86 research outputs found


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    Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis materi pendidikan politik, proses berlangsungnya pendidikan politik dan tingkat pemahaman politik yang dimiliki para kader DPC ( Dewan Perwakilan Cabang ) Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa Kabupaten Lamongan. Penelitian ini  menggunakan metode penelitian campuran mixed methods mengabungkan antara penelitian kualitatif dan penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode eksploratoris sekuensial. Informan yang dipilih wakil ketua partai, sekretaris, dan peserta pendidikan politik. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan analisis isi, wawancara, dan angket.analisis data dalam penelitian menggunakan reduksi data, display data, dan statistik deskriptif. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan proses berlangsungnya kurikulum pendidikan politik minimal dua kali setahun sejak tahun 2011. Model yang digunakan yaitu  cooperative learning, constextual, direct learning. Metode pendidikan yang digunakan adalah ceramah, brainstorming, pemutaran film, diskusi kelompok, dan brainwashing. Pada hasil penelitian kuantitatif  menunjukan bahwa pemahaman para kader/peserta didik DPC ( Dewan Perwakilan Cabang ) Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa tentang materi politik masuk pada kriteria baik. Hal ini ditunjukkan dari hasil perolehan uji pemahaman para kader/pserta didik bahwa 12 kader/peserta didik pada kriteria cukup baik dan 18 kader/peserta didik pada kriteria baik. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa para kader/peserta didik memiliki tingkat pemahaman paling tinggi pada sub materi partai politik dengan perolehan prosentase sebesar 83%, sedangkan mahasiswa memiliki tingkat pemahaman paling rendah pada sub materi pendidikan politik dengan perolehan prosentase sebesar 46%. Hasil perhitungan pada nilai rata-rata para kader/peserta didik masuk pada kriteria baik dengan hasil prosentase sebesar 65%. Kata Kunci: Partai Politik Abstract The ongoing process of political education and the level of political understanding possessed cadres DPC (Branch Representative Council) National Awakening Party Lamongan. This study uses a mixed research methodology which combine between qualitative research and quantitative research with exploratory sequential methodology. informants selected is deputy chairman of the party, secretary, and learners.Data colections uses content analysis, interview, and questionnaire. Data analysis in this study uses reduction data, display data, and statistic deskriptive.  Results of the study showed the ongoing process curriculum of political education at least twice in one year since 2011, The model used is cooperative learning, contextual, direct learning and educational methods used is lectures, brainstorming, film screenings, discussion groups, and brainwashing. The results of quantitative research shows that understanding cadres/ learners DPC (Branch Representative Council) of the National Awakening Party political matter entered on both criteria. It is shown from the results of the acquisition comprehension test cadres / participants vote that 12 cadres students / learners on the criteria fairly well and 18 cadres / learners in both criteria. The results also showed that the volunteers / learners have the highest level of understanding on political party sub material with the acquisition of a percentage of 83%, while students have the lowest level of understanding on political education sub material with the acquisition of a percentage of 46%. The calculation results in the average value of the cadres / learners entered at both criteria with the results of a percentage of 65%. Keywords: Political Partie

    Incentive Effect of Liability Rules in the Presence of Liability Insurance in the Maritime Law Context: An Economic Analysis

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    Incentive effect of liability law may be affected by the presence of liability insurance. Apparently when a party has liability insurance and does not have to pay directly from its own pocket, it will have less motivation to exercise proper care. This tendency of an insured is known as moral hazard. There are many studies on the problem of moral hazard and on various mechanisms how to address it. Yet, there is a lack of academic discussion on comparative analysis between liability law and liability insurance in terms of their effect on creation of incentives; that is, whether liability law alone induces best care or whether liability insurance with its various incentive mechanisms leads to better care. Of course, liability insurance cannot exist without liability law This paper argues that the presence of liability insurance produces better incentives towards care than liability law alone

    Ethical Issues in Computer Use: A Study from Islamic Perspective

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    Computer users are continuously facing ethical challenges as society adopts new and increasingly complex tools and technologies. These ethical challenges can be managed by Islamic code of life. In this paper, we have studied and tried to identify, how computer affects the ethical issues of the society. In this regards, we have traced some highly related issues to the ethics of computer usage, namely 2013; misuse of time, honesty and integrity, privacy, security, intellectual property right, and computer crime. We have also tried to explain these issues in the light of Qur2019;an and Hadith. At the end of this paper, we have also suggested some measures that can help in promoting proper use of computer facilities by the Muslim masses without compromising the Islamic principles

