14 research outputs found

    The content of potentially toxic elements in selected woody species as bioindicators of pollution in the riparian zone of the Sava River

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    Istraživanja sprovedena u okviru ove doktorske disertacije bila su usmerena u pravcu ispitivanja akumulacije i translokacije potencijalno toksičnih hemijskih elemenata (Al, As, B, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Li, Mn, Ni, Pb, Se, Sr i Zn) u odabranim vrstama drvenastih biljaka (Salix alba L., Populus nigra L., Populus alba L., Ulmus glabra Huds. i Juglans regia L.) u poplavnim šumama u obalnoj zoni reke Save. Istraživanja su obuhvatila analizu fizičko-hemijskih karakteristika zemljišta i definisanje najvažnijih faktora koji utiču na usvajanje potencijalno toksičnih elemenata od strane ispitivanih vrsta, kao i određivanje njihovog potencijala za akumulaciju, indikaciju i fitoremedijaciju ovih elemenata. Istraživanja su obavljena na teritoriji Republika: Slovenije, Hrvatske i Srbije, na lokalitetima izloženim različitim izvorima zagađenja (Mojstrana, Radovlјica, Litija, Vrhovo, Čatež, Zagreb, Jasenovac, Slavonski Brod, Županja, Sremska Mitrovica, Šabac i Beograd). Rezultati ukazuju na mogućnost korišćenja ispitivanih vrsta u svrhu bioinidikacije, biomonitoringa i fitoremendijacije potencijalno toksičnih elemenata u zemljištima na analiziranim lokalitetima. Vrsta S. alba je dobar bioindikator prisustva svih analiziranih potencijalno toksičnih elemenata u zemljištu, izuzev Sr. Dobar bioindikator za prisustvo As, B, Fe, Li, Mn, Ni i Pb je P. nigra, dok je P. alba bioindikator prisustva B, Cd, Cr, Fe, Mn, Ni i Zn u zemljištu. Vrsta U. glabra se pokazala dobrom u bioindikaciji prisustva As, B, Cd, Cr, Mn, Ni i Zn, a vrsta J. regia u bioindikaciji sadržaja Al, B, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Li, Mn, Ni, Pb i Zn u zemljištu. Istraživane vrste se ne mogu pouzdano koristiti u bioindikaciji Sr na ispitivanom području.The research conducted as part of this doctoral dissertation was aimed at examining the accumulation and translocation of potentially toxic chemical elements (Al, As, B, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Li, Mn, Ni, Pb, Se, Sr and Zn) in selected woody plant species (Salix alba L., Populus nigra L., Populus alba L., Ulmus glabra Huds. and Juglans regia L.) in floodplain forests in the riparian zone of the River Sava. The physical and chemical characteristics of the soil were analysed, the most important factors influencing the uptake of potentially toxic elements by the examined species were defined, and the species’ potential for the bioindication and phytoremediation of these elements was determined. The research was conducted in the riparian zone of the River Sava in Slovenia, Croatia, and Serbia, at sites exposed to various sources of pollution (Mojstrana, Radovljica, Litija, Vrhovo, Čatež, Zagreb, Jasenovac, Slavonski Brod, Županja, Sremska Mitrovica, Šabac and Belgrade). The results indicate the examined species’ potential for being used in the bioindication, biomonitoring and phytoremediation of potentially toxic elements. The species S. alba is a good bioindicator for the presence of all the analysed PTEs in the soil, except Sr. P. nigra is a good bioindicator for the presence of As, B, Fe, Li, Mn, Ni and Pb, while P. alba is a bioindicator for the presence of B, Cd, Cr, Fe, Mn, Ni and Zn in soil. The species U. glabra proved to be good for the bioindication of the presence of As, B, Cd, Cr, Mn, Ni and Zn, and the species J. regia for the bioindication of Al, B, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Li, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn content in the soil. However, the investigated species cannot be reliably used for the bioindication of Sr in the study area

    Allochthonous plant species in the flora and vegetation of Crni Lug (Southwest Srem)

