120 research outputs found

    Virtual and Augmented Reality Therapy Framework for Phobia Treatment

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    Phobias are a common type of anxiety disorder that affects a great number of people. Treating phobias is not always straightforward and require a significant effort from both the patient and the therapist. In recent years, Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy and Augmented Reality Exposure Therapy have emerged to help in phobia treatments by using virtual content. However, most available systems are not free and require expensive hardware. In this paper, we present a free and open-source framework for phobia treatment, designed for both the therapist and the patient. A Virtual Reality scenario for acrophobia (fear of heights) and an Augmented Reality scenario for arachnophobia were developed for validation.XVI Workshop Computación Gráfica, Imágenes y Visualización (WCGIV)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Virtual and Augmented Reality Therapy Framework for Phobia Treatment

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    Phobias are a common type of anxiety disorder that affects a great number of people. Treating phobias is not always straightforward and require a significant effort from both the patient and the therapist. In recent years, Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy and Augmented Reality Exposure Therapy have emerged to help in phobia treatments by using virtual content. However, most available systems are not free and require expensive hardware. In this paper, we present a free and open-source framework for phobia treatment, designed for both the therapist and the patient. A Virtual Reality scenario for acrophobia (fear of heights) and an Augmented Reality scenario for arachnophobia were developed for validation.XVI Workshop Computación Gráfica, Imágenes y Visualización (WCGIV)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Virtual and Augmented Reality Therapy Framework for Phobia Treatment

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    Phobias are a common type of anxiety disorder that affects a great number of people. Treating phobias is not always straightforward and require a significant effort from both the patient and the therapist. In recent years, Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy and Augmented Reality Exposure Therapy have emerged to help in phobia treatments by using virtual content. However, most available systems are not free and require expensive hardware. In this paper, we present a free and open-source framework for phobia treatment, designed for both the therapist and the patient. A Virtual Reality scenario for acrophobia (fear of heights) and an Augmented Reality scenario for arachnophobia were developed for validation.XVI Workshop Computación Gráfica, Imágenes y Visualización (WCGIV)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Human papillomavirus type 18 E5 oncoprotein cooperates with E6 and E7 in promoting cell viability and invasion and in modulating the cellular redox state

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    BACKGROUND High-risk human papillomaviruses (HR-HPVs) are the etiological agents of cervical cancer. Among them, types 16 and 18 are the most prevalent worldwide. The HPV genome encodes three oncoproteins (E5, E6, and E7) that possess a high transformation potential in culture cells when transduced simultaneously. In the present study, we analysed how these oncoproteins cooperate to boost key cancer cell features such as uncontrolled cell proliferation, invasion potential, and cellular redox state imbalance. Oxidative stress is known to contribute to the carcinogenic process, as reactive oxygen species (ROS) constitute a potentially harmful by-product of many cellular reactions, and an efficient clearance mechanism is therefore required. Cells infected with HR-HPVs can adapt to oxidative stress conditions by upregulating the formation of endogenous antioxidants such as catalase, glutathione (GSH), and peroxiredoxin (PRX). OBJECTIVES The primary aim of this work was to study how these oncoproteins cooperate to promote the development of certain cancer cell features such as uncontrolled cell proliferation, invasion potential, and oxidative stress that are known to aid in the carcinogenic process. METHODS To perform this study, we generated three different HaCaT cell lines using retroviral transduction that stably expressed combinations of HPV-18 oncogenes that included HaCaT E5-18, HaCaT E6/E7-18, and HaCaT E5/E6/E7-18. FINDINGS Our results revealed a statistically significant increment in cell viability as measured by MTT assay, cell proliferation, and invasion assays in the cell line containing the three viral oncogenes. Additionally, we observed that cells expressing HPV-18 E5/E6/E7 exhibited a decrease in catalase activity and a significant augmentation of GSH and PRX1 levels relative to those of E5, E6/E7, and HaCaT cells. MAIN CONCLUSIONS This study demonstrates for the first time that HPV-18 E5, E6, and E7 oncoproteins can cooperate to enhance malignant transformationANII: PD_NAC_2016_1_13332

