15 research outputs found

    Stand-alone water treatment: performance of electrospun nanofibers

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of nanofiber microfiltration membranes, spun by an innovative electrospinning technique, in water filtration applications. This study bridges between developments in electrospinning techniques for the production of flat sheet membranes and the application of these membranes in water filtration. The functionalized or non-functionalized for the removal of pathogens was investigated, in term of chemical oxygen demand, total suspend solid and ammonium in the waste water. Physical properties such as clean water permeability (CWP) and strength were also examined. The results showed a very good removal of TSS (range 94.83-97.34%), COD (89.32-95.27%) and NH3-N (64.48-72.87%). These test showed that the electrospun membranes can be used for water filtration applications

    Water treatment perfomance: application of electrospun nanofibers

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of nanofiber microfiltration membranes, spun by an innovative electrospinning technique, in water filtration applications. This study bridges between developments in electrospinning techniques for the production of flat sheet membranes and the application of these membranes in water filtration. The functionalized or non-functionalized for the removal of pathogens was investigated, in term of culture mechanism of bacteria spot in the waste water. Physical properties such as clean water permeability (CWP) and strength were also examined. The test showed that the electrospun membranes can be used for water filtration applications

    Effects of process conditions in submerged ultrafiltration for refinery wastewater treatment: optimization of operating process by response surface methodology

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    The influence of air bubble flow rate (ABFR), hydraulic retention time (HRT), mixed liquor suspended solid (MLSS) concentration, and pH on the performances of modified polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) was investigated in submerged membrane ultrafiltration (SMUF).The refinery wastewater process was conducted using an experimental set-up consisted of an SMUF reservoir, a circulation pump, and an aerator. For SMUF, operated at vacuum pressure, deposition and accumulation of suspended solids on membrane surface were prohibited with continuous aeration. The process performance was measured in terms of the membrane water flux and chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal efficiency. The air bubbles flow rate was controlled at 1.2-3.0mL/min while HRT was manipulated in the range of 120-300min. MLSS and pH solution were controlled at 4.5g/L and 6.5, respectively. Results from response surface methodology (RSM) have demonstrated the improvement in water flux and COD removal, achieving 145.7L/m2h and 90.8%, respectively. By using pH at 6.50, the optimized conditions achieved for refinery wastewater treatment were 2.25mL/min, 276.93min, 4.50g/L for ABFR, HRT and MLSS concentration, respectively

    Formula “ke-kame-tu” high protein and zinc as basic ingredients for under five years old supplementary feeding

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    The aim of the research was to create a “ke-kame-tu” formula high in protein and zinc. Making the formula "ke-kame-tu" using a randomized block design, taste data obtained by organoleptic test followed by ANOVA analysis. Protein analysis using the micro-kjeldahl method, and zinc analysis using the spectrophotometric method. The “ke-kame-tu” formula consists of a mixture of moringa leaf flour, red bean flour and tuna fish flour with the following ratio (gram) that is F1 (15-70-15); F2 (15-60-25); F3 (15-50-35); F4 (15-40-45); F5 (15-30-55); F6 (15-20-65). The nutritional content of the "ke-kame-tu" formula is as follows: a) Zinc content between 17.28% (F6) to 23.87% (F1), b) Protein content between 16.49% (F6) to 26.97% (F2), and c) Fat content is between 4.20% (F1) to 5.93% (F5). The ke-kame-tu formula contains complete essential amino acids, namely the amino acids histidine, threonine, arginine, methionine, valine, phenylalanine, iso leusie, leucine and lysine and as the limiting amino acid is methionine. Supplementary feeding (PMT) N1 protein content 10.138 g; N2 9.683 g; N3 9.097 g; N4 9.243 g; N5 10,473g and N6 10,197g. The best PMT based on the acceptability test by the panelists is the nugget product added with the F2 formula (15-60-25)

    Edukasi Cara Cuci Hidung Yang Baik Sebagai Upaya Pencegahan Dari Penularan Covid-19

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    Di era pandemi, menjaga kesehatan rongga hidung dan mulut menjadi hal yang penting karena merupakan pintu masuk utama infeksi Covid-19. Cuci hidung merupakan suatu metode sederhana, ekonomis, serta layak diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari sebagai untuk membersihkan rongga hidung dari mediator inflamasi dan mikroorganisme dan juga memiliki kemampuan dalam menurunkan jumlah virus didalam rongga hidung. Strategi edukasi kepada masyarakat berupa video merupakan pilihan di masa pandemi ini, sehingga lebih mudah diakses dan memberikan pemahaman lebih baik. Video cuci hidung ini disajikan dengan tujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman lebih baik mengenai tindakan cuci hidung, manfaat serta teknik melakukannya dengan baik dan benar sehingga mampu dipraktekkan oleh masyarakat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Video edukasi cuci hidung yang berdurasi pendek ini disosialisasikan kepada pasien dan nakes di RS UNRAM berjumlah 30 orang melalui link google drive yang diberikan oleh tim pengabdian, dengan kriteria usia minimal18 tahun, kooperatif serta bersedia menonton dan mengisi kuesioner dalam google form. Hasil survey digunakan untuk memantau umpan Balik penonton, sebagai evaluasi terhadap pengembangan video edukasi selanjutnya. Berdasarkan hasil survey didapatkan data bahwa setelah menonton video, pemahaman responden terhadap isi pesan yang disampaikan di dalam video edukasi sekitar 93% dan kebermanfaatan video edukasi sekitar 93,33%. Hasil ini menggambarkan bahwa video edukasi cuci hidung ini dapat diterima oleh masyarakat dengan baik sebagai salah satu media edukasi. Melalui kegiatan pengabdian ini diketahui bahwa video edukasi cuci hidung dinilai dapat diterima oleh masyarakat dengan baik dan  dapat memberikan pengetahuan, pemahaman serta manfaat cuci hidung, termasuk teknik melakukannya dengan baik dan benar untuk menjaga kesehatan rongga hidung