32 research outputs found

    Barrios en transición

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    El proyecto de investigación acción participativa Barrios en Transición se enmarca en el Movimiento de transición, con origen en el Reino Unido [1], que viene generando a nivel mundial un creciente número de iniciativas ciudadanas e institucionales, articuladas en red y vinculadas a la idea de comunidades, ciudades, pueblos, barrios o bosques en transición hacia un modelo de civilización post-carbono. Esta corriente de pensamiento, que ha confluido con el movimiento del decrecimiento [2] [3], con origen en Francia, plantea un "mapa de ruta" para un futuro sostenible de la ciudad a través de una serie de adaptaciones en los ámbitos de la producción y gestión de la energía, el agua, la salud, la educación, la economía y la agricultura dirigidas a incrementar la autonomía, reducir las emisiones de CO2 e incrementar la resiliencia a los cambios de la comunidades. Estas iniciativas, que se mueven de abajo a arriba, están llamadas a encontrarse con las iniciativas que, partiendo desde el marco institucional, desde arriba hacia abajo, plantean las bases de un nuevo urbanismo sostenible y participativo con un enfoque integrado del desarrollo urbano. (Carta de Aalborg de 1994, Carta de Leipzig de 2007, Red de ciudades sostenibles). Planteamos como hipótesis que es necesaria y posible la confluencia de ambos movimientos sobre la base de una nueva generación de políticas urbanas y de revitalización de barrios basada en la cogestión entre la iniciativa social y la administración pública. Para ello la investigación plantea como metodología el estudio de casos y la puesta en marcha de una experiencia piloto de cogestión de barrios en transición en Alcosa (Sevilla) y otra en Casería de Montijo (Granada). El proyecto plantea la interacción entre siete ejes de actuación: Vivienda, Espacio público, Accesibilidad y Movilidad, Soberanía alimentaria, Soberanía financiera y económica del bien común, agua, energía y economía local, soberanía energética y mejora ambiental y educación socioambiental. Nos proponemos investigar sobre la capacidad de acciones de pequeña escala y alcance inmediato, interrelacionadas, para generar procesos de círculos virtuosos que permitan avanzar hacia barrios más habitables, más cohesionados, más vivos, más participativos, con comunidades más fuertes que emprendan medidas para mejorar sus barrios reduciendo su huella de carbono al tiempo que desarrollan la economía de barrio y fortalecen la comunidad

    Hydrotherapy for the Treatment of Pain in People with Multiple Sclerosis: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Background. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic demyelinating neurological disease. Several studies have reported that complementary and alternative therapies can have positive effects against pain in these patients. Objective. The objective was to investigate the effectiveness of an Ai-Chi aquatic exercise program against pain and other symptoms in MS patients. Methods. In this randomized controlled trial, 73 MS patients were randomly assigned to an experimental or control group for a 20-week treatment program. The experimental group underwent 40 sessions of Ai-Chi exercise in swimming pool and the control group 40 sessions of abdominal breathing and contraction-relaxation exercises in therapy room. Outcome variables were pain, disability, spasm, depression, fatigue, and autonomy, which were assessed before the intervention and immediately and at 4 and 10 weeks after the last treatment session. Results. The experimental group showed a significant (P < 0.028) and clinically relevant decrease in pain intensity versus baseline, with an immediate posttreatment reduction in median visual analogue scale scores of 50% that was maintained for up to 10 weeks. Significant improvements were also observed in spasm, fatigue, disability, and autonomy. Conclusion. According to these findings, an Ai-Chi aquatic exercise program improves pain, spasms, disability, fatigue, depression, and autonomy in MS patients

    Benefits of Massage-Myofascial Release Therapy on Pain, Anxiety, Quality of Sleep, Depression, and Quality of Life in Patients with Fibromyalgia

