19 research outputs found

    Carcass properties, chemical content and fatty acid composition of the musculus longissimus of different pig genotypes

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    The aim of this study was to examine carcass properties and variability in chemical content and fatty acid composition in the musculus longissimus lumborum et thoracis (MLLT) of different genotypes of pigs. Of 36 male castrated animals used in the trial, 24 were from two strains of Mangalitsa pigs (12 Swallow bellied (SBM) and 12 White (WM)), while 12 were of the Swedish Landrace (SL) breed (the most abundant meat/fattening breed in Serbia). The warm and cold carcass weights at slaughter were significantly higher in the WM and SL compared with the SBM. Results showed differences in warm and cold carcass dressing percentage between the groups. The SBM had significant lower values than WM and SL pigs. The total fat content was higher in WM and SBM pigs than SL pigs. The SL pigs had a significant higher percentage of water in their MLLT than the SBM and WM pigs. The representative of pig meat breeds, SL, contained significantly less cholesterol in its MLLT compared with the SBM and WM (-15.23% and -15.84%). However, differences in the content of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids were more expressed and distinct. A higher percentage of saturated fatty acids (SFA) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) were present in MLTT originating from SL pigs compared with the two Mangalitsa strains. The total monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) content was higher in SBM and WM than in SL pigs. The alpha linolenic acid concentration (C18:3 n-3) was significantly higher in SBM than in WM and SL pigs

    Relationship between Carcass Weight, Skatole Level and Sensory Assessment in Fat of Different Boars

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the carcass weight and the level of skatole in boar back fat samples with descriptive sensory profiles ( trained sensory panel) immediately after heating the fat samples ( warm). A weak correlation was found between the carcass weight and skatole level in fat ( P > 0.05). Between skatole levels in the fat of boars, whose carcass weight was below 70 kg, and of those with the carcass weight equal or above 70 kg, there was a statistically significant difference ( P (lt) 0.05). The average content of skatole in the fat tissue of the boars (lt) 70 kg, ( 0.18 +/- 0.09 mg/kg fat, respectively) was below the commonly used respective thresholds for tainted meat ( 0.20 mg/kg fat), 53% of the samples showed the values of (lt) = 20 mg/kg, and 73% of the samples the values of (lt) = 25 mg/kg. In the group >= 70 kg ( 0.40 +/- 0.39 mg/kg fat, respectively), 80% of the samples revealed the values of >= 20 mg/kg, and 66% of the samples the values of >= 25 mg/kg. Our results show that a positive, compelling and statistically highly significant correlation exists between the skatole level and the sensory assessment of skatole intensity in fat

    Proizvodni rezultati u tovu brojlera hybro G+ provenijencije

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    In this paper are presented the growth performances (live weight, average daily weight gain, feed consumption and feed conversion ratio) of broilers Hybro G+ provenience. Feeding, zoohygienic and zootechnical measures met technological normative for this provenience. Broilers were fed with the complete feed mixtures (producer 'Dren', Novi Sad) with added anticoccidial salinomycine in the amount of 66 mg/kg up to 35. day of fattening. In last week of the fattening period, salinomycine was not added (drug waiting period is 5 days). Live weight of broilers at the end of trial was 1959.74 g to 2750.48 g (average 2340.62 g). During the fattening period, average daily weight gain was 54.70 Ā± 5.03 g; it was in the range 45.71-64.39 g. Average daily feed consumption was 87.97 g for all fattening period and feed conversion ratio was 87.97 g.U radu su prikazani proizvodni rezultati (masa brojlera tokom tova, prosečan dnevni prirast i utroÅ”ak hrane, konverzija hrane) brojlera Hybro G+ provenijencije. Ishrana, smeÅ”taj, zoohigijenske i zootehničke mere odgovarale su tehnoloÅ”kim normativima za ovu provenijenciju. Brojleri su hranjeni potpunim krmnim smeÅ”ama (proizvođač 'Dren', Novi Sad) kojima je dodat antikokcidijal salinomicin u količini od 66 mg/kg, do 35. dana tova. U smeÅ”e koriŔćene za poslednju nedelju tova, salinomicin nije dodat da bi se ispoÅ”tovala karenca leka koja za pileće meso iznosi 5 dana. Prosečna masa brojlera na kraju tova bila je od 1959,74 g do 2750,48 g (prosečno 2340,62 g). Za ceo period tova, prosečan dnevni prirast brojlera bio je 54,70 Ā± 5,03 g, odnosno bio je u opsegu od 45,71 do 64,39 g. Prosečan dnevni utroÅ”ak hrane bio je 87,97 g za ceo period tova, a konverzija hrane 1,76

