2,987 research outputs found

    Numerical analysis of the stability of the Electrohydrodynamic (EHD) electroconvection between two plates

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    The time evolution of the problem of Electrohydrodynamic (EHD) convection in a liquid between two plates is analysed numerically. The equations are nondimensionalized using the ion drift velocity and the viscous time scales. Following the non-dimensionalisation of the respective model, two different techniques have been used to describe the charge evolution, namely the Finite-Element Flux-Corrected Transport Method and the Particle-In-Cell technique. The results obtained with the two schemes, apart from showing good agreement, have revealed the appearance of a two-roll structure not described in previous works. This is investigated in detail for both strong and weak injection.Ministerio de ciencia y tecnología FQM-42

    SpheroidJ: An Open-Source Set of Tools for Spheroid Segmentation

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    Background and objectives: Spheroids are the most widely used 3D models for studying the effects of different micro-environmental characteristics on tumour behaviour, and for testing different preclinical and clinical treatments. In order to speed up the study of spheroids, imaging methods that automatically segment and measure spheroids are instrumental; and, several approaches for automatic segmentation of spheroid images exist in the literature. However, those methods fail to generalise to a diversity of experimental conditions. The aim of this work is the development of a set of tools for spheroid segmentation that works in a diversity of settings. Methods: In this work, we have tackled the spheroid segmentation task by first developing a generic segmentation algorithm that can be easily adapted to different scenarios. This generic algorithm has been employed to reduce the burden of annotating a dataset of images that, in turn, has been employed to train several deep learning architectures for semantic segmentation. Both our generic algorithm and the constructed deep learning models have been tested with several datasets of spheroid images where the spheroids were grown under several experimental conditions, and the images acquired using different equipment. Results: The developed generic algorithm can be particularised to different scenarios; however, those particular algorithms fail to generalise to different conditions. By contrast, the best deep learning model, constructed using the HRNet-Seg architecture, generalises properly to a diversity of scenarios. In order to facilitate the dissemination and use of our algorithms and models, we present SpheroidJ, a set of open-source tools for spheroid segmentation. Conclusions: In this work, we have developed an algorithm and trained several models for spheroid segmentation that can be employed with images acquired under different conditions. Thanks to this work, the analysis of spheroids acquired under different conditions will be more reliable and comparable; and, the developed tools will help to advance our understanding of tumour behaviour

    Assessment of the structure and variability of Weddell Sea water masses in distinct ocean reanalysis products

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    We assessed and evaluated the performance of five ocean reanalysis products in reproducing essential hydrographic properties and their associated temporal variability for the Weddell Sea, Antarctica. The products used in this assessment were ECMWF ORAS4 (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts Ocean Reanalysis System 4), CFSR (Climate Forecast System Reanalysis), MyOcean UR025.4 (University of Reading), ECCO2 (Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean, Phase II) and SODA (Simple Ocean Data Assimilation). The present study focuses on the Weddell Sea deep layer, which is composed of the following three main water masses: Warm Deep Water (WDW), Weddell Sea Deep Water (WSDW) and Weddell Sea Bottom Water (WSBW). The MyOcean UR025.4 product provided the most accurate representation of the structure and thermohaline properties of the Weddell Sea water masses when compared with observations. All the ocean reanalysis products analyzed exhibited limited capabilities in representing the surface water masses in the Weddell Sea. The CFSR and ECCO2 products were not able to represent deep water masses with a neutral density ? 28.40 kg m?3, which was considered the WSBW's upper limit throughout the simulation period. The expected WDW warming was only reproduced by the SODA product, whereas the ECCO2 product was able to represent the trends in the WSDW's hydrographic properties. All the assessed ocean reanalyses were able to represent the decrease in the WSBW's density, except the SODA product in the inner Weddell Sea. Improvements in parameterization may have as much impact on the reanalyses assessed as improvements in horizontal resolution primarily because the Southern Ocean lacks in situ data, and the data that are currently available are summer-biased. The choice of the reanalysis product should be made carefully, taking into account the performance, the parameters of interest, and the type of physical processes to be evaluated

    Padrão de emergência de adultos do bicudo do algodoeiro, Anthonomus grandis, ao longo da safra e entressafra na região Centro-Oeste.

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    Programa computacional de simulação da produtividade para suporte a decisão no plantio de milho.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver um programa computacional que simule a produção do milho, sendo utilizado como um suporte a decisão para o produtor. O algoritmo utilizado consta de modelos de regressão obtidos a partir de resultados de uma pesquisa de campo realizada na Embrapa Milho e Sorgo, sob condições de plantio direto e com modelos de estimativas de produção obtidos em tabelas e resultados de outros trabalhos constantes na literatura. O pacote computacional resultante é completo o suficiente para a simulação da produtividade em um determinado solo e implantação e uso por produtores (usuários) como uma ferramenta de Agricultura de Precisão, capaz de auxiliar à tomada de decisão. O programa é de fácil manuseio, onde o usuário pode optar em digitar os valores que representam as condições do solo de plantio, ou resgatar valores de um banco de dados histórico que pode ser implementado pelo próprio usuário, ou obtido através da Embrapa que disponibilizará, através da rede mundial de computadores, condições de solo de todo o país. A saída do programa é de simples interpretação e fornece, entre outros resultados, a produtividade máxima de um solo sob as condições de simulação, auxiliando o produtor na tomada de decisão quanto a aplicação de insumos

    Transplant of Tissue-Engineered Artificial Autologous Human Skin in Andalusia: An Example of Coordination and Institutional Collaboration

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    A new model of tissue-engineered artificial autologous human skin developed in Andalusia is currently being transplanted into patients suffering from large burns within the Andalusian Public Healthcare System. This product is considered an advanced therapy medicinal product (ATMP) in Europe, and its clinical use implies meeting transplant and medicinal product legal requirements, being the Guidelines of Good Manufacturing Practice for ATMPs of particular importance. The preclinical research and clinical translation of the product have represented a technical, regulatory, and organizational challenge, which has taken 10 years since the first preclinical experiments were designed. Twelve patients with large burns, including 3 pediatric patients, have hitherto received artificial autologous skin grafts with an overall survival rate of 75% and positive clinical, homeostatic, and histologic results. Achieving such a milestone within our Healthcare System was possible through a multidisciplinary approach and the joint efforts of multiple publicly funded institutions and units under the coordination of the Andalusian Initiative for Advanced Therapies. In this article, we present the organizational model set up to facilitate collaboration and logistics among the professionals involved, totaling more than 80 people. The similarities between the tissue-engineered artificial autologous human skin transplant and other organ and tissue transplants, in terms of logistic requirements, reveal how regional and hospital transplant coordination have played a crucial role