159 research outputs found

    Cutting for Single-truss Tomatoes planted with high Density

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    実生苗とさし木苗を用いて,トマトの一段密植栽培を行い,その収量,収穫果の品質をみた. まずさし木をするための最良の条件をみたところ,くんたん培土に25~25cmのえき芽をさし,25~30℃の温度条件下におくと最もよく発根した. 発根状態を組織学的に観察すると,夏の条件下ではさし木3日後基部の師部に垂層分裂が始まり,5日目には茎組織の形成層と連絡がとれ,7日目に根が表皮の外へ伸長した. 次に実際に一段密植栽培(13400本/a)で,夏期普通栽培と抑制栽培をおこない,実生苗とさし木苗による収量と収穫果の品質を比較してみた. 夏期栽培では,実生苗と比較してさし木苗で1株あたりの果数がふえで収量が高くなった. 正常果率も高く,異常果ではとくに空洞果,尻ぐされ果が少なくなった. 着果節位は3節位低くなり,栽培期間は40日位短縮された. 抑制栽培では品種によりさし木苗と,実生苗で収量の高いものがみられ,それは1株あたりの果数が多いことによっている. 正常果率はほとんど変らず,異常果としてはさし木苗区で小粒果が多かった

    Production of virus free plant of Petasites japonicus Fr. Schmidt(Compositae) by apex culture

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    愛知早生フキのウイルスフリー株は,次の様な方法で育成し,繁殖することができる. 地下茎の茎頂を切りとり,殺菌して次の様な培地に植付ける. 修正Murashige & Skoog(1962)の要素に30g/l しょ糖,8g/l bacto agarを添加したものを基本培地とし,0.1mg/l NAAとBAを添加した培地である. 又発根させるための培地としては,基本培地にNAA 0.1mg/l 又は1.0mg/l NAAと0~0.1mg/l BAを添加したものが有効である. これらの培地に移植すると根原基は4~6日で分化し,幼根は10~13日で伸長する. ウイルスフリーになる率は,茎頂塔養で得られた無菌の小植体の茎頂を0.1-0.3mmに切りとり,再度植付けることにより増加する. ウイルスフリー株の増殖のためには,それらの小植物の茎頂,茎、葉柄,葉の切片を用いることができる


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    Treatments to promote in vitro rooting of shoots derived from apices and lateral buds of male and female asparagus plants were studied. Effects of phytohormones, NAA and BA, IBA and Rootone (0.4% α-naphthylacetoamide) were evaluated. Apices and lateral buds placed on MS basal medium +0.3mg・l-1NAA and 0.1mg・ I-1lBA as a root-initiation medium for 0, 2 , 3 and 4 weeks followed by transfer to MS basal medium indicated that two or three weeks treatment was the most effective on rooting of mlale lateral buds and female apices. Apices and lateral buds were also placed on MS medium containing 0. 0.01, 0.1, 1,0 and 10.0mg・l-1 of IBA. Seventy % of male lateral shoots rooted on MS medium +1 mgl-1IBA, but it was ineffective for female shoots. Rootone was the most effective on rootin of lateral shoots, irrespective of sexes, but ineffective on apical shoots

    Growth and Sugar Contents of 2,4-D-induced Parthenocarpic Melon Fruits, cv. ‘Earl's Favorite

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    ネット型メロン‘アールスフェボリット’の単為結果誘導ならびに果実の肥大と糖蓄積に及ぼす植物ホルモンの効果について検討した.開花時に花柱を切除し,その切口に合成オーキシンの2,4-D,NAA,CPAを処理した.単為結果誘導には100mg/lの2,4-Dが最も効果が高く,かつ果実の肥大も交配果のそれに近い様相を呈した.しかし,成熟果実のBrix値や糖含有率は交配果に比べて低く,ネット密度は粗く貫入抵抗は大きくなった. 一方,花柱を切除せず柱頭に2,4-Dを10μl処理すると,果実にはネット密度の粗さやBrix値の低下が見られず,交配果のそれに極めて近いものとなった.この場合,2,4-D処理果の有胚種子率は約30%,交配果のそれは85%で,有胚種子の多少が必ずしもBrix値や糖含有率に影響を及ぼすものではないと考えられた

