14 research outputs found

    Deep eutectic solvents for purification of waste cooking oil and crude biodiesel

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    The goal of this work was to explore the applicability of deep eutectic solvents in biodiesel production process. Biodiesel was produced from waste cooking oil via base-catalysed transesterification. The efficacy of two base catalysts KOH and NaOH on the conversion of triglycerides into biodiesel was tested. Eutectic mixtures DES 1 (K2CO3  : C2H6O2  = 1 : 10) and DES 2 (C5H14ClNO  : C2H6O2 = 1 : 2) were prepared. DES 1 was used for feedstock deacidification and DES 2 for biodiesel purification via extraction. Effects of DES 2 to biodiesel ratio and the extraction duration on free glycerol removal were tested. Samples were analysed using FTIR and 1H NMR spectroscopy. Synthesis of biodiesel was carried out for 3 h at 60 ° C with mass ratio KOH : methanol : oil = 1 : 40 : 100. DES 2 was effective for purification of biodiesel. Mass ratios 0.5:1 and 1:1 proved best and 45 minutes of extraction was enough to reduce free glycerol and increase the content of fatty acid methyl esters

    Deep eutectic solvents for purification of waste cooking oil and crude biodiesel

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    The goal of this work was to explore the applicability of deep eutectic solvents in biodiesel production process. Bi-odiesel was produced from waste cooking oil via base-catalysed transesterification. The efficacy of two base cata-lysts KOH and NaOH on the conversion of triglycerides into biodiesel was tested. Eutectic mixtures DES 1 (K2CO3 : C2H6O2 = 1 : 10) and DES 2 (C5H14ClNO : C2H6O2 = 1 : 2) were prepared. DES 1 was used for feedstock deacidification and DES 2 for biodiesel purification via extraction. Effects of DES 2 to biodiesel ratio and the extraction duration on free glycerol removal were tested. Samples were analysed using FTIR and 1H NMR spectroscopy. Synthesis of biodiesel was carried out for 3 h at 60 ° C with mass ratio KOH : methanol : oil = 1 : 40 : 100. DES 2 was effective for purification of biodiesel. Mass ratios 0.5:1 and 1:1 proved best and 45 minutes of extraction was enough to reduce free glycerol and increase the content of fatty acid methyl esters

    Calculation of the Optimal Cooling Temperature Profile of the Batch Crystalliser

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    Cilj rada bio je izraditi računalni program koji služi za proračun optimalnog temperaturnog profila hlađenja šaržnog kristalizatora. Kao modelni sustav za istraživanje procesa uzet je kalijev nitrat otopljen u vodi. Za izradu matematičkog modela procesa primijenjene su populacijske bilance, odnosno njihova momentna transformacija. Za dobivanje optimalnog temperaturnog profila primijenjena je diskretizacija temperaturnog profila uz globalni algoritam optimizacije. Za provođenje optimizacije primijenjen je genetički algoritam, dok je sustav običnih diferencijalnih jednadžbi rješavan metodom Runge-Kutta 4,5. Funkcija cilja bila je minimiziranje omjera trećeg momenta sekundarnom nukleacijom nastalih kristala i trećeg momenta kristala cjepiva na kraju procesa. U radu je najprije ispitan utjecaj uvjeta zaustavljanja genetičkog algoritma na vrijeme proračuna i vrijednost funkcije. Nakon što je određen optimalni uvjet zaustavljanja, ispitan je utjecaj broja točaka diskretizacije temperaturnog profila na iznos funkcije cilja i potrebno vrijeme proračuna. Ustanovljeno je da je optimalni uvjet za zaustavljanje proračuna kad petnaest članova generacije imaju funkcije cilja koje se ne razlikuju više od tolerancije. Ustanovljeno je da se optimalno rješenje dobiva podjelom temperaturnog profila na osam dijelova. Da bi se ispitala ponovljivost proračuna za optimalne uvjete, proračun je ponavljan devet puta. Optimalni temperaturni profil uspoređen je s linearnim hlađenjem istog trajanja. Rezultati simulacijskih eksperimenata ukazuju na znatno poboljšanje procesa primjenom optimalnog temperaturnog profila naspram linearnog.The aim of this work was to create a computer program that can be used to calculate the optimal cooling temperature profile of the batch crystalliser. Potassium nitrate dissolved in water was used as a model system for process research. To create a mathematical model of the process, population balances were used, i.e., their moment transformation. To obtain the optimal temperature profile, a discretisation of the temperature profile was performed using a global optimisation algorithm. A genetic algorithm was used for the optimisation, while a system of ordinary differential equations was solved using the Runge-Kutta 4,5 method. The objective function was to minimise the ratio between the third moment of crystals produced by secondary nucleation, and the third moment of seed crystals at the end of the process. Firstly, the influence of the stopping conditions of the genetic algorithm on the computation time and the value of the objective function was tested. After the optimal stopping condition was determined, the influence of the number of discretisation points of the temperature profile on the value of the objective function and the required computation time was investigated. It was found that the optimal stopping condition was when fifteen members of a generation had objective function values that did not differ by more than the tolerance. It is shown that the optimal solution was achieved by dividing the temperature profile into eight parts. To check the repeatability of the calculation for optimal conditions, the calculation was repeated nine times. The optimal temperature profile was compared to a linear cooling of the same duration to determine the benefits of optimisation. The results of the simulation experiments indicate a significant improvement in the process when using the optimal temperature profile compared to the linear profile

