13 research outputs found

    Electrodermal activity and heart rate variability for detection of peripheral abnormalities in type 2 diabetes: A review

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    Modern medicine exhibits an upward trend towards non-invasive methods for early detection of disease and long-term monitoring of patients’ health. Diabetes mellitus and its complications are a promising area for implementation of new medical diagnostic devices. One of the most serious complications of diabetes is diabetic foot ulcer. The main causes responsible for diabetic foot ulcer are ischemia caused by peripheral artery disease and diabetic neuropathy caused by polyol pathway-induced oxidative stress. Autonomic neuropathy impairs function of sweat glands, which can be measured by electrodermal activity. On the other hand, autonomic neuropathy leads to changes in heart rate variability, which is used to assess autonomic regulation of the sinoatrial node. Both methods are enough sensitive to detect pathological changes caused by autonomic neuropathy and are promising screening methods for early diagnosis of diabetic neuropathy, which could prevent the onset of diabetic ulcer

    Antibiotična zaščita v kirurgiji

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    Optimizacija RF parametrov na NFC napravi z umetno inteligenco

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    In this Master’s thesis, we study in detail NFC technology, NFC standardization, Artificial intelligence and GUI topics.Our goal is to optimize the measurement process of the FeliCa listener phase window in order to define the best analog parameters for the NFC IC. Namely, by combining machine learning and test automation, we want to achieve a faster validation time of the NFC IC under test. Firstly, we introduce the main topics related to NFC and present the thesis alongside specific goals. Next, we present the NFC technology on a fewuse cases. We also cover international standards, emphasizing sections that directly affect our validation and, therefore, the understanding of our solution. The NFC coverage is described alongside data representation used to interpret data used in proprietary software. Artificial intelligence is integrated into this software for multidimensional data interpolation task. We also cover the basics of deep neural networks and the most common architectures used in the DL field. The neural network training process is also covered to understand how we can optimize neural network global minimum convergence. In the last part of the thesis, we also explain how proprietary software tool actually works and how it can outperform previous processes. In the end, specific solutions related to the tool are described in more detail to understand our software development decisions better. Finally, we present measurement results and evaluate our goals.V tem magistrskem delu podrobno preučujemo tehnologijo NFC, standardizacijo NFC, umetno inteligenco in teme grafičnega vmesnika. Naš cilj je optimizirati postopek merjenja faznega okna poslušalca FeliCa, da bi opredelili najboljše analogne parametre za integrirani sistem NFC. Z združitvijo strojnega učenja in avtomatizacije testiranja želimo namreč doseči hitrejši čas validacije testiranega integriranega vezja NFC. Najprej predstavimo glavne teme, povezane z NFC, in predstavimo diplomsko nalogo ob specifičnih ciljih. Nato predstavimo tehnologijo NFC na nekaj primerih uporabe. Obravnavamo tudi mednarodne standarde, pri čemer poudarjamo dele, ki neposredno vplivajo na našo validacijo in s tem na razumevanje naše rešitve. Pokritost NFC je opisana skupaj s predstavitvijo podatkov, ki se uporablja za interpretacijo podatkov, uporabljenih v lastniški programski opremi. V to programsko opremo je vključena umetna inteligenca za nalogo interpolacije večdimenzionalnih podatkov. Opisujemo tudi osnove globokih nevronskih mrež in najpogostejše arhitekture, ki se uporabljajo na področju DL. Zajeti so tudi postopki usposabljanja nevronskih mrež, da bi razumeli, kako lahko optimiziramo globalno minimalno konvergenco nevronske mreže. V zadnjem delu diplomskega dela pojasnimo tudi, kako lastniško programsko orodje dejansko deluje in kako lahko preseže prejšnje postopke. Na koncu so podrobneje opisane posebne rešitve, povezane z orodjem, da bi bolje razumeli naše odločitve pri razvoju programske opreme. Na koncu predstavimo rezultate meritev in ovrednotimo naše cilje

    Electrodermal activity and heart rate variability for detection of peripheral abnormalities in type 2diabetes

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    Modern medicine exhibits an upward trend towards non-invasive methods for early detection of disease and long-term monitoring of patients’ health. Diabetes mellitus and its complications are a promising area for implementation of new medical diagnostic devices. One of the most serious complications of diabetes is diabetic foot ulcer. The main causes responsible for diabetic foot ulcer are ischemia caused by peripheral artery disease and diabetic neuropathy caused by polyol pathway-induced oxidative stress. Autonomic neuropathy impairs function of sweat glands, which can be measured by electrodermal activity. On the other hand, autonomic neuropathy leads to changes in heart rate variability, which is used to assess autonomic regulation of the sinoatrial node. Both methods are enough sensitive to detect pathological changes caused by autonomic neuropathy and are promising screening methods for early diagnosis of diabetic neuropathy, which could prevent the onset of diabetic ulcer

