181 research outputs found

    Laboratory Spectra of CO2 Vibrational Modes in Planetary Ice Analogs

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    Laboratory spectra have shown that CO2 is a powerful diagnostic tool for analyzing infrared data from remote observations, as it has been detected on icy moons in the outer Solar System as well as dust grain surfaces in the interstellar medium (ISM). IR absorption band profiles of CO2 within ice mixtures containing H2O and CH3OH change with respect to temperature and mixture ratios. In this particular study, the CO2 asymmetric stretching mode near 4.3 m (2350 cm (exp-1)), overtone mode near 1.97 m (5080 cm (exp-1)), and the combination bands near 2.7 m (3700 cm (exp-1)), 2.8 m (3600 cm (exp-1)), and 2.02 m (4960 cm (exp -1)), are systematically observed in different mixtures with H2O and CH3OH in temperature ranges from 15K to 150 K. Additionally, some high-temperature deposits (T greater than 50 K) of H2O, CH3OH, and CO2 ice mixtures were performed. These data may then be used to interpret infrared observational data obtained from icy surfaces in the outer Solar System and beyond

    Projeto de intervenção educativa para diminuir a incidência de parasitoses intestinais em crianças do Programa Saúde da Família Rio Pretinho, Teófilo Otoni, Minas Gerais

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    As parasitoses intestinais são consideradas como um dos principais problemas de saúde pública, apresentando-se de forma endêmica em diversas áreas do Brasil e, frequentemente, a população infantil é a mais atingida. O diagnóstico situacional feito na área de abrangência onde atuo como médico mostrou alta incidência de crianças com parasitoses intestinas. Assim, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo elaborar um plano de intervenção educativa para diminuir a incidência de parasitoses intestinais em crianças da comunidade de Rio Pretinho, em Teófilo Otoni. Este plano se fundamentou em alguns passos do Planejamento Estratégico Situacional e em pesquisa bibliográfica realizada na Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde com os descritores: parasitose, educação em saúde e atenção primária à saúde. Após identificação dos nós críticos, foram propostas ações voltadas para cada um deles: má higiene pessoal falta de conhecimento da população estudada sobre o parasitismo intestinal, inadequada deposição de residuais líquidos e sólidos e o inadequada capacitação dos agentes comunitários de saúde sobre as parasitoses intestinais, a fim de prevenir este tipo de infecção. As ações educativas propostas utilizarão de recursos pedagógicos como: palestra com cartazes informativos, distribuição de folder e grupos educativos. Espera-se que a incidência das parasitoses intestinais seja diminuída e as crianças da comunidade de Rio Pretinho tenham melhor qualidade de vid

    Near Infrared Spectra of H2O/HCN Mixtures

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    Cassini's VIMS has already returned exciting results interpreting spectra of Saturn's icy satellites. The discovery of unidentified features possibly due to CN compounds inspired the work reported here. We wanted to test HCN as a possibility for explaining these features, and also explore how the features of HCN change when mixed with H2O. We have previously noted that mixing H20 and CO2 produces new spectral features and that those features change with temperature and mixing ratio

    Melhoria da Atenção à Saúde da Pessoa com Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica e/ou Diabetes Mellitus na USF Comunidade da Lutz, Palmeira das Missões/RS

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    O controle de HAS e DM constitui uma ferramenta indispensável para diminuir o índice de mortes decorrentes de complicações cardiovasculares no Brasil. É nesse âmbito em que as UBS mostram-se como entidade fundamental no processo de atenção a saúde. O objetivo principal da nossa intervenção foi melhorar a atenção à saúde das pessoas com hipertensão e diabetes na ESF Lutz. Com um universo de 463 hipertensos e 189 diabéticos decidimos desenvolver uma intervenção que permitisse ampliar a nossa cobertura e melhorar o atendimento a este grupo prioritário, com ações realizadas considerando os 4 eixos temáticos do curso. Conseguimos abranger um total de 322 cadastrados, deles 298 hipertensos e 140 diabéticos, conseguimos estratificar 100% dos usuários em alto, médio e baixo risco. Foram realizadas atividades coletivas e individuais de saúde orientando a pratica de exercícios físicos, efeito nocivos de hábitos tóxicos, higiene bucal e alimentação saudável. Conseguimos uma maior participação e adesão da comunidade, maior utilização dos medicamentos disponibilizados na rede básica e índices de controle metabólico e de níveis pressóricos. O aspecto mais relevante do nosso projeto foi a redução de complicações decorrentes destas doenças de base, resultado que será obtido em longo prazo com a abordagem do risco cardiovascular para 10 anos. Assim, observamos que o impacto esperado nos indicadores acima referidos exige uma necessidade com ação do poder público, com implementação de políticas públicas efetivas, integradas, sustentáveis que possam garantir a prevenção e o controle das doenças crônicas não transmissíveis e seus fatores de risco, fortalecendo a rede de atenção a saúde através da linha de cuidado da HA e DM

    Managerial styles and their relationship with job satisfaction in information technology companies

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    The purpose of this paper is to identify and evaluate which managerial style prevails in the operational area of five IT companies and their relationship with the job satisfaction of their employees. For data collection, a questionnaire was applied to 120 participants, validating 110 responses. Questions regarding the three factors of EAEG were integrated in order to identify the focus in which the leadership predominantly operates in these companies, and the five dimensions of EST were used to measure the level of employees satisfaction regarding each dimension evaluated. Descriptive statistical processing allowed to observe that the managerial style focused on the Task prevails, with an overall average score of vt = 4.11. As dispersion measures, the sample standard deviation (St = 0.39) and sample amplitude (At = 0.91) corresponding to this factor (Task) were calculated, respectively, showing that the values are very close to the average score. It indicates that there is uniformity between the scores for each item of the factor Task. It was found that 65 % of participants confirm the role of the leadership focused on the Task. The Satisfaction with the nature of work dimension reached an average score of vd = 5.09, showing employee satisfaction. The dimension Satisfaction with colleagues reached an average score of  vd = 4.34 indicating indifference on the level of satisfaction, whereas the dimensions Satisfaction with salary, promotions and leadership, reached averages of  vd = 3.87, vd = 3.70 and vd = 3.46, respectively, indicating levels of dissatisfaction. Finally, were highlighted some criteria as motivators for avoid turnover in organizations that contribute to the job satisfaction of these employees