    The Influence of Olive Pomace on the Environment

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    Komina masline kao ostatna materija u prehrambenoj industriji ne ubraja se u opasni otpad ili otpad općenito. To je potencijalni problem zbog njezinih određenih komponenata koje negativno utječu na ekosustav, a osobito na vodene organizme i biljke. Uslijed neadekvatnog odlaganja, spojevi komine bivaju isprani i procjeđivanjem dospijevaju u tla i podzemne vode gdje uzrokuju onečišćenja. Tema privlači dodatan interes zbog potencijala iskorištavanja komine masline u raznorazne svrhe, te je predmet mnogih znanstvenih istraživanja današnjice. Ovo djelo je dano na korištenje pod licencom Creative Commons Imenovanje 4.0 međunarodna.Olive pomace is a residue substance in the food industry. It is not considered a hazardous waste or even a waste in general. This is potentially problematic because olive pomace contains certain compounds that can have a negative impact on the ecosystem, especially on aquatic organisms and plants. In case of inappropriate disposal, these toxic compounds may be leached into the soil and groundwater. This topic attracts additional interest due to the potential of olive pomace. Nowadays, olive pomace can be used for various purposes, which are a frequent subject of a lot of scientific research. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

    Physico-chemical interactions of pharmaceutical pollutants and TiO2 in aqueous media

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    Proizvodnje i konzumacija farmaceutiha te njihovi nedovoljno istraženi i nepoznati učinci na ekosustav izazivaju najviše pozornosti među znanstvenicima. Primjena fotokatalize u obradi organskih mikroonečišćivala u otpadnim vodama zanimljiva je alternativa konvencionalnim postupcima, a nužan proces u heterogenoj fotokatalizi je adsorpcija onečišćivala na površini fotokatalizatora. U ovome radu ispitana je adsorpcija dvaju potencijalnih mikroonečišćivala, amoksicilina (AMX-a) te diklofenaka (DCF) na titanijev dioksid (TiO2), jedan od najznačajnijih fotokalizatora. Empirijsko ispitivanje fizikalno-kemijskih interakcija vodenih otopina navedenih mikroonečišćivala obuhvaćalo je pH vrijednosti 4, 7 i 10 te masene koncentracije TiO2 kao adsorbensa od 0,4 g L^-1, 0,8 g L^-1 te 1,2 g L^-1 pri temperaturama od 15°C, 25 °C te 35 °C. Korišteni su linearizirani oblici Langmuirove i Freundlichove izoterme za opisivanje adsorpcijske ravnoteže. Empirijski rezultati općenito ukazuju na termodinamički nepovoljnu adsorpciju u ispitivanim sustavima te kako su interakcije fizikalnog karaktera.The production and consumption of pharmaceuticals and their insufficiently researched and unknown effects on the ecosystem attract attention among scientists. The application of photocatalysis in the treatment of organic micro-pollutants in wastewaters is an interesting alternative to conventional processes. A necessary step in heterogeneous photocatalysis is the adsorption of contaminants on the surface of the photocatalyst. In this work, the adsorption of two potential micropollutants, amoxicillin (AMX) and diclofenac (DCF) on titanium dioxide (TiO2), one of the most important photocatalysts, was investigated. The empirical study of physicochemical interactions of aqueous solutions of these micro-pollutants included pH values of 4, 7 and 10 and a mass concentration of TiO2 as an adsorbent of 0.4 g L^-1, 0.8 g L^-1 and 1.2 g L^-1 at temperatures of 15 ° C, 25 ° C and 35 ° C. Linearized forms of the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms were used to fit the adsorption equilibrium. Empirical results generally indicate thermodynamically unfavorable adsorption in the examined systems and physical character of the adsorption interactions