    Kvaliteta življenja in življenjski slog študentov medicine

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    Design of In Vitro Hair Follicles for Different Applications in the Treatment of Alopecia—A Review

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    The hair research field has seen great improvement in recent decades, with in vitro hair follicle (HF) models being extensively developed. However, due to the cellular complexity and number of various molecular interactions that must be coordinated, a fully functional in vitro model of HFs remains elusive. The most common bioengineering approach to grow HFs in vitro is to manipulate their features on cellular and molecular levels, with dermal papilla cells being the main focus. In this study, we focus on providing a better understanding of HFs in general and how they behave in vitro. The first part of the review presents skin morphology with an emphasis on HFs and hair loss. The remainder of the paper evaluates cells, materials, and methods of in vitro growth of HFs. Lastly, in vitro models and assays for evaluating the effects of active compounds on alopecia and hair growth are presented, with the final emphasis on applications of in vitro HFs in hair transplantation. Since the growth of in vitro HFs is a complicated procedure, there is still a great number of unanswered questions aimed at understanding the long-term cycling of HFs without losing inductivity. Incorporating other regions of HFs that lead to the successful formation of different hair classes remains a difficult challenge

    Mysterious Surini

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    Skrivnostni Surini je izobraževalna računalniška igra, namenjena učencem in dijakom, ki se v osnovnih in srednjih šolah srečajo z iskalnimi algoritmi. Igralca popelje v gusarski svet pustolovščin, v katerem skozi izbrane aktivnosti spozna in usvoji delovanje Dijkstrovega algoritma. Algoritem reši problem iskanja najcenejših poti v grafu, v računalniškem kontekstu pa je za učence in dijake smiseln kot algoritem, ki nastopa pri usmerjanju na omrežnem sloju TCP/IP modela. Igra je postavljena v učencem prilagojeno učno okolje, v katerem so učni cilji zakriti in je v ospredje postavljeno zabavno reševanje problemov. Igralec nastopa v vlogi prijaznega pirata, ki poglavarju otoka Fantan pomaga rešiti hči Arabelo, ki jo je ugrabilo sovražno ljudstvo Tantami. To mu lahko uspe le tako, da se prebije skozi štiri sovražnikove otoke. Na teh otokih mora poiskati najmanj nevarne poti do sovražnikovih hišk, saj s tem zbira cekine, ki jih v zadnji fazi igre potrebuje, da doseže cilj. Otoki sovražnikov v igri predstavljajo posamezne učne etape, ki jih v celoten učni proces povezuje zemljevid otočja. Ta igralcu omogoča pregled nad napredovanjem v igri, ki je pogojeno z usvajanjem učnih ciljev. Skrivnostni Surini je nova priložnost za učitelje in profesorje, da v svoje pedagoško delo vključijo, tako z didaktičnega kot tudi s tehničnega vidika, posebej za njih zasnovano eno izmed izobraževalnih računalniških iger, ki so se v svetu pokazale kot dobra praksa v najrazličnejših okoljih.Mysterious Surini is an educational computer game created for children attending both elementary schools as well as high schools where they may find themselves learning the basics of search algorithms. The game gives the player a piracy-themed adventure, where he learns and internalizes the workings of the Dijkstra\u27s algorithm through well-selected activities. Dijkstra\u27s algorithm is used for finding the cheapest path in a given graph. The algorithm is used in various fields of science, for example computer science, where it is used for routing packages of information that travel through the Internet, making it useful for children to know about it. The design of the game is adjusted to the school environment, making its learning objectives hidden and offering a fun gaming experience. The player embarks the game as a friendly pirate, where he helps the governor of the island Fantan to find his missing daughter Arabel, who was kidnapped by a hostile tribe, the Tantams. He can only succeed if he successfully finds his way through four islands. To do that, he must find the least dangerous paths to all hostile tribe houses on each of the four islands. In this way he collects coins, making it possible to complete the game. All the four islands together represent a complete learning process of the above mentioned algorithm, whereas an individual island is used for the representation of a single learning stage. Mysterious Surini is a new opportunity for all teachers to embed a learning game in their curriculum, making it more interesting and diverse for the children as well as simplifying the process of learning while getting better results than ever before