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    Cilj sprovedenog istraživanja je bio da se utvrdi prisustvo alohtonih biljnih vrsta na području Crnog luga i okoline (jugozapadni Srem). Istraživanja su obavljena na poplavnim, ruderalnim i segetalnim staništima tokom vegetacionih sezona, u periodu 2009-2014. godine. Od ukupnog broja zabeleženih vrsta (285), 32 taksona (11,2%) predstavljaju alohtone biljke, koje su klasifikovane u 19 familija. Fitogeografskom analizom njihovih primarnih areala, ustanovljeno je da većina pripada kategoriji flornih elemenata “adventivnog” areal tipa. Horološki spektar pokazuje dominaciju vrsta severnoameričkog porekla (57%), dok su u biološkom spektru najzastupljenije terofite. U hronološkom spektru dominiraju neofite (75%), a analiza statusa invazivnosti je pokazala kodominantni odnos naturalizovanih i invazivnih alohtonih biljaka (po 47%). Najviše alohtonih vrsta je detektovano u forlandu reke Save i kanala (26), u zajednicama Populetum nigrae-albae i Amorpho-Typhaetum; pored puteva i na napuštenim površinama (21), u zajednici Chenopodio-Ambrosietum artemisiifoliae; na obradivim površinama (18), u zajednicama Polygonetum convolvulo-avicularae, Consolido-Polygonetum avicularae i Lolio-Plantaginetum majoris; na nasipu i livadama (14), u zajednici Asclepietum syriacae. Najčešći načini rasprostiranja alohtonih biljaka na istraživanom području su antropohorija (40,6%) i anemohorija (34,4%). Najizraženiji uticaj na zastupljenost i njihovo rasejavanje u forlandu reke Save i u zoni kanala, imaju poplavne vode, visina vodostaja i delimično antropogeni faktor, dok je na ruderalnim i segetalnim površinama dejstvo antropogenog faktora najintenzivnije. Ključne reči: Alohtone biljne vrste; poplavna, ruderalna i segetalna vegetacija; životne forme; hronološki spektar; status invazivnosti, disperzija.The aim of the research was to establish the presence of allochthonous plant species in the Crni lug region and the surrounding area (Southwest Srem). Research was undertaken in the floodplain, ruderal and segetal habitats during the vegetative season between 2009 and 2014. Of the total number of species recorded (285), 32 taxa were allochthonous plants, which were classified into 19 families. A phytogeographical analysis of their primary distribution area established that the majority fell into the category of ‘adventive’ floral species. The chorological spectrum shows the dominance of species of North American origin (57%), while therophytes have the greatest presence in the biological spectrum. Neophytes dominate the chronological spectrum (75%) and analysis of the invasive status revealed the co-dominance of naturalized and invasive allochthonous plant species (47% each). In the study area, most allochthonous species were detected in the foreland of the river Sava and flood protection channels (26), in the Populetum nigrae-albae and Amorpho-Typhaetum communities; next to roads and on abandoned land (21), in the Chenopodio-Ambrosietum artemisiifoliae community; on cultivated land (18), in the Polygonetum convolvulo-avicularae, Consolido-Polygonetum avicularae and Lolio-Plantaginetum majoris communities; and on the levee and in meadows (14), in the Asclepietum syriacae community. The most common dispersion methods for the allochthonous species in the study area are anthropochory (40.6%) and anemochory (34.4%). Floodwaters, water level and, in part, anthropogenic factors have the most pronounced impact on the presence of species and their dispersal in the foreland of the river Sava and in the flood protection channel zone, while the effects of anthropogenic factors are most intensive in ruderal and segetal areas

    Tradicionalna upotreba korovskih biljaka u lekovite svrhe na području Suve planine

