8 research outputs found


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    Diplomsko delo z naslovom Projektno delo na razredni stopnji osnovne šole v teoretičnem delu podrobno opisuje lastnosti projektnega dela, saj učiteljevo poznavanje le-teh bistveno vpliva na kakovost izvajanja projektnega dela in prispeva h kvalitativnim premikom v delu osnovne šole in celotnem življenju. Skozi učni proces je pomembno poudarjanje aktivne vloge učenca in njegovo lastno konstruiranje, izgrajevanje in odkrivanje znanja. S tem je spremenjena tudi vloga učitelja, ki preide iz zgolj posredovalca in prenašalca znanja na raziskovalca, ki s premišljenim in sistematičnim delom na predznanju in idejah učencev posveča pozornost njihovemu nepopolnemu razumevanju in napačnim predstavam (Rutar Ilc, 2003, str. 173-174). Vse to omogoča projektno delo, kjer sta učitelj in učenec v enakovrednem odnosu in s kooperativnim delom oblikujeta ter usvajata znanje. Projektno delo temelji na skupinskem in timskem delu, skupnem dogovarjanju o ciljih, razvija ogromno možnosti za samostojno in odgovorno ravnanje in učencem krepi samozavest ter jih pripravlja na nadaljnje samostojno in poklicno življenje (Jank, Meyer, 2006, str. 36povz. po Ivanuš Grmek idr., 2009, str. 39). V empiričnem delu je opisana uporaba projektnega dela v prvem in drugem vzgojno-izobraževalnem obdobju osnovne šole. Raziskana je pogostost uporabe projektnega dela, najuspešnejši izvedeni projekti, vrsta znanja, ki je primerna za usvajanje s projektnim delom, kraj izvajanja projektnega dela, učiteljevo upoštevanje faz pri načrtovanju učnega procesa, temeljno načelo, ki vodi učiteljevo načrtovanje, velikost izvajanih projektov, učiteljevo vzdrževanje motiviranosti učencev, mnenje učiteljev o motiviranosti učencev in o kakovosti ter kvantiteti usvojenega znanja s projektnim delom, mnenje učiteljev o priljubljenosti projektnega dela med učenci ter o najpomembnejših prednostih in slabostih, ki jih učitelji pripisujejo vključevanju in uporabi projektnega dela v vzgojno-izobraževalni proces.The diploma research titled Project work in elementary classes at primary school represents the qualities of project work in details. In its first, theoretical part deals with teachers’ awareness and knowledge about them which influences essentially on the quality of execution of project work. It contributes to qualitative movements within primary school work and affects entire life in general. It is important to stress the active role of pupils in their own engineering and deductive processes of gaining knowledge. The role of the teacher is also changed from a deliverer of knowledge to researcher, who pays attention to pupils’ incomplete understanding and wrong notions thoughtfully and systematically. (Rutar Ilc, 2003, page 173-174). That observation makes project work possible and establishes equality in relationship between a teacher and a pupil and enables them to learn in a cooperative way. Project work is based on group and team work and mutual arranging of goals. It develops many possibilities for independent and responsible acting. Pupils’ self-confidence strengthens and prepares them for further independent and professional life (Jank, Meyer, 2006, page 36based upon Ivanuš Grmek idr., 2009, page 39). The use of project work in the first and second stage of primary education is described within empirical part of this dissertation. It includes researches on frequency of usage of project work, investigates most successful projects, teachers’ appropriate kinds of knowledge used, places of execution of project work, teachers’ consideration of development and planning didactic processes, basic principles that guide teachers’ planning, the size of executed projects, teachers’ maintenance of pupils’ motivation, views and opinions on pupils’ involvement, quality and quantity of knowledge, acquired by project work, their opinion on popularity of project work among pupils and last but not least it presents important advantages and disadvantages that teachers attribute to using project work in educational process

    Social policy and concept of social work in Slovenia in the first years after the Second World War

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    Članek je podrobna rekonstrukcija začetkov šolanja za socialno delo v Sloveniji v petdesetih letih 20. stoletja, ki pomeni začetke profesionalizacije socialnega dela v socializmu. Oblast je po eni strani z nelagodjem gledala na socialno delo in njegov razvoj, po drugi strani pa je bila Jugoslavija edina država nekdanjega »socialističnega bloka«, ki je uvedla šolanje za socialno delo po vseh republikah v državi. Utemeljeno na arhivskem raziskovanju, pregledu obstoječih pisnih virov o socialnem varstvu iz petdesetih let 20. stoletja in profesionalni oralni zgodovini članek opiše vpliv šolanja v socialnem delu na Hrvaškem na nastanek šole v Sloveniji, opiše ključne akterke in akterje na socialnovarstvenem področju in tematike, ki so bile naslovljene v najzgodnejšem obdobjuThe paper is based on archival records, legal bases and printed sources, and its purpose is to present the conceptual basis of social policy, the role and content of social welfare, the first forms of social work and methods of training for this type of work in Slovenia in the early years after the Second World War. Under socialism, the state took over the social welfare, but initially it was not yet able to provide social assistance to everyone who needed it. The state also appointed the ‘mass organisations’, especially the Women’s Anti-Fascist Front. From 1945 to 1949, a social political school operated at the ministry responsible for social affairs to provide professional and political training for new “social workers” as quickly as possibl

    Kiparstvo in grafika, razstava likovnih del študentov Likovne pedagogike PeF UL

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    Razstavljena dela študentov Likovne pedagogike Pedagoške fakultete UL vzpostavljajo med ostalimi tudi ekološko refleksijo družbe in sedanjosti z zavestjo recikliranja in vnovične uporabe zavrženih in spregledanih polizdelkov, embalaže ipd

    From Voluntary Party to Legal Electoral Gender Quotas in Slovenia: The Importance and Limitations of Legal and Institutional Mechanisms

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    When in Slovenia after the first multi-party election in National Assembly (NA) 1992 the share of women MPs dropped dramatically and did not changed a lot during the 1990s women activists and left-oriented female politicians started a struggle for an effective measure to improve this situation. First proposals to introduce quotas for internal party bodies and national election came from women in the center and left-wing political parties but with no visible effect for the presence of women in elected political bodies. It was only when legal quotas have been introduced that they brought significant changes in the representation of women in Slovene politics. This paper will focus on the importance of legal and institutional mechanisms that brought up more women in politics in the last elections at all levels but also on the limitations in the functioning of the quota regulations in the Slovene political and institutional context