19 research outputs found

    Cryptocurrencies in the Ludic Economies: The Case of Contemporary Game Cultures

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    Games have their own economic models. Today, players can not only collect digital currencies, but they can also use real currencies to buy virtual goods. Business models in games such as freemium and in-app purchases, for example, sustain this structure. Within this context, there is also the expansion of models outside the game realm like eSports, which happens in the form of tournaments. With this, there is constant exchange of value that emerges from games, which could also include the use of cryptocurrencies. In this chapter, we give an overview of the current state of the art of economic models within games and eSports. The current chapter aims to situate and analyse the application of these business models derived from games, e-sport and the future of ludic economies

    Para o “desenvolvimento physico do pessoal da Armada”, institucionaliza-se o esporte: análises sobre as primeiras aproximações da Marinha do Brasil com as práticas esportivas e o processo de fundação da Liga de Sports da Marinha

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    The Military Sports, currently highlighted by the recent achievement of the 5th World Military Games in Rio de Janeiro in July 2011, is still an understudied phenomenon in the historical field. The origins of this movement in Brazil, as well as its development and main approaches within the Armed Forces, have emerged as an interesting subject for analysis by historians of the sport. This paper shows in this knowledge gap highlighted, aims to outline an initial overview of the Brazilian Navy relations with the phenomenon of sports through a literature review and analysis of institutional sources related to the sport, characterizing the process of founding the League of Navy Sports in 1915, its main approaches and areas of expertise

    The Hilton hotels in the midst of the UAE 2071 centennial plan: Redesigning the UAE on the path of innovation and international tourism

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    Motivated by the strategy of economic diversification and the consequent transformations in the tourism and hospitality sector of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) mainly from implementing a long-term vision through the UAE Centennial Plan 2071, the case aims to put students in the role of Jan Schneider, president of the Hilton Hotels for the Middle East and Africa, so that they can propose an expansion strategy for the group in the country and region. In this context, some strategic challenges related to institutional uncertainties and the possible increase in market competitiveness need to be addressed. The case was designed for undergraduate and graduate students of business administration and hotel management who want to discuss topics such as entry strategies and international expansion of hotel ventures

    Sistema de Gestão Aplicado ao Ambiente do Atleta

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    Com a escolha da cidade do Rio de Janeiro para sediar os Jogos Olímpicos e Paralímpicos de 2016, iniciou-se a discussão sobre o desempenho do país, principalmente após o lançamento do Plano Brasil Medalhas em setembro de 2012. Entretanto, após a divulgação das metas para 2016 (top 5 no Paralímpico e Top 10 no Olímpico) não observou-se avanços na gestão das entidades administrativas no que concerne às ferramentas de gestão aplicáveis ao ambiente micro, um daqueles que são responsáveis pelo sucesso esportivo de uma nação. A alocação dos recursos escassos deve ser feita de forma eficaz, sendo aportada de acordo com as deficiências percebidas no cotidiano do atleta, voltando-se para a busca por melhores resultados e, diminuindo o gap percebido nesse nível de atuação. Posto isso, o estudo apresenta como objetivo, a partir do contexto do ambiente do atleta, levantar as variáveis aplicáveis ao sucesso individual do atleta. O estudo terá abordagem qualitativa e terá aplicação no campo operacional do esporte, sendo conduzida através de pesquisa bibliográfica. A pesquisa tem origem nos pilares do SPLISS e nos estudos selecionados que, com a análise de conteúdo, técnica capaz de categorizar e permitir inferências sobre o conteúdo descrito tornou possível o diagnóstico de nove categorias com as respectivas variáveis.  Dentre as categorias adotadas, observou-se uma matriz com categorias direta e indiretamente ligadas ao ambiente do atleta, assim como, ações desenvolvidas ao nível macro e ao nível micro. Concluiu-se que o atleta, stakeholder responsável pelo nível operacional e aquele envolvido diretamente com a obtenção dos resultados, deve ter o acompanhamento e o controle como rotina nos seus treinamentos, sendo possível, assim, a possível correção do rumo do trabalho.