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    U ruralnim regionima Srbije kao što je područje Suve planine postoji snažno verovanje u moć lekovitog bilja, što je u vezi sa narodnom tradicijom stvaranom tokom proteklih vekova. Visok stepen upotrebe korovskih biljaka u narodnoj medicini proučavane oblasti, objašnjava se njihovom relativno lakom dostupnošću u prirodi, ali i mogućnostima gajenja. Etnobotanička istraživanja su obavljena tokom 2019. godine, metodom otvorenog i polustruktuiranog intervjua sa lokalnim stanovništvom. Intervjuisano je 66 ljudi. Etnobotaničkom analizom tradicionalne upotrebe lekovitih biljaka u regionu Suve planine ustanovljeno je da lokalno stanovništvo tradicionalno koristi 128 vrsta biljaka svrstanih u 48 familija. Od ukupnog broja zabeleženih vrsta, 62 (48,4%) pripadaju korovima u užem i širem smislu. Korovske vrste su klasifikovane u 26 biljnih familija, među kojima su najzastupljenije Asteraceae (19,35%), Lamiaceae (16,13%) i Rosaceae (6,45%). U biološkom spektru dominiraju hemikriptofite (51,6%), geofite (16,1%), terofite (6,5%) i prelazna grupa između terofita i hemikriptofita (6,5%), dok su ostale životne forme znatno manje zastupljene. Korovske vrste su cenobionti segetalnih i ruderalnih biljnih zajednica i njihovo prisustvo je direktno uslovljeno antropogenim uticajem. Analiza rezultata je pokazala da među zabeleženim vrstama maksimalnu upotrebnu vrednost (UV=1) imaju Achillea millefolium L., Gentiana lutea L., Hypericum perforatum L., Matricaria chamomilla L., Plantago lanceolata L., Plantago major L. i Thymus serpyllum L. U odnosu na način primene, 36 vrsta korovskih biljaka (58%) se upotrebljava interno, u formi čajeva ili u ishrani, 9 (14,5%) se primenjuje eksterno, najčešće u formi obloga, dok 17 korovskih vrsta (27,5%) ima i internu i eksternu primenu. Sprovedena etnobotanička istraživanja na području Suve planine pokazuju da korovske biljke imaju veliki značaj za etnomedicinu lokalnog stanovništva, što potvrđuje čitav spektar zdravstvenih problema i bolesti za koje se koriste: respiratorne, gastrointestinalne, urogenitalne, kožne, bolesti srca i krvnih sudova, metabolički poremećaji, upalni procesi, kao i za poboljšanje imuniteta i jačanje skeletno-mišićnog sistema. Generalno, poznavanje korovskih lekovitih biljaka i njihovog genetičkog potencijala na istraživanom području, omogućava sprovođenje ekoloških aktivnosti, koje uključuju održivi razvoj i ekološko upravljanje prirodnim resursima, kao što je lekovito bilje

    Contribution to the knowledge of the allochthonous flora in the lower course of the Sava river