    Fair or Free Use of Copyrighted Materials in Education and Research and the Limit of Such Use

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    The concept of fair use, fair dealing, or free use of copyrighted works for education and research is incorporated in copyright laws around the world. This is to strike a balance between the private interests of copyright holders and the public interests of students and researchers to use the copyrighted materials in furthering their knowledge. While fair and free use of copyrighted materials for the purpose of study and research is favored and permitted under copyright laws almost everywhere in the world, the limit of such use is not clearly defined in these laws. This Article will attempt to determine the permissible limit for copying copyrighted materials without paying fees to or asking permission from copyright holders in light of the existing legal provisions and case law from around the world. To do so, this Article will first analyze the national and international legal provisions related to copyright exception for education and research. The Article will then analyze various conditions and factors and their relative importance to determine generally how much copying of copyrighted materials for education and research would be allowed without permission or license fees. While this Article concludes that it is impossible to clearly define the precise permissible limit of fair and free use, this Article recommends for a liberal interpretation of fair and free use exception especially when such use is for education and research

    Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) based approach to consequence assessment of accidental release of hydrocarbon during storage and transportation

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    This thesis investigated the risk of accidental release of hydrocarbons during transportation and storage. Transportation of hydrocarbons from an offshore platform to processing units through subsea pipelines involves risk of release due to pipeline leakage resulting from corrosion, plastic deformation caused by seabed shakedown or damaged by contact with drifting iceberg. The environmental impacts of hydrocarbon dispersion can be severe. Overall safety and economic concerns of pipeline leakage at subsea environment are immense. A large leak can be detected by employing conventional technology such as, radar, intelligent pigging or chemical tracer but in a remote location like subsea or arctic, a small chronic leak may be undetected for a period of time. In case of storage, an accidental release of hydrocarbon from the storage tank could lead pool fire; further it could escalate to domino effects. This chain of accidents may lead to extremely severe consequences. Analyzing past accident scenarios it is observed that more than half of the industrial domino accidents involved fire as a primary event, and some other factors for instance, wind speed and direction, fuel type and engulfment of the compound. In this thesis, a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) approach is taken to model the subsea pipeline leak and the pool fire from a storage tank. A commercial software package ANSYS FLUENT Workbench 15 is used to model the subsea pipeline leakage. The CFD simulation results of four different types of fluids showed that the static pressure and pressure gradient along the axial length of the pipeline have a sharp signature variation near the leak orifice at steady state condition. Transient simulation is performed to obtain the acoustic signature of the pipe near leak orifice. The power spectral density (PSD) of acoustic signal is strong near the leak orifice and it dissipates as the distance and orientation from the leak orifice increase. The high-pressure fluid flow generates more noise than the low-pressure fluid flow. In order to model the pool fire from the storage tank, ANSYS CFX Workbench 14 is used. The CFD results show that the wind speed has significant contribution on the behavior of pool fire and its domino effects. The radiation contours are also obtained from CFD post processing, which can be applied for risk analysis. The outcome of this study will be helpful for better understanding of the domino effects of pool fire in complex geometrical settings of process industries. The attempt to reduce and prevent risks is discussed based on the results obtained from the numerical simulations of the numerical models

    eHRM: An Empirical Study on Employee Perception and Satisfaction

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    The prime concern of this research is to investigate the rapport between human resource (HR) professional’s perception towards electronic human resource management (eHRM) and their satisfaction for eHRM usage. Data were obtained from 180 HR professionals in banking industry of Bangladesh using purposive sampling technique. For data analysis, one-way ANOVA test along with other correlation techniques are exercised as statistical tools. Results indicate that software quality, perceived usability, perceived usefulness, and user support have a strong association with user satisfaction that is developed from eHRM usage. The research explores a positive rapport between HR personnel’s satisfaction for eHRM usage and HR personnel’s perceptions towards eHRM. Moreover, the study reveals that the demographic variables (gender, age, educational level, etc) have no influence on perception towards and eHRM satisfaction. The findings of the study will be helpful for the HR managers to take necessary steps to grab the maximum benefits of eHRM usage. Keywords: Electronic human resource management (eHRM); perceived usefulness; perceived usability; software quality; user satisfaction; user support DOI: 10.7176/JIEA/11-2-06 Publication date: June 30th 202
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