, gastrointestinal tract development, and body measurements of brown-egg laying pullets fed diets based on corn or wheat

    Feed form and energy concentration of the diet affect growth performance and digestive tract traits of brown-egg laying pullets from hatching to 17 weeks of age

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    The influence of feed form and energy concentration of the diet on growth performance and the development of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) was studied in brown-egg laying pullets. Diets formed a 2 x 5 factorial with 2 feed forms (mash vs. crumbles) and 5 levels of energy differing in 50 kcal AMEn/kg. For the entire study (0 to 17 wk of age) feeding crumbles increased ADFI (52.9 vs. 49.7 g; P  0.05) by energy content of the diet. At 5, 10, and 17 wk of age, the relative weight (RW, % BW) of the GIT and the gizzard, and gizzard digesta content were lower (P < 0.05 to P < 0.001) and gizzard pH was higher (P < 0.05 to P < 0.001) in pullets fed crumbles than in pullets fed mash. Energy concentration of the diet did not affect any of the GIT variables studied. In summary, feeding crumbles improved pullet performance and reduced the RW of the GIT and gizzard, and increased gizzard pH at all ages. An increase in the energy content of the diet improved FCR from 0 to 17 wk of age. The use of crumbles and the increase in the AMEn content of the diet might be used adventageously when the objetive is to increase the BW of the pullets. However, crumbles affected the development and weight of the organs of the GIT, which might have negative effects on feed intake and egg production at the beginning of the egg laying cycle

    Poultry production in Spain: New advances in feeding and nutrition practice.

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    Spain produces approximately 600 M broiler chickens per year and has a current laying hen census of 35 M birds. Production of other poultry species, such as turkeys and ducks, is quite limited. The number of birds slaughtered has remained quite flat for the last 10 years although final body weight (BW) has increased in this period by almost 200g per bird. The number of laying hens has decreased markedly (e.g. circa 50 M in 2010) and the proportion of brown -egg layers has increased from less than 10% in 1990 to more than 90% in 2013. In addition to egg color, brown eggs are preferred by the consumers because of bigger size and better shell quality

    Influencia de la inclusión de diferentes fuentes y niveles de fibra bajo condiciones sanitarias diferentes sobre los rendimientos productivos en lechones recién destetados.

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    En general la inclusión de fibra en piensos de lechones se asocia con una reducción del consumo y de los rendimientos productivos (Wellock et al., 2008; Montagne et al., 2012). Sin embargo, diversos autores indican que la inclusión de cantidades moderadas de ciertas fuentes de fibra en el pienso podría mejorar los rendimientos productivos en lechones recién destetados (Mateos et al., 2006; Hermes et al., 2009). De hecho, Bach Knudsen et al. (2008) y Wellock et al. (2008) observaron que la inclusión de fibra en el pienso disminuyó la incidencia de diarreas (ID). Pluske et al. (1998) encontraron una relación positiva entre la ID y la inclusión de fibra soluble en el pienso. Sin embargo es frecuente incluir niveles de hasta el 4-5% de pulpa de remolacha en piensos comerciales para reducir el ID. La fibra soluble de la dieta podría actuar como un substrato fermentativo reduciendo el pH y alterando el perfil microbiano. Por otro lado, la fibra insoluble podría estimular el funcionamiento del tracto gastrointestinal y mejorar la sanidad de los lechones, reduciendo la actividad de bacterias perjudiciales. La respuesta a la inclusión de fibra en piensos para lechones puede estar condicionada por factores tales como el tipo y el nivel de fibra así como las condiciones higio-sanitarias de los lechones. En particular, la limpieza y desinfección de la nave son consideradas factores claves para limitar la incidencia de diarreas post-destete (Madec et al., 1998). El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar el crecimiento y la incidencia de diarreas en lechones criados bajo condiciones higio-sanitarias adecuadas (naves limpias y desinfectadas) o inadecuadas (naves sucias) alimentados con dietas que diferían en el tipo y nivel de fibra utilizado

