246 research outputs found

    Corporate Social Responsibility on the International Area.Present Developments in Romania and Bulgaria

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    Corporate Social Responsibility is no longer an object of novelty in literature or the business sector. The practices in this matter have became a new area of activity expansion and a new way that companies use to strengthen their image, consumer appreciation and even employees motivation. The present paper proposes an analyses of the literature, a comparative study and a summary of the international organizations view on the matter.Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Theory Development, Country report

    Consumption of Public Childcare and Educational Services: an End-User Perspective

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    Public childcare and educational services are complex services resulting in a relationship that is established between a supplier and a consumer of such services. In 2002 the European Council meeting in Barcelona, established that by 2010, the Member States should develop childcare services for at least 90% of children between 3 years old and the mandatory school age. This will stimulate the consumption of public services for the care and education of children. This article aims to analyze the consumption of public childcare and educational services in Romanian kindergartens. The first part provides conceptual clarification on consumption and consumers of public childcare and educational services and the second part assessed the rights of children and parents to such services. The last part presents some of the results of a questionnaire based exploratory survey conducted in Bucharest on the quality of services provided in preschool education from the perspective of users: parents of preschool children. The results show that the existence of legal regulations in the field, the access to quality services and the cost of these services represent key elements to determine the consumption of such services.public services, childcare and educational services in kindergartens, consume⁲ s rights, public childcare and educational services consumption

    Ranking National Innovation Systems According to their technical Efficiency

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    AbstractThe purpose of this study is to measure and compare the performance of the National Innovation Systems using the information available in IUS 2011 database. In order to fulfill this purpose, the variables describing the innovation process included in this database are used to estimate the technical efficiency of the EU27 Member States as well as Croatia, Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey.Thus the efficiency of the decision making units represented by National Innovation Systems is estimated using a nonparametri c frontier model: data envelopment analysis (DEA). Statistical inference for DEA estimators is based on bootstrap, a very well- known resampling method. Ranking the countries provide an interesting insight into the innovation system classification

    Perceptions regarding the quality of life among beneficiaries of home and residential care services

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    The article aims to present the results of a qualitative research conducted among elderly persons (aged 65 years and more) who receive home and residential care in Romania. The research objectives were to collect perceptions with regard to the overall appreciation of the quality of life and the way the quality of services received influence elderly’s image with regard to their own life. The scarcity of data on quality of life of dependent older persons recommended the use of qualitative methods. Data collection included ten semi-structured interviews with beneficiaries of social and healthcare services. Findings show that the quality of life is a multidimensional concept, very often related to the health status, the level of autonomy, the social contacts, and the existence of a social support network. The results have implications for public policy makers, and supplement the knowledge with regard to the quality of life in older age

    Higienización de sarmientos de la poda de vid mediante métodos térmicos y biofungicida