    Validity of Dietary Surveys in Physically Active Japanese Male Students

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    Under or overestimating dietary intake is considered a serious problem in dietary surveys. We compared estimated energy intake (EI) with measured total energy expenditure (TEE) in 22 physically active Japanese male students (age: 20.6±1.2 years: active group) and 37 physically non-active male students (age: 19.3±1.4 years: control group). EI was estimated by a food frequency questionnaire (FFQg). TEE was calculated by using the time study method with a measured basal metabolic rate. The accuracy of EI (EI/TEE) was 0.57 in the active group and 0.74 in the control group; showing a significant difference between the two groups (p<0.01). EI/TEE was negatively associated (r=-0.395, p<0.05) with BMI in the control group, but not in the active group. Intake of confectioneries, oils and fruits in the active group was significantly higher (p<0.01, p<0.05, p<0.01 respectively) than the control group. Intake of confectioneries and fruits per 1,000kcal was significantly higher (p<0.05, p<0.01 respectively) but grains were significantly lower (p<0.01) in the active group than the control group. EI/TEE was positively associated (r=0.539, p<0.05) with intake of fish per 1,000kcal in the active group. These results suggested that underestimating dietary intake might occur more often among physically active male students than physically inactive male students and it seemed to be associated with their lack of interest in food rather than psychological factors

    Production and Proliferation of Bulbs from Receptacles of Virus Free Garlic Plant

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    In Vitro Rooting and Multiple Buds Formation from Asparagus Lateral Buds with Ancymidol

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    アスパラガス側芽培養での発根促進と多芽体形成のための培地条件を検討した.供試材料として‘メリーワシントン500W’の播種後15-20日令植物の側芽を用いた.側芽を5μM ancymidolと5% ショ糖添加MS培地で2月間培養したところ,生存個体の90% が発根した.一方,3.9~39μM ancymido1と3% ショ糖添加MS培地で2月間培養後に多芽体が形成した11.7μM ancymidolでは生存個体の70% と最も高率に形成し,それからは12.7本の苗条が伸長したが,そのうちの一部分は水浸状であった.正常な植物体は,0.5~10μM ancymidolと5% ショ糖を添加したMS培地で2月間培養することにより得られ,特に5~10μMancymidol添加により植え付け外植体の約70%が正常個体となった.また,5~50μM ancymidolと5% ショ糖を添加したMS培地で2月間培養すると多芽体の形成が見られ,それらをMS培地に移植することにより苗条の伸長が見られた

    Lanthanide-Dependent Methanol and Formaldehyde Oxidation inMethylobacterium aquaticumStrain 22A

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    Lanthanides (Ln) are an essential cofactor for XoxF-type methanol dehydrogenases (MDHs) in Gram-negative methylotrophs. The Ln(3+)dependency of XoxF has expanded knowledge and raised new questions in methylotrophy, including the differences in characteristics of XoxF-type MDHs, their regulation, and the methylotrophic metabolism including formaldehyde oxidation. In this study, we genetically identified one set of Ln(3+)- and Ca2+-dependent MDHs (XoxF1 and MxaFI), that are involved in methylotrophy, and an ExaF-type Ln(3+)-dependent ethanol dehydrogenase, among six MDH-like genes inMethylobacterium aquaticumstrain 22A. We also identified the causative mutations in MxbD, a sensor kinase necessary formxaFexpression andxoxF1repression, for suppressive phenotypes inxoxF1mutants defective in methanol growth even in the absence of Ln(3+). Furthermore, we examined the phenotypes of a series of formaldehyde oxidation-pathway mutants (fae1,fae2,mchin the tetrahydromethanopterin (H4MPT) pathway andhgdin the glutathione-dependent formaldehyde dehydrogenase (GSH) pathway). We found that MxaF produces formaldehyde to a toxic level in the absence of the formaldehyde oxidation pathways and that either XoxF1 or ExaF can oxidize formaldehyde to alleviate formaldehyde toxicity in vivo. Furthermore, the GSH pathway has a supportive role for the net formaldehyde oxidation in addition to the H4MPT pathway that has primary importance. Studies on methylotrophy inMethylobacteriumspecies have a long history, and this study provides further insights into genetic and physiological diversity and the differences in methylotrophy within the plant-colonizing methylotrophs

    Complete Genome Sequence of Pseudomonas amygdali pv. tabaci Strain 6605, a Causal Agent of Tobacco Wildfire Disease

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    Pseudomonas amygdali pv. tabaci strain 6605 is the bacterial pathogen causing tobacco wildfire disease that has been used as a model for elucidating virulence mechanisms. Here, we present the complete genome sequence of P. amygdali pv. tabaci 6605 as a circular chromosome from reads using a PacBio sequencer