    Fatty acid profile and cholesterol content of m. longissimus of free-range and conventionally reared Mangalitsa pigs

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    This study investigated the effects of different feeding systems (free-range versus conventional rearing) on carcass characteristics, chemical composition, fatty acid profile and cholesterol content of the musculus longissimus lumborum et thoracis (MLLT) of Mangalitsa pigs. Depending on the rearing system employed and live weight observed, we found statistically significant differences in the weight of the warm and cold Mangalitsa carcasses. Furthermore, we observed that conventionally reared Mangalitsa pigs weighed more. Measurements showed that the free-range-fed pigs had a lower total backfat thickness in comparison with the group reared in the conventional system, but that these differences were not significant. Outdoor rearing of the pigs led to higher protein, ash and water contents, and to a decrease in total fat content and pH values of the MLLT. The choice of rearing system did not significantly affect the cholesterol content. The fat of the free-range pigs had a higher concentration of n-3 and n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), while the n-6/n-3 PUPA ratio was significantly lower than in conventionally reared pigs. The proportion of PUFA/SFA (saturated fatty acids) was not significantly different, whereas the proportion of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA/SFA) was significantly lower in the free-range group. It is concluded that the rearing system affects the carcass properties and chemical characteristics of Mangalitsa meat; it does so in particular by improving the fatty acid composition in free-range pigs

    Hemijski sastav i sadržaj holesterola u komercijalnim slatkovodnim vrstama riba u Srbiji

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    Riba se, pripremljena na različite načine, konzumira u celom svetu, zahvaljujući činjenici da riblje meso sadrži veoma značajne komponente za ishranu ljudi. Riba je bogat izvor visokovrednih proteina, vitamina i esencijalnih minerala, ali iznad svega predsavlja veoma bogat izvor omega-3 i omega-6 polinezasićenih masnih kiselina, koje su veoma značajne za zaÅ”titu zdravlja potroÅ”ača. Holesterol je, takođe, značajan za organizam čoveka. PotroÅ”nja namirnica sa visikom sadržajem holesterola može da ima za posledicu nastajanje brojnih kardiovaskularnih oboljenja. Cilj ovih ispitivanja je bio da se odredi hemijski sastav i sadržaj holesterola u komercijalnim slatkovodnim vrstama riba (amur, tolstolobik i Å”aran), gajenim u dva objekta za akvakvakulturu u Srbiji. Sa druge strane, da bi se poredili parametri kvaliteta (proteini, voda, mast, pepeo) i sadržaj holesterola u ribljim vrstama, gajenim u Srbiji sa uvoznim, u poslednje vreme veoma zastupljenim na naÅ”em tržiÅ”tu, uzorci pangasiusa iz Vijetnama takođe su analizirani. U ovom radu analizirani su uzorci amura, tolstolobika i Å”arana gajenih u dva ribnjaka sa poluintezivim uzgojem ali različitim načinima ishrane. U prvom ribnjaku riba je hranjena komercijalnom ekstrudiranom hranom, dok su u drugom ribnjaku, kao dodatna hrana prirodnoj, koriŔćene žitarice. Uzorci pangasiusa iz Vijetnama uzeti su sa tržiÅ”ta. Statističkom evaluacijom dobijenih rezultata za hemiski sastav (proteini, voda, mast, pepeo) i sadržaj holesterola u amuru, tolstolobiku i Å”aranu iz prvog ribnjaka ustanovljeno je da postoji statistički značajna razlika (p0,005) između sadržaja holesterola u tolstolobiku i amuru. U drugom ribnjaku, sa izuzetkom sadržaja proteina, takođe je ustanovljeno da postoji statistički zanačajna razlika (p<0,005) u sadržaju istog parametra kvaliteta kod najmanje dve vrste ribe. Statistički značajna razlika u sadržaju holesterola ustanovljna je između tolstolobika i amura. Dobijeni rezultati ovih istraživanja ukazuju da se amur, u poređenju sa Å”aranom i tolstolobikom iz oba ribnjaka, može smatrati nutritivno najkvalitetnijom vrstom ribe. Ispitana riba iz familije ciprinida (Å”aran, tolstolobik i amur) iz domaće akvakulture ima veći sadržaj proteina u odnosu na pangasiusa iz Vijetnama, tako da ona predstavlja nutritivno kvalitetniju namirnicu u ishrani ljudi

