12 research outputs found

    The Basic Terms and Legal Aspects of the ESA from the Practical and Security Points of View

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    The authors' ambition in this contribution was also to outline the systematic interpretation of some questions concerning the legal adaptation of electronic signing with the private and public law points of view. One of the main aims of this work was also to compare some terms in the EC Directives and the Czech Act. The author also tried to discuss several controversial in this legal framework

    Privacy Protection and the Right to Be Forgotten

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    Definition of the term “privacy” and the view of privacy from historical perspective; problems with the determination of the right to privacy. A new European system of privacy protection and a draft regulation on the protection of individuals introduced by the EU in January 2012

    Polčák, Radim: Internet a proměny práva

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    Recenze publikace - Polčák, Radim: Internet a proměny práva1. vyd. Praha: Auditorium, 2012. 388 s. edice Téma. ISBN 978-80-87284-22-

    Data security in computer systems

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    The author put emphasis on the explanation of some marginal aspects of the Czech Electronic Signature Act and outlined the possible legal impact of some activities related to the application of electronic signature in practice. The authors' ambition was also to outline the systematic interpretation of some questions concerning the legal adaptation of electronic signing with the private and public law points of view. One of the main aims of this work was also to compare some terms in the Directives and the Act. The author also tried to discuss several controversial and not very appropriate legal implementations in the Czech Republic

    Certified methodology for liability assessment for damage caused by traffic of autonomous vehicles

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    The certified methodology contains comprehensive recommendations and draft procedures for analysing the current Czech legislation on the liability of entities that will participate in autonomous mobility in road transport. The Certified Methodology proposes a procedural guide for both law applying authorities and the legal and technical community, with the aim of answering the question of how to make a procedural or substantive assessment. the liability of entities involved in the operation of autonomous vehicles

    Signature: its Significance and Dichotomy in Current Legislation.

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    The concept and historical significance of signature on private documents. Probative reliability of signature on private documents. Electronic signature, types and their significance. The concept and significance of signature and documents in the exercise of public power

    Doručování písemností a elektronický právní styk v pracovněprávních vztazích

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    The current legal framework for contracting in labour law is certainly traditional and in the spirit of fundamental labour law principles sufficiently protective. In terms of modern, flexible or other standard forms of electronic legal relations it must also be critically examined as the wide application of protection regulation is usually an obstacle to further development of modern forms of legal relations. The development of the information society presupposes an effective, legally permitted and demonstrably reliable tool enabling an efficient electronic legal contact and archiving of related electronic records. It is precisely electronic documents that form the dominant part of the most standard contractual processes including labour law. The simplicity, quickness, ergonomics and overall efficiency of these tools not only lead to the use of electronic documents more often than paper documents, but also to the fact that electronic documents are used where traditional forms of legal action based on documentary record have been used. The purpose of this article is to offer a certain perspective and to stimulate a discussion on the issue of the current construction of the implementation of electronic written legal proceedings in labour law based on a certain mandatory limitation that “if the legal action has not been delivered, it does not exist” in favour of the related, although at the same time contradictory but civilistic, in many respects, more appropriate thesis, according to which it must be delivered to the sphere of disposition of the other contracting party

    SWIFT as a Tool Not Only for European Integration

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    The paper discusses the importance of The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (hereinafter "SWIFT") not only for European integration. It partially maps its historical development with emphasis on the importance for mutual communication between financial institutions. At the same time, however, it can be a very suitable means of\nobtaining a range of information as evidence for criminal proceedings in clarifying financial crime offenses. In their research, the authors deal with various approaches to the processing of data obtained from the SWIFT system, which will be submitted to law enforcement authorities. These documents can then be linked to other information, which in turn will help clarify possible financial crime, especially in cross-border, or foreign overlap. The authors' study is based on the hypothesis that "SWIFT information can contribute to the clarification / detection of financial crime"

    Biometric data and their legal regime

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    Rozvoj moderních technologií ICT předpokládá mimo jiné efektivní, důkazně i bezpečnostně spolehlivý nástroj umožňující identifikaci či autentizaci uživatelů služeb informační společnosti. Tyto verifikační nástroje mají zpravidla podobu buď toho, co má osoba u sebe (např. USB token), nebo toho, co zná (typicky přihlašovací údaje), případně toho, čím daná osoba je (tj. biometrická charakteristika). Poslední z uvedených prostředků nabývá v moderních technologiích stále více na významu, a to zejména pro svou praktičnost (dostupnost a neměnitelnost). Zároveň však představuje zvláštní a privilegovanou kategorii osobních údajů, jejíž použití je silně limitováno předpisy veřejného práva. Existuje zde tak určitě konflikt mezi veřejným zájmem (či i zájmem jednotlivců) na práci s biometrickými údaji na straně jedné a řadou dalších práv, včetně práva na ochranu soukromého života, na straně druhé. Cílem tohoto článku je tak zmapovat současný český právní rámec regulující zpracovávání biometrických údajů pro různé účely; v souvislosti s tím se bude rovněž zabývat možným využitím biometrických prostředků, a to jak v oblasti práva veřejného, tak i soukromého. Příspěvek tak analyzuje jednotlivé právní režimy zpracování této privilegované kategorie dat, přičemž zároveň se snaží najít či blíže identifikovat existující právní mantinely a konflikty souvisejících režimů zpracování vyplývající z české i evropské právní úpravy.One of the most typical obstacles that impede further development in use of modern ICT tools in law is absence of efficient and reliable instruments enabling identification or authentication of users of respective information society services. These verification instruments usually have a form of something that a person possesses (for instance USB token), or something that a person knows (typically login data), or something that a person is (i.e. biometric characteristic). The last of the mentioned instruments is becoming increasingly important in modern technologies due to its practicality (availability and permanence). However, biometric data also represent a special and privileged category of personal data and its use is strongly limited by public laws. There is certainly a conflict between a public interest (or even an interest of individuals) on processing biometric data on one hand and a number of other rights, including the right to privacy, on the other hand. The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of the current Czech legislation that regulates processing biometric data for various purposes. The paper also focuses on possible use of biometric means in the area of public as well as private law. The paper describes individual legal regimes of processing this special category of data while attempting to identify exiting legal limitations as well as conflicts of related regimes of processing that stem from Czech and European laws