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    Floristička istraživanja alohtone flore u donjem toku reke Save sprovedena su na lokalitetima Sremska Mitrovica, Jarak (opština Sremska Mitrovica), Šabac, „Crni lug“ (Boljevci, Surčin) i na području od Ostružnice do Makiša (uključujući i Makiš). Ovim istraživanjima je obuhvaćeno samo vodno telo, poplavna zona, nasip, kanali, napuštene i obradive površine koje su u neposrednoj blizini rečnog toka ili poplavne zone. Detektovano je 48 alohtonih biljaka, svrstanih u 24 familije, među kojima se po broju vrsta ističu Asteraceae (29,2%), Poaceae (10,4%) i Fabaceae (8,3%). Biološki spektar alohtone flore je terofitskog tipa, dok u hronološkom spektru dominiraju neofite, a u horološkom spektru vrste severnoameričkog porekla. Najčešći načini disperzije alohtonih vrsta su antropohorija, zoohorija i anemohorija. U reci Savi su zabeležene tri alohtone makrofite (Elodea canadensis, Vallisneria spiralis i Paspalum paspaloides), dok su na drugim površinama najfrekventnije i najbrojnije Acer negundo, Morus alba, Fraxinus lanceolata, Amorpha fruticosa, Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Stenactis anuua, Amaranthus retroflexus i vrste rodova Solidago i Xantium. Da bi se sprečila degradacija prirodnih i antropogeno uslovljenih ekosistema u donjem toku reke Save, koji pogoduju naseljavanju, odomaćivanju i daljem rasejavanju alohtonih biljaka, treba preduzeti odgovarajuće preventivne mere. Najefikasnija strategija u borbi protiv invazivnih vrsta je upravo sprečavanje njihove invazije.Floristic research of alien flora in lower course of the Sava River basin was conducted on the localities Sremska Mitrovica, Jarak (municipality of Sremska Mitrovica), Šabac, "Crni Lug" (Boljevci, Surčin) and area between Ostružnica and Makiš (including Makiš). Research included water body, flood zones, mounds, canals, abandoned and arable land close to the riverbed or flood zone. It was detected 48 alien plants, grouped into 24 families, among which Asteraceae (29.2%), Poaceae (10.4%) and Fabaceae (8.3%) stands out by number of alien species. The biological spectrum is therophyte type, chronological spectrum is dominated by neophytes and chorological spectrum is dominated by species of North American origin. The most common dispersal methods are dispersal by humans, animals and wind. In the Sava River riverbed three alien macrophytes were recorded (Elodea canadensis, Vallisneria spiralis and Paspalum paspaloides), while in other areas the most frequent species were Acer negundo, Morus alba, Fraxinus lanceolata, Amorpha fruticosa, Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Stenactis anua, Amaranthus retroflexus, and species of genera Xanthium and Solidago. In order to prevent degradation of the natural and anthropogenically altered ecosystems in the lower course of the Sava river, caused by the introduction of alien species, their naturalisation and dissemination, it should take appropriate preventive measures. The most effective strategy in fighting against invasive species is to prevent their invasion

    Seasonal variations of trace element contents in leaves and bark of horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum L.) in urban and industrial regions in Serbia

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    In this study, we examined the ability of horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum L.) to capture heavy metals, and whether its capacity to absorb metals from soil is associated with surrounding ecological characteristics and sources of pollution. We studied the seasonal accumulation of B, Cu, Sr and Zn in leaves and bark, and the chlorophyll content in the common deciduous tree Aesculus hippocastanum L. in four urban parks in Pančevo, Smederevo, Obrenovac and Belgrade (Serbia) affected by different anthropogenic activities. The research included plants from a control site located within the zone of a former oak forest. Our findings suggest that there are potential ecological risks around Smederevo, Belgrade and Obrenovac due to elevated concentrations of B and Zn relative to the average concentrations described for worldwide soils, as well as national regulations. Substantial and toxic foliar accumulation of B was observed in Smederevo and Belgrade, and of Sr in both plant tissues at all sites. However, the Cu and Zn contents in leaves were not enough to meet the physiological needs of plants. Chlorophyll a and the total carotenoid content peaked in August under the most unfavorable conditions of the year, which may be considered as an adaptive mechanism. The obtained results showed the remarkable complexity of environmental conditions and the difficulties A. hippocastanum, as a species, has to overcome. Under conditions of different types of urban and industrial pollution, A. hippocastanum showed great element accumulation potential and could be regarded as both an accumulator and a response indicator, since its leaves are quite susceptible to damage.Archives of Biological Sciences (2017), 69(2): 201-21