    Acidity and nucleophilic reactivity of glutathione persulfide

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    Persulfides (RSSH/RSS2) participate in sulfur trafficking and metabolic processes, and are proposed to mediate the signaling effects of hydrogen sulfide (H2S). Despite their growing relevance, their chemical properties are poorly understood. Herein, we studied experimentally and computationally the formation, acidity, and nucleophilicity of glutathione persulfide (GSSH/ GSS2), the derivative of the abundant cellular thiol glutathione (GSH). We characterized the kinetics and equilibrium of GSSH formation from glutathione disulfide and H2S. A pKa of 5.45 for GSSH was determined, which is 3.49 units below that of GSH. The reactions of GSSH with the physiologically relevant electrophiles peroxynitrite and hydrogen peroxide, and with the probe monobromobimane, were studied and compared with those of thiols. These reactions occurred through SN2 mechanisms. At neutral pH, GSSH reacted faster than GSH because of increased availability of the anion and, depending on the electrophile, increased reactivity. In addition, GSS2 presented higher nucleophilicity with respect to a thiolate with similar basicity. This can be interpreted in terms of the so-called a effect, i.e. the increased reactivity of a nucleophile when the atom adjacent to the nucleophilic atom has high electron density. The magnitude of the a effect correlated with the Brønsted nucleophilic factor, bnuc, for the reactions with thiolates and with the ability of the leaving group. Our study constitutes the first determination of the pKa of a biological persulfide and the first examination of the a effect in sulfur nucleophiles, and sheds light on the chemical basis of the biological properties of persulfides.Fil: Benchoam, Dayana. Universidad de la República; UruguayFil: Semelak, Jonathan Alexis. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Química, Física de los Materiales, Medioambiente y Energía. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Química, Física de los Materiales, Medioambiente y Energía; ArgentinaFil: Cuevasanta, Ernesto. Universidad de la República; UruguayFil: Mastrogiovanni, Mauricio. Universidad de la Republica; UruguayFil: Grassano, Juan S.. Universidad de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Ferrer-Sueta, Gerardo. Universidad de la Republica; UruguayFil: Zeida Camacho, Ari Fernando. Universidad de la Republica; UruguayFil: Trujillo, Madia. Universidad de la Republica; UruguayFil: Möller, Matías N.. Universidad de la Republica; UruguayFil: Estrin, Dario Ariel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Química, Física de los Materiales, Medioambiente y Energía. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Química, Física de los Materiales, Medioambiente y Energía; ArgentinaFil: Alvarez, Beatriz. Universidad de la Republica; Urugua

    Intelligence architecture to detect patterns in scanned documents

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    La Inteligencia Artificial (en adelante IA) puede ser útil para aumentar la eficiencia en el abordaje de los casos que los Poderes Judiciales deben resolver. Sin embargo, los sistemas judiciales en países de Latinoamérica cuentan con ciertos desafíos para la aplicación de sistemas de IA que deben ser superados si se desea aprovechar los beneficios de la automatización inteligente. Los documentos, a lo largo de su ciclo de vida, suelen estar sujetos a escaneos, impresiones y retrabajos en ambos sentidos. En esta presentación se propone una forma alternativa a la de los reconocedores ópticos de caracteres (OCR), basada en IA aplicada a la detección de patrones en imágenes, que puede contribuir a paliar las dificultades mencionadas; no sólo en el ámbito del caso de estudio aplicado, sino en muy diversos dominios de sistemas de gestión de documentos públicos en la región.Artificial Intelligence (AI hereinafter) can be useful to increase efficiency in dealing with cases that the Judiciary must resolve. However, judicial systems in Latin American countries have certain challenges for the application of AI systems that must be overcome if the benefits of intelligent automation are to be exploited. Documents, throughout their life cycle, are often subject to scanning, printing and reworking in both directions. In this paper we propose an alternative way to OCR, based on AI applied to image pattern detection, which can contribute to alleviate the difficulties mentioned above, not only in the applied case study, but also in many different domains of public document management systems in the regionSociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Near barrier scattering of 8He on 208Pb

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    The exotic nucleus 8He is investigated by means of the measurement of the angular distributions of the elastic channel and the 6He and 4He fragment yields produced in the collision with a 208Pb target at two energies around the Coulomb barrier, 16 and 22 MeV. The experiment was performed at the GANIL-SPIRAL facility, with the aim of extracting information about the structure of 8He and the relevant reaction mechanisms. In this contribution, details of the experimental setup and preliminary data on elastic cross sections are reporte


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    The Columbretes Archipelago and their submerged surroundings are part of an unusual, Pleistocene volcanic field located in the Western Mediterranean designated as a Site of Community Importance (SCI) of the Natura 2000 Network. In the present study, 4 benthic habitats of community interest (1110, 1170, 1180 and 8330) have been identified by analyzing several sources of information. Generalized additive models (GAMs) have been used to model the potential distribution of reefs (1170) and maërl beds (1110). Our results highlight the diversity and extent of these habitats and allow comparisons to other marine SCIs of Spain. This can be attributed to the variability of the environment of this site. The Columbretes Islands combine a relatively shallow environment with volcanic structures, hydrothermalism with active degassing, current-driven sedimentary lobes and the influence of inland flows. Understanding high biodiversity spots is crucial as they offer natural laboratories to describe how ecosystems respond to the effects of global change. The knowledge obtained will be of paramount importance for the conservation of species and habitats. Furthermore, it will establish a baseline for future monitoring and assist in the development of effective management plans

    El aumento del secuestro de calcio por el retículo sarcoplasmático (RS) cardíaco previene las arritmias ventriculares por alteración del receptor de rianodina del RS

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    Ratones con pseudofosforilación constitutiva (S2814D) de los RyR2 o canales de Ca2+ del retículo sarcoplasmático cardiaco (RS), aumentan la probabilidad de apertura de los RyR2 y en consecuencia la pérdida de Ca2+ en diástole. Esta condición aumenta la propensión a arritmias frente a una situación de estrés. Aunque la liberación aumentada de Ca2+ en diástole se asocia a arritmogénesis, el rol del aumento del secuestro de Ca2+ por el RS es controversial.Facultad de Ciencias Médica