    Sistema integrado de costos de calidad y medio ambiente para la gestión y la sostenibilidad empresarial

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    Se presenta un sistema integrado de costos de calidad y medio ambiente, desarrollado en una investigación en la Fábrica de Quesos de Sibanicú, provincia de Camagüey, Cuba. El trabajo responde a una necesidad del sector de procesamiento de ali mentos, de contar con herramientas contables que contribuyan a lograr elevada calidad, a la vez que se incorpore a la gestión, el impacto medioambiental, dado que, si la calidad busca la satisfacción completa de las necesidades de los clientes y de la enti dad en sí,tales necesidades no pueden desmarcarse de la conservación, explotación y mejora del medio ambiente, formando un sistema integrado para lograr la sostenibilidad. La aplicación del sistema propuesto potenció la racionalización en el uso de los recursos,beneficios económicos crecientes y eficiencia en los procesos productivos

    Implications of additive manufacturing on supply chain and logistics

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    Additive manufacturing (AM) technology has attracted the interest of industrial professionals and researchers in the last years. This interest lies primarily in understanding the trends, benefits, and implications of AM technology on supply chain (SC) and logistics, as it requires reconfiguring the supply chain based on a distributed manufacturing strategy, closer to the consumer market, with shorter lead times and less raw materials. It still is an emerging field, and needs further study. Therefore, a better understanding of main trends will contribute to the dissemination of knowledge about AM technology and its consolidation. This article seeks to investigate the implications of AM, as an advanced manufacturing model, on SC and logistics. A four-step research method was used to develop a systematic literature review and a bibliometric analysis on the AM implications in SC and logistics. The main implications of AM on SC and logistics were classified in seven key issues gathered as result of the literature review. Additionally, bibliometric study allowed understanding researches major trends in this field. The key aspects highlighted and characterized as major implications of AM on SC and logistic are: supply chain complexity reduction; more flexible logistics and inventory management; better spreading and popularization of mass customization; decentralization of manufacturing; greater design freedom and rapid prototyping; increasing of resource efficiency and sustainability, and the need to have clearly defined legal and safety aspects

    The Location of the CO2, Fundamental in Clathrate Hydrates and its Application to Infrared Spectra of Icy Solar System Objects

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    CO2 is present on the surface of many Solar System objects, but not always as a segregated, pure ice. In pure CO2-ice, the fundamental absorption is located near 4.268 micron (2343.3 wavenumbers). However, on several objects, the CO2 fundamental is shifted to higher frequency. This shift may be produced by CO2 gas trapped in another material, or adsorbed onto minerals. We have seen that a mixture of H2O, CH3OH4 and CO2 forms a type II clathrate when heated to 125 K and produces a CO2 fundamental near 4.26 micron. The exact location of the feature is strongly dependent on the initial ratio of the three components. We are currently exploring various starting ratios relevant to the Solar System to determine the minimum amount of CH3OH needed to convert all of the CO2 to the clathrate, i.e. eliminate the splitting of the CO2 fundamental. We are testing the stability of the clathrate to thermal processing and UV photolysis, and documenting the changes seen in the spectra in the wavelength range from 1-5 micron. We acknowledge financial support from the Origins of Solar Systems Program, the Planetary Geology and Geophysics and the NASA Postdoctoral Program

    Evaluación de los impactos medioambientales en la gestión de Fábrica de Quesos Sibanicú

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    El objetivo de la investigación se encaminó a diseñar un sistema de indicadores medioambientales para medir y evaluar en forma sistemática los impactos medio ambientales en la industria láctea de Sibanicú, con el fin de proporcionar una herramienta para la toma de decisiones y el mejoramiento empresarial. Se aplicaron los métodos científicos de análisis y síntesis, la revisión documental, la encuesta y el procesamiento computacional de los datos. Se utilizó la estadística descriptiva a través del análisis multicriterio para seleccionar y jerarquizar los indicadores medioambientales. Los resultados de la investigación revelaron la efectividad de los indicadores para la industria láctea analizada y el ajuste de los mismos a las condiciones del entorno. &nbsp

    Integrated mathematical model based on a heuristic method for loading and routing of vehicles: application in a tobacco company

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    The vehicle-routing problem (VRP) combined with freight-loading problem is a complex and relatively recent issue studied by the scientific literature. This paper presents the formulation of a mathematical model and a procedure to solve this problem in a Cuban tobacco company aiming to determine the quantity of merchandise to be loaded on vehicles and the best route to be taken. For this purpose, a decomposition’s heuristic method was used and it was integrated with multiobjective programming by-goals and mixed binary quadratic programming. This approach allowed simplifying the problem and offering a satisfactory solution based on the demand fulfillment, the vehicles’ rational use and for searching the local optimums of the traffic load indicator. The model was tested in a case study and its feasibility evaluated based on a real operational situation in a tobacco company. Although the results of the application of the developed model does not imply reaching the optimal solution to the problem studied, it represents an opportunity for company’s performance improvement and it could be adapted and applied to other institutions dedicated to the same activities