    The application of peracetic acid in advanced oxidation processes

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    Napretkom farmaceutske industrije sve je veći broj lako dostupnih farmaceutika koji se svakodnevno koriste. S obzirom da postoji niz različitih lijekova, raste interes znanosti kako za njihov učinak na čovjeka, odnosno ciljani organizam tako i za njihovu djelovanje na okoliš. Farmaceutici u okoliš dospijevaju na razne načine, a jedan od najznačajnijih načina je ulazak putem konvencionalnih postrojenja za obradu otpadnih voda. U posljednjih petnaestak godina uložen je velik trud za pronalazak novih visokoučinkovitih tehnologija za uklanjanje onečišćenja iz otpadnih voda, a kao moguće rješenje za uklanjanje farmaceutika odnosno mikro-onečišćivala pokazali su se napredni oksidacijski procesi. U ovome je radu statističkim planiranjem eksperimentalno istraženo oksidacijsko djelovanje peroctene kiseline na uklanjanje diklofenaka, farmaceutski aktivne komponente koja je na tržištu dostupna u obliku za oralnu primjenu, kožnu primjenu te u obliku kapi i injekcija, stoga je sveprisutan u otpadnim vodama. Pokazalo se kako je razgradnja diklofenaka pomoću peroctene kiseline kinetički spor proces te je kao katalizator odabran željezno-oksidni heterogeni katalizator kako bi se dobio svojevrstan modificirani Fentonov proces. Djelovanjem PAA/γ-Fe2O3 ostvareno je izuzetno brzo i potpuno uklanjanje diklofenaka u istraživanom vremenu te je općenito ostvareno izuzetno veliko uklanjanje organske tvari.With the progress and improvement of the pharmaceutical industry, the number of pharmaceuticals used daily is increasing. Since there is a large number of different medicines, the interest of science is growing for the investigation of their influence on humans and other target organisms as well as their impact on the environment. Pharmaceuticals reach into the environment in many ways, from which one of the most significant ones is entry by conventional wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) caused by inadequate removal. During the last 15 years, a great effort is invested into finding new highly-effective technologies for waste removal from wastewaters, and for the removal of pharmaceuticals or micro-pollutants, advanced oxidation processes have been shown as a possible solution. In this research, the oxidative effect of peracetic acid on the removal of diclofenac was investigated by statistical design of experiments. Diclofenac is an active pharmaceutical ingredient available on the market as an oral, transdermal, parenteral and ophtalmic dosage forms, hence it is omnipresent in wastewater. This research showed that the degradation of diclofenac with peracetic acid is a kinetically slow process and to increase the rate of reaction, an iron-oxide heterogenous catalyst was chosen, in order to achieve a modified-Fenton process. The PAA/γ-Fe2O3 has achieved a kinetically fast and complete removal during the investigated period of time and achieved an overall high degree of organic content removal

    Nonverbal communication and body language in business environment

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    Neverbalna komunikacija igra veliku ulogu u ljudskoj interakciji. Glavni cilj ovog rada je istražiti i proučiti kako neverbalna komunikacija i govor tijela utječu na pojedinca u poslovnom okruženju. Svaki pokret tijela, svjestan ili nesvjestan, šalje određenu poruku sugovorniku. Ta poruka ovisi o kontekstu, okruženju u kojem se ljudi nalaze, kulturi koje su članovi… Ljudsko tijelo, lice, pogled i dodir nadopunjuju govor i na taj način prenose raspoloženja i stavove. Kaže se kako ne postoji druga šansa za prvi dojam. Ovaj rad će pokazati kako bolje shvatiti govor tijela i kako ga primijeniti.Nonverbal communication plays a major role in human interaction. The main goal of this paper is to study and investigate how nonverbal communication and body language affects an individual in a business environment. Every bodily movement, whether it is deliberate or involuntary, sends a specific message to the receiver. That message depends of the context, of the surroundings in which people are present, of the culture they belong to... Human body, face, eye movements and touch complement a person’s speech and in that way communicate person’s mood and outlook on things. There is no second chance for a first impression. This paper will demonstrate better understanding and application of body language

    Physico-chemical interactions of pharmaceutical pollutants and TiO2 in aqueous media