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    Fibromyalgia is a chronic syndrome characterized by generalized pain, joint rigidity, intense fatigue, sleep alterations, headache, spastic colon, craniomandibular dysfunction, anxiety, and depression. The purpose of the present study was to determine whether massage-myofascial release therapy can improve pain, anxiety, quality of sleep, depression, and quality of life in patients with fibromyalgia. A randomized controlled clinical trial was performed. Seventy-four fibromyalgia patients were randomly assigned to experimental (massage-myofascial release therapy) and placebo (sham treatment with disconnected magnotherapy device) groups. The intervention period was 20 weeks. Pain, anxiety, quality of sleep, depression, and quality of life were determined at baseline, after the last treatment session, and at 1 month and 6 months. Immediately after treatment and at 1 month, anxiety levels, quality of sleep, pain, and quality of life were improved in the experimental group over the placebo group. However, at 6 months postintervention, there were only significant differences in the quality of sleep index. Myofascial release techniques improved pain and quality of life in patients with fibromyalgia

    Influence of Craniosacral Therapy on Anxiety, Depression and Quality of Life in Patients with Fibromyalgia

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    Fibromyalgia is considered as a combination of physical, psychological and social disabilities. The causes of pathologic mechanism underlying fibromyalgia are unknown, but fibromyalgia may lead to reduced quality of life. The objective of this study was to analyze the repercussions of craniosacral therapy on depression, anxiety and quality of life in fibromyalgia patients with painful symptoms. An experimental, double-blind longitudinal clinical trial design was undertaken. Eighty-four patients diagnosed with fibromyalgia were randomly assigned to an intervention group (craniosacral therapy) or placebo group (simulated treatment with disconnected ultrasound). The treatment period was 25 weeks. Anxiety, pain, sleep quality, depression and quality of life were determined at baseline and at 10 minutes, 6 months and 1-year post-treatment. State anxiety and trait anxiety, pain, quality of life and Pittsburgh sleep quality index were significantly higher in the intervention versus placebo group after the treatment period and at the 6-month follow-up. However, at the 1-year follow-up, the groups only differed in the Pittsburgh sleep quality index. Approaching fibromyalgia by means of craniosacral therapy contributes to improving anxiety and quality of life levels in these patients

    Hydrotherapy for the Treatment of Pain in People with Multiple Sclerosis: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Background. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic demyelinating neurological disease. Several studies have reported that complementary and alternative therapies can have positive effects against pain in these patients. Objective. The objective was to investigate the effectiveness of an Ai-Chi aquatic exercise program against pain and other symptoms in MS patients. Methods. In this randomized controlled trial, 73 MS patients were randomly assigned to an experimental or control group for a 20-week treatment program. The experimental group underwent 40 sessions of Ai-Chi exercise in swimming pool and the control group 40 sessions of abdominal breathing and contraction-relaxation exercises in therapy room. Outcome variables were pain, disability, spasm, depression, fatigue, and autonomy, which were assessed before the intervention and immediately and at 4 and 10 weeks after the last treatment session. Results. The experimental group showed a significant (P &lt; 0.028) and clinically relevant decrease in pain intensity versus baseline, with an immediate posttreatment reduction in median visual analogue scale scores of 50% that was maintained for up to 10 weeks. Significant improvements were also observed in spasm, fatigue, disability, and autonomy. Conclusion. According to these findings, an Ai-Chi aquatic exercise program improves pain, spasms, disability, fatigue, depression, and autonomy in MS patients

    Progetti partecipativi per la (ri)costruzione collettiva della Vega de Granada come territorio agricolo periurbano