    Fatty acid profile and cholesterol content of m. longissimus of free-range and conventionally reared Mangalitsa pigs

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    This study investigated the effects of different feeding systems (free-range versus conventional rearing) on carcass characteristics, chemical composition, fatty acid profile and cholesterol content of the musculus longissimus lumborum et thoracis (MLLT) of Mangalitsa pigs. Depending on the rearing system employed and live weight observed, we found statistically significant differences in the weight of the warm and cold Mangalitsa carcasses. Furthermore, we observed that conventionally reared Mangalitsa pigs weighed more. Measurements showed that the free-range-fed pigs had a lower total backfat thickness in comparison with the group reared in the conventional system, but that these differences were not significant. Outdoor rearing of the pigs led to higher protein, ash and water contents, and to a decrease in total fat content and pH values of the MLLT. The choice of rearing system did not significantly affect the cholesterol content. The fat of the free-range pigs had a higher concentration of n-3 and n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), while the n-6/n-3 PUPA ratio was significantly lower than in conventionally reared pigs. The proportion of PUFA/SFA (saturated fatty acids) was not significantly different, whereas the proportion of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA/SFA) was significantly lower in the free-range group. It is concluded that the rearing system affects the carcass properties and chemical characteristics of Mangalitsa meat; it does so in particular by improving the fatty acid composition in free-range pigs


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    Å aranke predstavljaju dominantne vrste u ribnjacima Republike Srbije. Å aranke su dobar izvor nezasićenih masnih kiselina, koje su veoma važne u pravilnoj prehrani ljudi. Obzirom da se u postojećim podacima o kakvoći mesa Å”aranskih vrsta u Republici Srbiji rijetko navodi uzrast riba, način hranidbe kao i ostali čimbenici koji imaju značajan utjecaj na rezultate, postojeći podaci o kakvoći mesa ovih vrsta riba, smatraju se jako varijabilni. Uzorci dvogodiÅ”njih Å”aranki, tj. Å”arana (Cyprinus carpio L.), amura (Ctenopharyngodon idella) i bijelih glavaÅ”a (Hypophthalmichthus molitrix), uzeti su s ribnjaka Ečka (Republika Serbia), gdje se proizvodnja temeljila na hranidbi kompletnim krmnim smjesama. Riblja hrana je sadržavala 25% sirovih proteina, bez dodatka animalnih komponenata. Analize kemijskog kao i masnokiselinskog sastava navedenih riba izvrÅ”ene su u Institutu za higijenu i tehnologiju mesa (Beograd, Srbija). Sadržaj vlage, proteina, masti i ukupnog kolesterola u ispitivanim uzorcima statistički su se značajno razlikovali između vrsta (p<0,01). Ukupna količina zasićenih masnih kiselina bila je najviÅ”a kod bijelog glavaÅ”a (33%), a najniža kod Å”arana (27,15%), u odnosu na ukupan sadržaj masnih kiselina. U filetima amura i bijelog glavaÅ”a nije postojala statistički značajna razlika u sadržaju zasićenih masnih kiselina, dok je značajnost uočena između ā€œkineskog kompleksa ribaā€ i Å”arana (p<0,01). Ukupan postotak mononezasićenih masnih kiselina bio je najniži kod Å”arana (28,79 %), a najviÅ”i kod bijelog glavaÅ”a (37%) (p<0,01). Å aran je imao najviÅ”i (44,08%), dok je bijeli glavaÅ” imao najniži (30%) postotak polinezasićenih masnih kiselina, u odnosu na ukupan sadržaj masnih kiselina (p<0,01). Iz naÅ”ih rezultata istraživanja zaključilo se da, kemijski sastav, kao i masnokiselinski profil, u značajnoj mjeri ovise o vrsti ribe te da dobivene vrijednosti variraju između različitih vrsta riba, ali su svi parametri kod ispitanih vrsta veoma povoljni. Stoga su Å”aranke poželjne za svakodnevnu konzumaciju.Cyprinids are the dominant fish in ponds in Serbia. Existing data of its meat quality are highly variable, since fish age, diet and other factors that have a significant impact on the results have been rarely mentioned. Samples of two-year old common carp, grass carp and silver carp were taken from the same pond (Ečka, Republic of Serbia) where production was carried out with complete feed mixtures with 25% crude protein which did not contain animal components. Analyses were performed at the Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology. Moisture content, protein, fat and total cholesterol in the examined fish were statistically significantly different between species (p<0.01). The total amount of saturated fatty acids in relation to total fatty acid content was the highest in silver carp (33%) and the lowest in common carp (27.15%). There was no statistically significant difference in the content of saturated fatty acids in grass carp and silver carp fillets, but a significant difference was found between "Chinese carps" and common carp (p<0.01). The total percentage of monounsaturated fatty acids was the lowest in common carp (28.79%) and the highest in silver carp (37%) (p<0.01). Carp had the highest (44.08%), while silver carp had the lowest (30%) percentage of polyunsaturated fatty acids in relation to the total fatty acid content (p<0.01). Carp fish are good sources of unsaturated fatty acids which are important for proper nutrition. Chemical composition and fatty acid profile significantly depend on fish species. Obtained values vary greatly between different fish species, but all tested parameters are favorable and so the inclusion of cyprinid fish is recommended in peopleā€™s daily diet