    String Theory and Quantum Chromodynamics

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    I review recent progress on the connection between string theory and quantum chromodynamics in the context of the gauge/gravity duality. Emphasis is placed on conciseness and conceptual aspects rather than on technical details. Topics covered include the large-Nc limit of gauge theories, the gravitational description of gauge theory thermodynamics and hydrodynamics, and confinement/deconfinement thermal phase transitions.Comment: 38 pages, 24 figures. Lectures given at the RTN Winter School on "Strings, Supergravity and Gauge Theories" at CERN on January 15-19, 200

    Splitting hairs of the three charge black hole

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    We construct the large radius limit of the metric of three charge supertubes and three charge BPS black rings by using the fact that supertubes preserve the same supersymmetries as their component branes. Our solutions reproduce a few of the properties of three charge supertubes found recently using the Born Infeld description. Moreover, we find that these solutions pass a number of rather nontrivial tests which they should pass if they are to describe some of the hair of three charge black holes and three charge black rings.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX, v2 minor correction

    Influence of particle size of the main cereal of the diet on egg production of brown laying hens

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    The influence of the screen size used to grind the main cereal of the diet on egg production, gastrointestinal tract (GIT) development, and body measurements was studied in hens from 17 to 49 wk of age. Diets formed a 2 × 5 factorial with 2 main cereals (corn vs. barley) and 5 screen sizes of the cereal (4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 mm). Each treatment was replicated 5 times. No interactions between main cereal and screen size were observed for any of the traits studied. Cereal type and screen size did not affect feed intake, egg production, BW gain, or quality traits of the eggs. Eggs tended to be larger (P = 0.092) in hens fed the barley diet than in hens fed the corn diet. Also, feed conversion ratio tended to increase (P = 0.081) when the cereal of the diet was ground with a 4-mm screen as compared with the average of the other diets. At 49 wk of age, the relative weight (% BW) of the GIT and gizzard was greater (P < 0.05) in hens fed barley than in hens fed corn. An increase in the screen size increased linearly the relative weight of the GIT (P = 0.089), gizzard (P < 0.01), and liver (P = 0.056). None of the other GIT traits or body measurements was affected by the main cereal or the screen size. In summary, barley can substitute up to 45% of the corn in diets for laying hens without any adverse effect on egg production. Therefore, the use of one or other cereal will depend on their relative cost. An increase in screen size improved gizzard development but had little effect on hen productivity. Within the range studied, the size of the screen used for grinding the cereal had little effect on hen productivity, although the use of a 4-mm screen might increase feed conversion ratio and gizzard development

    Role of fibre in broiler diets - Firend or foe?

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    The fibrous fraction of the feeds encompasses a group of heterogeneous compounds differing in chemical composition and physical properties (Graham and Aman, 1991, Bach Knudsen, 2001). Dietary fiber is the most used term to define the fiber fraction of ingredients and feeds, and includes cell walls, stored non-starch polysaccharides (NSP), and lignin (Bach Knudsen, 2001). Based on their physico-chemical properties, DF can be divided into soluble and insoluble fractions with distinct effects on digestive physiology and animal metabolism. Consequently, the benefits of fiber inclusion in poultry diets will vary depending on factors such as characteristics of the fiber source, type of bird, and digestive health status

    Penrose Limits of the Baryonic D5-brane

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    The Penrose limits of a D5-brane wrapped on the sphere of AdS_5 x S^5 and connected to the boundary by M fundamental strings, which is dual to the baryon vertex of the N=4 SU(M) super Yang-Mills theory, are investigated. It is shown that, for null geodesics that lead to the maximally supersymmetric Hpp-wave background, the resulting D5-brane is a 1/2-supersymmetric null brane. For an appropriate choice of radial geodesic, however, the limiting configuration is 1/4-supersymmetric and closely related to the Penrose limit of a flat space BIon.Comment: LaTeX, 1+18 pages, 1 figure; v2: obvious misquotation of the number of preserved supersymmetries correcte
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