    Youth Olympic Games: Using marketing tools to analyse the reality of GCC countries beyond Agenda 2020

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    The Olympic Games is passing through a new phase on the planet. The sport has reformed around the world especially in the Arabic-speaking Gulf countries. The local culture, religion and natural environment are the driving forces which are shaping the behaviour of the society. Nowadays, the consumption and sharing of sports information is through the medium of the latest technology like the tools of social media. The youth belonging to the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries use sports as a medium to communicate via social media. This paper used the situational analysis to describe the challenges of six communication channels for promoting the International Olympic Committee (IOC) Agenda 2020 for the GCC countries based on the SWOT, PESTLE and CATWOE methodologies. The results showed that the geographical area has huge potential to promote high performance and values of sport for future generations of athletes using the Youth Olympic Games as a seasonal door. However, an improvement from the perspective of consumer behaviour is necessary to generate youth engagement through National Olympic Committees (NOCs) during Summer and Winter Olympic Games with a heavy focus on the challenges for the new generation through social media. The recommendation points were that bilingual youth athletes (speaking Arabic and English) should be the new voice of the Olympic Movement in the GCC countries. To achieve Agenda 2020 goals, such action can engage the GCC youth generation with the Olympic Movement, including foreigners that live in the region and not exclusively local citizens

    Educação Olímpica para Quê? Educação Olímpica para Quem? Representações e Práticas para uma Pedagogia Crítica do Olimpismo em Tópicos Especiais – O Doping entre Escolares

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    Há mais de uma década, temos demonstrado a importância de se discutir temas relacionados ao esporte, em especial ao Esporte Olímpico, de forma crítico-reflexiva nas escolas e em programas esportivos. Frente à participação do Brasil como sede de Megaeventos esportivos, essa necessidade torna-se prioridade. Entretanto, ainda observamos certa resistência por parte da comunidade de docentes da Educação Física em inserir tais temáticas em suas discussões. Este artigo busca problematizar a forma como a Educação Olímpica é apresentada nos materiais didáticos disponíveis, debatendo a persistência de propostas desfocadas de discussões que promovam o pensamento crítico-emancipatório das juventudes com análise específica da questão do doping entre escolares. Observa-se que o doping, neste momento, é uma realidade alarmante até mesmo entre escolares brasileiros e faz-se necessária uma discussão sobre a relativização social da perspectiva do desvio em atletas usuários de doping como reflexo e reforço de uma cultura que identifica no corpo atlético os padrões hegemônicos de estética, de saúde, de disciplina, logo, de maior capital corporal, dominância e status no campo social, como fruto de uma visão biológica-funcional de saúde. Frente às evidências, é possível defender a importância de maiores investimentos em estudos e intervenções que venham a discutir os aspectos da Educação do Olimpismo de forma mais ampla, englobando temáticas diversificadas – como o doping, a fim de promover uma educação emancipadora e concatenada com a perspectiva holística apoiada pelo Barão de Coubertin

    An analysis safe protocols employed in professional male soccer and the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the 2020 Brazilian championship

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    The COVID-19 pandemic directly reached and impacted upon elite sports and caused the postponement of sporting events globally. In order to enable the return of activities, protocols were created with recommendations to prevent the transmission of COVID-19. The objective of this work is to analyze and compare the safe return protocols of major football leagues and associations to those of the Brazilian Championship, as well as to survey the numbers of COVID-19 outbreaks in clubs that competed in the 2020 Brazilian Championship Series A. The documentary research was carried out through the analysis of articles published on open-source football league and federation websites. National and international return protocols were verified, as well as the documenting of isolated cases and outbreaks of COVID-19 in the Brazilian Championship. In the Brazilian Championship, the return to play occurred at a time when COVID-19 case numbers were rising, a fact that, together with the decentralization of the match cities, was likely linked to the number of positive cases. A total of 302 positive cases of COVID-19 were identified in 14 outbreaks during the competition. Therefore, this work identifies good practice and underscores the need to reassess and refine the protocols to minimize the impacts of COVID-19 going forward

    Military rehabilitation programs and Paralympic Movement

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    The objective of this systematic review was to identify the rehabilitation programs used by armed conflict veterans and their approach to the Paralympic movement. The PRISMA protocol was followed by searching the following databases: ISI Web of Science ™, Scopus, SPORTDiscus and Periodical Capes. Of the 666 initial results found, 8 were selected from 2004 to 2018. Only 7% of the studies identified programs that had women. The average age of veterans attended ranged from 18 to 59 years. The main activities carried out by the rehabilitation programs involved sports and recreation programs, competitive sport programs and programs with outdoor activities. Other initiatives were also identified, reinforcing the need to combat the social isolation imposed by the acquired injury, to promote well-being and the development of an active and healthy life, whether in the social field or even in the sports field (athletic identity). In the case of veterans of armed conflict, the feeling that service to the country is not over is present, instead of defending the country in war, now represent the nation on the tracks, courts and fields of international sport, a different battlefield