    Sastav masnih kiselina Ŕaranskih vrsta riba iz dva sistema gajenja

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    Cilj ovog rada je bio ispitivanje masnokiselinskog profila miÅ”ićnog tkiva Å”aranskih vrsta riba gajenih u polikulturi u dva ribnjaka sa poluintenzivnim uzgojem. Poređen je profil masnih kiselina miÅ”ićnog tkiva Å”arana, tolstolobika i amura u vidu ukupnih zasićenih (ZMK), mononezasićenih (MNMK) i polinezasićenih masnih kiselina (PNMK), kao i odnosi P/S i n-3/n-6. Odnos P/S u lipidima miÅ”ićnog tkiva Å”arana kretao se od 0,26 (amur) do 0,80 (Å”aran). Veći sadržaj n-3 PNMK uočen je u miÅ”ićnom tkivu amura. Odnos n-3/n-6 iznosio je kod amura 2.15, dok je kod tolstolobika i Å”arana bio 0.07. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da je glavna razlika između Å”aranskih vrsta bila u sadržaju ukupnih PNMK, posebno u sadržaju n-6 masnih kiselina. Sastav masnih kiselina amura iz dva ribnjaka nije se statistički značajno razlikovao. Å arani sa dva ribnjaka su se značajno razlikovali u ukupnom sadržaju MNMK i PNMK. Da bi se procenio kvalitet slatkovodne ribe sa domaćeg tržiÅ”ta, dobijeni rezultati su, takođe, poređeni sa gajenim vijetnamskim somom (Pangasius hypophthalmus) koji je uzet sa naÅ”eg tržiÅ”ta. S obzirom na masnokiselinski sastav, Pangasius se ne može smatrati nutritivno vrednom namirnicom. Dalja ispitivanja su neophodna da se oceni kvalitet slatkovodne ribe sa naÅ”eg tržiÅ”ta

    Residue of ochratoxin a in chicken tissues-risk assessment

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    Background: Toxicological investigations of tissues of normally slaughtered chickens were carried out to provide preliminary evaluation of the incidence of OTA in chicken tissues (n=90). Majority of tissue samples were not found to contain measurable amounts of OTA, while in general, the OTA levels found in the analyzed tissue were low. Methods: The presence of OTA in tissue samples was determined by HPLC-FL after liquid-liquid extraction procedure. Method validation was performed according to the Commission Decision 2002/657/EC. Results: Of the 90 liver, kidney and gizzard samples originating from chicken farms located in the different agricultural areas of Serbia, OTA was reported in 23 (38.33%), 17 (28.3%) and 16 (26.6%) samples, respectively, with levels ranging from 0.14 to 3.9 ng/g in liver, 0.1 to 7.02 ng/g in kidneys and 0.25 to 9.94 ng/g in gizzard. None of the tissue samples contained more than the maximum level (10 ng/g) recommended by the European Commission. Conclusion: Low OTA results also suggested that chicken meat available in the retail market is unlikely to pose an adverse health risk to the consumers in respect to OTA toxicity