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    Proizvodnje i konzumacija farmaceutiha te njihovi nedovoljno istraženi i nepoznati učinci na ekosustav izazivaju najviše pozornosti među znanstvenicima. Primjena fotokatalize u obradi organskih mikroonečišćivala u otpadnim vodama zanimljiva je alternativa konvencionalnim postupcima, a nužan proces u heterogenoj fotokatalizi je adsorpcija onečišćivala na površini fotokatalizatora. U ovome radu ispitana je adsorpcija dvaju potencijalnih mikroonečišćivala, amoksicilina (AMX-a) te diklofenaka (DCF) na titanijev dioksid (TiO2), jedan od najznačajnijih fotokalizatora. Empirijsko ispitivanje fizikalno-kemijskih interakcija vodenih otopina navedenih mikroonečišćivala obuhvaćalo je pH vrijednosti 4, 7 i 10 te masene koncentracije TiO2 kao adsorbensa od 0,4 g L^-1, 0,8 g L^-1 te 1,2 g L^-1 pri temperaturama od 15°C, 25 °C te 35 °C. Korišteni su linearizirani oblici Langmuirove i Freundlichove izoterme za opisivanje adsorpcijske ravnoteže. Empirijski rezultati općenito ukazuju na termodinamički nepovoljnu adsorpciju u ispitivanim sustavima te kako su interakcije fizikalnog karaktera.The production and consumption of pharmaceuticals and their insufficiently researched and unknown effects on the ecosystem attract attention among scientists. The application of photocatalysis in the treatment of organic micro-pollutants in wastewaters is an interesting alternative to conventional processes. A necessary step in heterogeneous photocatalysis is the adsorption of contaminants on the surface of the photocatalyst. In this work, the adsorption of two potential micropollutants, amoxicillin (AMX) and diclofenac (DCF) on titanium dioxide (TiO2), one of the most important photocatalysts, was investigated. The empirical study of physicochemical interactions of aqueous solutions of these micro-pollutants included pH values of 4, 7 and 10 and a mass concentration of TiO2 as an adsorbent of 0.4 g L^-1, 0.8 g L^-1 and 1.2 g L^-1 at temperatures of 15 ° C, 25 ° C and 35 ° C. Linearized forms of the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms were used to fit the adsorption equilibrium. Empirical results generally indicate thermodynamically unfavorable adsorption in the examined systems and physical character of the adsorption interactions

    Nonverbal communication and body language in business environment

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    Neverbalna komunikacija igra veliku ulogu u ljudskoj interakciji. Glavni cilj ovog rada je istražiti i proučiti kako neverbalna komunikacija i govor tijela utječu na pojedinca u poslovnom okruženju. Svaki pokret tijela, svjestan ili nesvjestan, šalje određenu poruku sugovorniku. Ta poruka ovisi o kontekstu, okruženju u kojem se ljudi nalaze, kulturi koje su članovi… Ljudsko tijelo, lice, pogled i dodir nadopunjuju govor i na taj način prenose raspoloženja i stavove. Kaže se kako ne postoji druga šansa za prvi dojam. Ovaj rad će pokazati kako bolje shvatiti govor tijela i kako ga primijeniti.Nonverbal communication plays a major role in human interaction. The main goal of this paper is to study and investigate how nonverbal communication and body language affects an individual in a business environment. Every bodily movement, whether it is deliberate or involuntary, sends a specific message to the receiver. That message depends of the context, of the surroundings in which people are present, of the culture they belong to... Human body, face, eye movements and touch complement a person’s speech and in that way communicate person’s mood and outlook on things. There is no second chance for a first impression. This paper will demonstrate better understanding and application of body language

    Nonverbal communication in everyday life

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    Neverbalna komunikacija igra veliku ulogu u ljudskoj interakciji. Glavni cilj ovog rada je istraţiti i proučiti kako primijeniti neverbalnu komunikaciju i govor tijela u svakodnevnom ţivotu usput imajući na umu sve okolnosti koje utječu na spomenuto. Oči, lice, dodiri, izgled kao i svaki pokret tijela, svjestan ili nesvjestan, šalje odreĎenu poruku sugovorniku. Ta poruka ovisi o kontekstu, okruţenju u kojem se ljudi nalaze, kulturi koje su članovi... Vizualno promatranje i čitanje sitnih znakova ponašanja pomaţu boljem shvaćanju onog što je izrečeno govorom i na taj način pridonose boljem razumijevanju raspoloţenja i stavova. Glavna zadaća ovoga rada je kako primijeniti neverbalnu komunikaciju te je naučiti tumačiti. U tome je svakako pomogla i anketa raĎena izmeĎu obitelji i prijatelja o neverbalnoj komunikaciji i njezinoj primjeni u svakodnevnom ţivotu.Nonverbal communication plays a major role in human interaction. The main goal of this paper is to study and investigate how to apply nonverbal communication in everyday life keeping in mind all the circumstances that could affect the above mentioned. Eyes, face, touching, appearance as well as every bodily movement, whether it is deliberate or involuntary, sends a specific message to the receiver. That message depends of the context, of the surroundings in which people are present, of the culture they belong to... Visual observation and reading the behavioral signs help to better understand the things that are said in the way of better understanding person’s mood and outlook on things. The main goal of this paper is applying the nonverbal communication and learning to interpret it. How to apply the nonverbal communication in everyday life is better understood through the survey done among family and friends