    Potentially toxic elements in the riparian soils of the Sava River

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    Purpose Riparian zone contamination is a growing problem for several European catchments due to high anthropogenic pressures. This study investigates As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn concentrations in the Sava River riparian zone, characterized by wide agricultural areas, various geological substrates, and different types of industrial pollution. The accumulation and mobility of these elements were studied because they are listed as priority substances in the Water Framework Directive and environmental objectives for surface waters. Materials and methods Sampling was performed during the sampling campaign of the EU 7th FW-funded GLOBAQUA project in September 2015 during a low-water event. Soil samples were collected along the Sava River at 12 selected sampling sites, from a depth of 0–30 cm, at a distance of 10–15 m from the river bank. The extent of pollution was estimated by determining total and readily soluble element concentrations in the soils. Potential ecological risk and the source of the selected elements in the soils was determined using the enrichment factor (EF), potential ecological risk index (RI), and statistical methods such as the principal component analysis (PCA) and multiple linear regression analysis (MLRA). Results and discussion This study showed that concentrations of the selected elements increase along the Sava. In terms of origin, PCA and MLRA indicated that Cr and Ni in soils are predominantly lithogenic, while As, Cd, Pb, and Zn are both lithogenic and anthropogenic (ore deposits, industry, and agriculture). PCA singled out Cu since its origin in soil is most probably from specific point-source pollution. EF was generally minor to moderate for most of the examined elements, apart from Cu, for which the EF was significant at one sampling site. Overall ecological risk (RI) fell within the low-risk category for most sites, apart from Belgrade sampling site (BEO), where high total Cd content affected individual and overall ecological risk indicators, indicating Cd could represent a considerable ecological risk for the downstream riparian zone. Conclusions Purpose: Riparian zone contamination is a growing problem for several European catchments due to high anthropogenic pressures. This study investigates As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn concentrations in the Sava River riparian zone, characterized by wide agricultural areas, various geological substrates, and different types of industrial pollution. The accumulation and mobility of these elements were studied because they are listed as priority substances in the Water Framework Directive and environmental objectives for surface waters. Materials and methods: Sampling was performed during the sampling campaign of the EU 7th FW-funded GLOBAQUA project in September 2015 during a low-water event. Soil samples were collected along the Sava River at 12 selected sampling sites, from a depth of 0–30 cm, at a distance of 10–15 m from the river bank. The extent of pollution was estimated by determining total and readily soluble element concentrations in the soils. Potential ecological risk and the source of the selected elements in the soils was determined using the enrichment factor (EF), potential ecological risk index (RI), and statistical methods such as the principal component analysis (PCA) and multiple linear regression analysis (MLRA). Results and discussion: This study showed that concentrations of the selected elements increase along the Sava. In terms of origin, PCA and MLRA indicated that Cr and Ni in soils are predominantly lithogenic, while As, Cd, Pb, and Zn are both lithogenic and anthropogenic (ore deposits, industry, and agriculture). PCA singled out Cu since its origin in soil is most probably from specific point-source pollution. EF was generally minor to moderate for most of the examined elements, apart from Cu, for which the EF was significant at one sampling site. Overall ecological risk (RI) fell within the low-risk category for most sites, apart from Belgrade sampling site (BEO), where high total Cd content affected individual and overall ecological risk indicators, indicating Cd could represent a considerable ecological risk for the downstream riparian zone. Conclusions: At downstream sites, there was a noticeable increase in PTE content, with Cd, Cr, Ni, and Zn exceeding the proposed threshold values for European soils, indicating rising contamination in riparian soils. In terms of the ecological risk, only Cd could pose a potential ecological threat for the downstream riparian zone

    The content of potentially toxic elements in selected woody species as bioindicators of pollution in the riparian zone of the Sava River

