20 research outputs found

    Il ruolo delle policy per i sistemi documentari

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    L’articolo analizza il ruolo svolto dalle policy per la gestione e tenuta dei documenti e offre una panoramica sugli standard e sulle raccomandazioni nazionali e internazionali in questo ambito. L’articolo illustra inoltre il manuale di gestione dell’ICCROM (The International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property), nello specifico la policy e la strategia per la conservazione digitale

    Policies and requirements for archival sedimentation in a hybrid records management environment: a critical analysis of international writings

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    This study examines in detail the archival functions and practices that determine the sedimentation of records that have been generated in offices. Archival sedimentation, as it is understood in the Italian context, is the process by which records interrelate to create aggregations that document the activities performed by records creators. A fundamental role in this sedimentation process is played by classification, which provides the rules that govern these relationships, guaranteeing a meaningful context to records, as well as intellectual control over them. Despite the importance of classification for managing records, literature on this specific topic is scarce. Thus, this research examines the concept of classification, and provides clarification to distinguish it from other concepts that are indistinctly used, such as filing and arrangement. The records classification scheme, an essential tool traditionally used to classify and file records, is examined in the current digital environment, as new technological solutions for establishing records relationships have emerged. Traditional hierarchical records classification schemes, their constitutive elements, divisional criteria and methodologies for construction are analyzed, as are other tools currently used to simplify classification tasks, multiply records relationships and increase access points for retrieval. Findings show that the hierarchical structural relationships are still necessary to manage digital records, as are associative relations. Both types of relationship are used in records classification schemes, although at different levels of the scheme. Surprisingly, the construction of records classification schemes is almost unexplored within the archival discipline, which proposes general, scattered and dissimilar structures and few methodologies for their elaboration. This research presents a compendium of principles and methodological steps to be followed, highlighting the issue (still unresolved) of identifying classification elements such as functions, activities and transactions. Findings show that the analytical process that needs to be followed to identify these elements is based on both the functional and sequential analyses of the work processes/activities that generate records. However, the work process analysis for records is currently not consistently applied due to the high level expertise and interdisciplinary work it requires. Finally, another neglected topic within the archival literature, that of procedures for classification and filing, is also analyzed, as users need guidance on how these operations should be properly executed

    Elements and Relationships within a records classification scheme

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    The construction of records classification schemes is an undeveloped topic to which the archival discipline has dedicated little effort. This is not easily understandable, as records classification schemes are the main tool traditionally used to organize and manage records. This article analyzes the elements that are taken into consideration when building a classification scheme, as well as how these elements can interrelate. Hierarchical versus non-hierarchical relationships are also examined, and future research directions are identified


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    Objetivo: analizar los registros corporales de la desafiliación social y el estigma a partir de las historias de vida de personas en situación de calle, usuarios de crack de la capital del Estado de Santa Catarina, Brasil. Métodos: Investigación cualitativa, de cuño socio-histórico entre 20 personas en situación de calle de Florianópolis, Santa Catarina. Resultados: Durante el tránsito cotidiano, las personas en situación de calle, frecuentemente se apropian de espacios heterotópicos (estaciones de buses, parques, puentes y plazas) para sobrevivir. Efectivamente, la (no) importancia otorgada al cuerpo y la desafiliación social impuesta por diferentes protagonistas sociopolíticos, presentan una estrecha relación con las normas de control y dominio social. Así, ante los terrores difundidos por los modos de gobernar las vidas de las personas en situación de calle tanto a nivel Estatal como microfísico es importante pensar en desdoblamientos dialógicos que se aproximen a una política social y sanitaria inclusiva, transversal, progresista y sostenible en el tiempo

    An image database at ICCROM: second stage

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    This article examines the procedure involved in the creation of an image database at ICCROM. Particular attention has been given to the technical processes in the management of the images (selection, scanning, graphic treatment, hardware, software, database structure, data input). A review phase of the image digitization process is taking place. New parameters in format, resolution and quality control of the digital images are being considered for an accurate reproduction of the originals (mainly instable images, such as colour acetate base films)