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    Las enfermedades de la madera se encuentran entre las patologías más dañinas que afectan al cultivo de la vid y de entre ellas, la yesca, eutipiosis y la enfermedad del brazo muerto (BDA) son las enfermedades más importantes a tener en cuenta. La presente Tesis Doctoral se basa en la investigación y el desarrollo de métodos de eliminación de hongos presentes en los sarmientos de la vid mediante métodos térmicos (procesos de compostaje), con el objetivo de incorporar después a la viña un producto higienizado que aporte una materia orgánica de buenísima calidad (compost). Se sabe y hay que tener especial precaución de que las plantas afectadas deben ser marcadas y podadas de forma separada respecto a las sanas, y destruir los restos de poda. Los cortes de poda constituyan una nueva vía de penetración del hongo y las herramientas de poda tienen que ser desinfectadas periódicamente para evitar que transmitan la enfermedad a plantas sanas. Los hongos xilófagos no pueden ser controlados con fungicida por eso como otro objetivo de la presente tesis hemos desarrollado métodos térmicos y biológicos alternativos que resultan eficaces para el control de plagas en agricultura. Se propone un método de biodegradación en fase sólida de sarmientos de la vid mediante compostaje en sistema cerrado y abierto, de forma que se produzca la higienización del material que se encuentra afectado por distintos hongos asociados a los decaimientos de la vid. Se efectúa en este estudio el control del hongo inoculado Diplodia seriata, mediante proceso de compostaje en pilas abiertas y en biodigestores cerrados discontinuos a partir de una mezcla de (gallinaza/sarmientos: 2/1 w peso) y mediante la aplicación de unas condiciones óptimas para llevar a cabo su degradación: temperaturas (en torno a 75ºC), humedad inicial en torno al 40-50%, pH (7 a 9.5), CE (1 a 3.5 dS/m) y C/N (14-22). Para el control del hongo Diplodia seriata en pila abierta se ha precisado de 10 días para su eliminación parcial y 35 días de compostaje para su inhibición total, mientras que en los biodigestores cerrados el hongo desaparece en su totalidad en los primero 3-4 días, por lo que se trata de un sistema mucho más efectivo. Se ha efectuado un estudio de variabilidad estacional y la mayor significatividad se presenta en la estación de verano y para la pila abierta. En el tercer artículo titulado “Sintesis de composite de oligomeros de quitosano/propoleo/nanoplata y el estudio de su actividad contra Diplodia seriata” se ofrece por primera vez la síntesis y caracterización de un material compuesto o asociación de un componente oligomérico de quitosano, con otro de base propóleo o de sus principios activos (ácidos fenólicos y flavonoides) y que permitan la incorporación de un tercer componente o nanoplata para que su aplicación en solución acuosa o hidroalcohólica permita la formación de sustancias adherentes o nanofilms para la protección frente a hongos xilófagos perjudiciles para el patrimonio vitivinícola. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar las propiedades antimicrobianas de la asociación de dos productos biológicos de base chitosano/propoleo y estudiar los efectos sinérgicos que puedan resultar debidos a su interacción o a la incorporación de la nano plata. Se demuestra en este estudio la eficacia in vitro de este nuevo preparado chitosane/propóleo/plata y sus mezclas sobre el hongo Diplodia seriata presente en la vid.Departamento de Ciencias Agroforestale

    Organization and Functioning of Medical-Social Services in the Swiss Health System

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    Articolul consta in prezentarea sistemului sanitar elvetian, cu accent pe structura organizationala si pe managementul unor institutii de invatamant medical, spitale si asociatii non-profit care furnizeaza servicii de asistenta medicala si sociala in afara unei institutii spitalicesti, cele mai importante fiind unitatile de tip Spitex.  Cuvinte cheie: organizarea sistemului de sanatate elvetian, servicii de asistenta medicala si sociala, unitate Spitex, spitale publice, spitale private, ingrijiri medicale la domiciliu.This article is to present the Swiss health system, focusing on organizational structure and management of medical educational institutions, hospitals and non-profit organizations, providing health care and social services outside of hospitals, the most important being Spitex domiciliary care units.Keywords: Swiss health system organization, health care and social services, Spitex domiciliary care units, public hospitals, private hospitals, home health care

    Corporate Social Responsibility on the International Area.Present Developments in Romania and Bulgaria

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    Corporate Social Responsibility is no longer an object of novelty in literature or the business sector. The practices in this matter have became a new area of activity expansion and a new way that companies use to strengthen their image, consumer appreciation and even employees motivation. The present paper proposes an analyses of the literature, a comparative study and a summary of the international organizations view on the matter


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    Corporate Social Responsibility on the International Area.Present Developments in Romania and Bulgaria

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    Corporate Social Responsibility is no longer an object of novelty in literature or the business sector. The practices in this matter have became a new area of activity expansion and a new way that companies use to strengthen their image, consumer appreciation and even employees motivation. The present paper proposes an analyses of the literature, a comparative study and a summary of the international organizations view on the matter