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    Istraživanja sprovedena u okviru ove doktorske disertacije bila su usmerena u pravcu ispitivanja akumulacije i translokacije potencijalno toksičnih hemijskih elemenata (Al, As, B, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Li, Mn, Ni, Pb, Se, Sr i Zn) u odabranim vrstama drvenastih biljaka (Salix alba L., Populus nigra L., Populus alba L., Ulmus glabra Huds. i Juglans regia L.) u poplavnim šumama u obalnoj zoni reke Save. Istraživanja su obuhvatila analizu fizičko-hemijskih karakteristika zemljišta i definisanje najvažnijih faktora koji utiču na usvajanje potencijalno toksičnih elemenata od strane ispitivanih vrsta, kao i određivanje njihovog potencijala za akumulaciju, indikaciju i fitoremedijaciju ovih elemenata. Istraživanja su obavljena na teritoriji Republika: Slovenije, Hrvatske i Srbije, na lokalitetima izloženim različitim izvorima zagađenja (Mojstrana, Radovlјica, Litija, Vrhovo, Čatež, Zagreb, Jasenovac, Slavonski Brod, Županja, Sremska Mitrovica, Šabac i Beograd). Rezultati ukazuju na mogućnost korišćenja ispitivanih vrsta u svrhu bioinidikacije, biomonitoringa i fitoremendijacije potencijalno toksičnih elemenata u zemljištima na analiziranim lokalitetima. Vrsta S. alba je dobar bioindikator prisustva svih analiziranih potencijalno toksičnih elemenata u zemljištu, izuzev Sr. Dobar bioindikator za prisustvo As, B, Fe, Li, Mn, Ni i Pb je P. nigra, dok je P. alba bioindikator prisustva B, Cd, Cr, Fe, Mn, Ni i Zn u zemljištu. Vrsta U. glabra se pokazala dobrom u bioindikaciji prisustva As, B, Cd, Cr, Mn, Ni i Zn, a vrsta J. regia u bioindikaciji sadržaja Al, B, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Li, Mn, Ni, Pb i Zn u zemljištu. Istraživane vrste se ne mogu pouzdano koristiti u bioindikaciji Sr na ispitivanom području.The research conducted as part of this doctoral dissertation was aimed at examining the accumulation and translocation of potentially toxic chemical elements (Al, As, B, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Li, Mn, Ni, Pb, Se, Sr and Zn) in selected woody plant species (Salix alba L., Populus nigra L., Populus alba L., Ulmus glabra Huds. and Juglans regia L.) in floodplain forests in the riparian zone of the River Sava. The physical and chemical characteristics of the soil were analysed, the most important factors influencing the uptake of potentially toxic elements by the examined species were defined, and the species’ potential for the bioindication and phytoremediation of these elements was determined. The research was conducted in the riparian zone of the River Sava in Slovenia, Croatia, and Serbia, at sites exposed to various sources of pollution (Mojstrana, Radovljica, Litija, Vrhovo, Čatež, Zagreb, Jasenovac, Slavonski Brod, Županja, Sremska Mitrovica, Šabac and Belgrade). The results indicate the examined species’ potential for being used in the bioindication, biomonitoring and phytoremediation of potentially toxic elements. The species S. alba is a good bioindicator for the presence of all the analysed PTEs in the soil, except Sr. P. nigra is a good bioindicator for the presence of As, B, Fe, Li, Mn, Ni and Pb, while P. alba is a bioindicator for the presence of B, Cd, Cr, Fe, Mn, Ni and Zn in soil. The species U. glabra proved to be good for the bioindication of the presence of As, B, Cd, Cr, Mn, Ni and Zn, and the species J. regia for the bioindication of Al, B, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Li, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn content in the soil. However, the investigated species cannot be reliably used for the bioindication of Sr in the study area

    Traditional wound-healing plants used in the Balkan region (Southeast Europe)