    The concept of archival “sedimentation”: its meaning and use in the Italian context

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    This article addresses a concept that is part of the nature of archives, and represents a necessary process for the constitution of any fonds. In the Italian archival field, this concept is called sedimentazione, which literally translates as sedimentation. In the international context, the use of this term is uncommon, as sedimentation is not originally an archival term. However, the term is widely used in Italian archival literature and language. This article provides clarifications on the meaning of archival sedimentation and its use in the Italian context. The connotations of spontaneity and/or intentionality of the sedimentation process are analyzed, and a definition of archival sedimentation is proposed. Archives’ attributes, such as natural, spontaneous and organic, are put in relation to the sedimentation process, and considerations about their ambiguous meaning are made. Finally, reflections are presented on the present-day connotations that archival sedimentation holds

    Processo d'implementazione all'ICCRORM di un sistema di gestione documentale

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    Questa è la storia del processo che ha percorso l’ICCROM (The International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property) per disegnare e implementare un sistema di gestione documentale. Un progetto che mira all’organizzazione e tenuta dei documenti correnti (prevalentemente digitali) in un sistema elettronico affidabile e coerente con i principi archivistici. In questo progetto sono stati applicati metodologie, procedure e metadati sviluppati dalla ricerca InterPARES per la formazione e tenuta di documenti digitali affidabili e accurati, e per la conservazione a lungo termine di documenti digitali autentici. Questo progetto ha presentato numerose criticità, in particolare durante la fase di personalizzazione del software di gestione documentale e durante la fase di implementazione, ancora in corso.The articles describes the process of designing and implementing a records management system at ICCROM (The International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property). The project aims to organize and maintain active records (mainly, digital records) in a reliable electronic system. InterPARES principles, procedures and metadata have been applied for maintaining and preserving accurate, realiable and authentic digital records. Issues and setbacks encountered during the software customization and the implementation phase are also illustrated

    All'ICCROM una banca dati per le immagini

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    An image database at ICCRO

    CD-ROM on the conservation of the Nile Valley Monuments /Cd-Rom sulla conservazione dei monumenti della Valle del Nilo

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    L'obiettivo di questo articolo è far conoscere uno dei primi esempi dell'applicazione della tecnologia CD-ROM nel campo della conservazione del patrimonio culturale. Questo prodotto informatico, elaborato dall'ICCROM, in lingua inglese, è intitolato "The Safeguard of the Nile Valley Monuments, as seen through ICCROM's Archives".The main objective of this article is to demonstrate how one of the first examples of CD-ROM technology can be applied to the filed of conservation of the cultural heritage. This product, elaborated by ICCROM is entitled "The Safeguard of the Nile Valley Monuments, as seen through ICCROM's Archives"

    La creazione di un inventario archivistico online usando ICA-AtoM: i costi d'implementazione di un software libero e open-source

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    Questa è la storia dell'implementazione di un software open-source per la descrizione archivistica in un archivio istituzionale, con una descrizione dettagliata del progetto e con consigli sull'allocazione delle risorse. L'archivio dell'ICCROM ha scelto di implementare il software Access to Memory (AtoM) del Consiglio internazionale degli archivi per creare un inventario archivistico web-based, con l'obiettivo di produrre descrizioni archivistiche seguendo gli standard internazionali, di utilizzare un database per la descrizione archivistica, e di migliorare l'accesso ai documenti.Complete with step-by-step guidance and advice on resource allocation, this is the story of one institutional repository's implementation of open-source archival description software. Wishing to produce records descriptions based on international standards, to use a database management system for archival description, and to improve records access, the ICCROM Archives elected to implement the International Council on Archives' Access to Memory (AtoM) software to leverage their existing inventory data and create a web-based archival inventory