    Funkcionalne osobine pilećeg mesa u zavisnosti od infekcije brojlera protozoom Eimeria tenella

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    Caecal coccidiosis is important parasitic disease that causes significant financial damages measured in milions of dollars per year. The aim of this paper is to investigate functional properties of broilers' meat (water binding capacity - WBC and expressible water - EW) obtained from animals infected with Eimeria tenella.(7,8 x 104 infectious oocysts - the first experimental group; 4,7 x 105 - the second experimental group and 9,4 x 105 infectious oocysts - the third experimental group). The infected animals were treated and the values of functional properties were compared to the results from control group of healthy animals. Water content and pH were determined using ISO methods, while the results of functional properties values were obtained by the method of centrifugation. The results were statistically processed using variance analysis and Turkey's test. The highest water content (75.59%) was determined in breast meat of broilers from group O-II. It differed significantly (p lt 0,01) from the results obtained from K and O-III group (74,11 and 74,80% respectively), as well as O-I group (p lt 0,05). The highest pH value of thigh was found in K and O-III group (6.25), pH measured in animals from O-II group was somewhat lower (6.24), while the lowest pH was measured in thighs of broilers from O-I group (6.23). The results obtained from O-I group were significantly different (p lt 0,05) comparing to group K and O-III. Water binding capacity of breast meat was highest in the group of healthy animals (K) and it differed significantly from the values measured in group O-I (p lt 0,01) and group O-III (p lt 0,05). WBC of drumstick and thigh meat was significantly lower in O-I group compared to control, O-II and O-III (p lt 0,01). These results point out that caecal coccidiosis had negative effect on this functional, i.e. technological meat property. It is important to mention that broilers from infected groups had subclinical form of the disease and received no treatment, meaning that the period of infection played crucial role. The percentage of EW was lowest in breast meat of broilers from control group - significantly lower compared to O-I (p lt 0,01). Low values were also measured in the second experimental group, significantly lower compared to O-I (p lt 0,05). No significant differences were determined in drumstick and thigh between average values of EW (p>0,05). Infection with protozoan parasite Eimeria tenella resulted in negative effects on water content in breast meat, drumstick and thigh (increased values of the parameter). Value of pH was also affected by the infection which resulted with the lowest pH of meat from experimental group. Water binding capacity was the highest in meat from control group of broilers, while the percentage of expressed water was the lowest. It can be concluded that the infection had negative effects on functional properties of meat, especially in case when no treatment was administered, which resulted in sub-clinical form of the disease.Cekalna kokcidioza je značajno parazitsko oboljenje koje izaziva velike Å”tete, procenjene u milionima dolara godiÅ”nje. Cilj rada bio je da se ispitaju funkcionalne osobine pilećeg mesa (sposobnost vezivanja vode - SVV i istisnuta voda - IV), dobijenog od brojlera inficiranih sa Eimeria tenella (7,8 Ɨ 104 infektivnih oocista - prva ogledna grupa; 4,7 Ɨ 105 - druga ogledna grupa; 9,4 Ɨ 105 infektivnih oocista - treća ogledna grupa), koji su zatim izlečeni, kao i od brojlera koji nisu bili inficirani. Sadržaj vode i pH vrednost određeni su standarnim metodama (ISO), a funkcionalne osobine centrifugovanjem. Rezultati ispitivanja obrađeni su analizom varijanse i Tukey testom. Infekcija protozoom E. tenella ispoljila je negativan uticaj na sadržaj vode u mesu grudi i bataka sa karabatkom, odnosno uslovila je povećanje sadržaja vode. Vrednosti pH mesa, takođe, bile su pod uticajem infekcije, tako da je u mesu brojlera ogledne grupe pH mesa grudi bio najmanji. Sposobnost vezivanja vode bila je najveća u mesu brojlera kontrolne grupe, dok je procenat istisnute vode bio najmanji. Može da se zaključi da je infekcija negativno uticala na ove funkcionalne osobine mesa, naročito u slučaju kada oboljenje nije lečeno, odnosno kada se pojavilo u supkliničkoj formi