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    Ethnopharmacological relevance The geographical and ecological specificity of the Balkan Peninsula has resulted in the development of a distinct diversity of medicinal plants. In the traditional culture of the Balkan peoples, plants have medicinal, economic and anthropological/cultural importance, which is reflected in the sound knowledge of their diversity and use. This study analyses the traditional use of medicinal plants in the treatment of wounds and the pharmacological characteristics of the most frequently used species. Materials and methods A detailed analysis of the literature related to ethnobhe uses of medicinal plants in the Balkan region was carried out. Twenty-five studies were analysed and those plants used for the treatment of wounds were singled out. Result An ethnobotanical analysis showed that 128 plant species (105 wild, 22 cultivated and 1 wild/cultivated) are used in the treatment of wounds. Their application is external, in the form of infusions, decoctions, tinctures, syrups, oils, ointments, and balms, or direct to the skin. Among those plants recorded, the most commonly used are Plantago major, Hypericum perforatum, Plantago lanceolata, Achillea millefolium, Calendula officinalis, Sambucus nigra, Tussilago farfara and Prunus domestica. The study showed that the traditional use of plants in wound healing is confirmed by in vitro and/or in vivo studies for P. major and P. lanceolata (3 laboratory studies for P. major and 2 for P. lanceolata), H. perforatum (5 laboratory studies and 3 clinical trials), A. millefolium (3 laboratory studies and one clinical trial), C. officinalis (6 laboratory studies and 1 clinical trial), S. nigra (3 laboratory studies) and T. farfara (one laboratory study). Conclusion The beneficial effects of using medicinal plants from the Balkan region to heal wounds according to traditional practices have been proven in many scientific studies. However, information on the quantitative benefits to human health of using herbal medicines to heal wounds is still scarce or fragmented, hindering a proper evaluation. Therefore, further studies should be aimed at isolating and identifying specific active substances from plant extracts, which could also reveal compounds with more valuable therapeutic properties. Furthermore, additional reliable clinical trials are needed to confirm those experiences encountered when using traditional medicines. A combination of traditional and modern knowledge could result in new wound-healing drugs with a significant reduction in unwanted side effects.Journal of Ethnopharmacology (2018), 211: 311-32

    Chemical Fractionation, Environmental, and Human Health Risk Assessment of Potentially Toxic Elements in Soil of Industrialised Urban Areas in Serbia

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    The primary focus of this research was the chemical fractionation of potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and their presence in several industrialised cities in Serbia. Furthermore, their origin, contamination levels, and environmental and human health risks were assessed. The results indicated that the examined soils were characterised by slightly higher Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn levels than those set by European and national regulations. These elevated Cu, Pb, and Zn concentrations were caused by intensive traffic and proximity to industry, whereas the higher Ni levels were a result of the specific geological substrate of the soil in the study area. The environmental risk was found to be low and there was no enrichment/contamination of the soil with these elements, except in the case of Pb, for which moderate to significant enrichment was found. Lead also poses a potential non-carcinogenic risk to children through ingestion and requires special attention due to the fact that a significant proportion of this element was present in the tested soil samples in a potentially available form. Analysis of the health risks showed that children are more at risk than adults from contaminants and that ingestion is the riskiest exposure route. The carcinogenic risk was within the acceptable limits

    The potential of elm trees (Ulmus glabra Huds.) for the phytostabilisation of potentially toxic elements in the riparian zone of the Sava River.

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    The use of trees to immobilise potentially toxic elements (PTEs) is a low-cost and effective method of soil remediation. Thus, the objective of this study was to assess the content of total and bioavailable As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn in soil samples, as well as their levels in the roots and leaves of elm (Ulmus glabra Huds.) in order to evaluate its potential for the phytostabilisation of PTEs in the riparian zone of the Sava River. Analysis of soils showed that the availability of PTEs ranged from low to medium, while the pollution load index (PLI) and potential ecological risk index (RI) showed that the examined soil fell into the category of uncontaminated to moderately contaminated, as well as into the category of low risk of PTEs contamination. However, the levels of Cr, Cu and Ni in soils were above the critical range for plants. The content of As and Cr measured in roots and leaves was in the toxic range for plants, while the content of Cd and Ni was elevated but not in the toxic range. Bioaccumulation (BCF) and translocation (TF) factors indicated that U. glabra is suitable for the phytostabilisation of As, Cu, Cr, Ni and Pb. Additionally, this species displayed the ability to transport most of the acquired Cu and Zn to the leaves. Correlation analysis showed that PTE content in U. glabra roots was significantly positively correlated to their respective levels in soil (total and DTPA-extractable), except for Cu, indicating that PTE levels in soil strongly influence those in plants. This research into a successful phytoremediating species provides new possibilities when selecting PTE-tolerant native trees in riparian zones of large regional rivers such as the Sava.This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Environmental Science and Pollution Research. The final authenticated version is available online at: [http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11356-019-07173-9