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    The impaired condition of agriculture, and of periurban agricultural areas in particular, necessarily requires a switch in the direction imposed by the contemporary metropolitan model, using the opportunities offered by social participation, meant as territorial government ruled by citizenship, as turning point. On the basis of this statement, the Granada metropolitan area, and in particular the irrigated plane (la Vega) that gives it sense and landscape identity, is approached through participatory projects trying to identify conflicts, values and perspectives of a sustainable future for these territories.La situazione deteriorata dell’agricoltura e, in particolare, degli spazi agricoli periurbani, implica la necessità di un cambio di direzione, rispetto a quella imposta dal modello metropolitano contemporaneo, che parta dalle opportunità offerte dalla partecipazione sociale intesa come governo del territorio da parte della cittadinanza. Sulla base di questa premessa si affronta l’area metropolitana di Granada e, in particolare, la piana irrigua che le conferisce senso e identità paesistica (la Vega) utilizzando progetti partecipativi finalizzati all’identificazione dei conflitti, dei valori e delle prospettive di un futuro sostenibile per questo territorio

    Physical Therapists’ Opinion of E-Health Treatment of Chronic Low Back Pain

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    1) Background: Using new technologies to manage home exercise programmes is an approach that allows more patients to benefit from therapy. The objective of this study is to explore physical therapists’ opinions of the efficacy and disadvantages of implementing a web-based telerehabilitation programme for treating chronic low back pain (CLBP). (2) Methods: Nineteen physical therapists from academic and healthcare fields in both the public and private sector participated in the qualitative study. Texts extracted from a transcript of semi-structured, individual, in-depth interviews with each consenting participant were analysed to obtain the participants’ prevailing opinions. The interviews lasted approximately 40 min each. The participants’ responses were recorded. (3) Results: The results suggest that telerehabilitation can only be successful if patients become actively involved in their own treatment. However, exercise programmes for LBP are not always adapted to patient preferences. New technologies allow physical therapists to provide their patients with the follow-up and remote contact they demand, but long-term adherence to treatment stems from knowledge of the exercises and the correct techniques employed by the patients themselves. (4) Conclusions: Physical therapists treating patients with chronic non-specific low back pain believe that new technologies can provide highly effective means of reaching a greater number of patients and achieving significant savings in healthcare costs, despite the limitations of a telerehabilitation approach in developing an appropriate and effective patient-based physiotherapy programme

    A study protocol randomised controlled trial comparison of cost-utility and cost- effectiveness of a face-to-face rehabilitation programme vs. a telemedicine program in the treatment of patients with chronic low back pain

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    Introduction Chronic lower back pain is a highly prevalent medical condition in Western countries, which that incurs a considerable social and economic burden. Although prescription exercise at home for chronic pain has become a widely used alternative to reduce healthcare costs, the evidence regarding patient adherence and decreased in costs in European countries is scarce and inconclusive. The objective of this study is to examine the cost–utility and cost-effectiveness in patients with chronic lower back pain treated with the McKenzie Method and electroanalgesia via a telemedicine programme versus a face-to-face programme. Methods and analysis This study reports the protocol for a randomised, two-arm, multicentre, parallel controlled trial. A total of 540 patients with chronic lower back pain (onset time ≥3 months, Roland Morris Disability Questionnaire ≥4) will be recruited in three hospitals in Andalusia. Participants will be assigned to one of two groups (n=270, respectively) to receive electroanalgesia and Mckenzie method exercises through a telemedicine or a face-to-face programme. A total of 24 sessions will be administered three times a week for 8 weeks. Since the study design does not allow participant blinding, the outcome assessor and the statistician will be blinded. Use of helth care resources and costs due to work absenteeism will be captured and analysed. In addition, pain, intensity, fear of movement, quality of life and strength of the core muscle and anteflexion lumbar will be recorded at 2 and 6 months after the start of treatment. Ethics and dissemination Human Research and Local Ethics Committee of the ‘Hospital Complex Torrecárdenas of Almeria, University Hospital of Granada and Virgen Macarena de Sevilla Hospital—Andalusian Health Service’. Study findings will be released to the research, clinical and health service through publication in international journals and conferences

    Estudio experimental sobre la acción de la terapia cráneo-sacral en la fibromialgia

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    Tesis Univ. Granada. Departamento de Anatomía y Embriología Humana. Leída el 28 de marzo de 200